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- Raydugin Y (2018). Adequate Quantification of Project Cost Risks, International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management, 7:4, (1-20), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2018.
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- Keith D, Naumov S and Sterman J (2017). Driving the Future, Simulation and Gaming, 48:6, (735-769), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017.
- Shariatpanahi S, Jafari A, Sadeghipour M, Azadeh-Fard N, Majidzadeh-A K, Farahmand L and Madjid Ansari A (2017). Assessing the effectiveness of disease awareness programs, Telematics and Informatics, 34:7, (904-913), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017.
- Lieder M, Asif F and Rashid A (2017). Towards Circular Economy implementation, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 31:6, (1377-1402), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017.
- Xiao B and Tian J Research on Complex Adaptive System Operation Model and Adaptive Mechanism of New R&D System Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics, (111-115)
- Soni S and Chorasia B (2017). Policy Planning in Higher Technical Education, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 6:3, (87-110), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017.
- Backar S, Eldardiry M, Haddad H and Alkadeem R (2017). NPD Projects Simulation Model Incorporating Managerial Aspects Using System Dynamics Approach, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 6:3, (38-58), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017.
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- Elsawah S, Pierce S, Hamilton S, van Delden H, Haase D, Elmahdi A and Jakeman A (2017). An overview of the system dynamics process for integrated modelling of socio-ecological systems, Environmental Modelling & Software, 93:C, (127-145), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017.
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- Naugle A, Silva A and Aamir M (2017). Cooperation and Free Riding in Cyber Security Information-Sharing Programs, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 6:2, (71-85), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017.
- Mora M, Wang F, Gómez J, Rainsinghani M and Shevchenko V (2017). Decision-Making Support Systems in Quality Management of Higher Education Institutions, International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 9:2, (56-79), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017.
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- Li J, Ghadge A and Tiwari M (2016). Impact of replenishment strategies on supply chain performance under e-shopping scenario, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 102:C, (78-87), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2016.
- Duan W, Li C, Zhang P and Chang Q (2016). Game modeling and policy research on the system dynamics-based tripartite evolution for government environmental regulation, Cluster Computing, 19:4, (2061-2074), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2016.
- Upadhayay L and Vrat P (2016). Analysis of impact of industry-academia interaction on quality of technical education, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 101:C, (313-324), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2016.
- Fayoumi A and Loucopoulos P (2016). Conceptual modeling for the design of intelligent and emergent information systems, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 59:C, (174-194), Online publication date: 15-Oct-2016.
- Miettinen T, Salmi J, Gupta K, Koskela J, Kauttio J, Karhela T and Ruutu S (2016). Applying Modelica Tools to System Dynamics Based Learning Games, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2016, (3), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2016.
- Chica M, Cordón Ó, Damas S, Iglesias V and Mingot J (2016). Identimod, Decision Support Systems, 89:C, (41-55), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2016.
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- Fayoumi A (2016). Ecosystem-inspired enterprise modelling framework for collaborative and networked manufacturing systems, Computers in Industry, 80:C, (54-68), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2016.
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- Ellinas C, Allan N and Johansson A (2016). Exploring Structural Patterns Across Evolved and Designed Systems, Systems Engineering, 19:3, (179-192), Online publication date: 1-May-2016.
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- Diaz R, Behr J and Ng M (2016). Quantifying the economic and demographic impact of transportation infrastructure investments, Simulation, 92:4, (377-393), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2016.
- Jalali M, Ashouri A, Herrera-Restrepo O and Zhang H (2016). Information diffusion through social networks, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 44:C, (187-197), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2016.
- Li X and Wu J (2016). Stability of nonlinear differential systems with state-dependent delayed impulses, Automatica (Journal of IFAC), 64:C, (63-69), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2016.
- Gonçalves P and Kamdem S (2016). Reaching an AIDS-Free Generation in Côte d'Ivoire, Data Driven Policy Design for HIV/AIDS Response Programs, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 5:1, (43-62), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.
- Pruyt E (2016). Integrating Systems Modelling and Data Science, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 5:1, (1-16), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.
- Rashwan W and Arisha A Modeling behavior of nurses in clinical medical unit in university hospital Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, (3880-3891)
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- Barazandeh B and Rafieisakhaei M A system dynamics model on the reasons of car price shocks after economic sanctions Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, (3220-3221)
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- Kamoun F and Miniaoui S (2015). Towards a Better Understanding of Organizational Adoption and Diffusion of RFID Technology, International Journal of Technology Diffusion, 6:3, (1-20), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2015.
