Papers by Idoia Areizaga Llorente
Anuario de Eusko-Folklore: etnografía y paletnografía, 2019
espanolEn el presente artculo estudiaremos el papel que desempenan las mujeres en la arqueologia ... more espanolEn el presente artculo estudiaremos el papel que desempenan las mujeres en la arqueologia actual, tanto en su labor como arqueologas asi como objeto de estudio en si misma. El inicio de la arqueologia de genero se situa entre las decadas de 1970 y 1980, coincidiendo con el auge del movimiento feminista. Teniendo en cuenta que esta arqueologia basada en el estudio de las mujeres llego mucho mas tarde a Espana, analizaremos las diferencias existentes en la creacion y desarrollo de la misma en los ambitos espanol y europeo. Expondremos, ademas, dos casos practcos. El primer caso se centra en el estudio del Museo Arqueologico de Araba desde un punto de vista de genero y tene como objetvo analizar de que manera se divulga la informacion. En el segundo caso practco se recopilan las respuestas obtenidas de una serie de entrevistas realizadas a arqueologas/ os de diferente edad y que cuyo objetvo era conocer su punto de vista en torno a la situacion de las mujeres en la arqueologia a...
VI Ciclo di Studi Medievali (NUME). Atti del Convegno, 8-9 giugno 2020, Firenze, 2020
Recent scholarship has argued that bigamy was a male crime in the Middle Ages (Méthot, 2006; McDo... more Recent scholarship has argued that bigamy was a male crime in the Middle Ages (Méthot, 2006; McDougall, 2010). Although it is known that there have been many bigamy cases, in the Kingdom of Navarre was no clear jurisdiction about it. In this case, the church had not too much power on the society, because the nobility wanted more freedom in their decisions about marriage and linage. The legislation about this kind of social transgression varies according to the kingdom, but in the General Law Code of Navarre there is no mention about bigamy. This paper will argue that the reality is that the people who suffered the most were the women involved in the stories, because the legislation did not protect them, so they could easily
be deceived. This paper analyses the story of Maria Sanchiz and Christobal Ruiz who lived in the town of Tafalla (Kingdom of Navarre) in the fifteenth century. They are the main characters in a bigamy case and were punished in the same way. This case seems to be the first one that it is known in Tafalla because, as a result, the council then created a law against bigamy. To understand the consequences of the case, we must pose the following questions: how did the council know that Christobal Ruiz had three wives? As we do not know anything about the other two wives, how did this effect the marriage between Christobal and Maria? Knowing that Maria Sanchiz was totally silenced, how could we know how did this affects her? And finally, how did this change the legislation of the city and the kingdom?
Keywords: women, bigamy, Kingdom of Navarre, legislation, lack of sources
Genero-berdintasunean hezteko gida. Familia, irakasle eta bestelako hezitzaileentzat, 2015
Capítulo del libro: "Genero berdintasunean hezteko gida" (Luixa Reizabal Arruabarerna), UEU, Bilb... more Capítulo del libro: "Genero berdintasunean hezteko gida" (Luixa Reizabal Arruabarerna), UEU, Bilbo, 2015
XXI. mendearen hasieran haurrek generoak estereotipatutako uste, funtzio, rol, jokabide eta beste errepikatzen jarraitzen dute. Izan ere, familian, eskolan, kalean, komunikabideetan eta antzekoetan gizon eta emakumeen ikusmolde estereotipatuak (eta, gero ikusiko dugun moduan, sexistak) jaso eta barneratzen dituzte. Hori aldatu ezean, haur horiek helduaroan emakumeen eta gizonen arteko berdintasunik eza, diskriminazioa, bortizkeria matxista eta antzekoak ontzat emateko edo/eta eragiteko arriskua dago. Zorionez, bada arrisku hori saihesteko tresnarik: hezkidetza delakoa.
