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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ca-b

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
baa {n} (bleating of sheep) :: bel {m}
baa {interj} (cry of sheep) :: be, bee,
baa {v} (to make the cry of sheep) :: belar
babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby ::
babirusa {n} (a member of the genus Babyrousa) :: babirussa {f}
baboon {n} (primate) :: babuí {m}
babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll ::
baby {n} (very young human being) :: nadó {m}, bebè {m}
baby {n} (lastborn of a family) :: benjamí {m}
baby bottle {n} (bottle with a teat) :: biberó {m}
Babylon {prop} (capital of Babylonia) :: Babilònia {f}
Babylonia {prop} (ancient region and empire of southern Mesopotamia) :: Babilònia {f}
Babylonian {adj} (pertaining to the city or empire of Babylon) :: babiloni
Babylonian {n} (person from the city of Babylon) :: babiloni {m}, babilònia {f}
Babylonian {n} (person from the kingdom of Babylonia) :: babiloni {m}, babilònia {f}
Babylonian {prop} (Akkadian language) :: babiloni {m}
babysitter {n} (baby or child caretaker) :: cangur
baby tooth {n} (tooth which will be replaced) SEE: milk tooth ::
baccalaureate {n} (bachelor's degree) SEE: bachelor's degree ::
baccarat {n} (card game) :: bacarà
bacchanal {adj} (relating to Bacchus or his festival) :: bacanal
bacchanal {adj} (engaged in drunken revels; drunken and riotous or noisy) :: bacanal
bacchanal {n} (drunken revelry; an orgy) :: bacanal {f}
bacchic {adj} (of or relating to Bacchus) :: bàquic
Bacchus {prop} (the Roman god of wine) :: Bacus {m}
bachelor {n} (unmarried man) :: solter {m}
bachelor's degree {n} (first or lowest academic degree) :: llicenciatura {f}
bacillar {adj} (shaped like a rod or staff) :: bacil·liforme, bacil·lar
bacillar {adj} (relating to a bacillus) :: bacil·lar
bacilliform {adj} (shaped like a bacillus; rod-shaped) :: bacil·liforme
bacillus {n} (any bacteria in the genus Bacillus) :: bacil {m}
back {n} (the rear of body) :: esquena {f}
back {v} (to go in the reverse direction) :: recular
back {v} (to support) :: fer costat
back and forth {n} (movement (of someone or something) forward followed by a return to the same position) :: vaivé {m}
back away {v} (to retreat, keeping the attention in front) :: recular
backboard {n} (basketball) :: tauler {m}
backbone {n} (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord) :: columna vertebral {f} [ground animals and humans], espina dorsal {f} [fish], espinada {f} [human]
backbone {n} (courage, fortitude, or strength) :: coratge {m}
backbone {n} (backbone) SEE: spine ::
backdrop {n} (a decorated cloth hung at the back of a stage) :: escenari {m}
back fire {n} (explosion of a combustion engine) :: deflagració d'escapament {f}
backgammon {n} (board game) :: backgammon {m}
background {n} (social heritage) :: bagatge {m}
background {n} (part of picture) :: fons {m}
background {n} (relevant information) :: antecedents {m-p}
background {n} (less important feature) :: rerefons {m}
backhand {n} (stroke in tennis) :: cop de revés {m}
backhand {adj} (ice hockey) :: de revés
backlight {n} (light attached to an LCD display) :: retroil·luminació {f}
back out {v} (to withdraw from something one has promised to do) :: fer-se enrere
backpack {n} (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) :: motxilla {f}
backpackers {n} (hostel) SEE: hostel ::
backrest {n} (back piece of a chair) :: respatller {m}
back row {n} (rugby) :: tercera línia {f}
backspin {n} (spin applied to a ball in order to slow it) :: efecte de retrocés {m}
back wall {n} (Wall) :: paret posterior {f}
backward {adv} (in the direction towards the back) :: enrere
backwards {adv} (toward the back) :: enrere, endarrere
bacon {n} (cut of meat) :: cansalada {f}
bacteraemia {n} (medical condition) :: bacterièmia {f}
bacterial {adj} (of or caused by bacteria) :: bacterià
bacteriological {adj} (of or pertaining to bacteriology) :: bacteriològic
bacteriologist {n} (microbiologist) :: bacteriòleg {m}
bacteriology {n} (scientific study of bacteria) :: bacteriologia {f}
bacteriophage {n} (a virus that infects bacteria) :: bacteriòfag {m}
bacterium {n} (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) :: bacteri {m}
Bactrian camel {n} (Camelus bactrianus) :: camell bactrià {m}
bad {adj} (unfavorable; negative) :: dolent
bad {adv} (badly) SEE: badly ::
Badajoz {prop} (city) :: Badajoz {f}
Badalona {prop} (city in Catalonia) :: Badalona
Baden-Württemberg {prop} (state of Germany) :: Baden-Wurtemberg
badge {n} (distinctive mark) :: xapa {f}, insígnia {f}, distintiu
badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart ::
badger {n} (mammal) :: teixó {m}
badlands {n} (arid terrain with severely eroded sedimentary rocks) :: badlands {f-p}
bad luck {n} (misfortune) :: mala sort {f}
badly {adv} (in a bad manner) :: malament, mal
bad-mannered {adj} (having bad manners) :: mal educat
badminton {n} (a racquet sport) :: bàdminton {m}
badminton player {n} (a person who plays badminton) :: jugador de bàdminton {m}, jugadora de bàdminton {f}
badmouth {v} (to criticize or malign, especially unfairly or spitefully) :: malparlar
badness {n} (the quality of being bad) :: [childish] bua {f}
bad-tempered {adj} (having a bad temper) :: malhumorat
bag {n} (flexible container) :: bossa {f}
bag {n} (baseball: cloth-covered pillow used for first, second, and third base) :: coixí {m}
bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack ::
bagasse {n} (the residue from processing sugar cane after the juice is extracted) :: bagàs {m}
bagatelle {n} (trifle) :: bagatel·la {f}
baggage {n} (luggage) SEE: luggage ::
Baghdad {prop} (city) :: Bagdad
bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes ::
bagpiper {n} (one who plays the bagpipes) :: gaiter {m}
bagpipes {n} (musical wind instrument) :: cornamusa {f}, gaita {f}
baguette {n} (a variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape) :: baguet {f}
Bahamas {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Bahames {p}
Bahrain {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Bahrain {m}
baiji {n} (freshwater dolphin) :: dofí del Iang-tsé {m}, dofí de riu xinès {m}
bail {n} (release from imprisonment on payment of such money) :: fiança
bailiff {n} (steward) SEE: steward ::
bailiff {n} (equivalent officers of the court in foreign contexts) :: algutzir {m}, agutzil {m}
bailout {n} (a rescue, especially a financial rescue) :: rescat {m}
bain-marie {n} (pan containing hot water) :: bany maria {m}
bait {n} (substance used in catching fish) :: esquer {m}
bait {n} (anything which allures) :: esquer {m}
baize {n} (woollen cloth used for covering card tables etc.) :: feltre {m}
Bajocian {prop} :: Bajocià
bake {v} (to cook in an oven) :: fornejar
baked {adj} (cooked by baking) :: cuit al forn {m}
baker {n} (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) :: forner {m}, flequer {m}
baker's {n} (bakery) SEE: bakery ::
baker's dozen {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
baker's dozen {n} (group of thirteen) :: dotzena de frare {f} [monk's dozen]
bakery {n} (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) :: fleca {f}, forn {m}
baklava {n} (sweet pastry) :: baclaua
Baku {prop} (the capital city of Azerbaijan) :: Bakú
balalaika {n} (Russian instrument) :: balalaica {f}
balance {n} (equilibrium) :: equilibri {m}
balance {n} (scales) :: balança {f}
balance {n} (accounting: list of credits and debits) :: balanç {m}
balance {v} (to bring to equipoise) :: equilibrar, compensar
balance {n} (astrology: Libra) SEE: Libra ::
balance beam {n} (gymnastics: narrow wooden rail) :: barra d'equilibri {f}
balance of trade {n} (difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time) :: balança comercial {f}
balance wheel {n} (timepiece mechanism) :: volant regulador {m}
balcony {n} (structure extending from a building) :: balcó {m}
bald {adj} (having no hair) :: calb
bald eagle {n} (species of eagle native to North America) :: pigarg americà {m}
baldness {n} (condition or state of being (or becoming) bald) :: calvície {f}, calbesa {f}
bale {v} (to remove water from a boat) SEE: bail ::
Balearic {adj} (of the Balearic Islands) :: balear
Balearic {prop} (Catalan dialect) :: balear {m}
Balearic Islands {prop} (group of Mediterranean islands) :: Illes Balears {f-p}
Bali {prop} (island of Indonesia) :: Bali
Balinese {n} (language) :: balinès {m}
Balinese {n} (inhabitant) :: balinès {m}
Balinese {adj} (of or relating to Bali, or its inhabitants, language or culture) :: balinès
Balkan {adj} (of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula) :: balcànic
Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanic {adj} (of or relating to Balkan peninsula) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanization {n} (fragmentation of a region into several small states) :: balcanització {f}
Balkanization {n} (any disintegration process) :: balcanització {f}
Balkanize {v} (to break up) :: balcanitzar
Balkans {prop} (geographical region in the southeast of Europe, see also: Balkan Peninsula) :: Balcans {m-p}
ball {n} (solid or hollow sphere) :: bola {f}
ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) :: pilota {f}, bola {f}
ball {n} (baseball: a pitch that falls outside the strike zone) :: bola {f}
ball {n} (testicle) :: pilotes {f-p}, colló {m}
ball {n} (formal dance) :: ball {m}
ballad {n} (narrative poem) :: balada {f}
ballast {n} (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel) :: llast {m}
ball boy {n} (A male person responsible for retrieving balls) :: aplegapilotes {m} {f}
ballerina {n} (female ballet dancer) :: ballarina {f}
ballet {n} (form of dance) :: ballet {m}
ballet {n} (theatrical presentation) :: ballet {m}
ballet {n} (company of persons) :: ballet {m}
ball game {n} (game played with a ball) :: esport de pilota {m}
ballgame {n} (ball game) SEE: ball game ::
ball girl {n} (female who clears balls) :: aplegapilotes {m} {f}
ballistic {adj} (relating to ballistics) :: balístic
ballistics {n} (science of the study of falling objects) :: balística {f}
ballistic vest {n} (bulletproof vest) SEE: bulletproof vest ::
balloon {n} (slang: woman’s breast) SEE: boob ::
balloon {n} (inflatable and buoyant object) :: globus {m}
balloon {n} (child’s toy) :: globus {m}, baló {m}
balloon {n} (inflatable object to transport people through the air) :: globus {m}
balloon {n} (speech bubble) SEE: speech bubble ::
ballot {n} (paper used for vote-casting) :: papereta de vot {f}
ballot box {n} (a sealed box into which a voter puts a voting slip) :: urna {f}
balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry "ball") SEE: ball ::
balls {n} (bravery) :: ous {m-p}, collons {m-p}
ballsy {adj} (having balls) :: collonut {m}, collonuda {f}
Balochi {prop} (language) :: balutxi {m}
Balochistan {prop} (region on the Iranian plateau in south-western Asia) :: Balutxistan {m}
Balochistan {prop} (province of Pakistan) :: Balutxistan
baloney {n} (type of smoked sausage) :: mortadel·la {f}
Balthazar {prop} (one of the Magi) :: Baltasar
Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
Baltic {adj} (of the Baltic region or sea) :: bàltic
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Baltic languages) :: bàltic
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Balts) :: bàltic
Baltic-Finnic {adj} :: baltofinès {m}; [Valencian] baltofinés {m}
Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) :: Mar Bàltica {f}
baluster {n} (banister) :: balustre {m}
balustrade {n} (row of balusters) :: balustrada {f}
Bamako {prop} (capital of Mali) :: Bamako
Bambara {prop} (language) :: bamana, bamanakan, bambara, bamanaia, baumana
bamboo {n} (plant) :: bambú {m}
bamboo {n} (wood) :: bambú {m}
bamboozle {v} (to con, defraud, trick) :: enredar, engalipar
ban {n} (title used in several states in central and south-eastern Europe) :: ban {m}
banal {adj} (common) :: banal
banality {n} (quality of being banal) :: banalitat {f}
banality {n} (something which is banal) :: banalitat {f}
banalize {v} (to make banal) :: banalitzar
banally {adv} (in a banal manner) :: banalment
banana {n} (fruit) :: banana {f}, plàtan {m}
banana peel {n} (outermost layer of the banana) :: pela de plàtan {f}
bananaquit {n} (Coereba flaveola) :: coereba {m}
banana republic {n} (country) :: república bananera {f}
banana skin {n} (banana skin) SEE: banana peel ::
Banbury story of a cock and a bull {n} (roundabout, nonsensical story) :: una història sense cap ni peus (a story without head or feet)
bandage {n} (medical binding) :: bena {f}, embenat {m}
bandage {v} (to apply a bandage to something) :: embenar
bandage {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
band-aid {n} (adhesive bandage) :: tireta {f}
banderilla {n} (decorated barbed stick used in bullfighting) :: banderilla {f}
bandicoot {n} (small Australian marsupial with a long snout) :: bàndicut {m}
bandoleer {n} (bandolier) SEE: bandolier ::
bandolier {n} (an ammunition belt) :: canana {f}
bandoneon {n} (accordion) :: bandoneó {m}
bandy {adj} (bowlegged) :: camatort
bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison ::
bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer ::
bane {n} (source of harm or ruin; affliction) :: desgràcia {f}, flagell {m}
banger {n} (woman's breast) SEE: breast ::
Bangkok {prop} (the capital of Thailand) :: Bangkok
Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali ::
Bangladesh {prop} (country) :: Bangladesh
bangs {n} (hair that hangs down over the forehead) :: serrell {m}
banish {v} (to send someone away and forbid that person from returning) :: bandejar, desterrar
banister {n} (the handrail on the side of a staircase) :: arrambador
banister {n} (one of the vertical supports of a handrail) :: balustre {m}
banjo {n} (a musical instrument) :: banjo {m}
bank {n} (institution) :: banc {m}
bank {n} (branch office) :: banc {m}
bank {n} (storage for important goods) :: banc {m}, magatzem {m}
bank {n} (device used to store coins or currency) :: guardiola {f}
bank {n} (edge of river or lake) :: riba {f}
bank account {n} (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) :: compte bancari {m}
banker {n} (one who conducts the business of banking) :: banquer {m}, banquera {f}
banker {n} (dealer) :: banquer {m}, banquera {f}
bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
banknote {n} (paper currency) :: bitllet {m}
banner {n} (flag) :: bandera {f}, banderola {f}, estendard {m}, gomfaró {m}
banner {n} (large sign) :: pancarta {f}
banner {n} (large piece of cloth with a slogan or emblem carried in a demonstration or other procession) :: bandera {f}, banderola {f}, estendard {m}, gomfaró {m}
banner {n} (cause or purpose; a campaign or movement) :: estendard {m}
banner {n} (advertisement on a web page) :: banner {m}
banner {n} (principal standard of a knight) :: estendard {m}, gomfaró {m}
banquet {n} (a large celebratory meal; a feast) :: banquet {m}
banshee {n} (in Irish folklore, a female spirit) :: banshee {f}
bansuri {n} (flute) :: bansuri {m}
banter {n} (good humoured conversation) :: gatzara {f}
banyan {n} (tropical Indian fig tree) :: banià {m}
baobab {n} (Adansonia digitata) :: baobab {m}
baptise {v} (baptise) SEE: baptize ::
baptism {n} (Christian sacrament) :: baptisme {m}
baptismal {adj} (relating to baptism) :: baptismal
baptismal font {n} (a basin used for baptism) :: pila baptismal {f}
baptism by fire {n} (baptism of fire) SEE: baptism of fire ::
baptism of fire {n} (the first experience of a severe ordeal) :: baptisme de foc {m}
baptist {n} (person who baptizes) :: baptista {m} {f}
Baptist {adj} (of the Baptist religious denomination) :: baptista {m} {f}
baptistry {n} (space where a baptismal font is located) :: baptisteri {m}
baptize {v} (To perform the Christian sacrament of baptism) :: batejar
bar {n} (vertical bar mark) SEE: pipe ::
bar {n} (music: section of a staff) SEE: measure ::
bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except ::
bar {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) SEE: fess ::
bar {n} (soccer: crossbar) SEE: crossbar ::
bar {n} (counter of such a premises) :: barra {f}
barb {n} (bit for a horse) SEE: bit ::
barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard ::
barb {n} (one of the side branches of a feather) :: barba {f}
Barbados {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Barbados {m}
Barbara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of female given name) :: Bàrbara
barbarian {adj} (uncivilized) :: bàrbar
barbarian {n} (uncivilized person) :: bàrbar {m}
barbarian {n} (derogatory term for someone from a developing country) :: bàrbar {m}
barbarian {n} (warrior associated with Sword and Sorcery stories) :: bàrbar {m}
barbarous {adj} (barbarian) SEE: barbarian ::
barbecue {v} (grill) SEE: grill ::
barbed wire {n} (twisted strands of steel wire) :: filferro espinós {m}
barbel {n} (fish) :: barb {m}
barber {n} (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards) :: barber {m}
barbican {n} (A tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town) :: barbacana {f}
barbiturate {n} (derivative of barbituric acid that acts as a depressant of the central nervous system) :: barbitúric {m}
barcarole {n} (Venetian folk song) :: barcarola {f}
Barcelona {prop} (capital of Catalonia) :: Barcelona {f}
Barcelonan {adj} (from Barcelona) SEE: Barcelonian ::
Barcelonan {n} (someone from Barcelona) SEE: Barcelonian ::
Barcelonian {adj} (from Barcelona) :: barceloní
Barcelonian {n} (someone from Barcelona) :: barceloní {m}, barcelonina {f}
barcode {n} (set of machine-readable parallel bars) :: codi de barres
bard {n} (professional poet and singer) :: bard {m}
bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely ::
barefoot {adj} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: descalç
barefoot {adv} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: descalç
barefooted {adj} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
barefooted {adv} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
bareheaded {adj} (having no covering on the head) :: descobert
bareheaded {adv} (with no covering on the head) :: descobert, amb el cap descobert
barely {adv} (by a small margin) :: a penes, amb prou feines
barely {adv} (merely) SEE: merely ::
barf {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barf {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
bargain {n} (item bought at a low price) :: ganga {f}, bicoca {f}
barge {n} (flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters) :: barcassa {f}
Bari {prop} (town in Italy) :: Bari
baritone {n} (male voice) :: baríton {m}
baritone {n} (musical range) :: baríton {m}
baritone {n} (person, instrument or group) :: baríton
baritone horn {n} (baritone horn) SEE: baritone ::
barium {n} (chemical element) :: bari {m}
bark {v} (to make a loud noise (dogs)) :: lladrar, bordar
bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) :: lladruc {m}
bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) :: escorça {f}
bark {n} (three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged) :: bricbarca {m} {f}
barking dogs seldom bite {proverb} (people who make threats rarely carry them out) :: gos que lladra, no mossega
barley {n} (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) :: ordi {m}
barman {n} (bartender) SEE: bartender ::
barn {n} (child) SEE: child ::
Béarn {prop} (former viscounty) :: Bearn
Barnabas {prop} (An early Christian) :: Bernabé
Barnabas {prop} (male given name) :: Bernabé
barnacle {n} (marine crustacean) :: percebe {m}
barn owl {n} (Tyto alba) :: òliba
bar of chocolate {n} (slab of chocolate) :: xocolatina {f}
barometer {n} (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) :: baròmetre {m}
barometric {adj} (of or pertaining to atmospheric pressure) :: baromètric
baron {n} (male ruler of a barony) :: baró {m}
baroness {n} (female ruler of a barony) :: baronessa {f}
baronial {adj} (belonging or relating to a baron) :: baronial
barony {n} (a dominion ruled by a baron or baroness) :: baronia {f}
baroque {adj} (laden with detail) :: barroc
Baroque guitar {n} (archaic form of guitar from the Baroque era) :: guitarra barroca {f}
baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
barque {n} (sailing vessel, all masts but sternmost square-rigged) :: bricbarca {m}
barque {n} (poetic, any sailing vessel or boat) :: veler {m}
barrack {n} (a building for soldiers) :: caserna {f}
barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack ::
barracuda {n} (predatory competitor) SEE: shark ::
barracuda {n} (marine fish) :: barracuda {f}
barrator {n} (who vexes others with frequent and needless lawsuits) :: querulant {m}
barrel {n} (tube) SEE: tube ::
barrel {n} (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) :: bóta {f}, barral {m}, barril {m}, bocoi {m}
barrel {n} (quantity) :: quart {m}
barrel {n} (metallic tube of a gun) :: canó {m}
barrel {v} (o put or to pack in a barrel or barrels) :: embarrilar
barrel organ {n} (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel) :: piano de maneta {m}
barrel vault {n} (architecture) :: volta de canó {f}
