Sen2Like: Paving the Way towards Harmonization and Fusion of Optical Data
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- i.
- Image stitching of the different tiles;
- ii.
- Geometric corrections including the co-registration to a reference image;
- iii.
- Inter-calibration (for S2 L1C);
- iv.
- Atmospheric corrections;
- v.
- Transformation to Nadir Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR);
- vi.
- Application of Spectral Band Adjustment Factor (SBAF) (for LS8/9);
- vii.
- Production of LS8/LS9 high resolution 10 m pixel spacing data (data fusion).
2.1. Sen2Like Software Design Elements
2.2. Product Description and Auxiliary Data
- The geometric reference data involved in the co-registration step;
- The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) data [21], meteorological data released by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF);
- The spectral adjustment parameter set (SBAF corrections);
- The calibration processing coefficient;
- The directional effects correction factors (NBAR corrections).
2.3. Image Correction Methodology
2.3.1. Geometric Correction
2.3.2. Atmospheric Correction
2.3.3. BRDF Correction
- and are the volume and the roughness parameters that describe the BRDF shape,
- The parameters are the solar/viewing, zenith and the relative azimuth,
- The parameter is related to the spectral band taken into consideration for this calculation.
- are six-degree polynomial coefficients—the parameter values are listed in Table 3,
- is the latitude of the MGRS tile scene center.
2.3.4. Spectral Band Adjustment Factor (SBAF)
2.4. Validity Mask
2.5. Data Fusion
- is the final LS8 image at the S2 spatial resolution, with deconvolution from 30 m to 10 m,
- is the original LS8 image resampled from 30 m to 10 m by using bilinear interpolation, which is associated to the phase of signal,
- is the image of differences derived between 30 m and 10 m spatial resolution predicted by using S2 data and associated with the amplitude of the signal.
3. Validation Results
4. Discussions
4.1. The S2L Framework
4.2. Adaptation to Further Optical Missions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. S2L Data Description
Appendix A.1. Image Data
Level 2H | Level 2F | |
S2 | The harmonized surface reflectance tiles at Sentinel-2 spatial resolution with 7 bands: B01 (60 m), B02 (10 m), B03 (10 m), B04 (10 m), B8A (20 m), B11 (20 m), B12 (20 m) | |
LS8 | The harmonized surface reflectance tiles with 7 bands at Landsat-8 spatial resolution (B01, B02, B03, B04, B8A (L05), B11 (L06), B12 (L07) | The fused surface reflectance tiles with 6 bands at Sentinel-2 resolution B02, B03, B04, B8A (L05), B11 (L06), B12 (L07) and with 1 band at Landsat-8 resolution B01 (30 m) |
NATIVES2 | The surface reflectance tiles at Sentinel-2 spatial resolution with 4 channels B05 (20 m), B06 (20 m), B07 (20 m), B08 (10 m) | |
NATIVELS8 | The panchromatic surface reflectance tile (15 m) and the 2 emissive bands at 30 m resolution (L10 & L11) |
Image Name | Image Format | Resolution | Description |
Preview Image | GeoTIFF (8 bit) | 320 m | RGB (3 channels: RED = B4; GREEN = B3; BLUE = B2). Preview dynamic is stretched (min = 0.0, max = 0.250, scale = 255.0) |
