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- articleAugust 2012
ADC Multi-Site Test Based on a Pre-test with Digital Input Stimulus
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JELT), Volume 28, Issue 4Pages 393–404https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-012-5309-0This paper describes two novel algorithms based on the time-modulo reconstruction method intended for detection of the parametric faults in analogue-to-digital converters (ADC). In both algorithms, a pulse signal, in its slightly adapted form to allow ...
- ArticleMay 2009
Algorithms for ADC Multi-site Test with Digital Input Stimulus
ETS '09: Proceedings of the 2009 European Test SymposiumPages 45–50https://doi.org/10.1109/ETS.2009.17This paper reports two novel algorithms based on time-modulo reconstruction method intended for detection of the parametric faults in analogue-to-digital converters (ADC). In both algorithms, a pulse signal, in its slightly adapted form to allow ...
- ArticleJune 2008
Exploring dynamics of embedded ADC through adapted digital input stimuli
IMS3TW '08: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE 14th International Mixed-Signals, Sensors, and Systems Test WorkshopPages 1–7https://doi.org/10.1109/IMS3TW.2008.4581617This paper reports an evaluation of adapted digital signals as a test stimulus to test dynamic parameters of analog-to-digital converters (ADC). In the first instance, the simplest digital waveform, a pulse signal, is taken as the test stimulus. The ...
- ArticleMay 2008
Analog Test Bus Infrastructure for RF/AMS Modules in Core-Based Design
ETS '08: Proceedings of the 2008 13th European Test SymposiumPages 27–32https://doi.org/10.1109/ETS.2008.18This article describes an analog test bus infrastructure as a straightforward approach to grant the accessibility to embedded RF or Analog modules in core-based design. This DfT method increases the testability and provides debug/diagnosis facilities. ...
- ArticleMay 2007
On Performance Testing with Path Delay Patterns
VTS '07: Proceedings of the 25th IEEE VLSI Test SymmposiumPages 29–34https://doi.org/10.1109/VTS.2007.45Application specific ICs are typically designed to meet a given performance specification. For these ICs a higher performance does not add value and less performance makes the IC useless. This class of ICs is designed based on worst-case corner ...
- research-articleMay 2007
Modeling Power Supply Noise in Delay Testing
- Jing Wang,
- Duncan M. (Hank) Walker,
- Xiang Lu,
- Ananta Majhi,
- Bram Kruseman,
- Guido Gronthoud,
- Luis Elvira Villagra,
- Paul J. A. M. van de Wiel,
- Stefan Eichenberger
Excessive power supply noise can affect path delay in ICs. Silicon results show that filling of don't-care bits in test patterns can cause as much as 15% delay variation. Such extra delay may cause overkill during delay test. This article describes two ...
- ArticleApril 2007
Re-configuration of sub-blocks for effective application of time domain tests
AC sensitivities guide most Analogue Automatic Test Pattern Generator (AATPG) while determining the optimal frequencies of a sinusoidal test stimulus. The optimal frequencies thus determined, normally lie in the close vicinity of the operating frequency ...
- articleDecember 2006
Structural Fault Modeling and Fault Detection Through Neyman-Pearson Decision Criteria for Analog Integrated Circuits
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JELT), Volume 22, Issue 4-6Pages 399–409https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-006-9499-1A new approach for analog fault modeling and simulation is presented. The proposed approach utilizes the sensitivity of the circuit's DC node voltages to the process variations and consequently the current deviance so as to differentiate the faulty ...
- ArticleApril 2006
A Gate-Level Method for Transistor-Level Bridging Fault Diagnosis
VTS '06: Proceedings of the 24th IEEE VLSI Test SymposiumPages 266–271https://doi.org/10.1109/VTS.2006.6The paper addresses the issue of transistor-level bridging fault diagnosis. While most of the previous bridging fault diagnosis work focuses on the gate-level bridging faults, this method provides a solution to intragate bridging faults diagnosis for ...
