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A model for distributed systems based on graph rewriting

Published: 01 April 1987 Publication History


In our model, a graph describes a net of processes communicating through ports and, at the same time, its computation history consisting of a partial ordering of events. Stand-alone evolution of processes is specified by context-free productions. From productions and a basic synchronization mechanism, a set of context-sensitive rewriting rules that models the evolution of processes connected to the same ports can be derived. A computation is a sequence of graphs obtained by successive rewritings. The result of a finite computation is its last graph, whereas the result of an infinite computation is the limit, infinite graph defined through a completion technique based on metric spaces. A result characterizes a concurrent computation, since it abstracts from any particular interleaving of concurrent events, while in the meantime providing information about termination, partial or complete deadlocks, and fairness. Not every result is acceptable, however, but only the computations that produce a result no longer rewritable are successful. Infinite successful computations are shown to coincide with weakly fair computations, and a scheduler yielding all and only such computations is defined.


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D. John Cooke

In this lengthy paper the authors develop a graphical model to represent the activity of a certain type of distributed system, in which communication is via ports and no more than two processes are required to synchronize at any time via a common port. (This second restriction is introduced in order to keep matters simple but is not inherent in the underlying mathematics.) Basically, the primitive processes and the events to which they relate (the terminology used here is exactly the same as that found in the similarly named variant of Petri nets) give rise to a graph grammar that reflects both causal and communication links. Rewrite rules which ensure synchronization of appropriate events and processes are derived from the productions of the grammar. Execution of the distributed system is then mirrored by applications of these rules to give a sequence of expanding graphs. These represent events that happened in the past and processes that may be executed in the future. The initial configuration of a distributed system thus gives rise to sequences of possible behaviors which may be either finite or infinite. Moreover, the set of such sequences can be endowed with a metric derived from the length of the common truncation of two sequences, and the resulting space is complete. Several other interesting results and characterizations involving deadlocks, fairness, and the locally defined notion of success are derived. In its current form the work is mainly of theoretical interest, and then only to part of the computing community. Applying the work to temporal logic formalisms would seem to be a reasonable next move and should make it more approachable and applicable to both the development and the verification of distributed systems. The paper is logically structured. Aside from its informal second section, which is perhaps not as helpful as the authors believe, and some confusion in the diagrams (it is not always readily apparent which features and labels are mandatory or arbitrary), it reads well. The problem area is complex, and the constructions presented here reflect that complexity. Nevertheless, reading this paper will provide an extra perspective on distributed systems for those who study them.

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cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 34, Issue 2
April 1987
286 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 April 1987
Published in JACM Volume 34, Issue 2


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