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IZA Discussion Papers

From Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
IZA, P.O. Box 7240, D-53072 Bonn, Germany.
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10788: Women in the Workplace and Management Practices: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Takao Kato and Naomi Kodama
10787: Sir! I'd Rather Go to School, Sir! Downloads
Mahdi Majbouri
10786: How Useful Is the Concept of Skills Mismatch? Downloads
Seamus McGuinness, Konstantinos Pouliakas and Paul Redmond
10785: The Dynamics of Study-Work Choice and Its Effect on Intended and Actual University Attainment Downloads
Xiaodong Gong
10784: Nudging Study Habits: A Field Experiment on Peer Tutoring in Higher Education Downloads
Nicholas Wilson and Todd Pugatch
10783: How Do Peers Impact Learning? An Experimental Investigation of Peer-To-Peer Teaching and Ability Tracking Downloads
Erik Kimbrough, Andrew McGee and Hitoshi Shigeoka
10782: High-Impact Minimum Wages and Heterogeneous Regions Downloads
Philipp Vom Berge and Hanna Frings
10781: Spillover Effects of Institutions on Cooperative Behavior, Preferences and Beliefs Downloads
Florian Engl, Arno Riedl and Roberto Weber
10780: Effect of Political Decentralization and Female Leadership on Institutional Births and Child Mortality in Rural Bihar, India Downloads
Santosh Kumar and Nishith Prakash
10779: Run For Your Life? The Effect of Close Elections on the Life Expectancy of Politicians Downloads
Mark Borgschulte and Jacob Vogler
10778: Learning to Participate in Politics: Evidence from Jewish Expulsions in Nazi Germany Downloads
Mevlude Akbulut-Yuksel, Dozie Okoye and Mutlu Yuksel
10777: The Hedonic Approach to Vineyard Site Selection: Adaptation to Climate Change and Grape Growing in Emerging Markets Downloads
Orley Ashenfelter
10776: Long-Run Effects of Severe Economic Recessions on Male BMI Trajectories and Health Behaviors Downloads
Olena Nizalova and Edward Norton
10775: Body-Weight and Women's Hours of Work: More Evidence That Marriage Markets Matter Downloads
Shoshana Grossbard and Sankar Mukhopadhyay
10774: Sometimes Your Best Just Ain't Good Enough: The Worldwide Evidence on Well-Being Efficiency Downloads
Milena Nikolova and Olga Popova
10773: Harsh Times: Do Stressors Lead to Labor Market Losses? Downloads
Terhi Maczulskij and Petri Böckerman
10772: The Education Motive for Migrant Remittances: Theory and Evidence from India Downloads
Matthieu Delpierre, Arnaud Dupuy, Michel Tenikue and Bertrand Verheyden
10771: U.S. Immigration Reform and the Dynamics of Mexican Migration Downloads
Khulan Altangerel and Jan van Ours
10770: Does Part-Time Work Help Unemployed Workers to Find Full-Time Work? Evidence from Spain Downloads
Tomi Kyyrä, Jose Arranz and Carlos García-Serrano
10769: Unemployment, Marginal Attachment and Labor Force Participation in Canada and the United States Downloads
Stephen Jones and W. Craig Riddell
10768: Contingent Employment and Labour Market Pathways: Bridge or Trap? Downloads
Duncan McVicar, Mark Wooden and King Fok
10767: Why So Slow? The School-to-Work Transition in Italy Downloads
Francesco Pastore
10766: The Effects of Youth Labor Market Reforms: Evidence from Italian Apprenticeships Downloads
Andrea Albanese, Lorenzo Cappellari and Marco Leonardi
10765: The 'Soda Tax' is Unlikely to Make Mexicans Lighter: New Evidence on Biases in Elasticities of Demand for Soda Downloads
Mabel Andalón and John Gibson
10764: Displacement and Debt: The Role of Debt in Returning to Work in the Period Following the Great Recession Downloads