Quicklook Image | JPEG | 30 m | RGB (3 channels: RED = B4; GREEN = B3; BLUE = B2). Preview dynamic is stretched (min = 0.0, max = 0.250, scale = 255.0) |
Quicklook Image | JPEG | 30m | SWIR-NIR (3 channels: RED = B12; GREEN = B11; BLUE = B8A). Preview dynamic is stretched (min = 0.0, max = 0.40, scale = 255.0) |
Appendix A.2. Metadata
Metadata Name | Description |
Product Level | |
Information |
| |
Processing Level | |
List of image files L2H/F composing the products | |
Spectral information (relation between production image channels and on-board spectral bands) Solar irradiance (per band) and the correction U related to the Earth-Sun distance variation | |
Reflectance quantification value (for conversion of digital numbers into reflectance); | |
Special values encoding (e.g., NODATA). | |
Quality Indicator | Cloud coverage assessment |
Tile Level | |
Metadata | Tile identifier, as referenced by Level-1C data |
Tile geocoding:
| |
Mean sun angles (zenith and azimuth) | |
Mean viewing incidence angles per band (zenith and azimuth) | |
Quality indicator | Cloudy pixel percentage |
Pixel level quality indicator: pointer to the QI files Quicklooks and Preview data information: pointer to image files |
Appendix A.3. Quality Indicator Data
Name | Description | QI Parameters |
L2A_SceneClass | L2A scene classification QI (Sen2Cor version 2.10 ATBD, available at accessed on 7 July 2022) | Percentage of classified pixels |
L2A_AtmCorr | L2A atmospheric correction QI (Sen2Cor version 2.10 ATBD, available at accessed on 7 July 2022) | Average values of atmospheric parameters (ozone, water vapor, aerosol) Average solar zenith angle |
Auxiliary Data | Digital Elevation Model QI, Meteorological data QI | Place reserved, intended for Sen2like 4.2 |
L2{H,F}_Geometry | Reference of the method (string) QI derived from the geometric assessment processing | BAND, COREGISTRATION BEFORE_CORRECTION, COREGISTRATION AFTER_CORRECTION, NB_OF_POINTS, MEAN, STD, RMSE, SKEW, KURTOSIS [22,23,24,25] |
L2{H,F}_BRDF_NBAR | Reference of the method (string) QI derived from the BRDF processing | KERNEL_DEFINITION, CONSTANT SOLAR_ZENITH_ANGLE, MEAN DELTA_AZIMUTH [38,39] |
L2{H,F}_SBAF | Reference of the method (string) SBAF coefficients and offsets (values) | SBAF coefficients and offsets per band [8] |
L2F_FUS L2F only | Reference of the method (string) QI derived from the processing | Sen2like ATBD (unpublished) |
Appendix B. Validation of Data Fusion Algorithm
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S2L Band | Band Designation | S2 MSI Bands (Center Wavelength [µm]) | LS8/LS9 OLI/TIRS Bands (Center Wavelength [µm]) | L2H S2 Resolution(m) | L2H- LS8/LS9 Resolution (m) | L2F S2 Resolution (m) | L2F LS8/LS9 Resolution (m) |
B01 | Coastal Aerosol | B01 (443 nm) | B01 (442 nm) | 60 | 30 | 60 | 30 |
B02 | Blue | B02 (490 nm) | B02 (482 nm) | 10 | 30 | 10 | 10 |
B03 | Green | B03 (560nm) | B03 (561 nm) | 10 | 30 | 10 | 10 |
B04 | Red | B04 (665 nm) | B04 (654 nm) | 10 | 30 | 10 | 10 |
B08 | NIR 1 | B08 (842 nm) | None 1 | 10 | - | 10 | - |
B8A | NIR2 | B8A (865 nm) | B05 (864 nm) | 20 | 30 | 20 | 20 |
B11 | SWIR 1 | B11 (1610 nm) | B06 (1608 nm) | 20 | 30 | 20 | 20 |
B12 | SWIR 2 | B12 (2190 nm) | B07 (2200 nm) | 20 | 30 | 20 | 20 |
BP1 | Panchromatic | None 2 | B08 (589 nm) | - | 15 | - | 15 |
