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IPDPS 2014: Phoenix, AZ, USA - Workshops

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Workshop 1: HCW - Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop

HCW Session 1: Heterogeneous Environments for Basic Linear Algebra

HCW Session 2: Scheduling and Resource Allocation

HCW Session 3: Resource-Related Performance Optimization

Workshop 2: RAW - Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop

RAW Session 1: Compilers and Binary Translation for Reconfigurable Architectures

RAW Session 2: New Reconfigurable Architectures

RAW Session 3: ViPES Papers

RAW Session 4: Circuit-Level Applications

RAW Session 5: Numerical Reconfigurable Computing Applications

RAW Session 6: Applications of Reconfigurable Computing

RAW Poster Session 1

RAW Poster Session 2

Workshop 3: HIPS - Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments

HIPS Session 1: System Support

HIPS Session 2: Optimization

HIPS Session 3: Effective Communication

Workshop 4: NIDISC - Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing

NIDISC Session 1: Applications of Bio-Inspired Algorithms

NIDISC Session 2: Wireless Networks and Mobility Management

NIDISC Session 3: Multi-objective Optimization

Workshop 5: HiCOMB - Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology

HiCOMB Session 1: Parallel Algorithms for Biological Sequence Analysis

HiCOMB Session 2: Parallel/Distributed Architectures for Biological Applications

HiCOMB Session 3: Metagenomics and Assembly

Workshop 6: APDCM - Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing Models

APDCM Session 1

APDCM Session 2

APDCM Session 3

APDCM Session 4

Workshop 7: HPPAC - High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing

HPPAC Session 1: Power and Energy Analysis and Profiling

HPPAC Session 2: Power-Efficient Hardware

HPPAC Session 3: Large Scale Power Management

Workshop 8: HPGC - High-Performance Grid and Cloud Computing Workshop

HPGC Session 1

HPGC Session 2

Workshop 9: AsHES - Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems

AsHES Session 1: Programming Model and Performance Optimizations

AsHES Session 2: Accelerating Applications

AsHES Session 3: Emerging Hybrid Systems

Workshop 10: PLC - Programming Models, Languages, and Compilers Workshop for Manycore and Heterogeneous Architectures

PLC Session 1: Programming and Compilation Techniques for GPUs

PLC Session 2: Libraries and Optimization Frameworks

PLC Session 3: Tools and Performance Evaluation

Workshop 11: EduPar-NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education

EduPar Session: Introductory Course and Across Curriculum

EduPar Session: Miscellaneous

Workshop 12: GABB - Graph Algorithms Building Blocks

Workshop 13: PDSEC - Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing

PDSEC Session 1: Best Papers

PDSEC Session 2: Algorithms (I)

PDSEC Session 3: Systems and Performance Analysis

PDSEC Session 4: Algorithms (II)

Workshop 14: DPDNS - Dependable Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Centric Systems

DPDNS Session: Applications

DPDNS Session: Theoretical Aspects

Workshop 15: MTAAP - Workshop on Multi-threaded Architectures and Applications

MTAAP Session: Algorithms and Position Papers

MTAAP Session: Graph Analytics

MTAAP Session: Accelerators

Workshop 16: LSPP - Workshop on Large-Scale Parallel Processing

LSPP Session 1: Performance Analysis and Optimization

LSPP Session 2: Modeling Performance for Scaling

LSPP Session 3: Large-Scale Systems

LSPP Session 4: Scheduling

Workshop 17: PCO - Parallel Computing and Optimization

PCO Session 1: Optimization Techniques for Parallel or Distributed Architectures

PCO Session 2: Parallel Optimization Algorithms

PCO Session 3: Task Scheduling and Miscellaneous

Workshop 18: ParLearning - Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Large Scale Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics

ParLearning Session 1

ParLearning Session 2

ParLearning Session 3

Workshop 19: HPDIC - High Performance Data Intensive Computing

HPDIC Session 1: Memory, I/O, and Performance Enhancement

HPDIC Session 2: Clustering, Data Management, and Applications

Workshop 20: JSSPP - Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing

Workshop 21: CHIUW - Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop