GIS-Based Flood Assessment Using Hydraulic Modeling and Open Source Data: An Example of Application
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Materials and Software Used
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- hydrological data, specifically flow rate and water levels, measured at hydrometric stations along the analyzed river segment, obtained from the Crișuri Water Basin Administration [54]. Daily, monthly, and annual average values for five consecutive years were considered;
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- Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with a spatial resolution of 1 m (1 point/m2) generated from LiDAR data, a product obtained through the LAKI I and LAKI II projects of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity (ANCPI) [58];
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- field data, specifically detailed topographic surveys, including the measurement of elevation points on the thalweg of the Cigher River and its minor riverbed;
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- aerial photographs from the Cigher River basin, captured using a UAV DJI Phantom 4 device available in the GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory of ULS Timișoara;
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- Corine Land Cover (CLC) database, 2018 edition, vector data, used for analyzing the impact of floods on land use classes, available on the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service platform [59];
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2.3. Research Methodology
3. Results
3.1. Processing and Validation of the Digital Elevation Model
3.2. Tracing the Geometric Elements of the Analyzed River Sector
3.3. Setting Parameters for Permanent Flow Analysis
3.4. Hydraulic Modeling
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- water velocity (Vel Chnl) increases consistently from S1 to S4 as the discharge increases. For example, at ST32, velocity rises from 0.56 m s−1 in S1 to 1.11 m s−1 in S4, while at ST1, the increase is even more pronounced, from 1.96 m s−1 in S1 to 2.53 m s−1 in S4;
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- water level (W.S. Elev) increases with each scenario due to the rising discharge. For instance, at ST32, water elevation increases from 138.9 m in S1 to 140.19 m in S4, while at ST1, the increase is from 112.27 m in S1 to 113.31 m in S4;
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- flow area increases significantly with discharge as well. At ST32, the flow area expands from 14.21 m2 in S1 to 67.43 m2 in S4, while at ST1, it grows from 4.08 m2 in S1 to 37.12 m2 in S4;
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- Froude number (Froude # Chl) varies but not linearly with discharge. Overall, the values remain relatively constant across most scenarios, with a slight upward trend at higher discharges.
3.5. Estimating the Impact of Floods on Land
4. Discussion
4.1. The European, National, and Local Context of Floods: Incidence, Trends, and Impact
4.2. The Relevance and Applicability of the Proposed Working Model for Flood Risk Analysis
4.3. The Role of Hydraulic Modeling in Flood Risk Assessment and Management
4.4. Floods: Challenges for Agriculture, Grasslands, and Anthropogenic Spaces
4.5. Study Limitations and Future Research Directions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Copăcean, L.; Man, E.T.; Cojocariu, L.L.; Popescu, C.A.; Vîlceanu, C.-B.; Beilicci, R.; Creţan, A.; Herbei, M.V.; Cuzic, O.Ş.; Herban, S. GIS-Based Flood Assessment Using Hydraulic Modeling and Open Source Data: An Example of Application. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 2520.
Copăcean L, Man ET, Cojocariu LL, Popescu CA, Vîlceanu C-B, Beilicci R, Creţan A, Herbei MV, Cuzic OŞ, Herban S. GIS-Based Flood Assessment Using Hydraulic Modeling and Open Source Data: An Example of Application. Applied Sciences. 2025; 15(5):2520.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCopăcean, Loredana, Eugen Teodor Man, Luminiţa L. Cojocariu, Cosmin Alin Popescu, Clara-Beatrice Vîlceanu, Robert Beilicci, Alina Creţan, Mihai Valentin Herbei, Ovidiu Ştefan Cuzic, and Sorin Herban. 2025. "GIS-Based Flood Assessment Using Hydraulic Modeling and Open Source Data: An Example of Application" Applied Sciences 15, no. 5: 2520.
APA StyleCopăcean, L., Man, E. T., Cojocariu, L. L., Popescu, C. A., Vîlceanu, C.-B., Beilicci, R., Creţan, A., Herbei, M. V., Cuzic, O. Ş., & Herban, S. (2025). GIS-Based Flood Assessment Using Hydraulic Modeling and Open Source Data: An Example of Application. Applied Sciences, 15(5), 2520.