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SLANG.D: Fast, Modular and Differentiable Shader Programming

Published: 05 December 2023 Publication History


We introduce SLANG.D, an extension to the Slang shading language that incorporates first-class automatic differentiation support. The new shading language allows us to transform a Direct3D-based path tracer to be fully differentiable with minor modifications to existing code. SLANG.D enables a shared ecosystem between machine learning frameworks and pre-existing graphics hardware API-based rendering systems, promoting the interchange of components and ideas across these two domains.
Our contributions include a differentiable type system designed to ensure type safety and semantic clarity in codebases that blend differentiable and non-differentiable code, language primitives that automatically generate both forward and reverse gradient propagation methods, and a compiler architecture that generates efficient derivative propagation shader code for graphics pipelines. Our compiler supports differentiating code that involves arbitrary control-flow, dynamic dispatch, generics and higher-order differentiation, while providing developers flexible control of checkpointing and gradient aggregation strategies for best performance. Our system allows us to differentiate an existing real-time path tracer, Falcor, with minimal change to its shader code. We show that the compiler-generated derivative kernels perform as efficiently as handwritten ones. In several benchmarks, the SLANG.D code achieves significant speedup when compared to prior automatic differentiation systems.

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Cited By

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  • (2024)ZeroGrads: Learning Local Surrogates for Non-Differentiable GraphicsACM Transactions on Graphics10.1145/365817343:4(1-15)Online publication date: 19-Jul-2024
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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 42, Issue 6
December 2023
1565 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 05 December 2023
Published in TOG Volume 42, Issue 6

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  1. automatic differentiation
  2. differentiable graphics
  3. differentiable rendering
  4. shading language


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  • (2024)ZeroGrads: Learning Local Surrogates for Non-Differentiable GraphicsACM Transactions on Graphics10.1145/365817343:4(1-15)Online publication date: 19-Jul-2024
  • (2024)Fabricable 3D Wire ArtACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers10.1145/3641519.3657453(1-11)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2024

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