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IZA Discussion Papers

From Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
IZA, P.O. Box 7240, D-53072 Bonn, Germany.
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87: Educational Mismatch and Wages in Germany Downloads
Thomas Bauer
86: Money for Nothing and Your Chips for Free? The Anatomy of the PC Wage Differential Downloads
John de New and Christoph Schmidt
85: Gender and Racial Discrimination in Pay and Promotion for NHS Nurses Downloads
Stephen Pudney and Michael Shields
84: The Heterogeneity and Cyclical Sensitivity of Unemployment: An Exploration of German Labor Market Flows Downloads
Christoph Schmidt
83: Female Labour Supply, Flexibility of Working Hours, and Job Mobility in the Netherlands Downloads
Rob Euwals
82: Privacy, time consistent optimal labor income taxation and education policy Downloads
Kai Konrad
81: Migration, Migrants and Policy in the United Kingdom Downloads
Timothy Hatton and Stephen Wheatley Price
80: The Netherlands: Old Emigrants - Young Immigrant Country Downloads
Jan van Ours and Justus Veenman
79: Entrepreneurship from Scratch: Lessons on the Entry Decision into Self-Employment from Transition Economies Downloads
John Earle and Zuzana Sakova
78: Endogenous Schooling and the Distribution of the Gender Wage Gap Downloads
Jorgen Hansen and Roger Wahlberg
77: Knowing What Works: The Case for Rigorous Program Evaluation Downloads
Christoph Schmidt
76: Selective Schools Downloads
Giorgio Brunello and Massimo Giannini
75: Adjustment Dynamics and the Natural Rate: An Account of UK Unemployment Downloads
Dennis Snower, Marika Karanassou and Brian Henry
74: Strategic Mismatches in Competing Teams Downloads
Matthias Kräkel
73: The Endogenous Determination of Minimum Wage Downloads
Gil Epstein and Shmuel Nitzan
72: Are Austrian Returns to Education Falling Over Time? Downloads
Josef Fersterer and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
71: The Wedge Downloads
Laszlo Goerke
70: Immigrants and Unemployment in the European Community Downloads
Ira Gang, Francisco Rivera-Batiz and Myeong-Su Yun
69: Generalized Selection Bias and The Decomposition of Wage Differentials Downloads
Myeong-Su Yun
68: Ethnic German Immigration from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to Germany: the Effects of Migrant Networks Downloads
Barbara Dietz
67: Behavioral Effects of Probation Periods: An Analysis of Worker Absenteeism Downloads
Regina Riphahn and Anja Thalmaier
66: The Immigrant Welfare Effect: Take-Up or Eligibility? Downloads
Edward J. Bird, Hilke Kayser, Joachim Frick and Gert Wagner
65: Grime and Punishment: Insecurity and Wage Arrears in the Russian Federation Downloads
Hartmut Lehmann, Jonathan Wadsworth and Alessandro Acquisti
64: Salary and the Gender Salary Gap in the Academic Profession Downloads
Melanie E. Ward-Warmedinger
63: Your Everyday, Average Academic Downloads
Melanie E. Ward-Warmedinger
62: Bestimmungsgründe von Fehlzeiten: Welche Rolle spielt die Arbeitslosigkeit? Downloads
Anja Thalmaier
61: Immigration: The New Zealand Experience Downloads
Rainer Winkelmann
60: Subjective Discount Rates, Intergenerational Transfers and the Return to Schooling Downloads
Christian Belzil and Jorgen Hansen
59: Canadian Immigration Experience: Any Lessons for Europe? Downloads
Don DeVoretz and Samuel A. Laryea
58: Occupational Mobility of Ethnic Migrants Downloads
Thomas Bauer and Klaus Zimmermann
57: Is Child like Parent? Educational Attainment and Ethnic Origin Downloads
Ira Gang and Klaus Zimmermann
56: Centralized Bargaining, Multi-Tasking and Work Incentives
Assar Lindbeck and Dennis J. Snower
55: Value-added Tax versus Social Security Contributions Downloads
Laszlo Goerke
54: Labor Market Assimilation and the Self-Employment Decision of Immigrant Entrepreneurs Downloads
Magnus Lofstrom
53: Inter-industry Wage Dispersion in Portugal: high but falling Downloads
Joop Hartog, Pedro Pereira and José Vieira
52: Fertility Assimilation of Immigrants: Evidence from Count Data Models Downloads
Jochen Mayer and Regina Riphahn
51: Does Training Generally Work? The Returns to In-Company Training Downloads
Alan Barrett and Philip O'Connell
50: Ethnic German Migration since 1989 - Results and Perspectives/ Aussiedler seit 1989 - Bilanz und Perspektiven Downloads
Klaus Zimmermann
48: Overtime Work and Overtime Compensation in Germany Downloads
Thomas Bauer and Klaus Zimmermann
47: Tenure-based Wage Setting Downloads
Robert Hart and Felix Ritchie
46: The Effects of Development on Migration: Theoretical Issues and New Empirical Evidence Downloads
Ralph Rotte and Michael Vogler
45: On the Cyclicality and Stability of Real Earnings Downloads
Robert Hart and Jim Malley
44: Overtime Working in an Unregulated Labour Market Downloads
David Bell and Robert Hart
