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10.5555/2133036.2133140acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessodaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Improved dynamic algorithms for maintaining approximate shortest paths under deletions

Published: 23 January 2011 Publication History


We present the first dynamic shortest paths algorithms that make any progress beyond a long-standing O(n) update time barrier (while maintaining a reasonable query time), although it is only progress for not-too-sparse graphs. In particular, we obtain new decremental algorithms for two approximate shortest-path problems in unweighted, undirected graphs. Both algorithms are randomized (Las Vegas).
• Given a source s, we present an algorithm that maintains (1 + ε)-approximate shortest paths from s with an expected total update time of Õ(n2+O(1/√log n)) over all deletions (so the amortized time is about Õ(n2/m)). The worst-case query time is constant. The best previous result goes back three decades to Even and Shiloach [16] and Dinitz [12]. They show how to decrementally maintain an exact shortest path tree with a total update time of O(mn) (amortized update time O(n)). Roditty and Zwick [22] have shown that O(mn) is actually optimal for exact paths (barring a better combinatorial algorithm for boolean matrix multiplication), unless we are willing to settle for a Ω(n) query time. In fact, until now, even approximate dynamic algorithms were not able to go beyond O(mn).
• For any fixed integer k ≥ 2, we present an algorithm that decrementally maintains a distance oracle (for all pairs shortest distances) with a total expected update time of Õ(n2+1/k+O(1/√log n)) (amortized update time about Õ(n2+1/k/m). The space requirement is only O(m + n1+1/k), the stretch of the returned distances is at most 2k − 1 + ε, and the worst-case query time is O(1). The best previous result of Roditty and Zwick [21] had a total update time of Õ(mn) and a stretch of 2k − 1. Note that our algorithm implicitly solves the decremental all-pairs shortest path problem with the same bounds; the best previous approximation algorithm of Roditty and Zwick [21] returned (1 + ε) approximate distances, but used O(n2) space, and required Õ(mn) total update time. As with the previous problem, our algorithm is the first to make progress beyond the O(mn) total update time barrier while maintaining a small query time.
We present a general framework for accelerating decremental algorithms. In particular, our main idea is to run existing decremental algorithms on a sparse subgraph (such as a spanner or emulator) of the graph rather than on the original graph G. Although this is a common approach for static approximate shortest-path problems, it has never been used in a decremental setting because maintaining the subgraph H as edges are being deleted from G might require inserting edges into H, thus ruining the "decrementality" of the setting. We overcome this by presenting an emulator whose maintenance only requires a limited number of well-behaved insertions.
In other words, we present a general technique for running decremental algorithms on a sparse subgraph of the graph. Once our framework is in place, applying it to any particular decremental algorithm only requires trivial modifications; most of the work consists of showing that these algorithms as they are still work in our restricted fully dynamic setting, where we encounter not just arbitrary deletions (as in the original setting), but also restricted insertions.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SODA '11: Proceedings of the twenty-second annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms
January 2011
1785 pages



Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

United States

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Published: 23 January 2011

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  • Research-article


SODA '11
SODA '11: 22nd ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
January 23 - 25, 2011
California, San Francisco

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Overall Acceptance Rate 411 of 1,322 submissions, 31%


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