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Logic synthesis for vlsi design
  • University of California, Berkeley
Order Number:AAI9006491
Reflects downloads up to 13 Sep 2024Bibliometrics
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Very Large Scale Integration (scVLSI) currently allows hundreds of thousands of transistors in a single application-specific integrated circuit. The trend of increasing levels of integration has stressed the ability of the designer to keep pace. Traditional integrated circuit design has relied on analysis tools to measure the quality and correctness of a circuit before fabrication. However, only recently have synthesis tools been used to assist in the design process. The advantages of automatic synthesis include reduced design time, reduced probability of design error, and higher quality designs because more effort is focused at higher-levels in the design. Automatic placement and routing, a form of physical design synthesis, has become widely accepted over the last five years; however, logic design has, for the most part, remained a manual task. Logic synthesis is the automation of the logic design phase of scVLSI design; that is, choosing the specific gates and their interconnection to build a desired function. For digital integrated circuits which are partitioned into control and data-path portions, design of the control logic is often the most time-consuming. It is generally on the critical path for timing, and, because of the complexity of producing a correct description of the control, it is often on the critical path for completion of the design. Therefore, tools to assist in logic design will have a large impact on the design of integrated circuits. However, the benefits of automatic logic design are lost if the result does not meet its area, speed, or power constraints. Therefore, a critical aspect of automatic logic synthesis is the optimization problem of deriving a high-quality design from an initial specification. This thesis provides a set of logic optimization algorithms which together form a complete system for logic synthesis in a scVLSI design environment. Efficient, optimal algorithms are proposed for two-level minimization, multiple-level decomposition, and technology mapping. The techniques described in this thesis have been implemented in a software program called scMIS. The design of a complex digital circuit is included as part of this thesis to demonstrate the application of logic synthesis to a realistic design problem.

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  • Synopsys Incorporated
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
