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STOC '75: Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
ACM1975 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Albuquerque New Mexico USA May 5 - 7, 1975
05 May 1975


No abstract available.

Proceeding Downloads

Complexity measures and hierarchies for the evaluation of integers, polynomials, and n-linear forms

The difficulty of evaluating integers and polynomials has been studied in various frameworks ranging from the addition-chain approach [5] to integer evaluation to recent efforts aimed at generating polynomials that are hard to evaluate [2,8,10]. Here we ...

A generalization and proof of the Aanderaa-Rosenberg conjecture

We investigate the maximum number C(P) of arguments of P that must be tested in order to compute P, a Boolean function of d Boolean arguments. We present evidence for the general conjecture that C(P)=d whenever P(0d) @@@@ P(1d) and P is left invariant ...

The complexity of parallel evaluation of linear recurrence

The concept of computers such as C.mmp and ILLIAC IV is to achieve computational speed-up by performing several operations simultaneously with parallel processors. This type of computer organization is referred to as a parallel computer. In this paper, ...

On computing the minima of quadratic forms (Preliminary Report)

The following problem was recently raised by C. William Gear [1]: Let F(x1,x2,...,xn) = Σi≤j a'ijxixj + Σi bixi +c be a quadratic form in n variables. We wish to compute the point x→(0) = (x1(0),...,xn(0)), at which F achieves its minimum, by a series ...

A 2.5 n-lower bound on the combinational complexity of Boolean functions

Consider the combinational complexity L(f) of Boolean functions over the basis Ω = {f¦ f:{0,1}2 → {0,1}}. A new Method for proving linear lower bounds of size 2n is presented. Combining it with methods presented in [12] and [15], we establish for a ...

Lower bounds on the size of Boolean formulas: Preliminary Report

Let C(n)k be the Boolean function of n variables that equals one iff the number of arguments equal to one is a multiple of k. It is shown that every Boolean expression for C(n)k, allowing all of the 16 binary connectives, has size exceeding εn log n/log ...

On non-linear lower bounds in computational complexity

The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility that purely graph-theoretic reasons may account for the superlinear complexity of wide classes of computational problems. The results are therefore of two kinds: reductions to graph theoretic ...

On the complexity of grammar and related problems

In [1] and [2] a complexity theory for formal languages and automata was developed. This theory implies most of the previously known results and yields many new results as well. Here we develop an analogous theory for several classes of more practically ...

A combinatorial problem which is complete in polynomial space

We consider a generalization, which we call the Shannon switching game on vertices, of a familiar board game called HEX. We show that determining who wins such a game if each player plays perfectly is very hard; in fact, it is as hard as carrying out ...

On the validity and complexity of bounded resolution

Several procedures based on (not necessarily regular) resolution for checking whether a formula in CN3 is contradictory are considered. The procedures use various methods of bounding the size of the clauses which are generated. The following results are ...

Feasibly constructive proofs and the propositional calculus (Preliminary Version)

The motivation for this work comes from two general sources. The first source is the basic open question in complexity theory of whether P equals NP (see [1] and [2]). Our approach is to try to show they are not equal, by trying to show that the set of ...

Computability concepts for programming language semantics

This paper is about mathematical problems in programming language semantics and their influence on recursive function theory. We define a notion of computability on continuous higher types (for all types) and show its equivalence to effective operators. ...

Proving assertions about programs that manipulate data structures

In this paper we wish to consider the problem of proving assertions about programs that construct and alter data structures. Our method will be to define a suitable assertion language L for data structures, to define a simple programming language L' for ...

On (un)predictability of formal languages (Extended Abstract)

Formal language theory deals with a variety of classes of languages. Some of these are abstracting features of languages used for communication (as e.g., natural languages, programming languages or languages used in logic), some of them are abstracting ...

On decomposing languages defined by parallel devices

In this paper we give a method for decomposing subclasses of different families of languages, into other possibly smaller families. This method can be used to produce languages not in a family by using known examples of languages not belonging to other ...

Intercalation theorems for tree transducer languages

We develop intercalation lemmas for the computations of the top-down tree transducers defined by Rounds [15] and Thatcher [17]. These lemmas are used to prove necessary conditions for languages all of whose strings are of exponential length to be tree ...

