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IZA Discussion Papers

From Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
IZA, P.O. Box 7240, D-53072 Bonn, Germany.
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4287: Circular Migration or Permanent Return: What Determines Different Forms of Migration? Downloads
Florin Vadean and Matloob Piracha
4286: The Informal Sector Wage Gap: New Evidence Using Quantile Estimations on Panel Data Downloads
Olivier Bargain and Prudence Magejo
4285: A Model of Overconfidence Downloads
Bruce Weinberg
4284: The Impact of a Phased Retirement Program: A Case Study Downloads
Marta Lachowska, Annika Sundén and Eskil Wadensjö
4283: Does Culture Affect Unemployment? Evidence from the Röstigraben Downloads
Beatrix Brügger, Rafael Lalive and Josef Zweimüller
4282: Competing on Good Politicians Downloads
Vincenzo Galasso and Tommaso Nannicini
4281: Flexible Labor Supply Models Downloads
Olivier Bargain
4280: Educational Mismatch: Are High-Skilled Immigrants Really Working at High-Skilled Jobs and the Price They Pay If They Aren't? Downloads
Barry Chiswick and Paul Miller
4279: Religion, Human Capital Investments and the Family in the United States Downloads
Evelyn Lehrer
4278: Paying More than Necessary? The Wage Cushion in Germany Downloads
Sven Jung and Claus Schnabel
4277: The Responsiveness of Remittances to the Oil Price: The Case of the GCC Downloads
George Naufal and Ali Termos
4276: Institutional Development and Colonial Heritage within Brazil Downloads
Joana Naritomi, Rodrigo Soares and Juliano Assuncao
4275: Work and Money: Payoffs by Ethnic Identity and Gender Downloads
Amelie Constant and Klaus Zimmermann
4274: The Impact of Childhood Health on Adult Labor Market Outcomes Downloads
James Smith
4273: Immigration to the Land of Redistribution Downloads
Tito Boeri
4272: Kinky Choices, Dictators and Split Might: A Non-Cooperative Model for Household Consumption and Labor Supply Downloads
Jan Boone, Karen van der Wiel and Frederic Vermeulen
4271: Estimating the Firm's Labor Supply Curve in a "New Monopsony" Framework: School Teachers in Missouri Downloads
Michael Ransom and David P. Sims
4270: Birth Weight and the Dynamics of Early Cognitive and Behavioural Development Downloads
Emilia Del Bono and John Ermisch
4269: Cognition and Economic Outcomes in the Health and Retirement Survey Downloads
John J. McArdle, James Smith and Robert Willis
4268: What Affects International Migration of European Science and Engineering Graduates? Downloads
Andries de Grip, Didier Fouarge and Jan Sauermann
4267: Causes and Consequences of a Father's Child Leave: Evidence from a Reform of Leave Schemes Downloads
Helena Nielsen
4266: The Height Premium in Earnings: The Role of Physical Capacity and Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills Downloads
Petter Lundborg, Paul Nystedt and Dan-Olof Rooth
4265: Immigration, Family Responsibilities and the Labor Supply of Skilled Native Women Downloads
Lidia Farre, Libertad Gonzalez and Francesc Ortega
4264: Will You Still Need Me – When I'm 64? Downloads
Jan van Ours
4263: Age at Migration and Social Integration Downloads
Olof Åslund, Anders Böhlmark and Oskar Skans
4262: Gift Exchange and Workers' Fairness Concerns: When Equality Is Unfair Downloads
Johannes Abeler, Steffen Altmann, Sebastian Kube and Matthias Wibral
4261: The Effect of Adversity on Process Innovations and Managerial Incentives Downloads
Benoit Dostie and Rajshri Jayaraman
4260: EU Enlargement and Ireland's Labour Market Downloads
Alan Barrett
4259: Government Decentralization as a Disincentive for Transnational Terror? An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Axel Dreher and Justina A. V. Fischer
4258: Cyclical Skill-Biased Technological Change Downloads
Almut Balleer and Thijs van Rens
4257: Does Labor Supply Respond to a Flat Tax? Evidence from the Russian Tax Reform Downloads
Denvil Duncan and Klara Sabirianova Peter
4256: Trade Reforms and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia Downloads
Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger, Adriana Kugler and Maurice Kugler
4255: Child Care Subsidies and Childhood Obesity Downloads
Chris M. Herbst and Erdal Tekin
4254: Job Satisfaction and the Labor Market Institutions in Urban China Downloads
John Heywood, William Siebert and Xiangdong Wei
4253: How Does Retirement Affect Health? Downloads
