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The Hidden Burden: Encountering and Managing (Unintended) Stigma in Children with Serious Illnesses

Published: 26 April 2024 Publication History


Families managing serious health conditions in children are often burdened not only by the challenge of health management but also by the heavy weight of stigma. To assist these families, various physical and digital support systems have been established to address their emotional and informational needs. We interviewed 32 children and parents living with serious chronic pulmonary illnesses to gain insights into their experiences with both their conditions and support systems. We discovered that, although a wide range of support systems were available, most participants chose to engage selectively with or completely withdraw from them. Using the ecological systems theory, we elucidate the presence of health-related and unintended stigmas associated with support systems across different ecological layers. Our work provides a comprehensive and dynamic perspective on these stigmas, considering technological, interpersonal, institutional, and social factors. By examining how stigma arises in social interactions, we introduce and delve into the concept of "stigma work" and offer design considerations for more empathetic support systems that attend to individuals and groups with stigmatized health conditions, identities, or experiences.


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  • (2024)RF-GymCare: Introducing Respiratory Prior for RF Sensing in Gym EnvironmentsProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies10.1145/36785688:3(1-28)Online publication date: 9-Sep-2024

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  1. The Hidden Burden: Encountering and Managing (Unintended) Stigma in Children with Serious Illnesses



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    Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 8, Issue CSCW1
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    Published: 26 April 2024
    Published in PACMHCI Volume 8, Issue CSCW1

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    1. asthma
    2. caregiving
    3. chronic illness
    4. cystic fibrosis
    5. digital health
    6. empathic design
    7. health and wellbeing
    8. patient work
    9. stigma
    10. stigma work
    11. unintended consequences


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    • (2024)RF-GymCare: Introducing Respiratory Prior for RF Sensing in Gym EnvironmentsProceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies10.1145/36785688:3(1-28)Online publication date: 9-Sep-2024

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