Seismic tomography has been used to infer that some descending slabs of oceanic lithosphere plunge deep into the Earth's lower mantle1,2. The fate of these slabs has remained unresolved, but it has been postulated that their ultimate destination is the lowermost few hundred kilometres of the mantle, known as the Dâ³ region. Relatively cold slab material may account for high seismic velocities imaged in Dâ³ beneath areas of long-lived plate subduction, and for reflections from a seismic velocity discontinuity just above the anomalously high wave speed regions3,4. The Dâ³ discontinuity itself is probably the result of a phase change in relatively low-temperature magnesium silicate perovskite5,6. Here, we present images of the Dâ³ region beneath the Cocos plate using Kirchhoff migration of horizontally polarized shear waves, and find a 100-km vertical step occurring over less than 100âkm laterally in an otherwise flat Dâ³ shear velocity discontinuity. Folding and piling of a cold slab that has reached the coreâmantle boundary, as observed in numerical and experimental models, can account for the step by a 100-km elevation of the post-perovskite phase boundary due to a 700â°C lateral temperature reduction in the folded slab. We detect localized low velocities at the edge of the slab material, which may result from upwellings caused by the slab laterally displacing a thin hot thermal boundary layer.
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M. Thorne provided three-dimensional finite difference synthetics for versions of our step discontinuity structure. We also thank Q. Williams for discussions.
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Hutko, A., Lay, T., Garnero, E. et al. Seismic detection of folded, subducted lithosphere at the coreâmantle boundary. Nature 441, 333â336 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature04757
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nature04757