barricade {n} (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence) :: barricada {f}
barrier {n} (structure that bars passage) :: barrera {f}
barrow {n} (mound of earth and stones raised over a grave) :: túmul {m}
bartender {n} (person who works in a bar) :: bàrman {m} {f}
Bartholin's gland {n} (gland on the vaginal orifice that secretes mucus) :: glàndula de Bartholin {f}
Bartholomew {prop} (male given name) :: Bartolomeu
Bartonian {prop} :: Bartonià
baryon {n} (heavy subatomic particle) :: barió {m}
basal {adj} (relating to, or forming, the base, or point of origin) :: basal
basalt {n} (hard rock) :: basalt {m}
bascinet {n} (light helmet) :: bacinet {m}
bascule bridge {n} (type of movable bridge) :: pont basculant {m}
base {n} (something from which other things extend) :: base {f}, fonament {m}
base {n} (starting point of thought) :: base {f}, principi {m}, fonament {m}
base {n} (permanent structure for housing military) :: base {f}, caserna {f}
base {n} (headquarters) :: seu {f}
base {n} (chemical compound that will neutralize an acid) :: base {f}
base {n} (baseball: one of the three places that a runner can stand in safety) :: base {f}
base {n} (lowermost part of a column) :: basament {m}
base {n} (geometry: lowest side or face) :: base {f}
base {v} (have as its foundation or starting point) :: basar
base {adj} (low) :: baix, abjecte, vil, indigne, innoble
base {adj} (of inferior quality) :: indigne, innoble
base {adj} (immoral) :: immoral
base {adj} (vulgar, common) :: vulgar
base {n} (apron) SEE: apron ::
base {n} (housing of a horse) SEE: housing ::
baseball {n} (ball game) :: beisbol {m}
baseball player {n} (a person who plays baseball) :: jugador de beisbol {m}, beisbolista {m} {f}
baseboard {n} (panel or molding between floor and interior wall) SEE: skirting board ::
base hit {n} ((baseball) a successful hit) :: batada vàlida {f}
Basel {prop} (city in Switzerland) :: Basilea {f}
baseless {adj} (based on something that is not true) SEE: unfounded ::
basement {n} (floor below ground level) :: soterrani {m}
baserunner {n} (player) :: corredor {m}
Bashkir {adj} (of or relating to Bashkortostan or its people) :: baixkir
Bashkir {n} (a Bashkir person) :: baixkir {m}
Bashkir {prop} (language) :: baixkir
Bashkiria {prop} (Bashkortostan) SEE: Bashkortostan ::
Bashkortostan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Baixkíria {f}, Baixkortostan {m}
Bashkortostani {adj} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
Bashkortostani {n} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
bash the bishop {v} (slang for masturbate (male)) :: pelar-se-la, cascar
basic {adj} (necessary, essential for life or some process) :: bàsic
basic {adj} (elementary, simple, merely functional) :: bàsic
basically {adv} (in a fundamental or basic manner) :: bàsicament
basidium {n} (small club shaped structure) :: basidi {m}
basil {n} (plant) :: alfàbrega {f}, alfàbega {f}
basil {n} (herb) :: alfàbrega {f}, alfàbega {f}
Basil {prop} (male given name) :: Basili {m}
basilean {n} (partisan of a king) SEE: royalist ::
basilica {n} (Christian church building having a nave) :: basílica {f}
basilisk {n} (snake-like dragon type) :: basilisc {m}
basilisk {n} (type of lizard (genus Basiliscus)) :: basilisc {m}
basilisk {n} (type of large brass cannon) :: basilisc {m}
basin {n} (wide bowl for washing) :: pica {f}
basin {n} (area of land that drains into a common outlet) :: conca {f}
basin {n} (rock formation scooped out by water erosion) :: conca {f}
basion {n} ((anatomy) middle of the anterior margin of the foramen magnum of the skull) :: basi {m}, bàsion
bask {v} (to take great pleasure or satisfaction; to feel warm or happiness) :: gaudir, disfrutar
basket {n} (container) :: cistell {m}, cistella {f}
basket {n} (basketball: hoop from which a net is suspended) :: cistella {f}
basket {n} (basketball: act of putting the ball through the basket) :: cistella, bàsquet, encistellada
basket {n} (in basketball) :: bàsquet {m}
basketball {n} (the sport) :: bàsquet {m}, basquetbol {m}
basketball hoop {n} (a hoop use in basketball) :: cèrcol {m}
basketball player {n} (person who plays basketball) :: basquetbolista {m} {f}, jugador de basquetbol {m}
basking shark {n} (Cetorhinus maximus) :: pelegrí {m}
Basque {n} (language) :: basc {m}, èuscar {m}
Basque {n} (member of a people) :: basc {m}, basca {f}
Basque {adj} (relative to the Basque people or their language) :: basc
Basque Country {prop} (geographical region in Spain and France) :: País Basc
Basque Country {prop} (the region where the Basque language is spoken) :: País Basc
Basque Country {prop} (autonomous community within Spain) :: País Basc
bas-relief {n} (a low or mostly-flat sculpture) :: baix relleu {m}
bass drum {n} (large drum with a low pitch) :: bombo {m}
Basse-Terre {prop} (capital city of Guadeloupe) :: Basse-Terre
bass fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass guitar {n} (stringed musical instrument) :: baix elèctric {m}
bassist {n} (musician) :: baixista {m} {f}
basso continuo {n} (continuous realization of harmony) :: baix continu {m}
bassoon {n} (musical instrument in the woodwind family) :: fagot {m}
bassoonist {n} (person who plays the bassoon) :: baixó
bass viol {n} (musical instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass violin {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bastard {n} (longsword) SEE: longsword ::
bastard {n} (person born to unmarried parents) :: bastard {m}, bord {m}
bastard {n} (mongrel) :: bastard {m}, bord {m}
bastard {n} (contemptible etc. person) :: fill de puta {m}
bastard {n} (humorously: man, fellow) :: fill de puta {m}
bastard {n} (informal: child that does not know his father) :: bastard {m}, bord {m}
bastard {n} (variation that is not genuine) :: bastard {m}
bastard {adj} (of or like a bastard (illegitimate human descendant)) :: bastard {m}, bord {m}
bastard {adj} (of or like a bastard (bad person)) :: fill de puta {m}
bastard {adj} (of or like a mongrel, bastardized creature/cross) :: bastard {m}, bord {m}
bastard {adj} (spurious, lacking genuinity of authenticity) :: bastard {m}
bastard wing {n} (tuft of feathers) :: alot {m}
bastille {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
bastille {n} (fortress) SEE: fortress ::
bastille {n} (citadel) SEE: citadel ::
bastion {n} (projecting part of a rampart) :: bastió {m}
bat {n} (small flying mammal) :: ratpenat {m}, ratapinyada {f}, muricec {m}; [Valencian] rata penada {f}
bat {n} (club used for striking the ball in sports) :: bat {m}
batch {n} (quantity of baked goods made at one time) :: fornada {f}
bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat ::
bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
bath {n} (room) :: bany {m}, cambra de bany {f}
bath {n} (act of bathing) :: bany
bathe {v} (to clean oneself with water) :: banyar(-se)
bathing suit {n} (tight fitting garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
bathing trunks {n} (pair of shorts or briefs) SEE: swimming trunks ::
bathometer {n} (instrument) :: batímetre {m}, batòmetre {m}
Bathonian {prop} :: Bathonià
bathos {n} (depth) SEE: depth ::
bathos {n} (nadir) SEE: nadir ::
bathos {n} (anticlimax) SEE: anticlimax ::
bathrobe {n} (terrycloth robe) :: barnús {m}
bathroom {n} (a room with a bathtub) :: cambra de bany {f}, bany {m}
bathroom {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
bath towel {n} (towel for drying the body) :: tovallola de bany {f}
bathtub {n} (large container in which a person may bathe) :: banyera {f}, bany {m}
bathymeter {n} (bathometer) SEE: bathometer ::
bathymetric {adj} (of, pertaining to, or derived from bathymetry) :: batimètric
bathymetry {n} (the measurement of the depths of the seas) :: batimetria {f}
bathyscaphe {n} (self-propelled deep-sea submersible) :: batiscaf {m}
bathysphere {n} (diving chamber) :: batisfera {f}
batik {n} (A method of dyeing fabric) :: bàtik
batiste {n} (fine cloth) :: batista {f}
baton {n} (military staff of office) :: porra {f}
baton {n} (music: conductor's stick) :: batuta {f}
baton {n} (sports: object transferred by relay runners) :: testimoni {m}
baton {n} (club of the police) :: porra {f}
Bats {prop} (a commune in France) :: Vaths
battalion {n} (army unit) :: batalló {m}
batter {v} (to coat with batter) :: arrebossar
batter {n} (beaten mixture of flour and liquid) :: batut {m}
batter {n} (player attempting to hit the ball) :: batedor {m}
battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) :: ariet {m}, moltó {m}
battery {n} (device storing electricity) :: bateria {f}
batting order {n} (the order in which players go to bat) :: ordre de batuda {m}
battle {n} (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) :: batalla {f}
battle {n} (struggle; a contest; as, the battle of life) :: batalla {f}
battle {n} ((obsolete) a division of an army; a battalion) :: batalla {f}
battle {v} ((intransitive) to join in battle; to contend in fight) :: combatre, batallar
battle {v} ((transitive) to assail in battle; to fight) :: batallar
battle axe {n} (electric guitar) SEE: electric guitar ::
battle cry {n} (something the troops yell out when going to war or battle) :: crit de guerra {m}
battlefield {n} (field of a land battle) :: camp de batalla {m}
battleground {n} (location) SEE: battlefield ::
battlement {n} (indented parapet formed by a series of rising members) :: cresteria {f}
Battle of Britain {prop} (series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II) :: batalla d'Anglaterra {f}
battle of the sexes {n} (any competition between males and females) :: guerra de sexes {f}
battleship {n} (warship) :: cuirassat {m}
bauxite {n} (ore) :: bauxita {f}
Bavaria {prop} (state) :: Baviera
Bavarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bavaria) :: bavarès
Bavarian {n} (person from Bavaria or of Bavarian descent) :: bavarès {m}, bavaresa {f}
Bavarian {prop} (German dialect) :: bavarès {m}
bay {n} (body of water) :: badia {f}
bay {v} (to howl) :: udolar
bay {n} (brown colour/color) :: bai
Bay of Bengal {prop} (Large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean) :: golf de Bengala {m}
bayonet {n} (weapon) :: baioneta
Bayonne {prop} (city and commune of southwest France) :: Baiona {f}
bazaar {n} (marketplace) :: basar
bazooka {n} (American shoulder fired rocket grenade launcher) :: bazuca {m}
BC {adv} (before Christ) :: aC
béchamel sauce {n} (white sauce made with butter, flour and milk) :: beixamel {f}
be {v} (occupy a place) :: ésser
be {v} (occur, take place) :: ésser
be {v} (exist) :: ésser
be {v} (have a certain age) :: tenir, tindre
