Inference with path resolution and semantic graphs
A graphical representation of quantifier-free predicate calculus formulas in negation normal form and a new rule of inference that employs this representation are introduced. The new rule, path resolution, is an amalgamation of resolution and Prawitz ...
Recognizing planar perfect graphs
An O(n3) algorithm for recognizing planar graphs that do not contain induced odd cycles of length greater than 3 (odd holes) is presented. A planar graph with this property satisfies the requirement that its maximum clique size equal the minimum number ...
Estimating the multiplicities of conflicts to speed their resolution in multiple access channels
New, improved algorithms are proposed for regulating access to a multiple-access channel, a common channel shared by many geographically distributed computing stations. A conflict of multiplicity n occurs when n stations transmit simultaneously to the ...
Optimal reconfiguration strategy for a degradable multimodule computing system
A new quantitative approach to the problem of reconfiguring a degradable multimodule system is presented. The approach is concerned with both assigning some modules for computation and arranging others for reliability. Conventionally, a fault-tolerant ...
Answering queries on embedded-complete database schemes
It has been observed that, for some database schemes, users may have difficulties retrieving correct information, even for simple queries. The problem occurs when some implicit “piece” of information, defined on some subset of a relation scheme, is not ...
Associative table lookup processing for multioperand residue arithmetic
This paper investigates the complexity of multioperand residue addition and multiplication implemented by associative table lookup processing. The complexity measure used is the size of the associative memory, that is, the number of matching words in ...
Linear probing with a nonuniform address distribution
This paper presents a new approach to the analysis of hashing with linear probing for nonuniformly distributed hashed keys. The use of urn models is avoided. Instead, some facts about empirical processes, which are well known in statistics are used. In ...
A model for distributed systems based on graph rewriting
In our model, a graph describes a net of processes communicating through ports and, at the same time, its computation history consisting of a partial ordering of events. Stand-alone evolution of processes is specified by context-free productions. From ...
Concurrent dynamic logic
In this paper concurrent dynamic logic (CDL) is introduced as an extension of dynamic logic tailored toward handling concurrent programs. Properties of CDL are discussed, both on the propositional and first-order level, and the extension is shown to ...
Minimal degrees for polynomial reducibilities
The existence of minimal degrees is investigated for several polynomial reducibilities. It is shown that no set has minimal degree with respect to polynomial many-one or Turing reducibility. This extends a result of Ladner in which only recursive sets ...
Decidability of the purely existential fragment of the theory of term algebras
This paper is concerned with the question of the decidability and the complexity of the decision problem for certain fragments of the theory of free term algebras. The existential fragment of the theory of term algebras is shown to be decidable through ...