Robert W. Bednarzik, Andreas Kern and John Hisnanick
10763: Changes in the German Wage Structure: Unions, Internationalization, Tasks, Firms, and Worker Characteristics Downloads
Martin Biewen and Matthias Seckler
10762: Global Earnings Inequality, 1970–2015 Downloads
Olle Hammar and Daniel Waldenström
10761: Correlations of Brothers' Earnings and Intergenerational Transmission Downloads
Paul Bingley and Lorenzo Cappellari
10760: Committee Search with Ex-ante Heterogeneous Agents: Theory and Experimental Evidence Downloads
Keigo Inukai, Keisuke Kawata and Masaru Sasaki
10759: Female Suicide and the Concept of the Midlife Crisis Downloads
Andrew Oswald and Ahmed Tohamy
10758: Gender Differences in the Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program Downloads
Jorge Luis Garcia, James Heckman and Anna Ziff
10757: Fertility Effects of Child Benefits Downloads
Regina Riphahn and Frederik Wiynck
10756: The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms Downloads
David Autor, David Dorn, Lawrence Katz, Christina Patterson and John van Reenen
10755: Do Tournaments with Superstars Encourage or Discourage Competition? Downloads
Michael Babington, Sebastian Goerg and Carl Kitchens
10754: Disappointment Aversion and Social Comparisons in a Real-Effort Competition Downloads
Simon Gächter, Lingbo Huang and Martin Sefton
10753: Opinion Copulas, Homophily and Multimodal Marginals Downloads
Nikos Askitas
10752: Impact of Lower Rated Journals on Economists' Judgments of Publication Lists: Evidence from a Survey Experiment Downloads
Nattavudh Powdthavee, Yohanes Riyanto and Jack Knetsch
10751: Consumer Loan Response to Permanent Labor Income Shocks: Evidence from a Major Minimum Wage Increase Downloads
Ibrahim Ethem Guney, Yavuz Selim Hacihasanoglu and Semih Tumen
10750: The Role of Works Councils for Severance Payments Downloads
Christian Grund and Johannes Martin
10749: Wages, Innovation, and Employment in China Downloads
Belton Fleisher, William H. McGuire, Xiaojun Wang and Min Qiang (Kent) Zhao
10748: Crisis and Reorganization in Urban Dynamics: The Barcelona Case Study Downloads
Rafael de Balanzó and Núria Rodriguez-Planas
10747: The Distribution of Returns to Education for People with Disabilities Downloads
Daniel Henderson, Andrew Houtenville and Le Wang
10746: The Effects of Health Insurance Parity Laws for Substance Use Disorder Treatment on Traffic Fatalities: Evidence of Unintended Benefits Downloads
Ioana Popovici, Johanna Maclean and Michael French
10745: The Effect of Public Insurance Expansions on Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act Downloads
Johanna Maclean and Brendan Saloner
10744: Nudging Households to Take Up Health Insurance: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Burkina Faso Downloads
Fadima Bocoum, Michael Grimm, Renate Hartwig and Nathalie Zongo
10743: Foreign Peer Effects and STEM Major Choice Downloads
Massimo Anelli, Kevin Shih and Kevin Williams
10742: Evaluation of the Reggio Approach to Early Education Downloads
Pietro Biroli, Daniela Del Boca, James Heckman, Lynne Pettler Heckman, Yu Kyung Koh, Sylvi Kuperman, Sidharth Moktan, Chiara Pronzato and Anna Ziff
10741: Modeling Enrollment in and Completion of Vocational Education: The Role of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills by Program Type Downloads
Leslie Stratton, Nabanita Datta Gupta, David Reimer and Anders Holm
10740: Marriage and Housework Downloads
Cristina Borra, Martin Browning and Almudena Sevilla
10739: Parental Work Hours and Childhood Obesity: Evidence Using Instrumental Variables Related to Sibling School Eligibility Downloads
