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QuadStream: A Quad-Based Scene Streaming Architecture for Novel Viewpoint Reconstruction

Published: 30 November 2022 Publication History


Streaming rendered 3D content over a network to a thin client device, such as a phone or a VR/AR headset, brings high-fidelity graphics to platforms where it would not normally possible due to thermal, power, or cost constraints. Streamed 3D content must be transmitted with a representation that is both robust to latency and potential network dropouts. Transmitting a video stream and reprojecting to correct for changing viewpoints fails in the presence of disocclusion events; streaming scene geometry and performing high-quality rendering on the client is not possible on limited-power mobile GPUs. To balance the competing goals of disocclusion robustness and minimal client workload, we introduce QuadStream, a new streaming content representation that reduces motion-to-photon latency by allowing clients to efficiently render novel views without artifacts caused by disocclusion events. Motivated by traditional macroblock approaches to video codec design, we decompose the scene seen from positions in a view cell into a series of quad proxies, or view-aligned quads from multiple views. By operating on a rasterized G-Buffer, our approach is independent of the representation used for the scene itself; the resulting QuadStream is an approximate geometric representation of the scene that can be reconstructed by a thin client to render both the current view and nearby adjacent views. Our technical contributions are an efficient parallel quad generation, merging, and packing strategy for proxy views covering potential client movement in a scene; a packing and encoding strategy that allows masked quads with depth information to be transmitted as a frame-coherent stream; and an efficient rendering approach for rendering our QuadStream representation into entirely novel views on thin clients. We show that our approach achieves superior quality compared both to video data streaming methods, and to geometry-based streaming.

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  1. QuadStream: A Quad-Based Scene Streaming Architecture for Novel Viewpoint Reconstruction



          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
          ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 41, Issue 6
          December 2022
          1428 pages
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          This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.


          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 30 November 2022
          Published in TOG Volume 41, Issue 6

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          Author Tags

          1. object space shading
          2. shading atlas
          3. streaming
          4. temporal coherence
          5. texture-space shading
          6. virtual reality


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