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- Kolosz B and Grant-Muller S (2015). Appraisal and Evaluation of Interurban ITS: A European Survey, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16:3, (1070-1087), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2015.
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- Nazareth D and Choi J (2015). A system dynamics model for information security management, Information and Management, 52:1, (123-134), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015.
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- Alabdulkarim A and Ball P Selecting the apropriate product monitoring levels for maintenance operations Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, (1026-1037)
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- Odiit M, Mayoka G, Rwashana A and Ochara N Alignment of Information Systems to Strategy in the Health Sector Using a Systems Dynamics Approach Proceedings of the Southern African Institute for Computer Scientist and Information Technologists Annual Conference 2014 on SAICSIT 2014 Empowered by Technology, (38-49)
- Aslam T, Ng A and Bandaru S Multi-objective optimization and analysis of the inventory management model Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
- Ibáñez J, Contador J, Schnabel S, Fernández M and Valderrama J (2014). A model-based integrated assessment of land degradation by water erosion in a valuable Spanish rangeland, Environmental Modelling & Software, 55:C, (201-213), Online publication date: 1-May-2014.
- Palma-Mendoza J, Neailey K and Roy R (2014). Business process re-design methodology to support supply chain integration, International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals, 34:2, (167-176), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2014.
- Rashwan W, Ragab M, Abo-Hamad W and Arisha A Evaluating policy interventions for delayed discharge Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (2463-2474)
- Shamsuddoha M, Quaddus M and Klass D A system dynamics approach for poultry operation to achieve additional benefits Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (1824-1834)
- Balaban M and Hester P Exploration of purpose for multi-method simulation in the context of social phenomena representation Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (1661-1672)
- Martinez-Moyano I and Macal C Exploring feedback and endogeneity in agent-based models Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (1637-1648)
- Rahmandad H, Jalali M and Ghoddusi H Estimation of unknown parameters in system dynamics models using the method of simulated moments Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (1212-1222)
- Macal C and North M Agent-based modeling and simulation Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (362-376)
- Borshchev A Multi-method modeling Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (4089-4100)
- Kang H, Nembhard H, Curry W, Ghahramani N and Hwang W A systems dynamics approach to support prospective planning of interventions to improve chronic kidney disease care Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (3946-3947)
- Xu D and Son Y An integrated simulation, Markov decision processes and game theoretic framework for analysis of supply chain competitions Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (3930-3931)
- Mukhopadhyay A, Chatterjee S, Saha D, Mahanti A and Sadhukhan S (2013). Cyber-risk decision models, Decision Support Systems, 56:C, (11-26), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013.
- Yu E and Lapouchnian A Architecting the enterprise to leverage a confluence of emerging technologies Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, (408-414)
- (2013). Integrated assessment model of society-biosphere-climate-economy-energy system, Environmental Modelling & Software, 49:C, (1-21), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2013.
- Levä T and Suomi H (2013). Techno-economic feasibility analysis of Internet protocols, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 36:1, (76-88), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2013.
- Plambeck E (2013). OM Forum---Operations Management Challenges for Some “Cleantech” Firms, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 15:4, (527-536), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2013.
- Kasiri N and Sharda R (2013). Real Options and System Dynamics for Information Technology Investment Decisions, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 4:3, (1-25), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2013.
- Berndt P and Maier A Towards Sustainable IaaS Pricing Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services - Volume 8193, (173-184)
- Kelly (Letcher) R, Jakeman A, Barreteau O, Borsuk M, ElSawah S, Hamilton S, Henriksen H, Kuikka S, Maier H, Rizzoli A, van Delden H and Voinov A (2013). Selecting among five common modelling approaches for integrated environmental assessment and management, Environmental Modelling & Software, 47:C, (159-181), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2013.
- Kelly (Letcher) R, Jakeman A, Barreteau O, Borsuk M, Elsawah S, Hamilton S, Henriksen H, Kuikka S, Maier H, Rizzoli A, Van Delden H and Voinov A (2013). Position paper, Environmental Modelling & Software, 47, (159-181), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2013.
- De Sousa Coelho J, Braga J and Ambrósio B (2013). System dynamics model for simulation of the software inspection process, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 38:5, (1-8), Online publication date: 26-Aug-2013.