N.º8.Zk.(2018): Arqueología género sexo sexualidad by Idoia Areizaga Llorente
Conference Proceedings by Idoia Areizaga Llorente
by NUME Gruppo di Ricerca sul Medioevo Latino, Massimiliano David, Stefano De Togni, francesca romana stasolla, Enrico Pomo, Eleonora Rossetti, Alessandro Melega, Alessandro Abrignani, Miriam Leonetti, Daniela Uva, Andrea Colagrande, Ambra D'Alessandro, Giulia Doronzo, Roberto Del Monte, Giovanni Carraretto, Antonio Macchione, Sarah Procopio, Gabriele Bonomelli, Idoia Areizaga Llorente, Giulia Calabrò, Nicola Martellozzo, Marcello Cabriolu, Elisabetta Ugaglia, Jacopo Russo, Elisa Pruno, Gabriele Castiglia, Marco Moderato, Eva Basile, Saverio Carillo, Zdzisław Koczarski, Gianluca De Simone, Angela Zaccara, Łukasz Halida, Luca Salvatelli, Felicia Tafuri, Valentina Milia, Nicoletta Usai, Silvia Summa, Eleonora Casarotti, Chiara Ribolla, Claudia Sojer, and Javier Castiñeiras López EBS Print, 2020
Papers by Idoia Areizaga Llorente
be deceived. This paper analyses the story of Maria Sanchiz and Christobal Ruiz who lived in the town of Tafalla (Kingdom of Navarre) in the fifteenth century. They are the main characters in a bigamy case and were punished in the same way. This case seems to be the first one that it is known in Tafalla because, as a result, the council then created a law against bigamy. To understand the consequences of the case, we must pose the following questions: how did the council know that Christobal Ruiz had three wives? As we do not know anything about the other two wives, how did this effect the marriage between Christobal and Maria? Knowing that Maria Sanchiz was totally silenced, how could we know how did this affects her? And finally, how did this change the legislation of the city and the kingdom?
Keywords: women, bigamy, Kingdom of Navarre, legislation, lack of sources
XXI. mendearen hasieran haurrek generoak estereotipatutako uste, funtzio, rol, jokabide eta beste errepikatzen jarraitzen dute. Izan ere, familian, eskolan, kalean, komunikabideetan eta antzekoetan gizon eta emakumeen ikusmolde estereotipatuak (eta, gero ikusiko dugun moduan, sexistak) jaso eta barneratzen dituzte. Hori aldatu ezean, haur horiek helduaroan emakumeen eta gizonen arteko berdintasunik eza, diskriminazioa, bortizkeria matxista eta antzekoak ontzat emateko edo/eta eragiteko arriskua dago. Zorionez, bada arrisku hori saihesteko tresnarik: hezkidetza delakoa.
N.º8.Zk.(2018): Arqueología género sexo sexualidad by Idoia Areizaga Llorente
Conference Proceedings by Idoia Areizaga Llorente
be deceived. This paper analyses the story of Maria Sanchiz and Christobal Ruiz who lived in the town of Tafalla (Kingdom of Navarre) in the fifteenth century. They are the main characters in a bigamy case and were punished in the same way. This case seems to be the first one that it is known in Tafalla because, as a result, the council then created a law against bigamy. To understand the consequences of the case, we must pose the following questions: how did the council know that Christobal Ruiz had three wives? As we do not know anything about the other two wives, how did this effect the marriage between Christobal and Maria? Knowing that Maria Sanchiz was totally silenced, how could we know how did this affects her? And finally, how did this change the legislation of the city and the kingdom?
Keywords: women, bigamy, Kingdom of Navarre, legislation, lack of sources
XXI. mendearen hasieran haurrek generoak estereotipatutako uste, funtzio, rol, jokabide eta beste errepikatzen jarraitzen dute. Izan ere, familian, eskolan, kalean, komunikabideetan eta antzekoetan gizon eta emakumeen ikusmolde estereotipatuak (eta, gero ikusiko dugun moduan, sexistak) jaso eta barneratzen dituzte. Hori aldatu ezean, haur horiek helduaroan emakumeen eta gizonen arteko berdintasunik eza, diskriminazioa, bortizkeria matxista eta antzekoak ontzat emateko edo/eta eragiteko arriskua dago. Zorionez, bada arrisku hori saihesteko tresnarik: hezkidetza delakoa.