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Self-supervised Contrastive BERT Fine-tuning for Fusion-Based Reviewed-Item Retrieval
- Mohammad Mahdi Abdollah Pour,
- Parsa Farinneya,
- Armin Toroghi,
- Anton Korikov,
- Ali Pesaranghader,
- Touqir Sajed,
- Manasa Bharadwaj,
- Borislav Mavrin,
- Scott Sanner
As natural language interfaces enable users to express increasingly complex natural language queries, there is a parallel explosion of user review content that can allow users to better find items such as restaurants, books, or movies that match ...
User Requirement Analysis for a Real-Time NLP-Based Open Information Retrieval Meeting Assistant
Meetings are recurrent organizational tasks intended to drive progress in an interdisciplinary and collaborative manner. They are, however, prone to inefficiency due to factors such as differing knowledge among participants. The research goal of ...
Auditing Consumer- and Producer-Fairness in Graph Collaborative Filtering
To date, graph collaborative filtering (CF) strategies have been shown to outperform pure CF models in generating accurate recommendations. Nevertheless, recent works have raised concerns about fairness and potential biases in the recommendation ...
Exploiting Graph Structured Cross-Domain Representation for Multi-domain Recommendation
Multi-domain recommender systems benefit from cross-domain representation learning and positive knowledge transfer. Both can be achieved by introducing a specific modeling of input data (i.e. disjoint history) or trying dedicated training regimes. ...
Injecting the BM25 Score as Text Improves BERT-Based Re-rankers
In this paper we propose a novel approach for combining first-stage lexical retrieval models and Transformer-based re-rankers: we inject the relevance score of the lexical model as a token in the middle of the input of the cross-encoder re-ranker. ...
Quantifying Valence and Arousal in Text with Multilingual Pre-trained Transformers
The analysis of emotions expressed in text has numerous applications. In contrast to categorical analysis, focused on classifying emotions according to a pre-defined set of common classes, dimensional approaches can offer a more nuanced way to ...
A Knowledge Infusion Based Multitasking System for Sarcasm Detection in Meme
In this paper, we hypothesize that sarcasm detection is closely associated with the emotion present in memes. Thereafter, we propose a deep multitask model to perform these two tasks in parallel, where sarcasm detection is treated as the primary ...
Multilingual Detection of Check-Worthy Claims Using World Languages and Adapter Fusion
Check-worthiness detection is the task of identifying claims, worthy to be investigated by fact-checkers. Resource scarcity for non-world languages and model learning costs remain major challenges for the creation of models supporting multilingual ...
Market-Aware Models for Efficient Cross-Market Recommendation
We consider the cross-market recommendation (CMR) task, which involves recommendation in a low-resource target market using data from a richer, auxiliary source market. Prior work in CMR utilised meta-learning to improve recommendation performance ...
TourismNLG: A Multi-lingual Generative Benchmark for the Tourism Domain
The tourism industry is important for the benefits it brings and due to its role as a commercial activity that creates demand and growth for many more industries. Yet there is not much work on data science problems in tourism. Unfortunately, there ...
An Interpretable Knowledge Representation Framework for Natural Language Processing with Cross-Domain Application
Data representation plays a crucial role in natural language processing (NLP), forming the foundation for most NLP tasks. Indeed, NLP performance highly depends upon the effectiveness of the preprocessing pipeline that builds the data ...
It’s Just a Matter of Time: Detecting Depression with Time-Enriched Multimodal Transformers
Depression detection from user-generated content on the internet has been a long-lasting topic of interest in the research community, providing valuable screening tools for psychologists. The ubiquitous use of social media platforms lays out the ...
Recommendation Algorithm Based on Deep Light Graph Convolution Network in Knowledge Graph
Recently, recommendation algorithms based on Graph Convolution Network (GCN) have achieved many surprising results thanks to the ability of GCN to learn more efficient node embeddings. However, although GCN shows powerful feature extraction ...
Query Performance Prediction for Neural IR: Are We There Yet?
