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Property-Directed Inference of Universal Invariants or Proving Their Absence

Published: 29 March 2017 Publication History


We present Universal Property Directed Reachability (PDR), a property-directed semi-algorithm for automatic inference of invariants in a universal fragment of first-order logic. PDR is an extension of Bradley’s PDR/IC3 algorithm for inference of propositional invariants. PDR terminates when it discovers a concrete counterexample, infers an inductive universal invariant strong enough to establish the desired safety property, or finds a proof that such an invariant does not exist. PDR is not guaranteed to terminate. However, we prove that under certain conditions, for example, when reasoning about programs manipulating singly linked lists, it does.
We implemented an analyzer based on PDR and applied it to a collection of list-manipulating programs. Our analyzer was able to automatically infer universal invariants strong enough to establish memory safety and certain functional correctness properties, show the absence of such invariants for certain natural programs and specifications, and detect bugs. All this without the need for user-supplied abstraction predicates.


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  1. Property-Directed Inference of Universal Invariants or Proving Their Absence



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        Journal of the ACM  Volume 64, Issue 1
        February 2017
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 29 March 2017
        Accepted: 01 December 2016
        Revised: 01 November 2016
        Received: 01 January 2016
        Published in JACM Volume 64, Issue 1


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        1. EPR
        2. IC3
        3. PDR
        4. Universal invariants
        5. property-directed reachability


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        • Broadcom Foundation and Tel Aviv University Authentication Initiative
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