Charles Courtemanche, Rusty Tchernis and Xilin Zhou
10738: Hiring Discrimination: An Overview of (Almost) All Correspondence Experiments Since 2005 Downloads
Stijn Baert
10737: HRM and Small-Firm Employee Motivation: Before and after the Recession Downloads
Alex Bryson and Michael White
10736: The Sequencing of Gift Exchange: A Field Trial Downloads
Jeffrey Carpenter
10735: Healer or Gatekeeper? Physicians' Role Conflict When Symptoms Are Non-Verifiable Downloads
Benedicte Carlsen and Karine Nyborg
10734: Demographic Aging and Employment Dynamics in German Regions: Modeling Regional Heterogeneity Downloads
Thomas Graaff, Daniel Arribas-Bel and Ceren Ozgen
10733: Does Delayed Retirement Affect Youth Employment? Evidence from Italian Local Labour Markets Downloads
Marco Bertoni and Giorgio Brunello
10732: Routine and Ageing? The Intergenerational Divide in the Deroutinisation of Jobs in Europe Downloads
Piotr Lewandowski, Roma Keister, Wojciech Hardy and Szymon Górka
10731: The Impact of Social Pensions on Intergenerational Relationships: Comparative Evidence from China Downloads
Xi Chen, Karen Eggleston and Ang Sun
10730: Under Heavy Pressure: Intense Monitoring and Accumulation of Sanctions for Young Welfare Recipients in Germany Downloads
Gerard van den Berg, Arne Uhlendorff and Joachim Wolff
10729: The Changing Nature of Gender Selection into Employment: Europe over the Great Recession Downloads
Juan Dolado, Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa and Linas Tarasonis
10728: Explaining Non-Employment Magnitude and Duration: The Case of Italy Downloads
Bruno Contini and Roberto Quaranta
10727: Does Reducing Unemployment Benefits During a Recession Reduce Youth Unemployment? Evidence from a 50% Cut in Unemployment Assistance Downloads
Aedín Doris, Donal O'Neill and Olive Sweetman
10726: Differences in Positions along a Hierarchy: Counterfactuals Based on an Assignment Model Downloads
Laurent Gobillon, Dominique Meurs and Sébastien Roux
10725: Supervisors and Performance Management Systems Downloads
Anders Frederiksen, Lisa Kahn and Fabian Lange
10724: What Drives Differences in Management? Downloads
Nicholas Bloom, Erik Brynjolfsson, Lucia Foster, Ron Jarmin, Megha Patnaik, Itay Saporta-Eksten and John van Reenen
10723: How Asymmetrically Increasing Joint Strike Costs Need Not Lead to Fewer Strikes Downloads
Archontis L. Pantsios and Solomon Polachek
10722: Working Hours and Productivity Downloads
Marion Collewet and Jan Sauermann
10721: Inequality Indices as Tests of Fairness Downloads
Ravi Kanbur and Andy Snell
10720: The Hukou Impact on the Chinese Wage Structure Downloads
Christian Dreger and Yanqun Zhang
10719: Public-Private Sector Wage Differentials in Australia Downloads
Stephane Mahuteau, Kostas Mavromaras, Sue Richardson and Rong Zhu
10718: Skill Premium, Labor Supply and Changes in the Structure of Wages in Latin America Downloads
Manuel Fernandez Sierra and Julian Messina
10717: Female Babies and Risk-Aversion Downloads
Ganna Pogrebna, Andrew Oswald and David Haig
10716: Do Women in Highly Qualified Positions Face Higher Work-to-Family Conflicts in Germany Than Men? Downloads
Anne Busch-Heizmann and Elke Holst
10715: Evaluating the Effects of a Targeted Home Visiting Program on Maternal and Child Health Outcomes Downloads
Malte Sandner, Thomas Cornelissen, Tanja Jungmann and Peggy Herrmann
10714: Maternal Socio-Economic Status and the Well-Being of the Next Generation(s) Downloads
Kasey Buckles
10713: Career Interruptions and Current Earnings: The Role of Interruption Type, Compensation Component, and Gender Downloads