- Guglielmo Faggioli,
- Thibault Formal,
- Stefano Marchesin,
- Stéphane Clinchant,
- Nicola Ferro,
- Benjamin Piwowarski
Evaluation in Information Retrieval (IR) relies on post-hoc empirical procedures, which are time-consuming and expensive operations. To alleviate this, Query Performance Prediction (QPP) models have been developed to estimate the performance of a ...
Item Graph Convolution Collaborative Filtering for Inductive Recommendations
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) have been recently employed as core component in the construction of recommender system algorithms, interpreting user-item interactions as the edges of a bipartite graph. However, in the absence of side ...
CoLISA: Inner Interaction via Contrastive Learning for Multi-choice Reading Comprehension
Multi-choice reading comprehension (MC-RC) is supposed to select the most appropriate answer from multiple candidate options by reading and comprehending a given passage and a question. Recent studies dedicate to catching the relationships within ...
Viewpoint Diversity in Search Results
- Tim Draws,
- Nirmal Roy,
- Oana Inel,
- Alisa Rieger,
- Rishav Hada,
- Mehmet Orcun Yalcin,
- Benjamin Timmermans,
- Nava Tintarev
Adverse phenomena such as the search engine manipulation effect (SEME), where web search users change their attitude on a topic following whatever most highly-ranked search results promote, represent crucial challenges for research and industry. ...
COILcr: Efficient Semantic Matching in Contextualized Exact Match Retrieval
Lexical exact match systems that use inverted lists are a fundamental text retrieval architecture. A recent advance in neural IR, COIL, extends this approach with contextualized inverted lists from a deep language model backbone and performs ...
Bootstrapped nDCG Estimation in the Presence of Unjudged Documents
Retrieval studies often reuse TREC collections after the corresponding tracks have passed. Yet, a fair evaluation of new systems that retrieve documents outside the original judgment pool is not straightforward. Two common ways of dealing with ...
Predicting the Listening Contexts of Music Playlists Using Knowledge Graphs
Playlists are a major way of interacting with music, as evidenced by the fact that streaming services currently host billions of playlists. In this content overload scenario, it is crucial to automatically characterise playlists, so that music can ...
Keyword Embeddings for Query Suggestion
Nowadays, search engine users commonly rely on query suggestions to improve their initial inputs. Current systems are very good at recommending lexical adaptations or spelling corrections to users’ queries. However, they often struggle to suggest ...
Domain-Driven and Discourse-Guided Scientific Summarisation
Scientific articles tend to follow a standardised discourse that enables a reader to quickly identify and extract useful or important information. We hypothesise that such structural conventions are strongly influenced by the scientific domain (...
Injecting Temporal-Aware Knowledge in Historical Named Entity Recognition
- Carlos-Emiliano González-Gallardo,
- Emanuela Boros,
- Edward Giamphy,
- Ahmed Hamdi,
- José G. Moreno,
- Antoine Doucet
In this paper, we address the detection of named entities in multilingual historical collections. We argue that, besides the multiple challenges that depend on the quality of digitization (e.g., misspellings and linguistic errors), historical ...
A Mask-Based Logic Rules Dissemination Method for Sentiment Classifiers
Disseminating and incorporating logic rules inspired by domain knowledge in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is desirable to make their output causally interpretable, reduce data dependence, and provide some human supervision during training to prevent ...
Contrasting Neural Click Models and Pointwise IPS Rankers
Inverse-propensity scoring and neural click models are two popular methods for learning rankers from user clicks that are affected by position bias. Despite their prevalence, the two methodologies are rarely directly compared on equal footing. In ...
Sentence Retrieval for Open-Ended Dialogue Using Dual Contextual Modeling
We address the task of retrieving sentences for an open domain dialogue that contain information useful for generating the next turn. We propose several novel neural retrieval architectures based on dual contextual modeling: the dialogue context ...
The integration of french language processing in an information retrieval
RIAO '97: Computer-Assisted Information Searching on Internet - Volume 2Cet article décrit les approches que nous avons implantées dans le cadre d'une collaboration de recherche entre nos deux groupes. Ces approches visent à créer une représentation plus précise pour les documents et les requêtes dans un système de ...