Stefanie Behncke
4252: The US Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoff: Methodological Issues and Further Evidence Downloads
Marika Karanassou and Hector Sala
4251: Subsidizing Vocational Training for Disadvantaged Youth in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Randomized Trial Downloads
Orazio Attanasio, Adriana Kugler and Costas Meghir
4250: Entrepreneurship: Origins and Returns Downloads
Helge Berglann, Espen Moen, Knut Røed and Jens Fredrik Skogstrøm
4249: Down from the Mountain: Skill Upgrading and Wages in Appalachia Downloads
Christopher Bollinger, James Ziliak and Kenneth Troske
4248: Workers Made Idle by Company Strikes and the 'British Disease' Downloads
Robert Hart
4247: Structural Change out of Agriculture: Labor Push versus Labor Pull Downloads
Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado and Markus Poschke
4246: Unionization and the Evolution of the Wage Distribution in Sweden: 1968 to 2000 Downloads
James Albrecht, Anders Bjorklund and Susan Vroman
4245: Who Values the Status of the Entrepreneur? Downloads
Mirjam Praag
4244: The Duration of Paid Parental Leave and Children's Scholastic Performance Downloads
Qian Liu and Oskar Skans
4243: Large Demographic Shocks and Small Changes in the Marriage Market Downloads
Loren Brandt, Aloysius Siow and Carl Vogel
4242: Forecasting with Spatial Panel Data Downloads
Badi Baltagi, Georges Bresson and Alain Pirotte
4241: Women, Children and Patience: Experimental Evidence from Indian Villages Downloads
Michal Bauer and Julie Chytilová
4240: The Anatomy of Absenteeism Downloads
Simen Markussen, Knut Røed, Ole Rogeberg and Simen Gaure
4239: Labour Supply Effects of a Subsidised Old-Age Part-Time Scheme in Austria Downloads
Nikolaus Graf, Helmut Hofer and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
4238: Analyzing Female Labor Supply: Evidence from a Dutch Tax Reform Downloads
Nicole Bosch and Bas van der Klaauw
4237: Identification and Estimation of Causal Mechanisms and Net Effects of a Treatment under Unconfoundedness Downloads
Carlos A. Flores and Alfonso Flores-Lagunes
4236: Long-Term Impact of Youth Minimum Wages: Evidence from Two Decades of Individual Longitudinal Data Downloads
Ana Rute Cardoso
4235: Pay for Politicians and Candidate Selection: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Kaisa Kotakorpi and Panu Poutvaara
4234: Network Formations among Immigrants and Natives Downloads
Gil Epstein and Heizler (Cohen), Odelia
4233: Inequality and Volatility Moderation in Russia: Evidence from Micro-Level Panel Data on Consumption and Income Downloads
Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Klara Sabirianova Peter and Dmitriy Stolyarov
4232: Immigrant Child Poverty in Scandinavia: A Panel Data Study Downloads
Taryn Galloway, Björn Anders Gustafsson, Peder Pedersen and Torun Österberg
4231: Is There a Gap in the Gap? Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap Downloads
Boris Hirsch, Marion König and Joachim Möller
4230: Lessons from Migration after EU Enlargement Downloads
Martin Kahanec, Anzelika Zaiceva and Klaus Zimmermann
4229: Fat and Out in Salerno and Province: Adolescent Obesity and Early School Leaving in Southern Italy Downloads
Adriana Barone and Shane Niall O'Higgins
4228: Global Reform of Personal Income Taxation, 1981-2005: Evidence from 189 Countries Downloads
Klara Sabirianova Peter, Steve Buttrick and Denvil Duncan
4227: Estimating the Effect of a Retraining Program on the Re-Employment Rate of Displaced Workers Downloads
Sandra Cavaco, Denis Fougere and Julien Pouget
4226: Foreign Acquisition, Plant Survival, and Employment Growth Downloads
Roger Bandick and Holger Görg
4225: Attitudes toward Uncertainty among the Poor: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia Downloads
Alpaslan Akay, Peter Martinsson, Haileselassie Medhin and Stefan Trautmann
4224: Transition Fatigue? Cross-Country Evidence from Micro Data Downloads
Riccardo Rovelli and Anzelika Zaiceva
4223: Income Tax Flattening: Does It Help to Reduce the Shadow Economy? Downloads
Klara Sabirianova Peter
4222: How Do Shocks to Non-Cognitive Skills Affect Test Scores? Downloads
Stefanie Behncke
4221: How Does Entry Regulation Influence Entry into Self-Employment and Occupational Mobility? Downloads
Susanne Prantl and Alexandra Spitz-Oener
