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Document rectification and illumination correction using a patch-based CNN

Published: 08 November 2019 Publication History


We propose a novel learning method to rectify document images with various distortion types from a single input image. As opposed to previous learning-based methods, our approach seeks to first learn the distortion flow on input image patches rather than the entire image. We then present a robust technique to stitch the patch results into the rectified document by processing in the gradient domain. Furthermore, we propose a second network to correct the uneven illumination, further improving the readability and OCR accuracy. Due to the less complex distortion present on the smaller image patches, our patch-based approach followed by stitching and illumination correction can significantly improve the overall accuracy in both the synthetic and real datasets.

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December 2019
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Published: 08 November 2019
Published in TOG Volume 38, Issue 6


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  1. convolutional neural networks
  2. deep learning
  3. document image rectification


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