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User Authentication via Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


We propose a novel modality for active biometric authentication: electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). To explore this, we engineered an interactive system, which we call ElectricAuth, that stimulates the user’s forearm muscles with a sequence of electrical impulses (i.e., EMS challenge) and measures the user’s involuntary finger movements (i.e., response to the challenge). ElectricAuth leverages EMS’s intersubject variability, where the same electrical stimulation results in different movements in different users because everybody’s physiology is unique (e.g., differences in bone and muscular structure, skin resistance and composition, etc.). As such, ElectricAuth allows users to login without memorizing passwords or PINs.
ElectricAuth’s challenge-response structure makes it secure against data breaches and replay attacks, a major vulnerability facing today’s biometrics such as facial recognition and fingerprints. Furthermore, ElectricAuth never reuses the same challenge twice in authentications – in just one second of stimulation it encodes one of 68M possible challenges. In our user studies, we found that ElectricAuth resists: (1) impersonation attacks (false acceptance rate: 0.17% at 5% false rejection rate); (2) replay attacks (false acceptance rate: 0.00% at 5% false rejection rate); and, (3) synthesis attacks (false acceptance rates: 0.2-2.5%). Our longitudinal study also shows that ElectricAuth produces consistent results over time and across different humidity and muscle conditions.

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