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A First Order Method for Linear Programming Parameterized by Circuit Imbalance
Various first order approaches have been proposed in the literature to solve Linear Programming (LP) problems, recently leading to practically efficient solvers for large-scale LPs. From a theoretical perspective, linear convergence rates have ...
Integer Points in Arbitrary Convex Cones: The Case of the PSD and SOC Cones
We investigate the semigroup of integer points inside a convex cone. We extend classical results in integer linear programming to integer conic programming. We show that the semigroup associated with nonpolyhedral cones can sometimes have a notion ...
Assortment Optimization with Visibility Constraints
Motivated by applications in e-retail and online advertising, we study the problem of assortment optimization under visibility constraints, referred to as APV. We are given a universe of substitutable products and a stream of T customers. The ...
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Stability and Internal Closedness in Matching Theory
Gale and Shapley’s stability criterion enjoys a rich mathematical structure, which propelled its application in various settings. Although immensely popular, the approach by Gale and Shapley cannot encompass all the different features that arise ...
Tight Lower Bounds for Block-Structured Integer Programs
We study fundamental block-structured integer programs called tree-fold and multi-stage IPs. Tree-fold IPs admit a constraint matrix with independent blocks linked together by few constraints in a recursive pattern; and transposing their ...
On the Partial Convexification of the Low-Rank Spectral Optimization: Rank Bounds and Algorithms
A Low-rank Spectral Optimization Problem (LSOP) minimizes a linear objective function subject to multiple two-sided linear inequalities intersected with a low-rank and spectral constrained domain. Although solving LSOP is, in general, NP-hard, its ...
Polynomial Algorithms to Minimize 2/3-Submodular Functions
It is a fundamental result in combinatorial optimization that submodular functions can be minimized in polynomial-time. This paper considers the minimization problem for a more general class of set functions that contains all submodular functions. ...
A -Approximation for the Maximum Leaf Spanning Arborescence Problem in DAGs
Network Flow Problems with Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicle (EV) adoption in long-distance logistics faces challenges such as range anxiety and uneven distribution of charging stations. Two pivotal questions emerge: How can EVs be efficiently routed in a charging network considering range ...