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Source Sets: A Foundation for Optimal Dynamic Partial Order Reduction

Published: 17 August 2017 Publication History


Stateless model checking is a powerful method for program verification that, however, suffers from an exponential growth in the number of explored executions. A successful technique for reducing this number, while still maintaining complete coverage, is Dynamic Partial Order Reduction (DPOR), an algorithm originally introduced by Flanagan and Godefroid in 2005 and since then not only used as a point of reference but also extended by various researchers. In this article, we present a new DPOR algorithm, which is the first to be provably optimal in that it always explores the minimal number of executions. It is based on a novel class of sets, called source sets, that replace the role of persistent sets in previous algorithms. We begin by showing how to modify the original DPOR algorithm to work with source sets, resulting in an efficient and simple-to-implement algorithm, called source-DPOR. Subsequently, we enhance this algorithm with a novel mechanism, called wakeup trees, that allows the resulting algorithm, called optimal-DPOR, to achieve optimality. Both algorithms are then extended to computational models where processes may disable each other, for example, via locks. Finally, we discuss tradeoffs of the source- and optimal-DPOR algorithm and present programs that illustrate significant time and space performance differences between them. We have implemented both algorithms in a publicly available stateless model checking tool for Erlang programs, while the source-DPOR algorithm is at the core of a publicly available stateless model checking tool for C/pthread programs running on machines with relaxed memory models. Experiments show that source sets significantly increase the performance of stateless model checking compared to using the original DPOR algorithm and that wakeup trees incur only a small overhead in both time and space in practice.


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Journal of the ACM  Volume 64, Issue 4
August 2017
197 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 17 August 2017
Accepted: 01 March 2017
Revised: 01 March 2017
Received: 01 April 2016
Published in JACM Volume 64, Issue 4


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  1. Dynamic partial order reduction
  2. concurrency
  3. software model checking
  4. source sets
  5. systematic testing
  6. wakeup trees


  • Research-article
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  • Refereed

Funding Sources

  • Linnaeus centre of excellence UPMARC (Uppsala Programming for Multicore Architectures Research Center)
  • EU FP7 STREP project RELEASE
  • Swedish Research Council


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