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Advanced Global IlluminationSeptember 2006
  • AK Peters Ltd
Published:01 September 2006
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  1. Wyman C and Panteleev A Rearchitecting spatiotemporal resampling for production Proceedings of the Conference on High-Performance Graphics, (23-41)
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  10. Moreau P, Sintorn E, Kämpe V, Assarsson U and Doggett M Photon splatting using a view-sample cluster hierarchy Proceedings of High Performance Graphics, (75-85)
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  14. ACM
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    Jarabo A, Marco J, Muñoz A, Buisan R, Jarosz W and Gutierrez D (2014). A framework for transient rendering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33:6, (1-10), Online publication date: 19-Nov-2014.
  16. ACM
    Vorba J, Karlík O, Šik M, Ritschel T and Křivánek J (2014). On-line learning of parametric mixture models for light transport simulation, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33:4, (1-11), Online publication date: 27-Jul-2014.
  17. Billen N, Lagae A and Dutré P Probabilistic visibility evaluation using geometry proxies Proceedings of the 25th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, (143-152)
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  22. Billen N, Engelen B, Lagae A and Dutré P Probabilistic visibility evaluation for direct illumination Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, (39-47)
  23. Timonen V (2012). Low-Complexity Intervisibility in Height Fields, Computer Graphics Forum, 31:8, (2348-2362), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2012.
  24. ACM
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    Sen P and Darabi S (2012). On filtering the noise from the random parameters in Monte Carlo rendering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31:3, (1-15), Online publication date: 31-May-2012.
  27. Reiner T, Kaplanyan A, Reinhard M and Dachsbacher C (2012). Selective Inspection and Interactive Visualization of Light Transport in Virtual Scenes, Computer Graphics Forum, 31:2pt4, (711-718), Online publication date: 1-May-2012.
  28. Ritschel T, Dachsbacher C, Grosch T and Kautz J (2012). The State of the Art in Interactive Global Illumination, Computer Graphics Forum, 31:1, (160-188), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2012.
  29. Jakob W, Regg C and Jarosz W Progressive expectation-maximization for hierarchical volumetric photon mapping Proceedings of the Twenty-second Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1287-1297)
  30. Chen J, Wang B and Yong J Improved stochastic progressive photon mapping with metropolis sampling Proceedings of the Twenty-second Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1205-1213)
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  32. Xue D and Crawfis R Indirect shader domain rendering Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Advances in visual computing - Volume Part II, (511-521)
  33. ACM
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    Křivánek J, Ferwerda J and Bala K (2010). Effects of global illumination approximations on material appearance, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29:4, (1-10), Online publication date: 26-Jul-2010.
  35. Laurijssen J, Wang R, Dutré P and Brown B Fast estimation and rendering of indirect highlights Proceedings of the 21st Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1305-1313)
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    Kaplanyan A and Dachsbacher C Cascaded light propagation volumes for real-time indirect illumination Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, (99-107)
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    Ritschel T, Engelhardt T, Grosch T, Seidel H, Kautz J and Dachsbacher C Micro-rendering for scalable, parallel final gathering ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 papers, (1-8)
  39. ACM
    Gamito M and Maddock S (2009). Accurate multidimensional Poisson-disk sampling, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29:1, (1-19), Online publication date: 15-Dec-2009.
  40. ACM
    Hachisuka T and Jensen H (2009). Stochastic progressive photon mapping, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28:5, (1-8), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2009.
  41. ACM
    Ritschel T, Engelhardt T, Grosch T, Seidel H, Kautz J and Dachsbacher C (2009). Micro-rendering for scalable, parallel final gathering, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28:5, (1-8), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2009.
  42. ACM
    Yu I, Cox A, Kim M, Ritschel T, Grosch T, Dachsbacher C and Kautz J (2009). Perceptual influence of approximate visibility in indirect illumination, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 6:4, (1-14), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009.
  43. ACM
    Robison A and Shirley P Image space gathering Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Graphics 2009, (91-98)
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  45. ACM
    Vergne R, Pacanowski R, Barla P, Granier X and Schlick C (2009). Light warping for enhanced surface depiction, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28:3, (1-8), Online publication date: 27-Jul-2009.
  46. Nichols G, Shopf J and Wyman C Hierarchical image-space radiosity for interactive global illumination Proceedings of the Twentieth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1141-1149)
  47. Meyer Q, Eisenacher C, Stamminger M and Dachsbacher C Data-parallel hierarchical link creation for radiosity Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, (65-70)
  48. ACM
    Hachisuka T, Ogaki S and Jensen H Progressive photon mapping ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 papers, (1-8)
  49. ACM
    Ritschel T, Grosch T, Kim M, Seidel H, Dachsbacher C and Kautz J Imperfect shadow maps for efficient computation of indirect illumination ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 papers, (1-8)
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    Dorsey J and Rushmeier H Light and materials in virtual cities ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 classes, (1-4)
  51. ACM
    Hachisuka T, Jarosz W, Weistroffer R, Dale K, Humphreys G, Zwicker M and Jensen H Multidimensional adaptive sampling and reconstruction for ray tracing ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 papers, (1-10)
  52. ACM
    Pacanowski R, Raynaud M, Granier X, Reuter P, Schlick C and Poulin P Efficient streaming of 3D scenes with complex geometry and complex lighting Proceedings of the 13th international symposium on 3D web technology, (11-17)
  53. ACM
    Hachisuka T, Jarosz W, Weistroffer R, Dale K, Humphreys G, Zwicker M and Jensen H (2008). Multidimensional adaptive sampling and reconstruction for ray tracing, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27:3, (1-10), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2008.
  54. Obert J, Křivánek J, Pellacini F, Sykora D and Pattanaik S iCheat Proceedings of the Nineteenth Eurographics conference on Rendering, (1217-1223)
  55. ACM
    Lehtinen J (2007). A framework for precomputed and captured light transport, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26:4, (13-es), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2007.
  56. ACM
    Vangorp P, Laurijssen J and Dutré P The influence of shape on the perception of material reflectance ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, (77-es)
  57. ACM
    Dachsbacher C, Stamminger M, Drettakis G and Durand F Implicit visibility and antiradiance for interactive global illumination ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, (61-es)
  58. ACM
    Vangorp P, Laurijssen J and Dutré P (2007). The influence of shape on the perception of material reflectance, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26:3, (77-es), Online publication date: 29-Jul-2007.
  59. ACM
    Dachsbacher C, Stamminger M, Drettakis G and Durand F (2007). Implicit visibility and antiradiance for interactive global illumination, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26:3, (61-es), Online publication date: 29-Jul-2007.
  60. ACM
    Carter J Lighting marble Proceedings of the 45th annual ACM Southeast Conference, (8-12)
  • KU Leuven
  • Cornell University
  • Hasselt University
  • The University of Utah


