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The Impact of CHIIR Publications: A Study of Eight Years of CHIIR

Published: 10 March 2024 Publication History


Across all scientific fields, there is an increased focus on the impact of scientific research: what academic and societal benefits does it provide? This question has spurred the development of a variety of different approaches to impact assessment, each appropriate in different circumstances. In this paper, we study the academic impact of the CHIIR community through a comprehensive analysis of the work published in the 2016-2023 CHIIR conference series. We collect citation counts, citing documents, and altmetrics scores for all CHIIR publications to determine their academic impact across a variety of different attributes of the CHIIR publications. In addition, we analyze a subset of citation contexts in the papers that have cited CHIIR publications to analyze how they are being used and what that means for their potential impact. Finally, we attempt to predict which properties of CHIIR publications are most predictive of future impact.


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CHIIR '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
March 2024
481 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 10 March 2024

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  1. citation analysis
  2. impact
  3. interactive information retrieval
  4. re-use
  5. sharing


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited



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