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A Hybrid Prototype Method Combining Physical Models and Generative Artificial Intelligence to Support Creativity in Conceptual Design

Published: 10 November 2024 Publication History


Conceptual design is an essential stage in the design process, and its ultimate success largely depends on designers’ creativity. Both physical and digital prototypes are commonly adopted by designers to support ideation and creativity, providing intuitive perception and rapid iteration, respectively. In recent advancements, large-scale generation models are able to offer data-enabled creativity support by generating high-quality solutions comparable to human designers. This opens up an imaginary space for designers and brings new possibilities for design tools. In this study, we proposed a hybrid prototype method that synergistically combines physical models and generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the conceptual design stage. Correspondingly, we developed a hybrid prototype system to implement the proposed method. We conducted a comparative user study with 45 designers who completed a design task using the physical prototype method, standalone generative AI and the hybrid prototype method, respectively. Our results verified the effectiveness of the hybrid prototype method and investigated its mechanism in supporting creativity. Finally, we discussed the application value and optimisation space of the hybrid prototype method.


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  1. A Hybrid Prototype Method Combining Physical Models and Generative Artificial Intelligence to Support Creativity in Conceptual Design



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
    ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction  Volume 31, Issue 5
    October 2024
    448 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 10 November 2024
    Online AM: 02 September 2024
    Accepted: 04 August 2024
    Revised: 26 July 2024
    Received: 07 November 2023
    Published in TOCHI Volume 31, Issue 5

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    Author Tags

    1. Hybrid Prototype
    2. Generative AI
    3. Co-creative Systems
    4. Physical Prototype
    5. Creativity Support Tool (CST)
    6. Applications of Large-scale Generation Models


    • Research-article

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    • National Key Research and Development Program of China


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