- Salamati F and Pasek Z Modeling for personal well-being Proceedings of the 2013 Grand Challenges on Modeling and Simulation Conference, (1-5)
- Luna-Reyes L and Gil-Garcia J Understanding the co-evolution of institutions, technology, and organizations Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, (214-223)
- de Vos M, Janssen P, Kok M, Frantzi S, Dellas E, Pattberg P, Petersen A and Biermann F (2013). Formalizing knowledge on international environmental regimes, Environmental Modelling & Software, 44:C, (101-112), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2013.
- Sterman J, Fiddaman T, Franck T, Jones A, McCauley S, Rice P, Sawin E and Siegel L (2013). Management flight simulators to support climate negotiations, Environmental Modelling & Software, 44:C, (122-135), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2013.
- Giupponi C, Giove S and Giannini V (2013). A dynamic assessment tool for exploring and communicating vulnerability to floods and climate change, Environmental Modelling & Software, 44:C, (136-147), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2013.
- Hasselmann K and Kovalevsky D (2013). Simulating animal spirits in actor-based environmental models, Environmental Modelling & Software, 44:C, (10-24), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2013.
- Basole R, Bodner D and Rouse W (2013). Healthcare management through organizational simulation, Decision Support Systems, 55:2, (552-563), Online publication date: 1-May-2013.
- Teimoury E, Nedaei H, Ansari S and Sabbaghi M (2013). A multi-objective analysis for import quota policy making in a perishable fruit and vegetable supply chain, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 93:C, (37-45), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013.
- Choi J, Nazareth D and Jain H (2013). The Impact of SOA Implementation on IT-Business Alignment, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 4:1, (1-22), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013.
- Sridhar V, Casey T and HäMmäInen H (2013). Flexible spectrum management for mobile broadband services, Telecommunications Policy, 37:2-3, (178-191), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2013.
- Carter D, Moizer J and Liu S (2013). Using groups to support judgmental parameter estimation VISCONS, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 40:2, (715-721), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2013.
- Bhushan S (2013). Capturing Structural Complexity of Innovation Diffusion through System Dynamics, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 2:1, (59-96), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
- Wyburn J and Roach P (2013). A System Dynamics Model of the American Collectable Comic Book Market, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 2:1, (37-58), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
- Labedz C and Gray J (2013). Accounting for Lean Implementation in Government Enterprise, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 2:1, (14-36), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
- Battini D, Faccio M, Persona A and Sgarbossa F (2013). Modelling the Growing Process of Integrated Healthcare Supply Networks, International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, 2:1, (1-13), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
- Janamanchi B and Burns J (2013). Control theory concepts applied to retail supply chain, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2013, (15-15), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
- Behdani B Evaluation of paradigms for modeling supply chains as complex socio-technical systems Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1-15)
- Macal C, North M, Collier N, Dukic V, Lauderdale D, David M, Daum R, Shumm P, Daum R, Evans J, Wilder J and Wegener D Modeling the spread of community-associated MRSA Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1-12)
- Zulkepli J, Eldabi T and Mustafee N Hybrid simulation for modelling large systems Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1-12)
- Winkler T, Ziekow H and Weinberg M (2012). Municipal benefits of participatory urban sensing, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 7:3, (101-120), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2012.
- Kim Y and McGraw C Use of agent-based modeling for e-governance research Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, (531-534)
- Collinson M, Pym D and Taylor B A framework for modelling security architectures in services ecosystems Proceedings of the First European conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, (64-79)
- Ahamer G (2012). A Four-Dimensional Maxwell Equation for Social Processes in Web-Based Learning and Teaching, International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 7:3, (1-19), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2012.
- Fryling M (2012). Incorporating Technology Acceptance and IS Success Frameworks into a System Dynamics Conceptual Model, International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5:2, (41-56), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2012.
- Katsamakas E and Georgantzas N (2012). Prominent Causal Paths in a Simple Self-Organizing System, International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach, 5:2, (25-40), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2012.
- Schiuma G, Carlucci D and Sole F (2012). Applying a systems thinking framework to assess knowledge assets dynamics for business performance improvement, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 39:9, (8044-8050), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2012.
- Puron-Cid G, Gil-Garcia J and Luna-Reyes L IT-enabled policy analysis Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, (97-106)
- Spohrer J, Piciocchi P and Bassano C (2012). Three Frameworks for Service Research, Service Science, 4:2, (147-160), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2012.