- articleJune 2005
Multi-VDD Testing for Analog Circuits
Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JELT), Volume 21, Issue 3Pages 311–322https://doi.org/10.1007/s10836-005-6360-xWe present industrial results of a quiescent current testing technique suitable for RF testing. The operational method consists of ramping the power supply and of observing the corresponding quiescent current signatures. When the power supply is swept, ...
- ArticleMay 2005
Stuck-Open Fault Diagnosis with Stuck-At Model
ETS '05: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE European Symposium on TestPages 182–187https://doi.org/10.1109/ETS.2005.35While most of the fault diagnosis tools are based on gate level fault models, many faults are actually at the transistor level. The stuck-open fault is one of them. In this paper we introduce a stuck-open fault diagnosis method based on the stuck-at ...
- ArticleMay 2005
A New Algorithm for Dynamic Faults Detection in RAMs
VTS '05: Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Symposium on VLSI TestPages 177–182https://doi.org/10.1109/VTS.2005.9Resistive bridges not only cause a static faulty behavior in CMOS memories, but also lead to several dynamic faulty behaviors which are timing related failures. This paper introduces a new realistic dynamic fault model for random access-memories: the ...
- ArticleMarch 2005
Memory Testing Under Different Stress Conditions: An Industrial Evaluation
DATE '05: Proceedings of the conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe - Volume 1Pages 438–443https://doi.org/10.1109/DATE.2005.206This paper presents the effectiveness of various stress conditions (mainly voltage and frequency) on detecting the resistive shorts and open defects in deep sub-micron embedded memories in an industrial environment. Simulation studies on very-low ...
- ArticleOctober 2004
Power Supply Ramping for Quasi-static Testing of PLLs
ITC '04: Proceedings of the International Test Conference on International Test ConferencePages 980–987An innovative approach for testing PLLs in open loopmode is presented. The operational method consists of ramping the PLL's power supply by means of a periodic sawtooth signal. The reference and feedback inputs of the PLL in open-loop mode are connected ...
- ArticleOctober 2004
On Hazard-free Patterns for Fine-delay Fault Testing
ITC '04: Proceedings of the International Test Conference on International Test ConferencePages 213–222This paper proposes an effective method for applying finedelay fault testing in order to improve defect coverage of especially resistive opens. The method is based on grouping conventional delay-fault patterns into sets of almost equal-length paths. ...
- ArticleMay 2003
Process-Variability Aware Delay Fault Testing of "VT and Weak-Open Defects
Circuits are tested for both functionality and performance. As opposed to circuits with large delay faults, circuits with small delay faults are difficult to diagnose and as such are potential test escapes. This paper presents a strategy to diagnose ...
- ArticleApril 2003
Improving Diagnostic Resolution of Delay Faults using Path Delay Fault Model
The known methods of transition fault diagnosis usually sufferfrom the drawback of many candidates. The method presentedin this paper aims at reducing the number of suspects. The transitionfault patterns were generated by Philips in-house ATPGtool and ...
- ArticleMay 2001
Reducing Analogue Fault-Simulation Time by Using High-Level Modelling in Dotss for an Industrial Design
A crucial issue for using defect-oriented testing in analogue testing is how to reduce the massive fault- simulation time. One solution to this problem is to use high-level models in the fault simulation. However, the high-level model used in fault ...
- ArticleOctober 2000
This paper reflects on some recent results that show thevalue of delay-fault tests on a deep sub-micron process.However, the results also suggest that untargetted testpatterns perform almost as well as those targetted on atransition fault model, despite ...
- ArticleSeptember 1999
Defect-Based Delay Testing of Resistive Vias-Contacts A Critical Evaluation
This defect-based study analyzes statisticalsignal delay properties and delay fault test patternconstraints in the CMOS deep submicron environment.Delay fault testing has uncertainty, or noise, in its attemptto detect defects that slow a signal.CMOS ...