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10.1007/978-3-031-59835-7guideproceedingsBook PagePublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 25th International Conference, IPCO 2024, Wroclaw, Poland, July 3–5, 2024, Proceedings
2024 Proceeding
  • Editors:
  • Jens Vygen,
  • Jarosław Byrka
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial OptimizationWrocław, Poland3 July 2024
03 July 2024

Reflects downloads up to 12 Feb 2025Bibliometrics

No abstract available.

Front Matter
Pages i–xiii
Back Matter
Sparsity and Integrality Gap Transference Bounds for Integer Programs

We obtain new transference bounds that connect two active areas of research: proximity and sparsity of solutions to integer programs. Specifically, we study the additive integrality gap of the integer linear programs min{c·x:xPZn}, where P={xRn:...

Separating k-MEDIAN from the Supplier Version

Given a metric space (Vd) along with an integer k, the k-MEDIAN problem asks to open k centers CV to minimize vVd(v,C), where d(v,C):=mincCd(v,c). While the best-known approximation ratio 2.613 holds for the more general supplier version ...

    A Better-Than-1.6-Approximation for Prize-Collecting TSP

    Prize-Collecting TSP is a variant of the traveling salesperson problem where one may drop vertices from the tour at the cost of vertex-dependent penalties. The quality of a solution is then measured by adding the length of the tour and the sum of ...

    On Matrices over a Polynomial Ring with Restricted Subdeterminants

    This paper introduces a framework to study discrete optimization problems which are parametric in the following sense: their constraint matrices correspond to matrices over the ring Z[x] of polynomials in one variable. We investigate in particular ...

    A First Order Method for Linear Programming Parameterized by Circuit Imbalance

    Various first order approaches have been proposed in the literature to solve Linear Programming (LP) problems, recently leading to practically efficient solvers for large-scale LPs. From a theoretical perspective, linear convergence rates have ...

    Approximately Packing Dijoins via Nowhere-Zero Flows

    In a digraph, a dicut is a cut where all the arcs cross in one direction. A dijoin is a subset of arcs that intersects each dicut. Woodall conjectured in 1976 that in every digraph, the minimum size of a dicut equals to the maximum number of ...

    Capacitated Facility Location with Outliers and Uniform Facility Costs

    We consider the capacitated facility location problem with outliers when facility costs are uniform. Our main result is the first constant factor approximation for this problem. We give a local search algorithm that requires only 2 operations and ...

    Integer Points in Arbitrary Convex Cones: The Case of the PSD and SOC Cones

    We investigate the semigroup of integer points inside a convex cone. We extend classical results in integer linear programming to integer conic programming. We show that the semigroup associated with nonpolyhedral cones can sometimes have a notion ...

    The Extension Complexity of Polytopes with Bounded Integral Slack Matrices

    We show that any bounded integral function f:A×B{0,1,,Δ} with rank r has deterministic communication complexity ΔO(Δ)·r·logr, where the rank of f is defined to be the rank of the A×B matrix whose entries are the function values. As a corollary, ...

    Assortment Optimization with Visibility Constraints

    Motivated by applications in e-retail and online advertising, we study the problem of assortment optimization under visibility constraints, referred to as APV. We are given a universe of substitutable products and a stream of T customers. The ...

    Adaptivity Gaps in Two-Sided Assortment Optimization

    We study a two-sided assortment optimization framework to address the challenge of choice congestion faced by matching platforms. The goal is to decide the assortments to offer to agents in order to maximize the expected number of matches. We ...

    Two-Stage Stochastic Stable Matching

    We introduce and study a two-stage stochastic stable matching problem between students and schools. A decision maker chooses a stable matching in a marriage instance; then, after some agents enter or leave the market following a probability ...

    Von Neumann-Morgenstern Stability and Internal Closedness in Matching Theory

    Gale and Shapley’s stability criterion enjoys a rich mathematical structure, which propelled its application in various settings. Although immensely popular, the approach by Gale and Shapley cannot encompass all the different features that arise ...