- Scholten U, Fischer R and Zirpins C The dynamic network notation Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners, (25-30)
- Kostopoulos A, Papafili I, Kalogiros C, Levä T, Zhang N and Trossen D A tussle analysis for information-centric networking architectures The Future Internet, (6-17)
- Rahmandad H (2012). Impact of Growth Opportunities and Competition on Firm-Level Capability Development Trade-offs, Organization Science, 23:1, (138-154), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012.
- Elmaghraby W, Katok E and Santamaría N (2012). A Laboratory Investigation of Rank Feedback in Procurement Auctions, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 14:1, (128-144), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012.
- Godlewski E, Lee G and Cooper K (2012). System Dynamics Transforms Fluor Project and Change Management, Interfaces, 42:1, (17-32), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012.
- Brito T, Capovilla Trevisan E and Botter R A conceptual comparison between discrete and continuous simulation to motivate the hybrid simulation methodology Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (3915-3927)
- Ahn S and Lee S Development of model of workers' mental processes related to absence norm as behavior rule in agent-based simulation Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (3484-3492)
- Davis P Primer for building factor trees to represent social-science knowledge Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (3121-3135)
- Heath S, Buss A, Brailsford S and Macal C Cross-paradigm simulation modeling Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (2788-2802)
- Murino T, Romano E and Santillo L Supply chain performance sustainability through resilience function Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1605-1616)
- Reggelin T and Tolujew J A mesoscopic approach to modeling and simulation of logistics processes Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1513-1523)
- Macal C and North M Introductory tutorial Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1456-1469)
- Ng Adam T, Sy C and Li J A system dynamics model of Singapore healthcare affordability Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1306-1318)
- Escudero-Marin P and Pidd M Using ABMS to simulate emergency departments Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1239-1250)
- Kibira D and Jain S Impact of hybrid and electric vehicles on automobile recycling infrastructure Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1072-1083)
- Pedercini M Models and communication in the policy process Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Software engineering and formal methods, (35-37)
- Bigus J, Campbell M, Carmeli B, Cefkin M, Chang H, Chen-Ritzo C, Cody W, Ebadollahi S, Evfimievski A, Farkash A, Glissmann S, Gotz D, Grandison T, Gruhl D, Haas P, Hsiao M, Hsueh P, Hu J, Jasinski J, Kaufman J, Kieliszewski C, Kohn M, Knoop S, Maglio P, Mak R, Nelken H, Neti C, Neuvirth H, Pan Y, Peres Y, Ramakrishnan S, Rosen-Zvi M, Renly S, Selinger P, Shabo A, Sorrentino R, Sun J, Syeda-Mahmood T, Tan W, Tao Y, Yaesoubi R and Zhu X (2011). Information technology for healthcare transformation, IBM Journal of Research and Development, 55:5, (492-505), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2011.
- Gonzalez C and Dutt V (2011). A generic dynamic control task for behavioral research and education, Computers in Human Behavior, 27:5, (1904-1914), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2011.
- Haas P, Maglio P, Selinger P and Tan W (2020). Data is dead... without what-if models, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 4:12, (1486-1489), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2011.
- Sanchez-Ramirez C, Gastón Cedillo-Campos M, Perez-Villanueva P and Martinez-Flores J (2011). Global economic crisis and Mexican automotive suppliers, Simulation, 87:8, (711-725), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2011.
- Dix A, Beale R, Shabir N and Leavesley J Anatomy of an early social networking site Proceedings of the 25th BCS Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (243-252)
- Van Dyke Parunak H Between agents and mean fields Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, (113-126)
- Morris A, Ross W and Ulieru M Modelling culture in multi-agent organizations Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Advanced Agent Technology, (65-79)
- Kanungo S and Jain V (2011). Organizational Culture and E-Government Performance, International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 7:2, (36-58), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011.
- Scholz-Reiter B, Toonen C and Lappe D Job-shop-systems Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS international conference on robotics, control and manufacturing technology, and 11th WSEAS international conference on Multimedia systems & signal processing, (87-92)
- Ceresia F (2011). A model of goal dynamics in technology-based organizations, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 28:1-2, (49-76), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2011.
- Rabelo L, Sarmiento A and Jones A (2011). Stability of the supply chain using system dynamics simulation and the accumulated deviations from equilibrium, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2011, (1-10), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2011.
