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Less is More: Exploring Support for Time Management Planning

Published: 28 June 2021 Publication History


Time management planning (TMP) is a practice where people plan what they intend to accomplish and when in a given day. The literature indicates behaviors associated with TMP, but not how people specifically engage in them or how technology is involved. We examined TMP practices of 19 graduate students, noting their methods and how they engage with tools. Students utilized different combinations of TMP behaviors, both in comparison to each other and within their own experiences. We then asked them to plan following specific guidelines over five days. Participants implemented these guidelines in unique ways using unstructured tools (paper, notes applications). Together, these findings suggest that to be useful, TMP software must not impose a specific structure. We demonstrate opportunities to incorporate these findings through the design of a flexible mobile application based on notes applications to facilitate planning while encouraging, but not requiring, the use of TMP behaviors.

Supplementary Material

This supplementary material includes 4 PDF documents and a zip folder of design materials. These documents are the recruitment email sent out to students, the interview script, daily planning report, and end of study survey questions. The daily planning report contains the questions participants answered each day of the diary activity. The daily planning report and end of study survey were conducted remotely using survey software, but we present the questions in a pdf to make for easier reading. (p392-lund-supplements.zip)


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Published: 28 June 2021


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