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STOC '87: Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
ACM1987 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
STOC87: 19th Annual ACM Conference on Theory of Computing New York New York USA
01 January 1987


No abstract available.

Proceeding Downloads

Matrix multiplication via arithmetic progressions

We present a new method for accelerating matrix multiplication asymptotically. This work builds on recent ideas of Volker Strassen, by using a basic trilinear form which is not a matrix product. We make novel use of the Salem-Spencer Theorem, which ...

Solving minimum-cost flow problems by successive approximation

We introduce a framework for solving minimum-cost flow problems. Our approach measures the quality of a solution by the amount that the complementary slackness conditions are violated. We show how to extend techniques developed for the maximum flow ...

A new approach to all pairs shortest paths in planar graphs

An algorithm is presented for generating a succinct encoding of all pairs shortest path information in a directed planar graph G with real-valued edge costs but no negative cycles. The algorithm runs in Ο(pn) time, where n is the number of vertices in G,...

An algorithm for linear programming which requires O(((m+n)n2+(m+n)1.5n)L) arithmetic operations

We present an algorithm for linear programming which requires Ο(((m + n) n2 + (m + n)1.5 n) L) arithmetic operations where m is the number of inequalities, and n is the number of variables. Each operation is performed to a precision of Ο (L) bits. L is ...

A Linear time algorithm for computing the Voronoi diagram of a convex polygon

We present an algorithm for computing certain kinds of three-dimensional convex hulls in linear time. Using this algorithm, we show that the Voronoi diagram of n points in the plane can be computed in Θ(n) time when these points form the vertices of a ...

Approximation algorithms for shortest path motion planning

This paper gives approximation algorithms of solving the following motion planning problem: Given a set of polyhedral obstacles and points s and t, find a shortest path from s to t that avoids the obstacles. The paths found by the algorithms are ...

The complexity of cutting convex polytypes

Throughout this paper, we use the term subdivision as a shorthand for “a subdivision of E2 into convex regions”. A subdivision is said to be of size n if it is made of n convex (open) regions, and it is of degree d if every region is adjacent to at most ...

Algebraic methods in the theory of lower bounds for Boolean circuit complexity

We use algebraic methods to get lower bounds for complexity of different functions based on constant depth unbounded fan-in circuits with the given set of basic operations. In particular, we prove that depth k circuits with gates NOT, OR and MODp where ...

Optimal bounds for decision problems on the CRCW PRAM

We prove optimal Ω(log n/log log n) lower bounds on the time for CRCW PRAM's with polynomially bounded numbers of processors or memory cells to compute parity and a number of related problems. We also exhibit a strict time hierarchy of explicit Boolean ...

Two tapes are better than one for off-line Turing machines

We prove the first superlinear lower bound for a concrete decision problem in P on a Turing machine with one work tape and a two-way input tape (also called: off-line 1-tape Turing machine). In particular we show for off-line Turing machines that 2 ...

Finite monoids and the fine structure of NC1

Recently a new connection was discovered between the parallel complexity class NC1 and the theory of finite automata, in the work of Barrington [Ba86] on bounded width branching programs. There (non-uniform) NC1 was characterized as those languages ...

The strong exponential hierarchy collapses

The polynomial hierarchy, composed of the levels P, NP, PNP, NPNP, etc., plays a central role in classifying the complexity of feasible computations. It is not known whether the polynomial hierarchy collapses.

We resolve the question of collapse for an ...

The Boolean formula value problem is in ALOGTIME
Deterministic simulation in LOGSPACE

In this paper we show that a wide class of probabilistic algorithms can be simulated by deterministic algorithms. Namely if there is a test in LOGSPACE so that a random sequence of length (log n)2 / log log n passes the test with probability at least 1/...

Properties that characterize LOGCFL

Two properties, called semi-unboundedness, and polynomial proof-size, are identified as key properties shared by the definitions of LOGCFL on several models of computations. The semi-unboundedness property leads to the definition of new models of ...