- Jain S and Kibira D A framework for multi-resolution modeling of sustainable manufacturing Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (3423-3434)
- Pastrana J, Helal M, Marin M and Mendizabal C Enterprise scheduling Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (3350-3362)
- Ford D Integrating simulation into the research and teaching of construction engineering and management Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (3049-3055)
- Brailsford S, Desai S and Viana J Towards the holy grail Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (2293-2303)
- Worth T, Uzsoy R, Samoff E, Meyer A, Maillard J and Wendelboe A Modelling the response of a public health department to infectious disease Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (2185-2198)
- Umeda S and Zhang F A simulation modeling framework for supply chain system analysis Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (2011-2022)
- Briano E, Caballini C, Giribone P and Revetria R Using system dynamics for short life cycle supply chains evaluation Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1820-1832)
- Dignum V, Dignum F, Osinga S and Hofstede G Normative, cultural and cognitive aspects of modelling policies Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (720-732)
- Taylor T, Ford D and Ford A Improving model understanding using statistical screening Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (417-427)
- Macal C To agent-based simulation from system dynamics Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (371-382)
- Cao L, Ramesh B and Abdel-Hamid T (2010). Modeling dynamics in agile software development, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 1:1, (1-26), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
- Lättilä L, Hilletofth P and Lin B (2010). Hybrid simulation models - When, Why, How?, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 37:12, (7969-7975), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
- Weber M, Tidwell V and Thacher J (2010). Dynamic physical and economic modelling of riparian restoration options, Environmental Modelling & Software, 25:12, (1825-1836), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
- Brown I, Clark D and Trossen D Should specific values be embedded in the internet architecture? Proceedings of the Re-Architecting the Internet Workshop, (1-6)
- Ivanović D, Treiber M, Carro M and Dustdar S Building dynamic models of service compositions with simulation of provision resources Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Conceptual modeling, (288-301)
- Qudrat-Ullah H (2010). Perceptions of the effectiveness of system dynamics-based interactive learning environments, Computers & Education, 55:3, (1277-1286), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2010.
- Gallo M, Guerra L and Guizzi G Some considerations on inventory-based capacity scalability policies in RMSs Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on System science and simulation in engineering, (342-347)
- Briano E, Caballini C, Modula D, Revetria R and Testa A A system dynamics approach for managing the LNG procurement for an offshore platform feeding a power plant Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on System science and simulation in engineering, (259-269)
- Sveen F, Hernantes J, Gonzalez J and Rich E Towards understanding recurring large scale power outages Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, (43-54)
- Kumar S and Nigmatullin A (2010). Exploring the impact of management of chronic illnesses through prevention on the U.S. healthcare delivery system --A closed loop system's modeling study, Information-Knowledge-Systems Management, 9:3-4, (127-152), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2010.
- Ahamer G and Strobl J (2010). Information Technologies Socialise Geographies, Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 12:3, (1-27), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2010.
- Lipiński B and Tarnawski T Concept of analysing spreading of an "e;Epidemics"e; by means of a multi-agent simulation Proceedings of the 4th KES international conference on Agent and multi-agent systems: technologies and applications, Part I, (411-419)
- Warma H and Hämmäinen H Researching multipath TCP adoption Proceedings of the Mechanisms for autonomous management of networks and services, and 4th international conference on Autonomous infrastructure, management and security, (77-80)
- Mele C, Pels J and Polese F (2010). A Brief Review of Systems Theories and Their Managerial Applications, Service Science, 2:1-2, (126-135), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2010.
- Briano E, Caballini C, Mosca R, Revetria R and Testa A Proposing a system dynamic approach to assess and improve Italian ports competitiveness Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS international conference on Automatic control, modelling & simulation, (219-222)
- Beall A and Ford A (2010). Reports from the Field, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 1:2, (72-89), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2010.
- Choi J, Nazareth D and Jain H (2010). Implementing Service-Oriented Architecture in Organizations, Journal of Management Information Systems, 26:4, (253-286), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2010.
- Suryani E, Chou S and Chen C (2010). Air passenger demand forecasting and passenger terminal capacity expansion, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 37:3, (2324-2339), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2010.
