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10.1007/978-3-031-28244-7_11guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

An Interpretable Knowledge Representation Framework for Natural Language Processing with Cross-Domain Application

Published: 02 April 2023 Publication History


Data representation plays a crucial role in natural language processing (NLP), forming the foundation for most NLP tasks. Indeed, NLP performance highly depends upon the effectiveness of the preprocessing pipeline that builds the data representation. Many representation learning frameworks, such as Word2Vec, encode input data based on local contextual information that interconnects words. Such approaches can be computationally intensive, and their encoding is hard to explain. We here propose an interpretable representation learning framework utilizing Tsetlin Machine (TM). The TM is an interpretable logic-based algorithm that has exhibited competitive performance in numerous NLP tasks. We employ the TM clauses to build a sparse propositional (boolean) representation of natural language text. Each clause is a class-specific propositional rule that links words semantically and contextually. Through visualization, we illustrate how the resulting data representation provides semantically more distinct features, better separating the underlying classes. As a result, the following classification task becomes less demanding, benefiting simple machine learning classifiers such as Support Vector Machine (SVM). We evaluate our approach using six NLP classification tasks and twelve domain adaptation tasks. Our main finding is that the accuracy of our proposed technique significantly outperforms the vanilla TM, approaching the competitive accuracy of deep neural network (DNN) baselines. Furthermore, we present a case study showing how the representations derived from our framework are interpretable. (We use an asynchronous and parallel version of Tsetlin Machine: available at https://github.com/cair/PyTsetlinMachineCUDA).


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Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
Advances in Information Retrieval: 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2023, Dublin, Ireland, April 2–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part I
Apr 2023
780 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 02 April 2023

Author Tags

  1. Natural language processing (NLP)
  2. Tsetlin machine (TM)
  3. Propositional logic
  4. Knowledge representation
  5. Domain adaptation
  6. Interpretable representation


  • Article


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  • (2024)eval-rationales: An End-to-End Toolkit to Explain and Evaluate Transformers-Based ModelsAdvances in Information Retrieval10.1007/978-3-031-56069-9_20(212-217)Online publication date: 24-Mar-2024
  • (2023)Building concise logical patterns by constraining tsetlin machine clause sizeProceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence10.24963/ijcai.2023/378(3395-3403)Online publication date: 19-Aug-2023

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