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Video-based reflection in teacher education: : Comparing virtual reality and real classroom videos

Published: 01 December 2022 Publication History


While previous studies have examined the use of real-world classroom videos to support the development of student teachers’ reflective skills, there has been little research to date on the use of virtual reality (VR) videos in teacher education to provide opportunities for authentic reflection. This mixed-methods study investigated changes in reflection-related self-efficacy and differences in written reflection processes using a quasi-experimental design with two types of reflection stimuli. One group of 46 student teachers used a VR-based video to reflect on instruction while another group of 23 student teachers used a real classroom video. We found an increase in reflection-related self-efficacy over time among participants in the VR group only. We also found that VR videos triggered similar reflection processes to real classroom videos. This study shows, for the first time, that video-based reflection on VR classroom videos produced comparable results to reflection on real classroom videos. This indicates that VR can be used successfully in teacher education and that it offers a useful learning tool for teacher education programs.


We designed video-based reflection activities for student teachers.
We compared reflections using VR versus reflections using real classroom videos.
Reflection-related self-efficacy beliefs increased in the VR group only.
VR recordings stimulate the reflection process.


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          cover image Computers & Education
          Computers & Education  Volume 190, Issue C
          Dec 2022
          249 pages


          Elsevier Science Ltd.

          United Kingdom

          Publication History

          Published: 01 December 2022

          Author Tags

          1. Augmented reality
          2. Virtual reality
          3. Simulations
          4. Media in education
          5. Teacher professional development
          6. Teaching/learning strategies


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