- Briano E, Caballini C, Giribone P and Revetria R Using a system dynamics approach for designing and simulation of short life-cycle products supply chain Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS international conference on Computer engineering and applications, (143-149)
- Menassa C and Mora F Real options and system dynamics approach to model value of implementing a project specific dispute resolution process in construction projects Winter Simulation Conference, (2635-2646)
- Dimitriou S, Robinson S and Kotiadis K The impact of human decision makers' individualities on the wholesale price contract's efficiency Winter Simulation Conference, (2353-2364)
- Kieckhäfer K, Walther G, Axmann J and Spengler T Integrating agent-based simulation and system dynamics to support product strategy decisions in the automotive industry Winter Simulation Conference, (1433-1443)
- Tako A and Robinson S Comparing model development in discrete event simulation and system dynamics Winter Simulation Conference, (979-991)
- Sarmiento A, Rabelo L and Jones A Using particle swarm optimization with a policy optimization approach to stabilize the supply chain Winter Simulation Conference, (851-862)
- Macal C and North M Agent-based modeling and simulation Winter Simulation Conference, (86-98)
- Sudeikat J and Renz W DeCoMAS Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Volume 02, (104-107)
- Sudeikat J and Renz W On the modeling, refinement and integration of decentralized agent coordination Proceedings of the First international conference on Self-organizing architectures, (251-274)
- Hanafizadeh M, Saghaei A and Hanafizadeh P (2009). An index for cross-country analysis of ICT infrastructure and access, Telecommunications Policy, 33:7, (385-405), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2009.
- Reimann P, Frerejean J and Thompson K Using process mining to identify models of group decision making in chat data Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 1, (98-107)
- Reimann P, Aditomo A and Thompson K Students engaged in collaborative modeling Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 1, (28-32)
- Sudeikat J and Renz W Qualitative modeling of MAS dynamics Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Agent-oriented software engineering, (80-93)
- Sudeikat J and Renz W Supporting agent-oriented designs with models of macroscopic system behavior Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems - Volume 2, (1355-1356)
- Agyapong-Kodua K, Ajaefobi J and Weston R (2009). Modelling dynamic value streams in support of process design and evaluation, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 22:5, (411-427), Online publication date: 1-May-2009.
- O'Donnell T, Humphreys P, McIvor R and Maguire L (2009). Reducing the negative effects of sales promotions in supply chains using genetic algorithms, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 36:4, (7827-7837), Online publication date: 1-May-2009.
- Tozan H and Vayvay O (2009). A hybrid Grey & ANFIS approach to bullwhip effect in supply chain networks, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS, 8:4, (461-470), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2009.
- Tebbens R and Thompson K (2009). Priority Shifting and the Dynamics of Managing Eradicable Infectious Diseases, Management Science, 55:4, (650-663), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2009.
- Yuan X and Ashayeri J (2009). Capacity expansion decision in supply chains, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 22:4, (356-373), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2009.
- Tozan H and Vayvay O A combined grey & ANFIS approach to demand variability in supply chain networks Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS international conference on Fuzzy systems, (22-27)
- Danielsen J and Hoffman D Simulation of a cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) separation system Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-9)
- Minami N and Kucik P Developing a dynamic model of the Iraqi insurgency Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, (1-8)
- Fong N and Sturges R (2009). Complex plane design strategy for a responsive lean manufacturing system, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 34:3, (172-179), Online publication date: 15-Mar-2009.
- Lee Y, An L and Connors D Managing workforce resource actions with multiple feedback control schemes Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Winter Simulation, (2783-2791)
- Brailsford S System dynamics Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Winter Simulation, (1478-1483)
- Chahal K and Eldabi T Applicability of hybrid simulation to different modes of governance in UK healthcare Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Winter Simulation, (1469-1477)
- Caballini C and Revetria R Simulating a non multi echelon supply chain model using Berkeley Madonna software Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS international conference on System science and simulation in engineering, (418-424)
- Heikkinen M and Luukkainen S Technology evolution of mobile peer-to-peer communications Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Wireless Internet, (1-9)
- Kim M, Kim C, Hong S and Kwon I (2008). Forward-backward analysis of RFID-enabled supply chain using fuzzy cognitive map and genetic algorithm, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 35:3, (1166-1176), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2008.
- Cummins F (2008). Building the Agile Enterprise, 10.5555/1457662, Online publication date: 26-Sep-2008.
- Thompson K The value of multiple representations for learning about complex systems Proceedings of the 8th international conference on International conference for the learning sciences - Volume 2, (398-406)
- Martinez-Moyano I, Rich E, Conrad S, Andersen D and Stewart T (2008). A behavioral theory of insider-threat risks, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 18:2, (1-27), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2008.
- Pfeiffer D (2008). Listen and learn, Computers in Human Behavior, 24:2, (475-485), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2008.
- Spector J (2008). Cognition and learning in the digital age, Computers in Human Behavior, 24:2, (249-262), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2008.