BT1 | TIRS 1 | None 2 | B10 (11 µm) | - | 100 | - | 100 |
BT2 | TIRS 2 | None 2 | B11 (12.2 µm) | - | 100 | - | 100 |
B05 | Red Edge 1 | B05 (705 nm) | None 1 | 20 | - | 20 | |
B06 | Red Edge 2 | B06 (740 nm) | None 1 | 20 | - | 20 | |
B07 | Red Edge 3 | B07 (783 nm) | None 1 | 20 | - | 20 |
Algorithm | BRDF Approach | BRDF Dynamic | Use of HR NDVI | Use of MR BRDF | Land Cover | BRDF Coefficients at HR |
C-factor 1 [39,40] | MCD43 | No BRDF dynamic | No | No | No | No |
LUM [42] | MCD43 | spatial and temporal variations | No | MCD43 at 500 m | Yes (CDL2) | Yes (but per crop) |
VI-dis [43] | VJB | Spatial and temporal variation | Yes | MODIS VJB at 1250 m | No | No |
HABA [41] | VJB | Spatial and temporal variation | Yes | MODIS VJB at 1000 m | Yes | Yes |
31.0076 | −0.1272 | 0.01187 | 2.40 × 10−5 | −9.48 × 10−9 | −1.95 × 10−9 | 6.15 × 10−11 |
Band | Method | Mean | Std | % Corr |
B02 | DIR | 0.01297 | 0.01174 | |
C-FACTOR | 0.01482 | 0.01402 | 14.24% | |
HABA | 0.01213 | 0.01139 | −6.45% | |
B03 | DIR | 0.01179 | 0.01207 | |
C-FACTOR | 0.01397 | 0.01460 | 18.56% | |
HABA | 0.01062 | 0.01185 | −9.90% | |
B04 | DIR | 0.01144 | 0.01318 | |
C-FACTOR | 0.01357 | 0.01552 | 18.58% | |
HABA | 0.01051 | 0.01279 | −8.19% | |
B8A | DIR | 0.01994 | 0.02038 | |
C-FACTOR | 0.02431 | 0.02213 | 21.96% | |
HABA | 0.01742 | 0.02002 | −12.60% | |
B11 | DIR | 0.01424 | 0.01842 | |
C-FACTOR | 0.01753 | 0.02012 | 23.03% | |
HABA | 0.01243 | 0.01791 | −12.74% | |
B12 | DIR | 0.02621 | 0.01686 | |
C-FACTOR | 0.03134 | 0.01851 | 19.58% | |
HABA | 0.02442 | 0.01614 | −6.82% |
Pixel Number | Mean S2A | Mean LS8 | LS8/S2A | Accuracy (A) | Precision (P) | Uncertainty (U) | ||
L2H (30 m) | B02 | 99,346 | 0.109 | 0.103 | 0.945 | 0.006 | 0.008 | 0.010 |
B03 | 99,358 | 0.149 | 0.148 | 0.996 | 0.001 | 0.009 | 0.009 | |
B04 | 99,321 | 0.205 | 0.201 | 0.980 | 0.004 | 0.012 | 0.013 | |
L2F (10 m) | B02 | 99,159 | 0.109 | 0.103 | 0.944 | 0.006 | 0.007 | 0.009 |
B03 | 99,208 | 0.149 | 0.148 | 0.996 | 0.001 | 0.008 | 0.008 | |
B04 | 99,380 | 0.205 | 0.201 | 0.980 | 0.004 | 0.010 | 0.011 |
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Saunier, S.; Pflug, B.; Lobos, I.M.; Franch, B.; Louis, J.; De Los Reyes, R.; Debaecker, V.; Cadau, E.G.; Boccia, V.; Gascon, F.; et al. Sen2Like: Paving the Way towards Harmonization and Fusion of Optical Data. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3855.
Saunier S, Pflug B, Lobos IM, Franch B, Louis J, De Los Reyes R, Debaecker V, Cadau EG, Boccia V, Gascon F, et al. Sen2Like: Paving the Way towards Harmonization and Fusion of Optical Data. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(16):3855.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaunier, Sébastien, Bringfried Pflug, Italo Moletto Lobos, Belen Franch, Jérôme Louis, Raquel De Los Reyes, Vincent Debaecker, Enrico G. Cadau, Valentina Boccia, Ferran Gascon, and et al. 2022. "Sen2Like: Paving the Way towards Harmonization and Fusion of Optical Data" Remote Sensing 14, no. 16: 3855.
APA StyleSaunier, S., Pflug, B., Lobos, I. M., Franch, B., Louis, J., De Los Reyes, R., Debaecker, V., Cadau, E. G., Boccia, V., Gascon, F., & Kocaman, S. (2022). Sen2Like: Paving the Way towards Harmonization and Fusion of Optical Data. Remote Sensing, 14(16), 3855.