On the (combinatorial) structure of L languages without interactions (Extended Abstract)

This paper presents some such results for various families of L languages without interactions (see, e.g., [2] or [9]). We have chosen to investigate L languages (without interactions) because:

(i) they are physically well motivated, see, e.g., [5],


Degree-languages, polynomial time recognition, and the LBA problem

The so-called Chomsky hierarchy [5], consisting of regular, context-free, context-sensitive, and recursively enumerable languages, does not account for many “real world” classes of languages, e.g., programming languages and natural languages [4]. This ...

Comparative complexity of grammar forms

The definition of “grammar form” introduced in [CG] makes it possible to state and prove results about various types of grammars in a uniform way. Among questions naturally formalizable in this framework are many about the complexity or efficiency of ...

Hashing schemes for extendible arrays (Extended Abstract)

The use of hashing schemes for storing extendible arrays is investigated. It is shown that extendible hashing schemes whose worst-case access behavior is close to optimal must utilize storage inefficiently; conversely, hashing schemes that utilize ...

Four models for the analysis and optimization of program control structures

The analysis of the relation between the structure of a program and the function that it computes requires a decomposition of the program into its components. Traditionally this decomposition has been based on the common division of a program into ...

Node listings for reducible flow graphs

In [1], Kennedy conjectures that for every n node reducible flow graph, there is a sequence of nodes (with repetitions) of length O(nlogn) such that all acyclic paths are subsequences thereof. Such a sequence would, if it could be found easily, enable ...

The complexity of control structures and data structures

The running time or computational complexity of a sequential process is usually determined by summing weights attached to the basic operations from which the process is derived. In practice, however, the complexity is often limited by how efficiently it ...

The optimal fixedpoint of recursive programs

In this paper a new fixedpoint approach towards the semantics of recursive programs is presented. The fixedpoint defined by a recursive program under this semantics contains, in some sense, the maximal amount of “interesting” information which can be ...

Optimal code generation for expression trees

We discuss the problem of generating code for a wide class of machines, restricting ourselves to the computation of expression trees. After defining a broad class of machines and discussing the properties of optimal programs on these machines, we derive ...

On the complexity of the Extended String-to-String Correction Problem

The Extended String-to-String Correction Problem [ESSCP] is defined as the problem of determining, for given strings A and B over alphabet V, a minimum-cost sequence S of edit operations such that S(A) = B. The sequence S may make use of the operations: ...

Geometric complexity

The complexity of a number of fundamental problems in computational geometry is examined and a number of new fast algorithms are presented and analyzed. General methods for obtaining results in geometric complexity are given and upper and lower bounds ...

Riemann's Hypothesis and tests for primality

The purpose of this paper is to present new upper bounds on the complexity of algorithms for testing the primality of a number. The first upper bound is 0(n1/7); it improves the previously best known bound of 0(n1/4) due to Pollard [11].

The second ...

Two applications of a probabilistic search technique: Sorting X+Y and building balanced search trees

Let X = {x1,...,xN} and Y = {y1,...,yN} be sets of N real numbers. We denote by X + Y the multiset {xi + yj; 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N} of size N2. Berklekamp has posed the problem of sorting X + Y. Harper, Payne, Savage and Strauss [1] show that N21og2N comparisons ...

Algorithmic aspects of vertex elimination

We consider a graph-theoretic elimination process which is related to performing Gaussian elimination on sparse symmetric and unsymmetric systems of linear equations. We discuss good algorithms for finding elimination orderings, showing that a ...

  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • University of California, Berkeley

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing


      Acceptance Rates

      STOC '75 Paper Acceptance Rate 31 of 87 submissions, 36%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 1,469 of 4,586 submissions, 32%
      STOC '153479327%
      STOC '143199129%
      STOC '1336010028%
      STOC '113048428%
      STOC '083258025%
      STOC '032708030%
      STOC '022879132%
      STOC '012308336%
      STOC '001828547%
      STOC '981697544%
      STOC '972117536%
      STOC '962017437%
      STOC '891965629%
      STOC '881925328%
      STOC '871655030%
      STOC '801254738%
      STOC '791113733%
      STOC '781203832%
      STOC '77873136%
      STOC '76833036%
      STOC '75873136%
      STOC '74953537%
      STOC '71502346%
      STOC '70702739%