- Papageorgiou G and Abrosimova K An overview of system dynamics methods for developing management flight simulators Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS international conference on Computational intelligence, man-machine systems and cybernetics, (254-259)
- Lee Y, An L, Bagchi S, Connors D, Kapoor S, Katircioglu K, Wang W and Xu J Discrete event simulation modeling of resource planning and service order execution for service businesses Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come, (2227-2233)
- An L, Jeng J, Lee Y and Ren C Effective workforce lifecycle management via system dynamics modeling and simulation Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come, (2187-2195)
- Anderson E An initial simulation model for aiding policy analysis in urban insurgencies Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come, (1168-1176)
- Janamanchi B and Burns J (2007). Reducing bullwhip oscillation in a supply chain: a system dynamics model-based study, International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 2:4, (350-371), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2007.
- Gonzalez C and Vrbin C Dynamic simulation of medical diagnosis Proceedings of the 3rd Human-computer interaction and usability engineering of the Austrian computer society conference on HCI and usability for medicine and health care, (289-302)
- Gonzalez C and Vrbin C Dynamic Simulation of Medical Diagnosis: Learning in the Medical Decision Making and Learning Environment MEDIC HCI and Usability for Medicine and Health Care, (289-302)
- De Marco A and Rafele C Simulating regional logistics Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS international conference on System science and simulation in engineering, (274-279)
- Clark T, Jones M and Armstrong C (2007). The dynamic structure of management support systems, MIS Quarterly, 31:3, (579-615), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2007.
- Even A, Shankaranarayanan G and Berger P (2007). Economics-Driven Data Management, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19:6, (818-831), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2007.
- Luna-Reyes L, Andersen D, Richardson G, Pardo T and Cresswell A Emergence of the governance structure for information integration across governmental agencies Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Digital government research: bridging disciplines & domains, (47-56)
- Katsamakas E and Georgantzas N Why Most Open Source Development Projects Do Not Succeed? Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Emerging Trends in FLOSS Research and Development
- Ritchie-Dunham J, Morrice D, Anderson E and Dyer J (2007). A Simulation Exercise to Illustrate the Impact of an Enterprise System on a Service Supply Chain, INFORMS Transactions on Education, 7:3, (201-222), Online publication date: 1-May-2007.
- Kljajić M, Škraba A, Borštnar M and Kolmanič E Post decision-making analysis of the reengineering process supported by simulation methods Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Business information systems, (549-561)
- Olson D, Shipley M, Johnson M and Yankov N (2007). Capturing the high-risk environment of the transition economy in Bulgaria-a simulation-based DSS, Decision Support Systems, 42:4, (2004-2015), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
- Orcun S, Uzsoy R and Kempf K Using system dynamics simulations to compare capacity models for production planning Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation, (1855-1862)
- Onggo S, Soopramanien D and Pidd M A dynamic business model for component-based simulation software Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation, (954-959)
- Robinson S Conceptual modeling for simulation Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation, (792-800)
- Alvarez A. H, Solis D, Cano S. A and Sala-Diakanda S System dynamics simulation of the expansion of the Panama Canal Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation, (660-666)
- Martinez-Moyano I, Rich E, Conrad S and Andersen D Modeling the emergence of insider threat vulnerabilities Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation, (562-568)
- Angerhofer B and Angelides M (2006). A model and a performance measurement system for collaborative supply chains, Decision Support Systems, 42:1, (283-301), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2006.
- Rydzak F, Breistrand L, Sveen F, Qian Y and Gonzalez J Exploring resilience towards risks in eoperations in the oil and gas industry Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, (57-70)
- Churilov L and Flitman A (2006). Towards fair ranking of olympics achievements, Computers and Operations Research, 33:7, (2057-2082), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2006.
- Martinez-Moyano I, Rich E and Conrad S Exploring the detection process Proceedings of the 4th IEEE international conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, (701-703)
- Scholl H, Mai J and Fidel R Interdisciplinary analysis of digital government work Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Digital government research, (481-483)
- Van Dyke Parunak H and Brueckner S Concurrent modeling of alternative worlds with polyagents Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Multi-agent-based simulation VII, (128-141)
- Van Dyke Parunak H and Brueckner S Modeling uncertain domains with polyagents Proceedings of the fifth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems, (111-113)
- Marquez A and Blanchar C (2006). A Decision Support System for evaluating operations investments in high-technology business, Decision Support Systems, 41:2, (472-487), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2006.
