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A Systematic Review of Gesture Elicitation Studies: What Can We Learn from 216 Studies?

Published: 03 July 2020 Publication History


Gesture elicitation studies represent a popular and resourceful method in HCI to inform the design of intuitive gesture commands, reflective of end-users' behavior, for controlling all kinds of interactive devices, applications, and systems. In the last ten years, an impressive body of work has been published on this topic, disseminating useful design knowledge regarding users' preferences for finger, hand, wrist, arm, head, leg, foot, and whole-body gestures. In this paper, we deliver a systematic literature review of this large body of work by summarizing the characteristics and findings ofN=216gesture elicitation studies subsuming 5,458 participants, 3,625 referents, and 148,340 elicited gestures. We highlight the descriptive, comparative, and generative virtues of our examination to provide practitioners with an effective method to (i) understand how new gesture elicitation studies position in the literature; (ii) compare studies from different authors; and (iii) identify opportunities for new research. We make our large corpus of papers accessible online as a Zotero group library at https://www.zotero.org/groups/2132650/gesture_elicitation_studies.

Supplementary Material

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An appendix containing the corpus of references


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DIS '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
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Published: 03 July 2020


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