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STOC '80: Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
ACM1980 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Los Angeles California USA April 28 - 30, 1980
28 April 1980


No abstract available.

Definability in Dynamic Logic

We study the expressive power of various versions of Dynamic Logic and compare them with each other as well as with standard languages in the logical literature. One version of Dynamic Logic is equivalent to the infinitary logic LCKω1ω, but regular ...

Logics for probabilistic programming (Extended Abstract)

This paper introduces a logic for probabilistic programming+ PROB-DL (for probabilistic dynamic logic; see Section 2 for a formal definition). This logic has “dynamic” modal operators in which programs appear, as in Pratt's [1976] dynamic logic DL. ...

Complete axiomatization of algorithmic properties of program schemes with bounded nondeterministic interpretations

Propositional algorithmic logic PAL is a propositional counterpart of algorithmic logics. It investigates properties of program connectives: begin...end, while...do, if..then..else, or .... PAL supplies tools for reasoning about programs constructed ...

Dynamic algebras and the nature of induction

Dynamic algebras constitute the variety (equationally defined class) of models of the Segerberg axioms for propositional dynamic logic. We obtain the following results (to within inseparability). (i) In any dynamic algebra * is reflexive transitive ...

A decision method for the equivalence of some non-real-time deterministic pushdown automata

A generalization of the alternate stacking procedure of Valiant for deciding the equivalence of some deterministic pushdown automata (dpda) is introduced. To analyze the power of the generalized procedure we define a subclass of dpda's, called the ...

On the distribution of independent formulae of number theory

It follows by Gödel's incompleteness Theorem [6] that any effective sound system of logic for elementary arithmetic must be incomplete. We show that in any effective sound system of logic for elementary arithmetic, there exist valid unprovable formulae ...

The consistency of "P = NP" and related problems with fragments of number theory

The main results of this paper demonstrate the consistency of “P = NP” and a variant of “NP @@@@ coNP” with certain natural fragments of number theory to be defined precisely in the sequel.@@@@ Consistency results represent an approach to the lower ...

Independence results in Computer Science? (Preliminary Version)

Although there has been considerable additional work discussing limitations of formal proof techniques for Computer Science ([YO-73&77], [HAR-76], [HAR&HO-77], [HAJ-77&79], [GO-79]), these papers show only very general consequences of incompleteness: ...

Fast allocation of nearby resources in a distributed system

Dijkstra's informally-stated Dining Philosophers problem [D] involves a number n of philosophers sitting in a circle, a single fork between each pair of adjacent philosophers. The problem is to program the philosophers in ways which guarantee certain ...

Local and global properties in networks of processors (Extended Abstract)

This paper attempts to get at some of the fundamental properties of distributed computing by means of the following question: “How much does each processor in a network of processors need to know about its own identity, the identities of other ...

Deadlock- and livelock-free packet switching networks

A controller for a packet switching network is an algorithm to control the flow of packets through the network. A local controller is a controller executed independently by each node in the network, using only local information available to these nodes. ...

Kraft storage and access for list implementations(Extended Abstract)

This paper is part of an investigation into efficient ways of implementing variable-length lists (see Brown [1]). Storage and access optimality are discussed from an information-theoretic viewpoint; in particular, we develop the notions of Kraft storage ...

Vector execution of flow graphs(Extended Abstract)

Given a vector of tasks intended to execute the same program simultaneously on a machine which can execute only one instruction at a time, but can execute that instruction for any specified subset of the vector, the object is to schedule the execution ...

A complete axiomatization for a large class of dependencies in relational datatbases

Relational database theory has discovered complete axiomatizations for functional and multivalued dependencies. However, a database design system that makes use of dependencies declared by the user must deal with some more general kinds of dependencies ...

Horn clauses and database dependencies (Extended Abstract)

In the last year or so, a number of generalizations of these dependencies have appeared: Nicolas's mutual dependencies [Ni], which say that a relation is the join of three of its projections; Rissanen's and Aho, Beeri, and Ullman's join dependencies ([...

Dynamically maintaining configurations in the plane (Detailed Abstract)

For a number of common configurations of points (lines) in the plane, we develop datastructures in which insertions and deletions of points (or lines, respectively) can be processed rapidly without sacrificing much of the efficiency of query answering ...

Detection is easier than computation (Extended Abstract)

Perhaps the most important application of computer geometry involves determining whether a pair of convex objects intersect. This problem is well understood in a model of computation where the objects are given as input and their intersection is ...

