Sampling bias in CS education, and where's the cyber strategy?
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Automating proofs
Math struggles with the usability of formal proofs.
Existing technologies can assist the disabled
Researchers consider how to adapt broadly available technology products for those battling physical impairments.
Search engine agendas
Is Google trying to trick you on the way to the polls?
The internet and inequality
Is universal access to the Internet a realistic method for addressing worldwide socioeconomic inequality?
The need for corporate diplomacy
Whether global companies succeed or fail often depends on how effectively they develop and maintain cooperative relationships with other organizations and governments.
Beyond viral
The proliferation of social media usage has not resulted in significant social change.
More encryption means less privacy
Retaining electronic privacy requires more political engagement.
Why logical clocks are easy
Sometimes all you need is the right language.
How SysAdmins devalue themselves
How to lose friends and alienate coworkers.
How colors in business dashboards affect users' decision making
Business dashboards that overuse or misuse colors cause cognitive overload for users who then take longer to make decisions.
Multimodal biometrics for enhanced mobile device security
Fusing information from multiple biometric traits enhances authentication in mobile devices.
40 years of suffix trees
Tracing the first four decades in the life of suffix trees, their many incarnations, and their applications.
Secure multiparty computations on Bitcoin
Is it possible to design an online protocol for playing a lottery, in a completely decentralized way, that is, without relying on a trusted third party? Or can one construct a fully decentralized protocol for selling secret information, so that neither ...
A fistful of Bitcoins: characterizing payments among men with no names
- Sarah Meiklejohn,
- Marjori Pomarole,
- Grant Jordan,
- Kirill Levchenko,
- Damon McCoy,
- Geoffrey M. Voelker,
- Stefan Savage
Bitcoin is a purely online virtual currency, unbacked by either physical commodities or sovereign obligation; instead, it relies on a combination of cryptographic protection and a peer-to-peer protocol for witnessing settlements. Consequently, Bitcoin ...