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Multi-plié: A Linear Foldable and Flattenable Interactive Display to Support Efficiency, Safety and Collaboration

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


We present the design concept of an accordion-fold interactive display to address the limits of touch-based interaction in airliner cockpits. Based on an analysis of pilot activity, tangible design principles for this design concept are identified. Two resulting functional prototypes are explored during participatory workshops with pilots, using activity scenarios. This exploration validated the design concept by revealing its ability to match pilot responsibilities in terms of safety, efficiency and collaboration. It provides an efficient visual perception of the system for real-time collaborative operations and tangible interaction to strengthen the perception of action and to manage safety through anticipation and awareness. The design work and insights enabled to specify further our needs regarding flexible screens. They also helped to better characterize the design concept as based on continuity of a developed surface, predictability of aligned folds and pleat face roles, embodied interactive properties, and flexibility through affordable reconfigurations.

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  1. Multi-plié: A Linear Foldable and Flattenable Interactive Display to Support Efficiency, Safety and Collaboration



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      CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
      May 2019
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      Published: 02 May 2019


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      1. aeronautics
      2. design
      3. ethnography
      4. safety
      5. shape-changing interfaces
      6. tangible interaction
      7. touchscreens


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