be {v} (elliptical form of "be here", or similar) :: estar
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) :: ésser
be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) :: ésser, estar
be {v} (used to form the passive voice) :: ésser
be {v} (used to form the continuous forms of various tenses) :: estar
be {v} (used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like) :: fer
be {v} :: ésser, estar
be able to {v} (have ability to) :: poder
beach {n} (sandy shore) :: platja {f}
beach volleyball {n} (sport) :: vòlei platja
bead {n} (rosary ball) :: dena {f}
beak {n} (structure projecting from a bird's face) :: bec {m}
bean {n} (seed) :: mongeta {f}, [Valencian] fesol {m}
bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu ::
bear {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth ::
bear {v} (to carry) :: portar
bear {v} (to endure with patience; to be patient) :: suportar
bear {v} (to tolerate, to put up with) :: suportar
bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) :: ós {m}
bear {n} (large hairy man) :: ós {m}, bear
bearable {adj} (able to be borne) :: suportable
beard {n} (facial hair) :: barba {f}
beard {v} (to grow hair on the chin and jaw) :: barbar
bearded {adj} (having a beard) :: barbut, barbat
bearded vulture {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier ::
beardless {adj} (without a beard) :: barbamec
bearing {n} (mechanical device) :: coixinet {m}
bearing {n} (nautical sense) :: demora {f}
bear in mind {v} (remember, consider) :: tenir present
bear out {v} (corroborate, prove, or confirm) :: confirmar, corroborar
bear's breech {n} (acanthus) SEE: acanthus ::
beast {n} (non-human animal) :: bèstia {f}, fera {f}
beast {n} (violent/antisocial person) :: bèstia {f}
Beast {prop} (figure in the Book of Revelation) :: Bèstia {f}
beastly {adj} (pertaining to, or having the form, nature, or habits of a beast) :: bestial, animal
beast of burden {n} (animal that carries or pulls a load) :: bèstia {f}
beat {n} (pulsation) :: batec {m}
beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) :: batre
beat {v} (to strike or pound repeatedly) :: colpejar, batre
beat {v} (intransitive: to strike repeatedly) :: batre
beat {v} (to move with pulsation or throbbing) :: bategar
beat {v} (to win against) :: vèncer
beat {v} (to mix food) :: batre
beat {n} (act of reporting before a rival) SEE: scoop ::
beat around the bush {v} (to treat a topic but omit its main points) :: marejar la perdiu
beatification {n} (the act of beatifying) :: beatificació {f}
beatify {v} (to make blissful) :: beatificar
beatify {v} (to take step in declaring a person a saint) :: beatificar
beating {n} (action of the verb to beat) :: pallissa {f}, batussa
Beatrice {prop} (female given name) :: Beatriu {f}
beau {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Beaufort scale {prop} (measure for the intensity of the wind) :: escala de Beaufort {f}
beautician {n} (one who does hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments) :: estetista {m} {f}, esteticista {m} {f}
beautiful {adj} (possessing charm and attractive) :: bell {m}, bella {f}, formós {m}, formósa {f}, bonic {m}, bonica {f}
beautifully {adv} (In a beautiful manner) :: bellament
beauty {n} (quality of pleasing appearance) :: bellesa {f}
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: female) :: bellesa {f}
beauty contest {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant ::
beauty pageant {n} (competition on attractiveness) :: concurs de bellesa {m}
beauty parlor {n} (salon with hairdressers and beauticians) :: saló de bellesa
beauty salon {n} (beauty salon) SEE: beauty parlor ::
beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole ::
beaver {n} (semiaquatic rodent) :: castor
beaver {n} (coarse slang: pubic hair/vulva of a woman) :: conillet {m}
be awake {v} (awake) SEE: awake ::
be awake {v} (wake up) SEE: wake up ::
be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) :: néixer
be called {v} (to have a specific name) :: dir-se
be careful {interj} (proceed with caution) :: vagin amb compte [formal, to a group of people], aneu amb compte [informal, to a group of people], vés amb compte [informal, to an individual]
because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) :: perquè, ja que, car, puix, puix que
because of {prep} (on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of) :: [negative result] per culpa de, [positive result] gràcies a
become {v} (to begin to be) :: esdevenir; escaure
becoming {n} (The act or process by which something becomes) :: esdevenir
becquerel {n} (unit of radioactive activity) :: becquerel {m}
bed {n} (shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear) SEE: pallet ::
bed {n} (piece of furniture) :: llit
bed {n} (prepared spot to spend the night in) :: llit, jaç
bed {n} (flat surface or layer on which something else is to be placed) :: llit, capa
bed {n} (the bottom of a lake or other body of water) :: buc (riverbed)
bed {v} (to put oneself to sleep) :: anar al llit, allitar-se
bedbound {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden ::
bedbug {n} (small nocturnal insect) :: xinxa {f}
bedcover {n} (decorative cover for a bed) SEE: bedspread ::
bedfast {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden ::
bedouin {n} (desert-dweller) :: beduí {m}
bedridden {adj} (confined to bed) :: enllitat, allitat
bedroom {n} (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) :: dormitori {m}, cambra {f}
bedsheet {n} (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: llençol {m}
bedside table {n} (nightstand) SEE: nightstand ::
bedsore {n} (Lesion caused by pressure) :: úlcera per pressió {f}
bedspread {n} (topmost covering of a bed) :: colxa {f}, manta {f}, vànova {f}
bee {n} (insect) :: abella {f}
bee {n} (name of the letter B, b) :: be {f}
beech {n} (tree of genus Fagus) :: faig
beech marten {n} (Martes foina) :: fagina {f}
beef {n} (meat) :: vedella {f}
beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow ::
bee fly {n} (bee fly) :: bombílid {m}
beef up {v} (to strengthen or reinforce) SEE: strengthen ::
beefy {adj} (robust) SEE: robust ::
beefy {adj} (muscular) SEE: muscular ::
beehive {n} (home of bees) :: arna {f}, buc {m}, casera {f}, rusc {m}
beehive {n} (man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey) :: arna {f}, buc {m}, casera {f}, rusc {m}
beekeeper {n} (someone who keeps bees) :: apicultor {m}, abeller {m}, abellaire {m} {f}
beekeeping {n} (raising bees) :: apicultura {f}
Beelzebub {prop} (a Semitic deity, another name for the Devil) :: Belzebú {m}
beer {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt) :: cervesa {f}, birra {f} (dialect of Maó)
beer {n} (glass of beer) :: cervesa {f}
beer and skittles {n} (fun times) :: flors i violes
beestings {n} (first milk drawn from an animal) SEE: colostrum ::
beeswax {n} (wax secreted by bees) :: cera d'abelles {f}
beet {n} (Beta vulgaris) :: remolatxa {f}, bleda-rave {f}
beetle {n} (insect) :: escarabat {m}
beetroot {n} (normally deep red coloured root vegetable) :: remolatxa d'hort {f}
beetroot red {n} (a glycoside) :: vermell de remolatxa {m}
before {prep} (earlier than) :: abans de, abans que
before {prep} (in front of in space) :: davant
before {prep} (in front of according to an ordering system) :: abans
before {adv} (at an earlier time) :: abans
before {adv} (in advance) :: davant
beforehand {adv} (at an earlier time) :: de bestreta
before long {prep} (soon) SEE: soon ::
beg {v} (to request the help of someone, often in the form of money) :: pidolar, mendicar
beg {v} (to plead with someone for help) :: suplicar, pregar
beget {v} (to beget) SEE: procreate ::
beget {v} (to cause, to produce) :: engendrar
beget {v} (to procreate) :: concebre
beggar {n} (person who begs) :: mendicant {m} {f}, captaire {m} {f}
Beghard {n} (one of an association of religious laymen) :: begard {m}
begin {v} (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.) :: començar, iniciar
beginner {n} (someone who just recently started) :: principiant {m} {f}
beginning {n} (act of doing that which begins anything) :: començament {m}, inici {m}, principi {m}
begonia {n} (plants of the genus Begonia) :: begònia {f}
begrime {v} (make dirty) :: ensutzar
beguile {v} (to deceive or delude (using guile)) :: embetumar, enganyar
beguile {v} (charm, delight) :: captivar
beguinage {n} (walled community of Beguines) :: beguinatge {m}
Beguine {n} :: beguí {m}
behavior {n} (way an animal or human behaves or acts) :: conducta {f}, comportament {m}
behavior {n} (way matter or systems behave) :: comportament {m}
behaviorism {n} (approach to psychology focusing on behavior) :: conductisme {m}
behaviour {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
behead {v} (to remove the head) :: decapitar
behest {n} (vow) SEE: vow ::
behest {n} (promise) SEE: promise ::
Behçet's disease {n} (multi-system disorder) :: síndrome de Behçet {f}, malaltia de Behçet {f}
behind {prep} (at the back of) :: darrere
behind {prep} :: darrera de
behind {adv} (at the back part; in the rear) :: darrere
behold {v} (to see, to look at) :: mirar, vigilar
beige {n} (colour) :: beix {m}
beige {adj} (having a slightly yellowish gray colour) :: beix
Beijing {prop} (capital of China) :: Pequín
Beijinger {n} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijingese {n} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijingese {adj} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
being {n} (a living creature) :: ésser {m}
being {n} (the state or fact of existence) :: ésser {m}
Beirut {prop} (capital of Lebanon) :: Beirut
Belarus {prop} (country) :: Bielorússia {f}, Bielarús {m}
Belarusian {adj} (pertaining to Belarus) :: belarús, bielorús
Belarusian {n} (language) :: belarús, bielorús
Belarusian {n} (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent) :: bielorús {m}, bielorussa {f}, belarús {m}, belarussa {f}
belch {v} (expel gas from the stomach through the mouth) :: rotar
belch {n} (sound one makes when belching) :: rot
Belgian {n} (Belgian, person from Belgium) :: belga {m} {f}
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgium) :: belga
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgians or Belgian people) :: belga
Belgian Sheepdog {n} (Umbrella term for the four Belgian sheepdog variants) :: pastor belga {m}
Belgium {prop} (country in Europe) :: Bèlgica {f}
Belgrade {prop} (capital of Serbia) :: Belgrad
belief {n} (mental acceptance of a claim as truth) :: creença {f}
belief {n} (something believed) :: creença {f}
belief {n} (the quality or state of believing) :: creença {f}
