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AmbientEcho: Exploring Interactive Media Experiences in the Context of Residential Dementia Care

Published: 03 July 2020 Publication History


There has been a growing interest in designing interactive media experiences in residential dementia care. Although research in HCI and dementia have shown that person-centered design yields positive results, little is known about designing media experiences in shared care spaces. To investigate this, we designed AmbientEcho, an interactive system that offers bespoke and curated media content through different modalities. AmbientEcho thereby aims to provide enriching personal experiences in residential dementia care. A prototype of this design was evaluated in a real-life care setting. Data on residents' responses, the design's social role, and its use in practice were gathered through participant-observations, interviews, and a post-trial focus group. We found that a combined media approach triggered rich personal associations, facilitated revival of identity, and stimulated participation in shared experiences. Finally, we suggest designers should consider sensitive inclusion, adapted levels of interaction and variety in use when designing media interventions in dementia care.


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