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Possibilities and challenges with eye tracking in video games and virtual reality applications

Published: 28 November 2016 Publication History


Due to an increase in affordable, reliable and non-intrusive eye trackers the technology has recently been used by the video game industry. This course offers participants the opportunity to get an update on research and developments in gaze-based interaction techniques in combination with other sensors. The course consists of three parts: (1) a review of eye tracking analysis and interaction in video games and virtual reality applications, (2) possibilities and challenges with gaze-based interaction, and (3) lessons learned from developing a commercial video game application using eye tracking along with alternative virtual reality technologies. This course is relevant for everyone who is interested in developing games that use eye tracking as an interaction device. The content is suitable for beginners or experienced delegates who want to learn more about the state of the art and future possibilities in eye tracking combined with other sensors as interaction devices. We believe that games and virtual reality applications have just started to incorporate these new techniques and further research and developments are needed in order to evaluate novel ways to enhance gameplay.


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