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Worst-case Satisfaction of STL Specifications Using Feedforward Neural Network Controllers: A Lagrange Multipliers Approach

Published: 08 October 2019 Publication History


In this paper, a reinforcement learning approach for designing feedback neural network controllers for nonlinear systems is proposed. Given a Signal Temporal Logic (STL) specification which needs to be satisfied by the system over a set of initial conditions, the neural network parameters are tuned in order to maximize the satisfaction of the STL formula. The framework is based on a max-min formulation of the robustness of the STL formula. The maximization is solved through a Lagrange multipliers method, while the minimization corresponds to a falsification problem. We present our results on a vehicle and a quadrotor model and demonstrate that our approach reduces the training time more than 50 percent compared to the baseline approach.


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ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 18, Issue 5s
Special Issue ESWEEK 2019, CASES 2019, CODES+ISSS 2019 and EMSOFT 2019
October 2019
1423 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 08 October 2019
Accepted: 01 July 2019
Revised: 01 June 2019
Received: 01 April 2019
Published in TECS Volume 18, Issue 5s


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  1. Reinforcement learning
  2. neural network controller
  3. signal temporal logic


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