Some consequences of the existence of pseudorandom generators

If secure pseudorandom generators exist, then probabilistic computation does not uniformly speed up deterministic computation. If sets in P must contain infinitely many noncomplex strings, then nondeterministic computation does not uniformly speed up ...

Efficiency considerations in using semi-random sources
Imperfect random sources and discrete controlled processes

We consider a simple model for a class of discrete control processes, motivated in part by recent work about the behavior of imperfect random sources in computer algorithms. The process produces a string of characters from {0, 1} of length n and is a “...

The power of randomness for communication complexity

Improving a result of Mehlhorn and Schmidt, a function f with deterministic communication complexity n2 is shown to have Las Vegas communication complexity Ο(n). This is the best possible, because the deterministic complexity cannot be more than the ...

Towards a theory of software protection and simulation by oblivious RAMs

Software protection is one of the most important issues concerning computer practice. There exist many heuristics and ad-hoc methods for protection, but the problem as a whole has not received the theoretical treatment it deserves. In this paper, we ...

On hiding information from an oracle

We consider the problem of computing with encrypted data. Player A wishes to know the value ƒ(x) for some x but lacks the power to compute it. Player B has the power to compute ƒ and is willing to send ƒ(y) to A if she sends him y, for any y. Informally,...

The complexity of perfect zero-knowledge

A Perfect Zero-Knowledge interactive proof system convinces a verifier that a string is in a language without revealing any additional knowledge in an information-theoretic sense. We show that for any language that has a perfect zero-knowledge proof ...

Zero knowledge proofs of identity

In this paper we extend the notion of zero knowledge proofs of membership (which reveal one bit of information) to zero knowledge proofs of knowledge (which reveal no information whatsoever). After formally defining this notion, we show its relevance to ...

How to play ANY mental game

We present a polynomial-time algorithm that, given as a input the description of a game with incomplete information and any number of players, produces a protocol for playing the game that leaks no partial information, provided the majority of the ...

Optimal distributed algorithms for minimum weight spanning tree, counting, leader election, and related problems

This paper develops linear time distributed algorithms for a class of problems in an asynchronous communication network. Those problems include Minimum-Weight Spanning Tree (MST), Leader Election, counting the number of network nodes, and computing a ...

Analysis of backoff protocols for multiple access channels

In the paper, we analyze the stochastic behavior of backoff protocols for multiple access channels such as the Ethernet. In particular, we prove that binary exponential backoff is unstable if the arrival rate of new messages at each station is λ/N for ...

Dynamic parallel complexity of computational circuits

The dynamic parallel complexity of general computational circuits (defined in introduction) is discussed. We exhibit some relationships between parallel circuit evaluation and some uniform closure properties of a certain class of unary functions and ...

Constructing disjoint paths on expander graphs

In a typical parallel or distributed computation model processors are connected by a sparse interconnection network. To establish open-line communication between pairs of processors that wish to communicate interactively, a set of disjoint paths has to ...

Reconfiguring a hypercube in the presence of faults

We consider the computational power of a hypercube containing a potentially large number of randomly located faulty components. In particular, we describe algorithms for embedding an N/2-node hypercube in an N-node hypercube with faulty processors. ...

  • Columbia University


Acceptance Rates

STOC '87 Paper Acceptance Rate 50 of 165 submissions, 30%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 1,469 of 4,586 submissions, 32%
STOC '153479327%
STOC '143199129%
STOC '1336010028%
STOC '113048428%
STOC '083258025%
STOC '032708030%
STOC '022879132%
STOC '012308336%
STOC '001828547%
STOC '981697544%
STOC '972117536%
STOC '962017437%
STOC '891965629%
STOC '881925328%
STOC '871655030%
STOC '801254738%
STOC '791113733%
STOC '781203832%
STOC '77873136%
STOC '76833036%
STOC '75873136%
STOC '74953537%
STOC '71502346%
STOC '70702739%