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IZA Discussion Papers

From Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
IZA, P.O. Box 7240, D-53072 Bonn, Germany.
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1887: Labour Force Participation of the Elderly in Europe: The Importance of Being Healthy Downloads
Adriaan Kalwij and Frederic Vermeulen
1886: A Note on Decompositions in Fixed Effects Models in the Presence of Time-Invariant Characteristics Downloads
Axel Heitmueller
1885: Demographic Alternatives for Aging Industrial Countries: Increased Total Fertility Rate, Labor Force Participation, or Immigration Downloads
Robert Holzmann
1884: Hours of Work and Gender Identity: Does Part-Time Work Make the Family Happier? Downloads
Alison Booth and Jan van Ours
1883: Does Immigration Affect the Long-Term Educational Outcomes of Natives? Quasi-Experimental Evidence Downloads
Eric Gould, Victor Lavy and M. Daniele Paserman
1882: Do Former College Athletes Earn More at Work? A Nonparametric Assessment Downloads
Daniel Henderson, Alexandre Olbrecht and Solomon Polachek
1881: Preferences, Gender Segregation and Affirmative Action Downloads
Peter Sloane, Suzanne Grazier and Richard Jones
1880: Cultural Transmission and Discrimination Downloads
Maria Saez-Marti and Yves Zenou
1879: Reference Dependent Preferences and the Impact of Wage Increases on Job Satisfaction: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Christian Grund and Dirk Sliwka
1878: One or Many Knowledge Production Functions? Mapping Innovative Activity Using Microdata Downloads
Andrea Conte and Marco Vivarelli
1877: Analysis of Health and Longevity in Oldest-Old Population: A Health Capital Approach Downloads
Zhong Zhao
1876: Gender-Job Satisfaction Differences across Europe: An Indicator for Labor Market Modernization Downloads
Lutz C. Kaiser
1875: Wage and Employment Effects of Immigration to Germany: Evidence from a Skill Group Approach Downloads
Holger Bonin
1874: Regional Disparities and Inequality of Opportunity: The Case of Italy Downloads
Daniele Checchi and Vito Peragine
1873: Sensitivity of Propensity Score Methods to the Specifications Downloads
Zhong Zhao
1872: Two Faces of the ICT Revolution: Desegregation and Minority-Majority Earnings Inequality Downloads
Martin Kahanec
1871: Tarifpolitik und Entgeltflexibilität in Ostdeutschland Downloads
Holger Bonin
1870: Sex Differences in Pay in a "New Monopsony" Model of the Labor Market Downloads
Michael Ransom and Ronald Oaxaca
1869: Job Insecurity and Youth Emancipation: A Theoretical Approach Downloads
Sascha Becker, Samuel Bentolila, Ana Fernandes and Andrea Ichino
1868: Employment Effects of the Provision of Specific Professional Skills and Techniques in Germany Downloads
Bernd Fitzenberger and Stefan Speckesser
1867: The Determinants of Asset Stripping: Theory and Evidence from the Transition Economies Downloads
Nauro Campos and Francesco Giovannoni
1866: Building Blocks in the Economics of Mandates Downloads
John Addison, C. R. Barrett and William Siebert
1865: The Provision of Wage Insurance by the Firm: Evidence from a Longitudinal Matched Employer-Employee Dataset Downloads
Ana Rute Cardoso and Miguel Portela
1864: From the Cradle to the Labor Market? The Effect of Birth Weight on Adult Outcomes Downloads
Sandra Black, Paul Devereux and Kjell G Salvanes
1863: International Capital Market Integration, Educational Choice and Economic Growth Downloads
Hartmut Egger, Peter Egger, Josef Falkinger and Volker Grossmann
1862: Employers' Search and the Efficiency of Matching Downloads
Michele Pellizzari
1861: The Todaro Paradox Revisited Downloads
Yves Zenou
1860: The Cost of Caring for Young Children Downloads
Dan Rosenbaum and Christopher Ruhm
1859: Do Men and Women-Economists Choose the Same Research Fields? Evidence from Top-50 Departments Downloads
Juan Dolado, Florentino Felgueroso and Miguel Almunia
1858: Understanding Pareto Inefficient Intrahousehold Allocations Downloads
Richard Akresh
1857: Returning to Work from Injury: Longitudinal Evidence on Employment and Earnings Downloads
Sarah Crichton, Steven Stillman and Dean Hyslop
1856: An Analysis of the Impact of Affirmative Action Programs on Self-Employment in the Construction Industry Downloads
David Blanchflower and Jon Wainwright
1855: Gender, Time Use and Public Policy over the Life Cycle Downloads
Patricia Apps and Ray Rees
1854: Why Is the Timing of School Tracking So Heterogeneous? Downloads