    Fully-Dynamic Load Balancing

    We study the classical load balancing problem in a fully dynamic setting where jobs both arrive and depart. Each job can only be assigned to a subset of machines and can be reassigned at any time step. The goal is to maintain a near-optimal ...

    Pairwise-Independent Contention Resolution

    We study online contention resolution schemes (OCRSs) and prophet inequalities for non-product distributions. Specifically, when the active set is sampled according to a pairwise-independent (PI) distribution, we show a (1-ok(1))-selectable OCRS ...

    An FPTAS for Connectivity Interdiction

    In the connectivity interdiction problem, we are asked to find a global graph cut and remove a subset of edges under a budget constraint, so that the total weight of the remaining edges in this cut is minimized. This problem easily includes the ...

    Tight Lower Bounds for Block-Structured Integer Programs

    We study fundamental block-structured integer programs called tree-fold and multi-stage IPs. Tree-fold IPs admit a constraint matrix with independent blocks linked together by few constraints in a recursive pattern; and transposing their ...

    A Lower Bound for the Max Entropy Algorithm for TSP

    One of the most famous conjectures in combinatorial optimization is the four-thirds conjecture, which states that the integrality gap of the subtour LP relaxation of the TSP is equal to 43. For 40 years, the best known upper bound was 1.5, due to ...

    On the Number of Degenerate Simplex Pivots

    The simplex algorithm is one of the most popular algorithms to solve linear programs (LPs). Starting at an extreme point solution of an LP, it performs a sequence of basis exchanges (called pivots) that allows one to move to a better extreme point ...

    On the Partial Convexification of the Low-Rank Spectral Optimization: Rank Bounds and Algorithms

    A Low-rank Spectral Optimization Problem (LSOP) minimizes a linear objective function subject to multiple two-sided linear inequalities intersected with a low-rank and spectral constrained domain. Although solving LSOP is, in general, NP-hard, its ...

    On the Congruency-Constrained Matroid Base

    Consider a matroid where all elements are labeled with an element in Z. We are interested in finding a base where the sum of the labels is congruent to g(modm). We show that this problem can be solved in O~(24mnr5/6) time for a matroid with n ...

    Online Combinatorial Assignment in Independence Systems

    We consider an online multi-weighted generalization of several classic online optimization problems called the online combinatorial assignment problem. We are given an independence system over a ground set of elements and agents that arrive online ...

    Decomposing Probability Marginals Beyond Affine Requirements

    Consider the triplet (E,P,π), where E is a finite ground set, P2E is a collection of subsets of E and π:P[0,1] is a requirement function. Given a vector of marginalsρ[0,1]E, our goal is to find a distribution for a random subset SE such that ...

    Polynomial Algorithms to Minimize 2/3-Submodular Functions

    It is a fundamental result in combinatorial optimization that submodular functions can be minimized in polynomial-time. This paper considers the minimization problem for a more general class of set functions that contains all submodular functions. ...

    A 43-Approximation for the Maximum Leaf Spanning Arborescence Problem in DAGs

    The Maximum Leaf Spanning Arborescence problem (MLSA) is defined as follows: Given a directed graph G and a vertex rV(G) from which every other vertex is reachable, find a spanning arborescence rooted at r maximizing the number of leaves (...

    Extending the Primal-Dual 2-Approximation Algorithm Beyond Uncrossable Set Families

    A set family F is uncrossable if AB,ABF or A\B,B\AF for any A,BF. A classic result of Williamson, Goemans, Mihail, and Vazirani [STOC 1993:708-717] states that the problem of covering an uncrossable set family by a min-cost edge set admits ...

    Network Flow Problems with Electric Vehicles

    Electric vehicle (EV) adoption in long-distance logistics faces challenges such as range anxiety and uneven distribution of charging stations. Two pivotal questions emerge: How can EVs be efficiently routed in a charging network considering range ...

    Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Mixed-Integer Programs for Stable Set and Knapsack

    Standard mixed-integer programming formulations for the stable set problem on n-node graphs require n integer variables. We prove that this is almost optimal: We give a family of n-node graphs for which every polynomial-size MIP formulation ...

    • University of Bonn
    • University of Wrocław
