Mathematical optimization problems arise in many fields, and their solution yields significant computational challenges. Researchers have attempted to develop quantum optimization algorithms, such as the Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm for unconstrained quadratic binary optimization problems [
14], and a quantum subroutine for simplex algorithms [
36]. Another class of quantum algorithms includes the
Quantum Interior Point Methods (QIPMs) [
31], which are hybrid-classical
Interior Point Methods (IPMs) that use
Quantum Linear System Algorithms (QLSAs) to solve the Newton system at each IPM iteration. Before reviewing prior work on QIPMs for
Linear Optimization Problems (LOPs), we provide the necessary definitions, fundamental results, and properties.
1 shows that NES has a smaller size, since in most practical LOPs,
\(m\lt \lt n\). In addition, its symmetric positive definite coefficient matrix is favorable, since classically it can be solved faster with Cholesky factorization or conjugate gradient. It is also more adaptable to QLSAs since QLSAs are able to solve linear systems with a Hermitian matrix. To solve linear systems whose matrix is not Hermitian, like (
OSS), must be embedded in a bigger system with a Hermitian matrix. Furthermore, solving normal equations has better complexity on quantum machines by using quantum singular value transformation [
9]. Thus, NES has a better structure compared to others; however, its condition number grows at a faster rate than the one of the OSS. The key takeaway is that inexact solutions of NES, FNS, and AS may lead to infeasibility, whereas inexact solutions to OSS allow to preserve the feasibility [
32]. In this article, we develop an
Inexact Feasible QIPM (IF-QIPM) based on a modified version of the NES.
1.1 Related Works
Inexact IPMs . IPMs can be divided into two main types:
Feasible IPMs (F-IPMs) and
Infeasible IPMs (I-IPMs). F-IPMs necessitate an initial feasible interior point to begin the optimization process. These methods often utilize a self-dual embedding model of the LOP, facilitating the construction of a feasible interior solution [
38]. Conversely, I-IPMs start with a solution that is infeasible but strictly positive. Theoretical studies indicate that the optimal time complexity for F-IPMs in addressing LOPs is
\(O(\sqrt {n}L)\), where
L represents the binary length of the input data. In contrast, the optimal time complexity for I-IPMs applied to LOPs is
\(O(nL)\). Although F-IPMs theoretically outperform I-IPMs in terms of time complexity, both types are effective in practically solving LOPs, as noted by the work of Wright [
The prevailing approach to solve LOPs is
exact IPMs, in which the Newton direction is calculated by solving NES using Cholesky factorization [
38]. Thus, although IPMs enjoy a fast convergence rate, the cost per iteration of IPMs is considerably high when applied to large-scale LOPs. In an effort to reduce the per-iteration cost of IPMs,
Inexact Infeasible (II-IPMs) were proposed, in which the Newton system is solved with an iterative method, e.g., using
Conjugate Gradient Methods (CGMs) [
Freund et al. [
15] and Mizuno and Jarre [
28] initially explored the convergence properties of II-IPMs through a series of studies. Subsequently, Baryamureeba and Steihaug [
6] demonstrated the convergence of a variant of the I-IPM originally proposed by Kojima et al. [
24], incorporating an inexact Newton step. Furthermore, Korzak [
25] established that his specific version of an II-IPM operates within polynomial time complexity.
As early as the 1980s, partial update techniques were utilized to compute the inexact Newton direction through several rank-one updates to the inverse of the NES matrix. This strategy achieved the total complexity of
\(\mathcal {O}(n^3L)\) arithmetic operations for solving LOPs [
38]. This concept has been significantly strengthened in recent years through the adoption of advanced techniques such as fast matrix multiplication, spectral sparsification, and stochastic central path methods [
26]. By leveraging these modern techniques, the complexity of IPMs can be reduced to
\(\mathcal {O}(n^{w}L)\), where
\(w \lt 2.3729\) is the matrix multiplication constant [
The use of
Preconditioned CGMs (PCGMs) in II-IPMs has been extensively studied by several researchers [
35]. Al-Jeiroudi and Gondzio [
1] utilized the I-IPM framework from Wright [
44] to solve (
AS) using a PCGM. In a similar vein, Monteiro and O’Neal [
35] applied a PCGM to solve (
NES). Inexact linear systems algorithms like CG exhibit favorable dependence on dimension compared to factorization methods and are able to exploit sparsity patterns present in the Newton system. The rub is that these inexact approaches depend on a condition number bound, which could pose a challenge. To tackle the ill-conditioned Newton system, they used the so-called maximum weight basis precondition [
Further investigations into II-IPMs have been conducted by Bellavia [
7], who examined their convergence for general convex optimization problems, and by Zhou and Toh [
47], who developed an II-IPM specifically for semidefinite optimization problems. It has been established that the best-known bound for the number of iterations required by II-IPMs to solve LOPs is
\(\mathcal {O}(n^2L)\).
