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Performing versus observing: : Investigating the effectiveness of group debriefing in a VR-based safety education program

Published: 01 December 2021 Publication History


How can students in a large classroom benefit from virtual reality (VR)-based instruction despite limited equipment? Group debriefing based on observed VR experiences provides a potential solution. This study employed a two-by-two factorial design to empirically investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of debriefing and types of VR experiences on enhancing VR learning outcomes. Second and third graders (n = 150) were randomly assigned to one of the four VR learning conditions: (1) performing individually with individual debriefing, (2) performing individually with no debriefing, (3) observing in a group with group debriefing, and (4) observing in a group with no debriefing. Study results reported moderate effect sizes of debriefing on increasing knowledge test as well as performance scores of the VR learners but revealed no significant difference between direct and observed VR learning experiences. The findings reveal that students can benefit from vicarious VR learning experiences if an instructional component of debriefing is provided in educational practice.


Debriefing in VR-based instruction is effective in promoting knowledge acquisition.
Debriefing in VR-based instruction is effective in improving behavioral performance.
Direct and observed debriefing VR experiences are equally effective in learning.


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            cover image Computers & Education
            Computers & Education  Volume 175, Issue C
            Dec 2021
            270 pages


            Elsevier Science Ltd.

            United Kingdom

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            Published: 01 December 2021

            Author Tags

            1. Augmented and virtual reality
            2. Improving classroom teaching
            3. Simulation
            4. Teaching/learning strategies
            5. Human-computer interface


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