4220: From the Dual Apprenticeship System to a Dual Labor Market? The German High-Skill Equilibrium and the Service Economy Downloads
Werner Eichhorst and Paul Marx
4219: The Timing of Maternal Work and Time with Children Downloads
Jay Stewart
4218: Parental Education and Wages: Evidence from China Downloads
Yuanyuan Chen and Shuaizhang Feng
4217: The Flexibility of the Workweek in the United States: Evidence from the FIFA World Cup Downloads
Fernando Lozano
4216: The Nature and Extent of Job Separations in Germany: Some New Evidence from SOEP Downloads
Getinet Haile
4215: Human Capital Accumulation and Labour Market Equilibrium Downloads
Kenneth Burdett, Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Melvyn Coles
4214: Do International Labor Standards Contribute to the Persistence of the Child Labor Problem? Downloads
Matthias Doepke and Fabrizio Zilibotti
4213: The Role of "Skill Enhancing Trade" in Brazil: Some Evidence from Microdata Downloads
Bruno Cesar Araújo, Francesco Bogliacino and Marco Vivarelli
4212: Military Conscription and University Enrolment: Evidence from Italy Downloads
Giorgio Di Pietro
4211: Entrepreneurship, Wage Employment and Control in an Occupational Choice Framework Downloads
Robin Douhan and Mirjam Praag
4210: Boon or Bane? Others' Unemployment, Well-being and Job Insecurity Downloads
Andrew Clark, Andreas Knabe and Steffen Rätzel
4209: No Room to Live: Urban Overcrowding in Edwardian Britain Downloads
Ian Gazeley and Andrew Newell
4208: "It's not that I'm a racist, it's that they are Roma": Roma Discrimination and Returns to Education in South Eastern Europe Downloads
Shane Niall O'Higgins
4207: Brain Drain in Globalization: A General Equilibrium Analysis from the Sending Countries' Perspective Downloads
Luca Marchiori, I-Ling Shen and Frédéric Docquier
4206: Are Returns to Education on the Decline in Venezuela and Does Mission Sucre Have a Role to Play? Downloads
Naihobe Gonzales and Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere
4205: Sabotage in Tournaments: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment Downloads
Christine Harbring and Bernd Irlenbusch
4204: Childcare, Eldercare, and Labor Force Participation of Married Women in Urban China: 1982 - 2000 Downloads
Margaret Maurer-Fazio, Rachel Connelly, Chen Lan and Lixin Tang
4203: Estimating the Veteran Effect with Endogenous Schooling When Instruments Are Potentially Weak Downloads
Saraswata Chaudhuri and Elaina Rose
4202: Wage Dispersion in a Partially Unionized Labor Force Downloads
John Addison, Ralph Bailey and William Siebert
4201: Google Econometrics and Unemployment Forecasting Downloads
Nikos Askitas and Klaus Zimmermann
4200: The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness Downloads
Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers
4199: A Sequential Malmquist-Luenberger Productivity Index Downloads
Dong-hyun Oh and Almas Heshmati
4198: Present-Biased Preferences and Credit Card Borrowing Downloads
Stephan Meier and Charles Sprenger
4197: Demografie und Ungleichheit: Der Einfluss von Veränderungen der Haushaltsstruktur auf die Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland Downloads
Andreas Peichl, Nico Pestel and Hilmar Schneider
4196: Optimal Redistributive Taxation and Provision of Public Input Goods in an Economy with Outsourcing and Unemployment Downloads
Thomas Aronsson and Erkki Koskela
4195: Intrapreneurship or Entrepreneurship? Downloads
Simon Parker
4194: How Large Is the Compensating Wage Differential for R&D Workers? Downloads
Arnaud Dupuy and Wendy Smits
4193: Antagonistic Managers, Careless Workers and Extraverted Salespeople: An Examination of Personality in Occupational Choice Downloads
Roger Ham, Pramod (Raja) Junankar and Robert Wells
4192: Postponing Maternity in Ireland Downloads
Cathal O'Donoghue, David Meredith and Eamon O'Shea
4191: Employment and Exchange Rates: The Role of Openness and Technology Downloads
Fernando Alexandre, Pedro Bação, João Cerejeira and Miguel Portela
4190: Social Incentives in the Workplace Downloads
Oriana Bandiera, Iwan Barankay and Imran Rasul
4189: Relational Contracts, Taxation and the Household Downloads
Patricia Apps and Ray Rees
4188: Intra-Household Time Allocation: Gender Differences in Caring for Children Downloads
Inmaculada García-Mainar, José Alberto Molina and Victor Montuenga
Page updated 2025-02-15
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