belief {n} (religious faith) :: creença {f}
believability {n} (state or quality of being believable) :: credibilitat {f}
believable {adj} (capable of being believed; credible) :: creïble
believably {adv} (in a believable way) :: creïblement
believe {v} (to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person)) :: creure
believe {v} (to accept as true) :: creure
believer {n} (person who believes) :: creient {m} {f}
Belize {prop} (country) :: Belize {m}
bell {n} (percussive instrument) :: campana {f}
belladonna {n} (a plant, Atropa belladonna) SEE: deadly nightshade ::
belles-lettres {n} (humanities) SEE: humanities ::
bell-gable {n} (an architectural element) :: espadanya {f}
bellicist {n} (warmonger) SEE: warmonger ::
bellicosity {n} (characteristic of being bellicose) :: bel·licositat {f}
bellow {n} (the deep roar of a large animal, or any similar loud noise) :: rugit, bramul {m}
bellows {n} (air blower) :: manxa {f}
bell pepper {n} (spicy-sweet vegetable) :: pebrot {m}
bell tower {n} (tower in which a bell (or set of bells) is hung; a belfry) :: campanar {m}, campanil [Algherese]
belly {n} (abdomen) :: buc {m}, abdomen {m}, panxa {f}, ventre
bellybutton {n} (the navel or umbilicus) SEE: navel ::
belong {v} (be the property of) :: pertànyer
beloved {adj} (loved) :: estimat {m}, estimada {f}
below {prep} (lower in spatial position than) :: sota
below {adv} (in a lower place) :: sota
below {adv} (farther down) :: ensota
below {adv} (of a temperature: below zero) :: sota
belowstairs {adv} (downstairs) SEE: downstairs ::
belt {n} (band worn around the waist) :: cinturó {m}
belt {n} (band used for safety purposes) :: cinturó {m}
belt {n} (band used in a machine to help transfer motion or power) :: corretja {f}
belt {n} (powerful blow) :: cop {f}
belt {n} (geographical region) :: regió {f}
beltway {n} (a freeway that encircles a city) SEE: ring road ::
beluga {n} (fish, Huso huso) :: esturió beluga {m}
bemuse {v} (to confuse or bewilder) :: destarotar, desconcertar
bench {n} (long seat) :: banc {m}
bench {n} (sports: where players sit when not playing) :: banqueta {f}
bench {n} (flat ledge in the slope of an earthwork, masonry work or similar) :: banqueta {f}
benchlet {n} (stool) SEE: stool ::
bend {v} (to bow in prayer, or in token of submission) :: inclinar-se
bend {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) :: banda {f}
bend down {v} (to bend one's legs while upright to get to a lower position) :: acotar
bend over backwards {v} (make a great effort) :: fer mans i mànigues
bend sinister {n} (diagonal band on coat of arms going from top right to bottom left) :: barra {f}
beneath {adv} (below or underneath) :: sota
beneath {prep} (below) :: sota
Benedict {prop} (male given name) :: Benet
Benedictine {n} (monk or nun) :: benedictí {m}
Benedictine {adj} (of or pertaining to St. Benedict of Nursia) :: benedictí
Benedictine {adj} (of or pertaining to the Benedictine Order) :: benedictí
benefactor {n} (on who gives gifts or help) :: benefactor {m}
beneficial {adj} (helpful or good to something or someone) :: beneficiós
beneficiary {n} (one who receives an advantage) :: beneficiari {m}
beneficiary {n} (one who benefits from the distribution, especially of an estate) :: beneficiari {m}
benefit {n} (advantage, help or aid) :: benefici {m}
benefit {n} (performance given to raise funds) :: benefici {m}
benefit {v} (to be or provide a benefit to) :: beneficiar
benefit {v} (to receive a benefit) :: beneficiar
Benevento {prop} (capital of Benevento province) :: Benevent {f}
benevolence {n} (disposition to do good) :: benevolència {f}
benevolent {adj} (having a disposition to do good) :: benèvol
benevolent {adj} (altruistic or charitable) :: benèfic
benevolently {adv} (in a benevolent manner) :: benèvolament
Bengal {prop} (region in South Asia) :: Bengala
Bengali {adj} (of or pertaining to Bengal) :: bengalí
Bengali {n} (person from Bengal) :: bengalí {m} {f}
Bengali {n} (language) :: bengalí {m}
Bengal tiger {n} (Panthera tigris tigris) :: tigre de Bengala {m}
Benghazi {prop} (Benghazi, Libya) :: Bengasi
benign {adj} (kind, gentle, mild) :: benigne
benign {adj} ((medicine) not posing any serious threat to health) :: benigne
Benin {prop} (country) :: Benín {m}
Beninese {n} (person) :: beninès {m}
Beninese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Benin) :: beninès
benitoite {n} (mineral) :: benitoïta {f}
Benjamin {prop} (the youngest son of Jacob) :: Benjamí {m}
Benjamin {prop} (male given name) :: Benjamí {m}
bent {adj} (folded) :: tort
bent {n} (area) SEE: grassland ::
benthopelagic {adj} (both benthic and pelagic) :: bentopelàgic
bentonite {n} :: bentonita {f}
benumb {v} (deaden) SEE: deaden ::
benzene {n} (aromatic compound C6H6) :: benzè {m}
benzene {n} (the phenyl group) SEE: phenyl ::
benzine {n} (benzene) SEE: benzene ::
benzo- {prefix} (containing benzene) :: benzo-
benzodiazepine {n} (any of a class of psychoactive drugs) :: benzodiazepina {f}
benzoic acid {n} (white crystalline organic acid, C6H5COOH) :: àcid benzoic {m}
benzoin {n} (resinous substance from tree) :: benjuí {m}
benzyl {n} (chemical compound) :: benzil {m}
Beograd {prop} (Belgrade) SEE: Belgrade ::
be quiet {interj} (remain silent) SEE: silence ::
Berber {n} (Member of northwest African ethnic group) :: berber
Berber {prop} (a group of closely related languages) :: berber, amazic
Berber {adj} (of the Berber people) :: berber, amazic
bereavement {n} (The state of being bereaved; deprivation; especially the loss of a relative by death) :: dol {m}
Berengar {prop} (a male given name of historical usage) :: Berenguer, Berengari
Bergamo {prop} (province of Italy) :: Bèrgam
Bergamo {prop} (city and capital of Bergamo) :: Bèrgam
beriberi {n} (pathology: ailment caused by deficiency of vitamin B) :: beri-beri {m}
berkelium {n} (transuranic chemical element) :: berkeli {m}
Berlin {prop} (capital city of Germany) :: Berlín
Berliner {n} (native or inhabitant of Berlin) :: berlinès {m}, berlinesa {f}
Berlin Wall {prop} (wall that parted Berlin) :: mur de Berlín {m}
Bermuda {prop} (island group) :: Bermudes
Bern {prop} (city) :: Berna {f}
Bern {prop} (canton) :: Berna
Bernard {prop} (male given name) :: Bernat
berry {n} (small fruit) :: baia {f}
berth {n} (bunk) :: camarot {m}
Bertram {prop} (male given name) :: Bertran {m}
beryl {n} (gem) :: beril {m}
beryllium {n} (chemical element) :: beril·li {m}
beryllonite {n} (mineral) :: beril·lonita {f}
beseech {v} (to beg) :: pregar
beset {v} (to attack, especially from all sides) :: assetjar
be sick {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
besides {adv} (also; in addition) :: a més
besides {adv} (moreover; furthermore) :: a més a més
besides {adv} (otherwise; else) :: d'altra banda
besiege {v} (to surround with armed forces) :: assetjar
best {adj} (superlative of the adjective good) :: el millor
best friend {n} (an especially close and trusted friend) :: millor amic {m}, millor amiga {f}
bestiality {n} (sexual activity) :: bestialitat {f}
bestiary {n} (A medieval treatise of animals) :: bestiari {m}
bestow {v} (to lay up in store) :: estibar, depositar, emmagatzemar
bestow {v} (to provide with accommodation) :: allotjar
bestow {v} (to present a thing as a gift or honour) :: atorgar, conferir, concedir
bestow {v} (to make use of) :: fer servir, utilitzar
best regards {n} (polite closing of a letter) :: atentament, respectuosament, cordialment
bestride {v} (dominate) SEE: dominate ::
bestseller {n} (book or thing sold in large numbers) :: best-seller {m}
bet {n} (a wager) :: aposta {f}, juguesca {f}
bet {v} (to stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event) :: apostar
bet {v} (to be sure of something) :: apostar
beta {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet) :: beta {f}
betafite {n} (mineral) :: betafita {f}
betanin {n} (the glycoside also known as beetroot red) :: betanin {m}
betatron {n} (a form of cyclotron used to accelerate electrons to high speed) :: betatró {m}
betel {n} (either of two plants: the betel pepper or betel nut) :: bètel {m}
beth {n} (Aramaic and Hebrew letter) :: bet {f}
beth {n} (Phoenician letter) :: bet {f}
beth {n} (Syriac letter) :: bet {f}
Bethesda {prop} (pool in Jerusalem) :: Betesda
Bethlehem {prop} (City) :: Betlem
betray {v} (to deliver into the hands of an enemy) :: trair
betray {v} (to prove faithless or treacherous) :: trair
betray {v} (to violate the confidence of, by disclosing a secret) :: trair
betray {v} (to lead astray, as a maiden) :: trair
betrayal {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
betrothed {n} (fiancé or fiancée) :: promès {m}, promesa {f}
better {adj} (comparative of the adjectives good or well) :: millor
better {v} (to improve) :: millorar
better late than never {adv} (it’s better to do something late, than to never do it at all) :: més val tard que no mai
Betty {prop} (female name) :: Bet
between {prep} (in the position or interval that separates two things) :: entre
between a rock and a hard place {prep} (in a difficult and inescapable position) :: entre l'espasa i la paret (between the sword and the wall)
bevel {n} (An edge that is canted, one that is not a 90 degree angle) :: bisell {m}
beverage {n} (drink) :: beguda {f}
bewitch {v} (to cast a spell) :: embruixar
beyond {prep} (beyond) SEE: above ::
beyond {n} (unknown) SEE: unknown ::
beyond {prep} (further away than) :: enllà
beyond {prep} (on the far side of) :: dellà
beyond {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
bezant {n} (coin minted at Byzantium) :: besant {m}
bezant {n} (heraldic representation of a gold coin) :: besant {m}
Bharat {prop} (India) SEE: India ::
Bhutan {prop} (Himalayan country) :: Bhutan {m}
Bhutanese {n} (person from Bhutan) :: bhutanès {m}
Bhutanese {adj} (pertaining to Bhutan) :: bhutanès
bi- {prefix} (two-) :: bi-
biannual {adj} (occurring every two years) SEE: biennial ::
biarchy {n} (rule by 2 people) SEE: diarchy ::
bias {n} (inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality) :: biaix {m}
bias {n} :: tendència {f}, prejudici {m}, predisposició {f}
biased {adj} (exhibiting bias; prejudiced) :: esbiaixat, tendenciós, parcial
biathlon {n} (winter sport) :: biatló {m}
bib {n} (item of clothing for protecting other clothes while eating) :: pitet {m}
bib {n} (sports: colourful vest) :: peto {m}
bib {n} (Trisopterus luscus) SEE: pouting ::
bible {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Bible {prop} (Christian holy book) :: Bíblia {f}
biblical {adj} (of or relating to the Bible) :: bíblic
biblically {adv} (in a biblical manner) :: bíblicament