Kenn Ariga, Giorgio Brunello, Roki Iwahashi and Lorenzo Rocco
1853: Crime and Police Resources: The Street Crime Initiative Downloads
Stephen Machin and Olivier Marie
1852: Oppositional Identities and the Labor Market Downloads
Harminder Battu, McDonald Mwale and Yves Zenou
1851: The Sociology of Groups and the Economics of Incentives: Theory and Evidence on Compensation Systems Downloads
William E. Encinosa , Martin Gaynor and James Rebitzer
1850: Econometrics of Individual Labor Market Transitions Downloads
Denis Fougere and Thierry Kamionka
1849: Taxes, Cigarette Consumption and Smoking Intensity Downloads
Jerome Adda and Francesca Cornaglia
1848: Evaluating the Dynamic Employment Effects of Training Programs in East Germany Using Conditional Difference-in-Differences Downloads
Annette Bergemann, Bernd Fitzenberger and Stefan Speckesser
1847: Intergenerational Economic Mobility and Assortative Mating Downloads
John Ermisch, Marco Francesconi and Thomas Siedler
1846: Match Bias from Earnings Imputation in the Current Population Survey: The Case of Imperfect Matching Downloads
Christopher Bollinger and Barry Hirsch
1845: Generating Legitimacy for Labor Market and Welfare State Reforms: The Role of Policy Advice in Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden Downloads
Werner Eichhorst and Ole Wintermann
1844: Tournaments and Multiple Productive Inputs: The Case of Performance Enhancing Drugs Downloads
Kai Konrad
1843: Women and Competition in Elimination Tournaments: Evidence from Professional Tennis Data Downloads
Thierry Lallemand, Robert Plasman and Francois Rycx
1842: O Brother, Where Art Thou? The Effects of Having a Sibling on Geographic Mobility and Labor Market Outcomes Downloads
Helmut Rainer and Thomas Siedler
1841: Tournaments, Individualized Contracts and Career Concerns Downloads
Alexander Koch and Eloic Peyrache
1840: Endogenous Assimilation and Immigrant Adjustment in Longitudinal Data Downloads
Michael Beenstock, Barry Chiswick and Ari Paltiel
1839: Job Search Monitoring and Unemployment Duration in Hungary: Evidence from a Randomised Control Trial Downloads
John Micklewright and Gyula Nagy
1838: Is There a Link between Economic Outcomes and Genetic Evolution? Cross-Country Evidence from the Major Histocompatibility Complex Downloads
José A.M. Borghans, Lex Borghans and Bas ter Weel
1837: Childhood Family Structure and Schooling Outcomes: Evidence for Germany Downloads
Marco Francesconi, Stephen Jenkins and Thomas Siedler
1836: Youth Emancipation and Perceived Job Insecurity of Parents and Children Downloads
Sascha Becker, Samuel Bentolila, Ana Fernandes and Andrea Ichino
1835: Health Determinants in Urban China Downloads
Zhong Zhao
1834: Immigration and Public Spending Downloads
René Böheim and Karin Mayr-Dorn
1833: Male and Female Competitive Behavior: Experimental Evidence Downloads
Nabanita Datta Gupta, Anders Poulsen and Marie Claire Villeval
1832: The Impact of Parental Income and Education on the Health of their Children Downloads
Orla Doyle, Colm Harmon and Ian Walker
1831: Why Are More Redistributive Social Security Systems Smaller? A Median Voter Approach Downloads
Marko Koethenbuerger, Panu Poutvaara and Paola Profeta
1830: The Gender Gap Reloaded: Is School Quality Linked to Labor Market Performance? Downloads
Spyros Konstantopoulos and Amelie Constant
1829: A Tale of Parallel Integration Processes. A Gravity Analysis of EU Trade with Mediterranean and Central and Eastern European Countries Downloads
Anna Ferragina, Giorgia Giovannetti and Francesco Pastore
1828: Public Sector Pay and Regional Competitiveness: A First Look at Regional Public-Private Wage Differentials in Italy Downloads
Dell’Aringa, Carlo, Claudio Lucifora and Federica Origo
1827: Does the Early Bird Catch the Worm? Instrumental Variable Estimates of Educational Effects of Age of School Entry in Germany Downloads
Patrick Puhani and Andrea M. Weber
1826: Trade Liberalization and Employment Effects in Ukraine Downloads
Atanas Christev, Olga Kupets and Hartmut Lehmann
1825: Does Job-Search Assistance Affect Search Effort and Outcomes? A Microeconometric Analysis of Public versus Private Search Methods Downloads
Denis Fougere, Jacqueline Pradel and Muriel Roger
1824: Household Incomes and Redistribution in the European Union: Quantifying the Equalising Properties of Taxes and Benefits Downloads
Herwig Immervoll, Horacio Levy, Christine Lietz, Daniela Mantovani, Cathal O'Donoghue, Holly Sutherland and Gerlinde Verbist