43: Household Characteristics, Ability and Education: Evidence from a Dynamic Expected Utility Model Downloads
Christian Belzil and Jorgen Hansen
42: The Changing Distribution of Job Satisfaction Downloads
Daniel Hamermesh
41: Anatomy of Policy Complementarities Downloads
Mike Orszag and Dennis Snower
40: Empirical Findings on the Swiss Migration Experience Downloads
Stefan M. Golder and Thomas Straubhaar
39: Multi-Task Learning and the Reorganization of Work. From Tayloristic to Holistic Organization Downloads
Assar Lindbeck and Dennis Snower
38: Job Satisfaction within the Scottish Academic Profession Downloads
Melanie E. Ward-Warmedinger and Peter Sloane
37: Exchange Rate Volatility Effects on the German Labour Market: A Survey of Recent Results and Extensions Downloads
Herbert Buscher and Claudia Mueller
36: The Effects of European Economic and Monetary Union on Wage Behaviour Downloads
Charlotte Lauer
35: Is Job Stability in the United States Falling? Downloads
David Jaeger and Ann Stevens
34: Labour Mobility - An Adjustment Mechanism in Euroland? Downloads
Patrick Puhani
33: Price Dynamics and Production Lags
Assar Lindbeck and Dennis J. Snower
32: Work or Retirement? Exit Routes for Norwegian Elderly Downloads
Svenn-Åge Dahl, Øivind Nilsen and Kjell Vaage
31: Persistence and the German Unemployment Problem: Empirical Evidences on German Labor Market Flows Downloads
Christoph Schmidt
30: Active Labor Market Policies in Poland: Human Capital Enhancement, Stigmatization or Benefit Churning Downloads
Jochen Kluve, Hartmut Lehmann and Christoph Schmidt
29: Causes of Changing Earnings Inequality Downloads
Dennis Snower
28: Efficiency Wages and Futures Markets
Kit P. Wong and Udo Broll
27: Transition from School to Work: Search Time and Job Duration Downloads
Espen Bratberg and Øivind Nilsen
26: Increasing Shadow Economies all over the World - Fiction or Reality? Downloads
Dominik Enste and Friedrich Schneider
25: Unemployment and Crime: New Answers to an Old Question Downloads
Kerry Papps and Rainer Winkelmann
24: Petersberger Erklaerung: Anstoesse fuer eine zukunftsgerichtete Arbeitsmarktpolitik Downloads
Klaus Zimmermann, Michael Burda, Juergen von Hagen, Kai Konrad, Friedrich Schneider and Gert Wagner
23: Learning Efficiency of Economics Students Downloads
Klaus Zimmermann and Thomas Bauer
22: The Economics of Hospital Trips and Health Care Reform Downloads
Andreas Million, Ralph Rotte and Klaus Zimmermann
21: The Liberalisation of Maternity Leave Policy and the Return to the Work of Childbirth in Germany
Jan Ondrich, Katharina Spiess, Qing Yang and Gert Wagner
20: Portuguese Migrants in the German Labor Market: Performance and Self-Selection Downloads
Thomas Bauer, Pedro Pereira, Michael Vogler and Klaus Zimmermann
19: Returns to Returning: Who Went Abroad and What Does it Matter? Downloads
Catherine Co, Ira Gang and Myeong-Su Yun
18: Youth Employment and Academic Performance in High School
Zvi Eckstein and Kenneth Wolpin
16: Immigration Labor and Workplace Safety Downloads
Thomas Bauer, Andreas Million, Ralph Rotte and Klaus Zimmermann
15: Immigration Participation in Social Assistance Programs Downloads
Regina Riphahn
14: Memorandum: Erfolgsbedingungen empirischer Wirtschaftsforschung und empirisch gestuetzter wirtschafts- und sozialpolitischer Beratung Downloads
Richard Hauser, Gert Wagner and Klaus Zimmermann
13: Sorties from the Fortress: The Current System of Anti-Immigration Policy in Germany Downloads
Ralph Rotte
12: Determinants of International Migration: Empirical Evidence for Migration from Developing Countries to Germany Downloads
Ralph Rotte and Michael Vogler
11: Employment Effects of Payroll Taxes - An Empirical Test for Germany Downloads
Thomas Bauer and Regina Riphahn
10: Income and Employment Effects of Health Shocks - A Test Case for the German Welfare State Downloads
Regina Riphahn
9: Der Euro als Jobmaschine? Zu den Auswirkungen des Euro auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt
Wolfgang Franz
8: Das Entsendegesetz: Suendenfall oder Loesung des Arbeitslosigkeitsproblems? Downloads
Ralph Rotte and Klaus Zimmermann
7: Immigration und Arbeitsmarkt: Eine oekonomische Perspektive Downloads
Klaus Zimmermann
6: The Mortality Crisis in East Germany Downloads
Regina Riphahn and Klaus Zimmermann
5: Labor Force Transitions of Older Married Couples in Germany Downloads
David Blau and Regina Riphahn
4: German Job Mobility and Wages Downloads
Klaus Zimmermann
3: Temporary Migrants From Egypt: How Long Do They Stay Abroad? Downloads
Ira Gang and Thomas Bauer
2: East-West Trade and Migration: The Austro-German Case Downloads
Rudolf Winter-Ebmer and Klaus Zimmermann
1: Is Job Stability Declining in Germany? Evidences from Count Data Models Downloads
Rainer Winkelmann and Klaus Zimmermann
Page updated 2025-02-15
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