On translating a set of rectangles

Given a collection of disjoint objects in the plane, we are interested in translating them by a common vector. If we have a primitive for translating one object at a time, then the order in which the objects can individually be translated is often ...

An optimal solution to a wire-routing problem (preliminary version)

A wire-routing problem which arises commonly in the layout of circuits for very large scale integration (VLSI) is discussed. Given the coordinates of terminals u1, u2, ..., un of one component and v1, v2, ..., vn of another, the problem is to lay out n ...

Optimal tree layout (Preliminary Version)

We consider the problem of finding a minimal cost layout of a tree in Euclidian d-space. A tree is an acyclic undirected edge-weighted graph, and a layout is an assignment of a point in d-dimensional Euclidian space to each of the nodes of the tree. The ...

The chip complexity of binary arithmetic

The chip complexity of a computation is concerned with the chip area, A, and the time, T, required to perform the computation when implemented on a chip. An area-time product ATα,for α ≥ 0, is used as a complexity measure. A particular value of α, which ...

The node cost measure for embedding graphs on the planar grid (Extended Abstract)

The two major cost measures used in the past for grid embeddings are area (or the area of the smallest square or rectangle that contains the embedding) and total edge length. This paper is primarily concerned with a third measure, total number of nodes. ...

An approach to the k paths problem

The k paths problem asks whether it is possible to find k edge-disjoint paths joining k given pairs of vertices in a graph. We show that this problem can be solved in polynomial time for k≤5 if the input graph is k+2 -connected.

It follows from this ...

Isomorphism for graphs embeddable on the projective plane

There are no known polynomial time algorithms for graph isomorphism. For certain classes of graphs, however, efficient algorithms have been found. In particular, there is a polynomial time algorithm for isomorphism of planar graphs [4,5].

This paper ...

Isomorphism testing for graphs of bounded genus

We present an algorithm which determines isomorphism of graphs in vO(g)steps where v is the number of vertices and g is the genus of the graphs. In [FMR 79] an algorithm was presented for embedding graph on surfaces of genus g in vO(g) steps. Here we ...

A polynomial-time algorithm for determining the isomorphism of graphs of fixed genus

The isomorphism problem for graphs has been in recent years the object of a much research (see e.g. [Col 78] or [Re-Cor 77]). Its complexity is still unknown. It is not known whether the problem is NP-complete, although it is NP, of course. It is not ...

Testing isomorphism of cone graphs(Extended Abstract)

We give algorithms to decide graph isomorphism in a subclass of graphs which we call cone graphs. A cone graph is an undirected graph for which there exists a vertex r which uniquely determines a breadth-first search (BFS) tree. Equivalently, all ...

The orbit problem is decidable

The “accessibility problem” for linear sequential machines (Harrison [7]) is the problem of deciding whether there is an input x that sends such a machine from a given state q1 to a given state q2. Harrison [7] showed that this problem is reducible to ...

Testing polynomials which are easy to compute (Extended Abstract)

We exploit the fact that the set of all polynomials Pε@@@@[x1,..,xn] of degree ≤d which can be evaluated with ≤v nonscalar steps can be embedded into a Zariski-closed affine set W(d,n,v),dim W(d,n,v)≤(v+1 +n)2 and deg W(d,n,v)≤(2vd)(v+1+n)2. As a ...

The complexity of the equivalence problem for straight-line programs

We look at several classes of straight-line programs and show that the equivalence problem is either undecidable or computationally intractable for all but the trivial classes. For example, there is no algorithm to determine if an arbitrary program (...

  • University of Maryland, College Park
  • University of California, San Diego
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • University of Southern California

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing


      Acceptance Rates

      STOC '80 Paper Acceptance Rate 47 of 125 submissions, 38%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 1,469 of 4,586 submissions, 32%
      STOC '153479327%
      STOC '143199129%
      STOC '1336010028%
      STOC '113048428%
      STOC '083258025%
      STOC '032708030%
      STOC '022879132%
      STOC '012308336%
      STOC '001828547%
      STOC '981697544%
      STOC '972117536%
      STOC '962017437%
      STOC '891965629%
      STOC '881925328%
      STOC '871655030%
      STOC '801254738%
      STOC '791113733%
      STOC '781203832%
      STOC '77873136%
      STOC '76833036%
      STOC '75873136%
      STOC '74953537%
      STOC '71502346%
      STOC '70702739%