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Modeling Adaptive Expression of Robot Learning Engagement and Exploring Its Effects on Human Teachers

Published: 23 September 2023 Publication History


Robot Learning from Demonstration (RLfD) allows non-expert users to teach a robot new skills or tasks directly through demonstrations. Although modeled after human–human learning and teaching, existing RLfD methods make robots act as passive observers without the feedback of their learning statuses in the demonstration gathering stage. To facilitate a more transparent teaching process, we propose two mechanisms of Learning Engagement, Z2O-Mode and D2O-Mode, to dynamically adapt robots’ attentional and behavioral engagement expressions to their actual learning status. Through an online user experiment with 48 participants, we find that, compared with two baselines, the two kinds of Learning Engagement can lead to users’ more accurate mental models of the robot’s learning progress, more positive perceptions of the robot, and better teaching experience. Finally, we provide implications for leveraging engagement expression to facilitate transparent human-AI (robot) communication based on our key findings.

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Supplementary materials


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Index Terms

  1. Modeling Adaptive Expression of Robot Learning Engagement and Exploring Its Effects on Human Teachers



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
      ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction  Volume 30, Issue 5
      October 2023
      593 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 23 September 2023
      Online AM: 19 November 2022
      Accepted: 05 August 2022
      Revised: 31 May 2022
      Received: 30 June 2021
      Published in TOCHI Volume 30, Issue 5


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      1. Human-robot interaction
      2. learning from demonstration
      3. transparent AI
      4. robot teaching
      5. robot engagement


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