bibliographic {adj} (of or pertaining to bibliography) :: bibliogràfic
bibliography {n} (section of a written work) :: bibliografia {f}
bibliography {n} (list of books or documents) :: bibliografia {f}
bibliophage {n} (person who loves books) SEE: bookworm ::
bibliophile {n} (person who loves books) :: bibliòfil {m}
bicameral {adj} (having two separate legislative chambers) :: bicameral
bicarbonate {n} (chemistry) :: bicarbonat {m}
bicycle {n} (vehicle) :: bicicleta {f}
bicycle kick {n} (kick) :: xilena {f}
bicyclist {n} (rider of bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bidet {n} (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus) :: bidet {m}
Biella {prop} (city and capital of Biella) :: Biella
biennial {adj} (happening every two years) :: biennal, bianual
biface {n} (tool) :: bifaç {m}
bifurcation {n} (biology: division into two branches) :: bifurcació {f}
bifurcation {n} (any place where one divides into two) :: bifurcació {f}
big {adj} (of a great size, see also: large) :: gran, gros
big {adj} (adult) :: gran
bigamist {n} (someone who practices bigamy) :: bígam {m}
bigamy {n} (state of having two spouses simultaneously) :: bigàmia {f}
bigamy {n} (second marriage after the death of a spouse) :: bigàmia {f}
Big Apple {prop} (nickname for New York City) :: Gran Poma {f}
big brother {n} (a sibling's older brother) SEE: older brother ::
Bigfoot {n} (unidentified yeti-like animal) :: Peus grans {m}
Big Mac {n} (burger) :: Big Mec {m}
bigmouthed {adj} (loud, talkative, indiscreet) :: bocut
big sister {n} (a sibling's older sister) SEE: older sister ::
big toe {n} (largest of the toes of the foot of a human) :: hàl·lux {m}
Bihar {prop} (a state in eastern India) :: Bihar
Bihari {prop} (A group of Indo-Aryan languages spoken in Bihar and the surrounding states in India.) :: bihari {m}
bike {n} (bicycle) :: bici {f}
bike {n} (motorcycle) :: moto {f}
biker {n} (person who rides a bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bikini {n} (bathing suit) :: biquini {m}
bilabial {adj} (articulated with both lips) :: bilabial
bilabial {n} (a speech sound articulated with both lips) :: bilabial {f}
bilateral {adj} (having two sides) :: bilateral
bilateral {adj} (binding on both parties to an agreement) :: bilateral
bilateral {adj} (having bilateral symmetry) :: bilateral
bilateral {adj} (involving descent or ascent regardless of sex and side of the family) :: bilateral
Bilbao {prop} (city of northern Spain) :: Bilbao
Bilbaoan {adj} (from Bilbao) :: bilbaí
Bilbaoan {n} (someone from Bilbao) :: bilbaí {m}
bilberry {n} (type of blueberry from the cowberry family, see also: blueberry) :: nabiu {m}
bilberry {n} (the shrub of this plant) :: nabinera {f}
bile {n} (secretion produced by the liver) :: bilis {f}, fel {m} {f}
bilge {n} (lowest inner part of a ship's hull) :: sentina {f}
bilge {n} (nonsense) :: estirabot {m}
bilgewater {n} (slang: nonsense) :: estirabot {m}
bilingual {adj} (speaking two languages) :: bilingüe
bilingual {adj} (written in two languages) :: bilingüe
bilingual {n} (a person who is bilingual) :: bilingüe {m} {f}
bilingualism {n} (condition of being bilingual) :: bilingüisme {m}
-bility {suffix} :: -bilitat {f}
bill {n} (bird's beak) :: bec {m}
bill {n} (invoice) :: factura {f}, compte {m}
bill {n} (piece of paper money) SEE: banknote ::
billfold {n} (wallet) SEE: wallet ::
billiards {n} (a cue sport) :: billar {m}
billiard table {n} (table used for playing billiards etc.) :: taula de billar {f}
billion {n} (a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; a milliard) :: mil milió [usual], miliard {m} [rare], mil milions {m}
billion {n} (a million million; 1,000,000,000,000, see also: trillion) :: bilió
Billy {prop} (William) SEE: William ::
billy goat {n} (male goat) :: boc {m}, cabró {m}
Billy Wix {prop} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl ::
bilocation {n} (paranormal ability) :: bilocació
bimolecular {adj} (involving two molecules) :: bimolecular
bimonthly {adv} (once every two months) :: bimestral
binary {adj} (being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions such as on or off) :: binari
binary {adj} (logic states) :: binari
binary {adj} (using binary number system) :: binari
binary {adj} (equal importance) :: binari
binary {adj} (having two parts) :: binari
binary {adj} (not ASCII) :: binari
binary code {n} (code that uses binary digits) :: codi binari {m}
binary star {n} (stellar system in which two stars orbit their center of mass) :: estrella binària
binary star system {n} (binary star) SEE: binary star ::
binary system {n} (astronomy: system of two celestial objects) SEE: binary star ::
binary tree {n} (a data structure) :: arbre binari {m}
bind {v} (transitive connect) :: lligar
bind {v} (transitive put together in a cover, as of books) :: enquadernar, relligar
binge eating disorder {n} (medical disorder) :: trastorn per afartament
bingo {n} (game of chance) :: bingo {m}
bingo {interj} (when finding something) :: premi!
binky {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
binoculars {n} (hand-held device for looking at a distance) :: binocles {m}
binomial {adj} (consisting of two parts) :: binomial
binomial {n} (algebra: polynomial with two terms) :: binomi {m}
binomial nomenclature {n} (The scientific system of naming each species of organism with a Latinized name in two parts) :: nomenclatura binomial {f}
bio- {prefix} (life) :: bio-
bioaerosol {n} (aerosol containing biologically active...) :: bioaerosol {m}
biobank {n} (any of several types of repository of material) :: biobanc {m}
biocenosis {n} (biocoenosis) SEE: biocoenosis ::
biochemical {adj} (of or relating to biochemistry) :: bioquímic
biochemical {adj} (involving chemical processes in living organisms) :: bioquímic
biochemist {n} (A chemist whose speciality is biochemistry) :: bioquímic {m}, bioquímica {f}
biochemistry {n} (the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism) :: bioquímica {f}
biocide {n} (any substance that can destroy living organisms) :: biocida {m}
biocoenology {n} (study of bioceonosis) :: biocenologia {f}
biocoenosis {n} (community of organisms) :: biocenosi {f}
biodegradable {adj} (capable of being decomposed by biological activity) :: biodegradable
biodegradation {n} (decomposition of any material by microorganisms) :: biodegradació {f}
biodiversity {n} (diversity of flora and fauna) :: biodiversitat {f}
bioethics {n} (branch of ethics) :: bioètica {f}
biogas {n} (gas produced by organic waste matter, used as a fuel) :: biogàs {m}
biogenesis {n} (principle) :: biogènesi {f}
biogenesis {n} (biosynthesis) SEE: biosynthesis ::
biographer {n} (the writer of a biography) :: biògraf {m}
biographic {adj} (biographical) SEE: biographical ::
biographical {adj} (relating to an account of a person's life) :: biogràfic
biography {n} (personal life story) :: biografia {f}
biologic {adj} (biological) SEE: biological ::
biological {n} (of biology) :: biològic
biologically {adv} (with regard to biology) :: biològicament
biologist {n} (student of biology; one versed in the science of biology) :: biòleg {m}, biòloga {f}
biology {n} (study of living matter) :: biologia {f}
bioluminescence {n} (emission of light by a living organism) :: bioluminescència {f}
bioluminescent {adj} (exhibiting bioluminescence) :: bioluminescent
biomagnetism {n} (production or detection of a magnetic field) :: biomagnetisme {m}
biome {n} (biological community) :: bioma {m}
biomechanics {n} (branch of biophysics) :: biomecànica {f}
biomechanics {n} (the functioning of a particular part of a body) :: biomecànica {f}
biomedicine {n} (a branch of medical science) :: biomedicina {f}
biometric {adj} (of, pertaining to or using biometrics) :: biomètric
biometry {n} (analysis of biological statistical data) :: biometria {f}
biomolecule {n} (molecules) :: biomolècula {f}
bionic ear {n} (cochlear implant) SEE: cochlear implant ::
biophysics {n} (science) :: biofísica {f}
biopsy {n} (removal and examination of a sample of tissue for diagnostic purposes) :: biòpsia {f}
bioremediation {n} (use of biological organisms to remove contaminants) :: bioremediació {f}
biospeleology {n} :: biospeleologia {f}
biosphere {n} (part of Earth capable of supporting life) :: biosfera {f}
biostratigraphic {adj} :: biostratigràfic
biostratigraphy {n} (the study of the stratigraphic distribution of fossil) :: biostratigrafia {f}
biosynthesis {n} (synthesis of organic compounds) :: biosíntesi {f}
biotechnology {n} (use of living organisms in industrial, agricultural, medical applications) :: biotecnologia {f}
biotechnology {n} (application of the principles and practices of engineering and technology to the life sciences) :: biotecnologia {f}
biotic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms) :: biòtic
biotin {n} (sulfur-containing member of the vitamin B complex) :: biotina {f}
biotite {n} (dark brown mica) :: biotita {f}
biotoxin {n} (toxin produced by a living organism) :: biotoxina {f}
bioturbation {n} (the mixing of soil or sediment by living organisms) :: bioturbació {m}
bipartite {adj} (having two parts) :: bipartit
bipedal {adj} (having two feet or two legs) :: bípede
bipedalism {n} (habit of standing and walking on two feet) :: bipedisme {m}
biphenyl {n} (organic compound) :: bifenil {m}
bipolar {adj} (involving both poles) :: bipolar {m} {f}
bipolar {adj} (relating to or having bipolar disorder) :: bipolar {m} {f}
bipolar disorder {n} (psychiatric diagnostic category) :: trastorn bipolar
bipolarity {n} (state of being bipolar) :: bipolaritat {f}
birch {n} (tree) :: bedoll {m}
bird {n} (animal) :: au {m} [taxonomic group], ocell {m}, aucell {m}
bird {n} (woman) :: noia {f}
bird cherry {n} (Prunus padus) :: gazerí {m}
bird flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza ::
birdhouse {n} (aviary) SEE: aviary ::
birdie {n} (badminton: shuttlecock) SEE: shuttlecock ::
birdlime {n} (serving of a prison sentence) SEE: time ::
bird of ill omen {n} :: ocell de mal averany {m}
birdwatching {n} (observing wild birds) :: observació d'aus {f}, albirament d'aus {m}
biretta {n} (square cap) :: birreta {f}
birth {n} (process of childbearing; beginning of life) :: naixença {f}
birth {n} (instance of childbirth) :: part {m}
birth {n} (beginning or start; a point of origin) :: part {m}, naixença {f}
birth {n} (circumstances of one's background) :: naixença {f}
birth certificate {n} (official document certifying the details of a person's birth) :: certificat de naixement {m}
birthdate {n} (date of birth) SEE: date of birth ::
birthday {n} (anniversary) :: aniversari {m}, natalici {m}
