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Staged metaprogramming for shader system development

Published: 08 November 2019 Publication History


The shader system for a modern game engine comprises much more than just compilation of source code to executable kernels. Shaders must also be exposed to art tools, interfaced with engine code, and specialized for performance. Engines typically address each of these tasks in an ad hoc fashion, without a unifying abstraction. The alternative of developing a more powerful compiler framework is prohibitive for most engines.
In this paper, we identify staged metaprogramming as a unifying abstraction and implementation strategy to develop a powerful shader system with modest effort. By using a multi-stage language to perform metaprogramming at compile time, engine-specific code can consume, analyze, transform, and generate shader code that will execute at runtime. Staged metaprogramming reduces the effort required to implement a shader system that provides earlier error detection, avoids repeat declarations of shader parameters, and explores opportunities to improve performance.
To demonstrate the value of this approach, we design and implement a shader system, called Selos, built using staged metaprogramming. In our system, shader and application code are written in the same language and can share types and functions. We implement a design space exploration framework for Selos that investigates static versus dynamic composition of shader features, exploring the impact of shader specialization in a deferred renderer. Staged metaprogramming allows Selos to provide compelling features with a simple implementation.

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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 38, Issue 6
December 2019
1292 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 08 November 2019
Published in TOG Volume 38, Issue 6


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  1. computer graphics
  2. metaprogramming
  3. multi-stage languages
  4. shaders
  5. shading languages


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