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Building an Ethics-Focused Action Plan: Roles, Process Moves, and Trajectories

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


Design and technology practitioners are increasingly aware of the ethical impact of their work practices, desiring tools to support their ethical awareness across a range of contexts. In this paper, we report on findings from a series of six co-creation workshops with 26 technology and design practitioners that supported their creation of a bespoke ethics-focused action plan. Using a qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis approach, we identified a range of roles and process moves that practitioners and design students with professional experience employed and illustrate the interplay of these elements that impacted the creation of their action plan and revealed aspects of their ethical design complexity. We conclude with implications for supporting ethics in socio-technical practice and opportunities for the further development of methods that support ethical engagement and are resonant with the realities of practice.

Supplemental Material

MP4 File - Video Presentation
Video Presentation
Transcript for: Video Presentation
PDF File - Building blocks created for the workshop
A PDF file including a visual summary of all method building blocks we extracted for this study, including their relationship to the original design methods.
PDF File - Co-creation workshop environment
A PDF file depicting the Miro environment where participants engaged in co-creation activities across multiple "floors."
PDF File - Co-creation workshop protocol
A PDF file describing the activities and structure of the co-creation workshop.


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