1823: The Relevance of Post-Match LTC: Why Has the Spanish Labor Market Become as Volatile as the US One? Downloads
Hector Sala and José Silva
1822: Normalized Equation and Decomposition Analysis: Computation and Inference Downloads
Myeong-Su Yun
1821: Household Time Allocation and Modes of Behavior: A Theory of Sorts Downloads
Daniela Del Boca and Christopher Flinn
1820: SSI, Labor Supply, and Migration Downloads
David Neumark and Elizabeth Powers
1819: Household Migration Decisions as Survival Strategy: The Case of Burkina Faso Downloads
Adama Konseiga
1818: Young Women's Religious Affiliation and Participation as Determinants of High School Completion Downloads
Evelyn Lehrer
1817: Are US Wages Really Determined by European Labor-Market Institutions? Downloads
Jürgen Meckl
1816: Age Structure of the Workforce and Firm Performance Downloads
Christian Grund and Niels Westergård-Nielsen
1815: Stressed Out on Four Continents: Time Crunch or Yuppie Kvetch? Downloads
Daniel Hamermesh and Jungmin Lee
1814: The Obesity Epidemic in Europe Downloads
Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano
1813: Contractual Employment Protection and the Scarring Risk of Unemployment Downloads
Elke Jahn and Thomas Wagner
1812: High Performance Workplaces and Family Friendly Practices: Promises Made and Promises Kept Downloads
John Heywood, William Siebert and Xiangdong Wei
1811: Does Marriage Make People Happy, Or Do Happy People Get Married? Downloads
Alois Stutzer and Bruno Frey
1810: Welfare Reform in European Countries: A Microsimulation Analysis Downloads
Herwig Immervoll, Henrik Jacobsen Kleven, Claus Kreiner and Emmanuel Saez
1809: On Simplifying the Structure of Labour Demand: An Analysis of the DOT Data Downloads
Wim Vijverberg and Joop Hartog
1808: The Cycle of Violence? An Empirical Analysis of Fatalities in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Downloads
David Jaeger and M. Daniele Paserman
1807: An Auction Model of Canadian Temporary Immigration for the 21st Century Downloads
Don DeVoretz
1806: Demographic and Education Effects on Unemployment in Europe: Economic Factors and Labour Market Institutions Downloads
Federico Biagi and Claudio Lucifora
1805: Redistributive Taxation and Personal Bankruptcy in US States Downloads
Charles Grant and Winfried Koeniger
1804: 'Soft' Skills, 'Hard' Skills, and the Black/White Earnings Gap Downloads
C. Fan, Xiangdong Wei and Junsen Zhang
1803: Medical Interventions among Pregnant Women in Fee-for-Service and Managed Care Insurance: A Propensity Score Analysis Downloads
Leo Turcotte, John Robst and Solomon Polachek
1802: Discrimination as a Competitive Device: The Case of Local Television News Downloads
Caitlin Myers
1801: Introducing Time-to-Educate in a Job Search Model Downloads
Sascha Becker
1800: Structural Change in a Multi-Sector Model of Growth Downloads
L. Rachel Ngai and Christopher Pissarides
1799: Job-Hopping in Silicon Valley: Some Evidence Concerning the Micro-Foundations of a High Technology Cluster Downloads
Bruce Fallick, Charles Fleischman and James Rebitzer
1798: Structural Reforms and the Exchange Rate Regime: A Panel Analysis for the World versus OECD Countries Downloads
Ansgar Belke, Bernhard Herz and Lukas Vogel
1797: A Constitutional Theory of the Family Downloads
Alessandro Cigno
1796: Counseling the Unemployed: Does It Lower Unemployment Duration and Recurrence? Downloads
Bruno Crépon, Muriel Dejemeppe and Marc Gurgand
1795: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition for Tobit Models Downloads
Thomas Bauer and Mathias Sinning
1794: Job Market Signaling and Screening: An Experimental Comparison Downloads
Dorothea Kübler, Wieland Müller and Hans-Theo Normann
1793: To Study or to Work? Education and Labour Market Participation of Young People in Poland Downloads
Francesco Pastore
1792: The Impact of Incarceration in State Prison on the Employment Prospects of Women Downloads
Rosa Cho and Robert LaLonde
1791: Product Market Regulation and Macroeconomic Performance: A Review of Cross Country Evidence Downloads
Fabio Schiantarelli
1790: Dynamic Discrete Choice and Dynamic Treatment Effects Downloads
James Heckman and Salvador Navarro
1789: Birth Order, Educational Attainment and Earnings: An Investigation Using the PSID Downloads
Jasmin Kantarevic and Stéphane Mechoulan
1788: Do Divorcing Couples Become Happier By Breaking Up? Downloads
Jonathan Gardner and Andrew Oswald
Page updated 2025-02-15
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