Minette Carl

In this second edition of what is rapidly becoming the classic text in the field, the authors repeatedly show their dedication to research in related topics, and accept the responsibility for maintaining synchronicity with the expansion of the field. This book is meant both as a survey of approaches for the practitioner, as well as a textbook for the academic. The material presented is self-contained, ranging from underlying mathematical and physical properties to subsequent algorithmic and formula development. The book begins with a discussion of realistic expectations from image synthesis. Image synthesis provides a framework for constructing new images based on the understanding of the physics, biology, and chemistry of natural phenomena and realistic scenes. Typical applications include standard computer graphics imagery based on two- or three-dimensional model descriptions. Other applications involve images containing randomly assigned pixel values where the overall structures depicted follow realistic constraints. Image synthesis is also used as a verification step for testing image processing operations by analyzing the resultant image for consistency. The overall structure of the book is generally the same as the first edition (in terms of chapter and section headings), but there are a number of important differences. First, the current edition has 33 more pages than the first edition. Extra exercises seem to be added to many sections. While section 8.2 ("Image Display and Human Perception") was downsized, more material was added to section 8.3 ("Fast Global Illumination"). Two sections were added: sections 5.5 ("Environment Map Illumination") and 7.8 ("Lightcuts and Multidimensional Lightcuts"). Both present exciting areas of illumination research. Environment maps provide distribution parameters of illumination within the covered environment. By casting and probing rays into the environment map, illumination sampling can be computed in an efficient manner, even when the rays do not intersect a particular object geometry. Lightcuts provides for a comprehensive and scalable approach to scene illumination. This model integrates arbitrary geometries, many light sources (pointwise and area), direct and indirect illumination, and diffuse and nondiffuse materials into a tree structure that can approximate a large number of point lights utilizing a relatively small number of rays. Chapter 2 concentrates on the physics of light transport. This includes radiometry and light emission calculations and the interaction of light with surfaces. Rendering and light measurement equations are developed. Chapter 3 reviews probability (sampling random variables and variance reduction) and Monte Carlo theory. The authors explain why Monte Carlo techniques are useful, and apply the theory to calculate integrals. Chapter 4 advances the discussion of computing light transport by including adjoint equations. Using the potential equation with the rendering equation forms an adjoint system of equations, which provides a computational methodology for illumination based on geometric optics. The global reflectance distribution function is also calculated, along with path formulations. Chapters 5 and 6 apply the probabilistic theory developed in chapter 3 for stochastic path-tracing algorithms. Chapter 5 begins with simple ray tracing (deterministic and stochastic) and illumination (direct and based on environment maps). Then, indirect illumination approaches are provided for general light tracing algorithms. Chapter 6 investigates different aspects of radiosity. Radiosity emanated from heat transfer research 50 years ago, and currently is applied to rendering and global illumination for scenes containing surfaces with generally diffuse materials. For radiosity, the finite element method is typically used to solve the rendering equation. These methods differ from the above-mentioned Monte Carlo algorithms that incorporate all types of light paths; instead, radiosity methods process paths that leave a light source that is reflected by the diffuse surfaces in the scene. This chapter then considers relaxation and discrete random walk methods for radiosity. Photon density estimation methods, variance reduction of sampling methods, and hierarchical refinement for clusters are also discussed. The final chapter, chapter 7, combines prior methods, and formulates them as hybrid algorithms. Among these are multipass methods, bidirectional tracing, and photon mapping. The text is a solid and comprehensive treatment of advanced global illumination methods. The presentations are straightforward, mathematically and physically; relevant exercises are provided; and ample illustrations are used to elucidate the text. The reader should have a fair dose of mathematics and physics background to make the most of the material presented, but an undergraduate education in these subjects should suffice. The authors have continued their tradition of bringing forth a serious treatise on the subject of advanced global illumination. Online Computing Reviews Service

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