- Giachetti R, Centeno E, Centeno M and Sundaram R Assessing the viability of an open access policy in an outpatient clinic Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, (2246-2255)
- An L and Jeng J On developing system dynamics model for business process simulation Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, (2068-2077)
- Rabelo L, Eskandari H, Shalan T and Helal M Supporting simulation-based decision making with the use of AHP analysis Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, (2042-2051)
- Bury S and Akiya N Evaluating proposed capital and operational improvements at a marine terminal Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, (2005-2010)
- Venkateswaran J and Son Y Information synchronization effects on the stability of collaborative supply chain Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, (1668-1676)
- Lee S and Peña-Mora F System dyanmics approach for error and change management in concurrent design and construction Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, (1508-1514)
- Quijada S, Arcas J, Renner C and Rabelo L A spatio temporal simulation model for evaluating delinquency and crime policies Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, (1328-1334)
- Dulac N, Leveson N, Zipkin D, Friedenthal S, Cutcher-Gershenfeld J, Carroll J and Barrett B Using system dynamics for safety and risk management in complex engineering systems Proceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation, (1311-1320)
- Gonzalez J Towards a cyber security reporting system – a quality improvement process Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, (368-380)
- Ren C, Chai Y and Liu Y Adding value to system dynamics modeling by using artificial neural network Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in neural networks - Volume Part II, (430-435)
- Kasperska E and Mateja-Losa E Simulation embedded in optimization – a key for the effective learning process in (about) complex, dynamical systems Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Computational Science - Volume Part III, (1040-1043)
- Kasperska E and Słota D Optimization embedded in simulation on models type system dynamics – some case study Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Computational Science - Volume Part I, (837-842)
- O'Looney J Using GIS technology to assess the prudence of municipal growth through annexation Proceedings of the 2005 national conference on Digital government research, (261-262)
- Horan T and Schooley B (2005). Inter-organizational Emergency Medical Services, Information Systems Frontiers, 7:2, (155-173), Online publication date: 1-May-2005.
- Schwaninger M and Hamann T Theory-building with system dynamics Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, (56-62)
- Hazy J and Tivnan B On building an organizationally realistic agent-based model of local interaction and emergent network structure Proceedings of the 36th conference on Winter simulation, (1827-1834)
- Huang P, Lee Y, An L, Ettl M, Buckley S and Sourirajan K Utilizing simulation to evaluate business decisions in sense-and-respond systems Proceedings of the 36th conference on Winter simulation, (1205-1212)
- Rabelo L, Helal M and Lertpattarapong C Analysis of supply chains using system dynamics, neural nets, and eigenvalues Proceedings of the 36th conference on Winter simulation, (1136-1144)
- Cao L Modeling dynamics of agile software development Companion to the 19th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications, (46-47)
- Grønhaug R, Martin E and Bæra P Process improvement Proceedings of the 35th conference on Winter simulation: driving innovation, (1848-1851)
- Mayo D, Dalton W and Callaghan M Strategy simulations Proceedings of the 35th conference on Winter simulation: driving innovation, (1578-1584)
- Mayo D and Wichmann K Strategy simulations Proceedings of the 35th conference on Winter simulation: driving innovation, (1569-1577)
- Rabelo L, Helal M, Jones A, Min J, Son Y and Deshmukh A New manufacturing modeling methodology Proceedings of the 35th conference on Winter simulation: driving innovation, (1125-1133)
- Gibson F (2003). Supporting Learning in Evolving Dynamic Environments, Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 9:4, (305-326), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2003.
- Gonzalez C and Quesada J (2003). Learning in Dynamic Decision Making, Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 9:4, (287-304), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2003.
- Moore A and Ellison R TRIAD Proceedings of the 2003 ACM workshop on Survivable and self-regenerative systems: in association with 10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, (105-109)
- Neiger D and Churilov L Structuring business objectives Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Business process management, (72-87)
- Takadama K, Terano T and Shimohara K (2003). Interpretation by Implementation for Understanding a Multiagent Organization, Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, 9:1, (19-35), Online publication date: 1-May-2003.
- Campbell B and McGrath G The information system within the organization Critical reflections on information systems, (209-225)
- Pulgar-Vidal F Making simulation relevant in business Proceedings of the 34th conference on Winter simulation: exploring new frontiers, (1459-1464)
- Reeping D, McNair L, Martin T and Ozkan D Modeling the Perception of Rigor in Large-Scale Curricular Change 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-5)
Index Terms
- Business Dynamics
Business model dynamics: a case survey
In the turbulent world of e-commerce, companies can only survive by continuously reinventing their business models. However, because most studies look at business models as snapshots in time, there is little insight into how changing market-related, ...