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Robust inside-outside segmentation using generalized winding numbers

Published: 21 July 2013 Publication History


Solid shapes in computer graphics are often represented with boundary descriptions, e.g. triangle meshes, but animation, physically-based simulation, and geometry processing are more realistic and accurate when explicit volume representations are available. Tetrahedral meshes which exactly contain (interpolate) the input boundary description are desirable but difficult to construct for a large class of input meshes. Character meshes and CAD models are often composed of many connected components with numerous self-intersections, non-manifold pieces, and open boundaries, precluding existing meshing algorithms. We propose an automatic algorithm handling all of these issues, resulting in a compact discretization of the input's inner volume. We only require reasonably consistent orientation of the input triangle mesh. By generalizing the winding number for arbitrary triangle meshes, we define a function that is a perfect segmentation for watertight input and is well-behaved otherwise. This function guides a graphcut segmentation of a constrained Delaunay tessellation (CDT), providing a minimal description that meets the boundary exactly and may be fed as input to existing tools to achieve element quality. We highlight our robustness on a number of examples and show applications of solving PDEs, volumetric texturing and elastic simulation.

Supplementary Material

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Charalambos Poullis

When dealing with computer processes such as animation, physically based simulations, and geometry processing, it is imperative that the objects appear as realistic and accurate as possible. This is not necessary when dealing exclusively with the boundary descriptions of an object. Moreover, constructing a tetrahedral mesh from just the boundary description is a complex problem that involves a lot of tedious, manual work. In this paper, the authors address the complex problem of automatically generating tetrahedral meshes from just the boundary description. They propose an automatic algorithm for handling all the inherent problems such as self-intersections, open boundaries, and so on. In the process, the authors also introduce a novel inside-outside confidence function by generalizing the winding number. The proposed technique is extensively tested and the results are presented. The paper is very well-written and the organization makes it easy to read. This paper will certainly interest anyone involved with computer graphics and computer vision. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 32, Issue 4
July 2013
1215 pages
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Publication History

Published: 21 July 2013
Published in TOG Volume 32, Issue 4


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  1. inside-outside segmentation
  2. tetrahedral meshing
  3. winding number


  • Research-article

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