Benedikt Gerst and Christian Grund
10712: Fathers, Parental Leave and Gender Norms Downloads
Ulrike Unterhofer and Katharina Wrohlich
10711: Attrition in Randomized Control Trials: Using Tracking Information to Correct Bias Downloads
Teresa Molina Millan and Karen Macours
10710: Information, Belief Elicitation and Threshold Effects in the 5X1000 Tax Scheme: A Framed Field Experiment Downloads
Leonardo Becchetti, Vittorio Pelligra and Tommaso Reggiani
10709: Do Higher Achievers Cheat Less? An Experiment of Self-Revealing Individual Cheating Downloads
Erez Siniver, Yossef Tobol and Gideon Yaniv
10708: Terrorism and the Media: The Effect of US Television Coverage on Al-Qaeda Attacks Downloads
Michael Jetter
10707: Speeding, Punishment, and Recidivism: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design Downloads
Markus Gehrsitz
10706: Turbulence, Firm Decentralization and Growth in Bad Times Downloads
Philippe Aghion, Nicholas Bloom, Brian Lucking, Raffaella Sadun and John van Reenen
10705: Growth in the Shadows: Effect of the Shadow Economy on U.S. Economic Growth over More Than a Century Downloads
Rajeev Goel, James Saunoris and Friedrich Schneider
10704: Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Skills in Low-Income Countries Downloads
Zuzana Brixiová Schwidrowski and Balázs Égert
10703: The Ideological Roots of Institutional Change Downloads
Murat Iyigun and Jared Rubin
10702: The Demand for Teacher Characteristics in the Market for Child Care: Evidence from a Field Experiment Downloads
Casey Boyd-Swan and Chris M. Herbst
10701: Cognitive, Socioemotional and Behavioral Returns to College Quality Downloads
Utteeyo Dasgupta, Subha Mani, Smriti Sharma and Saurabh Singhal
10700: The Reliability of Students' Earnings Expectations Downloads
Luis Diaz-Serrano and William Nilsson
10699: The Relative Labour Market Performance of Former International Students: Evidence from the Canadian National Graduates Survey Downloads
Zong Jia Chen and Mikal Skuterud
10698: Does a Satisfied Student Make a Satisfied Worker? Downloads
Adele Whelan and Seamus McGuinness
10697: The Effects of Physical Restructuring on the Socioeconomic Status of Neighborhoods: Selective Migration and Upgrading Downloads
Merle Zwiers, Maarten van Ham and Reinout Kleinhans
10696: The Temporal Stability of Children's Neighborhood Experiences: A Follow-up from Birth to Age 15 Downloads
Tom Kleinepier and Maarten van Ham
10695: Structural and Exchange Components in Processes of Neighbourhood Change: A Social Mobility Approach Downloads
Tal Modai-Snir and Maarten van Ham
10694: Incorporating Neighbourhood Choice in a Model of Neighbourhood Effects on Income Downloads
Maarten van Ham, Sanne Boschman and Matt Vogel
10693: The City as a Self-Help Book: The Psychology of Urban Promises Downloads
Rodrigo V. Cardoso, Evert J. Meijers, Maarten van Ham, Martijn Burger and Duco de Vos
10692: Cities, Towns, and Poverty: Migration Equilibrium and Income Distribution in a Todaro-type Model with Multiple Destinations Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt and Ravi Kanbur
10691: The Lifelong Costs of Urban Smogs Downloads
Alastair Ball
10690: More Pensioners, Less Income Inequality? The Impact of Changing Age Composition on Inequality in Big Cities and Elsewhere Downloads
Omoniyi Alimi, David Maré and Jacques Poot
10689: Immigration and Innovation: Evidence from Canadian Cities Downloads
Joel Blit, Mikal Skuterud and Jue Zhang
Page updated 2025-02-15
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