All mentioned inexact versions of IPMs tend to be inherently infeasible, as the inexact solutions to the conventional formulations of Newton systems—such as FNS, AS, and NES—result in infeasibility. Gondzio [
21] highlighted conceptionally that if Newton systems within IPMs can be solved inexactly while still maintaining feasibility, IPMs could achieve the best iteration complexity of
\(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt {n}L)\) for quadratic optimization. To leverage this superior complexity,
Inexact Feasible IPMs (IF-IPMs) have been introduced. These methods utilize the OSS system to derive inexact but feasible Newton directions [
32]. In this article, we present a novel IF-IPM that, at each iteration, employs a modified version of the NES that is solved inexactly. This modification is crucial, as it ensures that the inexact direction remains within the feasible region.
Quantum Interior Point Methods . QIPMs were first proposed by Kerenidis and Prakash [
23], who sought to decrease the cost per iteration by classically estimating the Newton step through the use of a QLSA and quantum state tomography. Adopting this approach, Casares and Martin-Delgado [
8] developed a predictor-correcter QIPM for
Linear Optimization (LO). However, these algorithms were proposed and analyzed using an
exact IPM framework, which is invalid because the use of quantum subroutines naturally introduces errors into the solution and leads to
inexactness in the Newton step. Specifically, without further safeguards, this inexactness means that the sequence of iterates generated the algorithms in other works [
23] may leave the feasible set, and so convergence cannot be guaranteed.
To address these issues, Augustino et al. [
4] proposed an
Inexact Infeasible QIPM (II-QIPM) (which closely quantized the II-IPM of Zhou and Toh [
47]) and a novel IF-QIPM using OSS. The latter algorithm was shown to solve LOPs to precision
\(\zeta \in (0,1)\) using at most
1QRAM queries and
\(\widetilde{\mathcal {O}}_{n, \kappa , \frac{1}{\zeta }} (n^{2.5})\) arithmetic operations, where
\(\kappa\) is an upper bound on the Newton system coefficient matrices that arise over the run of the algorithm.
Mohammadisiahroudi et al. [
32] specialized the algorithms in the work of Augustino et al. [
4] to LO and used
Iterative Refinement (IR) techniques to exponentially improve the dependence of the algorithms in the work of Augustino et al. [
4] on precision and the condition number bound. In particular, Mohammadisiahroudi et al. [
31] developed an II-QIPM, which addresses the inexactness of QLSA. In another work, Mohammadisiahroudi et al. [
32] improved this complexity by developing a short-step IF-QIPM for LOPs with
QRAM queries and
\(\mathcal {O}(n^{2.5}L)\) arithmetic operations, where
\(\omega\) is an upper bound for the norm of the optimal solution and
\(\kappa _A\) is the condition number of matrix
Note that the use of IR techniques indirectly led to another improvement in the complexity, reducing the dependence on a condition number bound
\(\kappa\) for the intermediate Newton systems with the condition number
\(\kappa _A\) of the input matrix
A [
33]. IF-QIPMs built on similar techniques have also been developed for linearly constrained quadratic optimization problems in the work of Wu et al. [
45] and second-order cone optimization problems in the work of Augustino et al. [
A month after the original submission of this work, Apers and Gribling [
3] introduced a QIPM for LO that operates independently of any condition number. Under specific conditions,
2 and with access to QRAM, this approach reports a quantum speedup for “tall” LOPs. In these problems, all constraints are inequalities, and the number of constraints substantially exceeds the number of variables. Instead of employing QLSAs to resolve the Newton system, the method calculates Newton steps using spectral approximations of the Hessian. Although their worst-case complexity has no dependence on the condition number, for general LOPs their approach can have unfavorable dimension dependence of
\(n^{7.5}\) and their complexity has a linear dependence on the inverse of the precision. In this article, we show how IR and preconditioning can mitigate the impact of condition number on the complexity of the proposed IF-QIPM using modified NES.
Iterative Refinement . IR is a well-established method used to enhance numerical accuracy when solving linear systems of equations [
42]. Gleixner et al. [
19] pioneered the adaptation of this technique to LOPs, introducing the first IR methodology specifically tailored for constrained optimization. They successfully applied this method to achieve precise solutions to LOPs using limited-precision oracles [
In parallel developments, other studies have illustrated the utility of IR in achieving high-precision solutions for LOPs, particularly those emerging in the context of integer optimization [
13]. More recently, Mohammadisiahroudi et al. [
31] applied IR techniques to obtain exact solutions for LOPs within the framework of limited-precision QIPMs. Their research demonstrated that IR could effectively mitigate the effects of ill-conditioned Newton systems, thereby reducing the overall computational complexity associated with QIPMs.