birthday party {n} (a party held to celebrate a birthday) :: festa d'aniversari {f}
birthday suit {n} (nakedness) :: vestit d'Adam {m}
birthmark {n} (a mark on the skin formed before birth) :: marca de naixença {f}
birthplace {n} (location where a person is born) :: lloc de naixement {m}
Biscay {prop} (province of Spain) :: Biscaia {f}
biscuit {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: cookie; cracker) :: galeta {f}
bisector {n} (A line or curve that bisects or divides a line segment, angle, or other figure into two equal parts) :: bisectriu {f}
bisexual {adj} (sexually attracted to both men and women) :: bisexual
bisexual {n} (bisexual person) :: bisexual
bisexual {adj} (hermaphrodite) SEE: hermaphrodite ::
bisexuality {n} (psychology) :: bisexualitat {f}
bishop {n} (church official, supervisor of priests and congregations) :: bisbe {m}
bishop {n} (chess piece) :: alfil {m}
bishopric {n} (diocese) :: bisbat {m}
bismite {n} (mineral) :: bismita {f}
bismuth {n} (chemical element) :: bismut {m}
bison {n} (wild ox, Bison bonasus) :: bisó {m}
bisque {n} (thick creamy soup) :: bisque {f}
bissextile {n} (leap year) SEE: leap year ::
bissextile year {n} (year with an extra day) SEE: leap year ::
bistro {n} (small restaurant) :: bistrot
bisyllabic {adj} (comprising two syllables) SEE: disyllabic ::
bit {n} (metal in horse's mouth) :: mos {m}
bit {n} (small amount of something, see also: a little) :: mica {f}, poquet {m}
bit {n} (coin of a specified value) SEE: coin ::
bit by bit {adv} (small amount at a time) :: a poc a poc
bitch {n} (female canine) :: gossa {f}
bitch {n} (complaint) SEE: complaint ::
bitch {n} (playful variation on dog (sense "man")) SEE: dog ::
bitch out {v} (to complain) SEE: bitch ::
bite {v} (to cut into by clamping the teeth) :: mossegar
bite {n} (act of biting) :: mossegada {f}
bite off more than one can chew {v} (To try to do too much) :: qui molt abraça, poc estreny, qui molt abraça i poc estreny pateix de poc seny
bite the bullet {v} (endure punishment with dignity or accept a negative aspect of a situation) :: empassar-se el gripau [swallow the toad]
Bitola {prop} (city) :: Bitola {f}
bitstock {n} (drill bit-carrying crank for boring holes) :: filaberquí {m}
bitter {adj} (having an acrid taste) :: amarg
bitterly {adv} (in a bitter manner) :: amargament
bitterness {n} (quality of being bitter in taste) :: amargor {f}, amargura {f}, amarguesa {f}
bitterness {n} (quality of feeling bitter) :: amargor {f}, amargura {f}, amarguesa {f}
bittersweet {adj} (both bitter and sweet) :: agredolç
bittersweet {adj} (expressing contrasting emotions of pain and pleasure) :: agredolç
bittersweet {n} (the bittersweet nightshade, Solanum dulcamara) :: dolçamara {f}
bitter vetch {n} (Vicia ervilia) :: er {m}, erb {m}
bivalve {n} (Any mollusc of taxonomic class Bivalvia) :: bivalve {m}
bivouac {n} (encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering) :: bivac {m}
bivouac sack {n} (waterproof fabric shell designed to slip over a sleeping bag) :: sac de bivac {m}
biwa {n} (lute) :: biwa {m}
biweekly {adv} (every two weeks) :: cada dues setmanes, quinzenal [every 15 days or twice a month]
biweekly {adv} (twice a week) :: dos cops per setmana
bixin {n} (an apocarotenoid that is the active ingredient of annatto) :: bixina {f}
bizarre {adj} (strangely unconventional) :: estrany, estrafolari
blab {n} (gossip) SEE: gossip ::
blab {v} (tell tales) :: xafardejar
blabber {v} (to let out a secret) :: xafardejar
blabber {n} (A person who blabs) :: xafarder
blabbermouth {n} (gossip) :: bocamoll {m}
blabbermouth {n} (chatterbox) SEE: chatterbox ::
black {v} (to blacken) SEE: blacken ::
black {adj} (absorbing all light) :: negre
black {adj} (without light) :: fosc
black {adj} (relating to people with dark skin) :: negre
black {n} (colour/color) :: negre {m}
black {n} (dye, pigment) :: negre {m}
black {n} (dark-skinned person) :: negre {m}, negra {f}
black bear {n} (American black bear) :: ós negre americà {m}, baribal {m}
black bear {n} (Asiatic black bear) :: ós del Tibet {m}
blackberry {n} (shrub) :: esbarzer {m}
blackberry {n} (fruit) :: móra {f}
blackberry winter {n} (period of cold weather around March, April or May) :: sants de glaç [in May]
blackbird {n} (Turdus merula: blackbird) :: merla {f}, tord negre {m}
blackboard {n} (a surface that can be written upon with chalk) :: pissarra {f}
black box {n} (recorders in an aircraft) :: caixa negra {f}
blackcap {n} (Sylvia atricapilla) :: tallarol de casquet {m}
black-capped chickadee {n} (Poecile atricapillus) :: mallerenga capnegra americana
black cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher ::
black cat {n} (black-furred cat) :: gat negre {m}
black-crowned night heron {n} (Nycticorax nycticorax) :: martinet de nit {m}
Black Death {prop} (14th century pandemic outbreak) :: pesta Negra {f}
black elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) SEE: elder ::
blacken {v} (make black) :: ennegrir
black-eyed pea {n} (cowpea bean, the produce of the aforementioned plant) :: fesolet {m}
Black Forest {prop} (German forest and mountain range) :: Selva Negra {f}
Black Friday {prop} (day after U.S. Thanksgiving Day) :: divendres negre
black goby {n} (fish) :: burro {m}
black grouse {n} (Lyrurus tetrix) :: gall de cua forcada
black-headed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) :: gavina vulgar {f}
black hole {n} (celestial body) :: forat negre {m}
blacking {n} (shoe polish) SEE: shoe polish ::
blackish {adj} (somewhat black) :: negrós, negrenc
black lead {n} (graphite) SEE: graphite ::
blackleg {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker ::
black-legged kittiwake {n} (Rissa tridactyla) :: gavina cuaforcada {f}
black locust {n} (Robinia pseudoacacia) :: acàcia borda {f}
black magic {n} (magic derived from evil forces) :: màgia negra {f}
blackmail {n} (extortion of money by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure) :: xantatge {m}
blackmailer {n} (someone who blackmails) :: xantatgista {m} {f}
black market {n} (trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls) :: mercat negre {m}
blackness {n} (state or quality of being black) :: negror {f}
blackness {n} (result or product) :: negror {f}
black olive {n} (olive picked after it has ripened) :: oliva negra {f}
blackout {n} (a large-scale power failure) :: apagada {f}
black pepper {n} (spice) :: pebre negre {m}
black rhinoceros {n} (Diceros bicornis) :: rinoceront negre
black salsify {n} (Scorzonera hispanica) :: escurçonera {f}
Black Sea {prop} (an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor) :: Mar Negra {f}
blackshirt {n} (member of a fascist party) SEE: fascist ::
blackshirt {n} (uniformed Italian fascist, member of a paramilitary wing of the party) :: camisa negra {f}, esquadrista {m} {f}
blacksmith {n} (iron forger, see also: smith) :: ferrer {m}
black tea {n} (tea leaves which have been "fermented") :: te negre {m}
blackthorn {n} (Prunus spinosa) :: aranyó {m}, aranyoner
blackthorn winter {n} (blackberry winter) SEE: blackberry winter ::
black vulture {n} (Coragyps atratus) :: zopilot {m}, urubú {m}
black walnut {n} (Juglans nigra tree) :: noguera negra {f}
black widow {n} (species of venomous spider) :: vídua negra {f}
black widow {n} (a murderous woman) :: vídua negra {f}
black woodpecker {n} (Dryocopus martius) :: picot negre
bladder {n} (flexible sac in zoology) :: bufeta {f}, veixiga {f}
bladder {n} (urinary bladder) SEE: urinary bladder ::
bladderpod {n} (Lobelia inflata, indian tobacco, Puke weed) :: tabac indi
Blagoevgrad {prop} (town in Bulgaria) :: Blagòevgrad {m}
Blaise {prop} (male given name) :: Blai {m}
blame {n} (state of having caused a bad event) :: culpa {f}
blame {v} (place blame upon) :: culpar
blame {n} (censure) SEE: censure ::
blame {n} (responsibility) SEE: responsibility ::
blameworthy {adj} (deserving blame of censure) :: culpable
Blanche {prop} (female given name) :: Blanca
blanket {n} (fabric) :: manta {f}
blaspheme {v} (to speak against God or religious doctrine) :: blasfemar
blasphemer {n} (One who commits blasphemy) :: blasfemador {m}, blasfem {m}
blasphemous {adj} (lacking piety or respect for the sacred) :: blasfem
blasphemy {n} (Irreverence toward something sacred) :: blasfèmia {f}
-blast {suffix} (an immature cell or tissue) :: -blast {m}
blatant {adj} (obvious, on show) :: flagrant
blay {n} (bleak) SEE: bleak ::
blaze {n} (fast-burning fire) :: flamarada {f}
bleach {v} (to treat with bleach) :: blanquejar
bleach {n} (chemical) :: lleixiu {m}
bleacher {n} (seating for spectators) :: graderies {f-p}
bleak {adj} (desolate and exposed) :: desolat, erm
bleat {n} (cry of a sheep or a goat) :: bel {m}
bleat {v} (to make the cry of a sheep or goat) :: belar
blech {interj} (gagging sound of disgust) :: ecs
bleed {v} (lose blood) :: sagnar
bleed {v} (draw blood) :: sagnar, dessagnar
bleed out {v} (die due to excess bloodloss) :: dessagnar-se
blend {n} (in linguistics) SEE: portmanteau word ::
blend {n} (mixture) :: mescla {f}
blende {n} (sphalerite) SEE: sphalerite ::
blender {n} (machine) :: batidora {f}
blenny {n} (fish of Blenniodei) :: bavosa {f}
blepharitis {n} (inflammation of the eyelid) :: blefaritis {f}
bless {v} (confer blessing on) :: beneir
blessing {n} (divine or supernatural aid or reward) :: benedicció {f}
blessing {n} (prayer before a meal) SEE: grace ::
bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: Jesús, salut, múse
bleuatre {adj} (bluish) SEE: bluish ::
blind {adj} (unable to see) :: cec, orb
blind {adj} (failing to see) :: cec
blind {n} (covering for a window) :: persiana {f} (made of slats)
blind {v} (make temporarily or permanently blind) :: cegar
blind alley {n} (course of inquiry) SEE: impasse ::
blind alley {n} (street that leads nowhere) SEE: dead end ::
blind date {n} (romantic meeting between two people who have never met before, see also: miai) :: cita a cegues {f}
blindfold {n} (a covering, usually a bandage, for the eyes) :: bena
blindfolded {adj} (wearing a blindfold) :: embenat
blind gut {n} (caecum) SEE: caecum ::
blindingly {adv} (extremely) SEE: extremely ::
blindly {adv} (sightlessly) :: cegament, a cegues
blindly {adv} (without consideration or question) :: cegament, a cegues
blind man's buff {n} (game where someone is blindfolded and tries to catch the others) :: gallina cega {f}
blindness {n} (condition of being blind) :: ceguesa {f}
blind spot {n} (place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina) :: punt cec {m}
blindworm {n} (slowworm) SEE: slowworm ::
blip {n} (small dot registered on electronic equipment) :: parpelleig {m}
blister {n} (bubble on the skin) :: butllofa {f}
blizzard {n} (severe snowstorm) :: torb {m}, rufaga {f}
block {n} (substantial often approximately cuboid piece) :: cub {m}, bloc {m}
block {n} (group of buildings demarcated by streets) :: illa {f}
block {n} (distance from one street to another) :: illa {f}
block {n} (sports: action to interfere) :: bloqueig {m}
block {n} (volleyball: defensive play) :: bloqueig {m}
block {v} (to fill, making it impossible to pass) :: bloquejar, blocar
block {v} (to prevent passing) :: bloquejar, blocar
block {v} (to prevent an action) :: bloquejar, blocar
block {v} (to impede opponent) :: bloquejar, blocar
blockade {n} (the isolation of something) :: bloqueig {m}
blockade {v} (to create a blockade against) :: bloquejar
blockchain {n} (shared record) :: cadena de blocs {f}
blog {n} (a personal or corporate website) :: blog {m}
blogger {n} (contributor to a blog) :: bloguer {m}, bloguera {f}
blond {adj} (having blond hair) :: ros
blond {n} (fair-haired person) :: ros {m}
blonde {n} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blonde {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blood {n} (vital liquid flowing in animal bodies) :: sang {f}
blood {n} (family relationship due to birth, e.g. between siblings) :: sang {f}
blood bank {n} (place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored) :: banc de sang {m}
bloodbath {n} (indiscriminate killing or slaughter) :: bany de sang {m}
blood clot {n} :: coàgul {m}
blood group {n} (blood type) SEE: blood type ::
bloodhound {n} (dog) :: gos coniller {m}
bloodily {adv} (in a bloody manner) :: cruentament
blood pressure {n} (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins) :: pressió arterial {f}, pressió venosa {f}, tensió arterial {f}, tensió sanguínia {f}
bloodsucker {n} (vampire) SEE: vampire ::
bloodsucker {n} (parasite) SEE: parasite ::
blood test {n} (a serologic analysis of a sample of blood) :: anàlisi de sang {f}
blood type {n} (blood classification) :: grup sanguini {m}
blood vessel {n} (component of the circulatory system that carries blood) :: vas sanguini {m}
blood work {n} (blood test) SEE: blood test ::
bloody {adj} (covered in blood) :: sagnant
bloody {adj} (characterised by great bloodshed) :: sagnant
bloody {adj} (intensifier) :: maleït
bloom {n} (flower) SEE: flower ::
bloom {n} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {v} (open its blooms) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {n} (delicate, powdery coating upon certain growing or newly-gathered fruits or leaves) :: pruïna {f}
blossom {n} (flowers on trees) :: flor {f}
blossom {n} (state or season for such flowers) :: floració {f}
blossom {v} (have or open into blossoms) :: florir
blotto {adj} ((very) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
blow {v} (to produce an air current) :: bufar
blow {v} (to fellate) :: llepar
blow {n} (act of striking or hitting) :: cop {m}
blow {n} (damaging occurrence) :: cop {m}
blow {n} (cocaine) SEE: snow ::
blow {v} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
blow-dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
blower {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
blowgun {n} (weapon) :: sarbatana
blowjob {n} (the act of fellatio) :: francès {m}, mamada {f}
blow one's nose {v} (to expel mucus from nose) :: mocar-se
blow out {v} (extinguish) :: apagar
blowpipe {n} (weapon) SEE: blowgun ::
blow smoke {v} (idiomatic) :: marejar la perdiu
blowtorch {n} (tool) :: bufador {m}
blucher {n} (sturdy laced leather half-boot) :: blútxer
bludgeon {v} (to club, hit with a bludgeon) :: bastonejar, colpejar, atupar, garrotejar, apallissar
blue {adj} (blue-colored, see also: dark blue; light blue) :: blau
blue {adj} (pornographic) :: verd
blue {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
blue {n} (bluefish) SEE: bluefish ::
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky ::
bluebell {n} (flowering plants of the genus Hyacinthoides) :: jacint dels boscos
blueberry {n} (fruit) :: nabiu {m}, mirtil {m}
blueberry {n} (plant) :: nabinera {f}, mirtil {m}
bluebird {n} (bird of Sialia) :: siàlid {m}
bluebottle {n} (cornflower) SEE: cornflower ::
blue-eyed {adj} (having blue eyes) :: ullblau
bluefish {n} (Pomatomus saltatrix) :: tallahams {m}
blue-green {adj} (color between blue and green) :: blauverd {m}
blue jeans {n} (denim trousers, see also: jeans) :: texans {m-p}
blueness {n} (quality or characteristic of being blue) :: blavor {f}
blue screen of death {n} (screen indicating a system error) :: Pantalla Blava de la Mort {f}
blue shark {n} (long blue shark) :: tintorera {f}
bluestone {n} (slate) SEE: slate ::
bluestone {n} (limestone) SEE: limestone ::
bluestone {n} (basalt) SEE: basalt ::
blue supergiant {n} (a large blue giant) :: supergegant blava {f}
bluethroat {n} (bird) :: cotxa blava {f}, [Valencia] pitblau {m}
blue whale {n} (a whale, Balaenoptera musculus) :: rorqual blau {m}, balena blava {f}
blue-winged kookaburra {n} (Dacelo leachii) :: cucaburra d'ales blaves {m}
bluish {adj} (somewhat blue in color) :: blavós, blavenc, blavís
blunderbuss {n} (old style of firearm with a distinctive large opening at the muzzle) :: trabuc
blunt {adj} (having a thick edge or point, not sharp) :: rom
blunt {n} (cigar filled with marijuana) :: porro {m}, peta {m}
blur {v} (make indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim) :: difuminar, esborrar
blurb {n} (a short description of a book, film, or other work) :: sinopsi {f}
blurred {adj} (Out of focus) :: borrós
blurry {adj} (not clear, crisp, or focused) :: borrós
blurt {v} (to speak suddenly and unadvisedly) :: etzibar
blurt out {v} (blurt) SEE: blurt ::
blush {n} (makeup) :: coloret {m}
blush {v} (to redden in the face from shame, excitement or embarrassment) :: posar-se vermell, tornar-se vermell, enrojolar-se
boa {n} (snake) :: boa {f}
boa {n} (scarf) :: boà {m}
boar {n} (wild boar) SEE: wild boar ::
boar {n} (male pig) :: verro {m}
board {n} (long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material) :: post {f}, tauler {m}
board {n} (managing committee) :: mesa {f}, junta {f}
board {n} (side of a ship) :: bord {m}
board {v} (to step or climb onto) :: embarcar, pujar
boarder {n} (pupil who lives at school during term) :: intern {m}
boarder {n} (someone who pays for meals and lodging) :: pensionista {m}
board game {n} (game played on a board) :: joc de tauler {m}
boarding {n} (ice hockey: penalty called for pushing into the boards) :: càrrega contra la tanca {f}
boards {n} (structure around a rink) :: tanca {f}
boast {v} (to brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself) :: vanar-se, vantar-se
boastful {adj} (tending to boast or brag) :: vanagloriós
boat {n} (water craft) :: vaixell {m}, barca {f}
boathook {n} (hook attached to a pole to push out or pull in things, see also: setting pole) :: bitxero {m}, gafa {f}
boat lift {n} (mechanism) :: elevador de vaixells {m}
boatyard {n} (shipyard) SEE: shipyard ::
bob {n} (bobber) SEE: float ::
bobber {n} (buoyant fishing device) SEE: float ::
bobcat {n} (North American wild cat) :: linx roig {m}
bobolink {n} (songbird) :: bobolinc {m}
bocal {n} (metal tube connecting a double reed to the instrument) :: tudell {m}
bocce {n} (A game similar to bowls or pétanque) :: boccia {f}
Boche {n} (German) SEE: German ::
bodge {v} (do a clumsy or inelegant job) SEE: botch ::
bodhi tree {n} (Indian fig tree) SEE: sacred fig ::
bodily {adj} (relating to the body) :: corporal, corpori
bodily fluid {n} (biofluid) :: humor {m}
bodkin {n} (dagger) SEE: dagger ::
body {n} (physical structure of a human or animal) :: cos {m}
body {n} (corpse) :: cos {m}, cadàver {m}
body {n} (torso) :: cos {m}
body {n} (largest or most important part of anything (e.g. car bodywork)) :: carrosseria {f} [of vehicles], buc {m} [of vehicles]
body {n} (organisation, company or other authoritative group) :: cos
body {n} (collection of knowledge) :: cos {m}
bodybuilder {n} (a person who uses diet and exercise to build an aesthetically muscular physique) :: culturista {m} {f}
bodybuilding {n} (sport of muscle development) :: culturisme {m}
bodyguard {n} (person responsible for protecting an individual) :: guardaespatlles {m} {f}
body of water {n} (significant accumulation of water) :: cos d'aigua {m}
body part {n} (anatomy: part of organism) :: part del cos {f}
bodywork {n} (exterior body of a motor vehicle) :: buc {m}
Boeotia {prop} (a district in Greece) :: Beòcia {f}
Boeotian {adj} (pertaining to Boeotia) :: beoci
Boeotian {n} (inhabitant of Boeotia) :: beoci {m}
bog {n} (expanse of marshland) :: aiguamoll {m}
bog down {v} (to cause to become stuck) :: empantanar
bogey {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
bogeyman {n} (menacing, ghost-like monster in children's stories) :: home del sac {m}, papu {m}
boggle {v} (to be bewildered, dumbfounded, or confused) :: confondre's, estar confós
boggy {adj} (having the qualities of a bog) :: pantanós
bogie {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
bogie {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
bogie {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
Bogotá {prop} (Bogota) SEE: Bogota ::
Bogota {prop} (capital of Colombia) :: Bogotà
Bohemia {prop} (The region of the Czech Republic) :: Bohèmia {f}
bohemian {n} (unconventional person) :: bohemi {m}, bohèmia {f}
bohemian {adj} (unconventional) :: bohemi
Bohemian {n} (native or resident of Bohemia) :: bohemi {m}, bohèmia {f}
Bohemian {n} (Romani) :: bohemi {m}, bohèmia {f}, bohemià {m}, bohemiana {f}
Bohemian {adj} (of, or relating to Bohemia or its language) :: bohemi
bohemium {n} (rhenium) SEE: rhenium ::
bohrium {n} (chemical element) :: bohri {m}
boil {v} (heat (a liquid) until it begins to turn into a gas) :: bullir
boil {v} (cook in boiling water) :: bullir
boiled {adj} (angry) SEE: angry ::
boiled {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
boiled egg {n} (boiled egg (generic)) :: ou bullit {m}
boiled egg {n} (hard-boiled egg) :: ou bullit {m}, ou dur {m}
boiler suit {n} (one-piece suit) :: granota {f}
boiling {adj} (that boil(s)) :: bullent
boiling point {n} (temperature at which a liquid boils) :: punt d’ebullició {m}
boisterous {adj} (full of energy; noisy) :: sorollós, escandalós
bokeh {n} (subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image) :: bokeh {m}
Bokmål {n} (language) :: bokmål {m}
bold {adj} (courageous, daring) :: agosarat
bold {adj} (having thicker strokes than the ordinary form of the typeface) :: negreta {f}
bolide {n} (extremely bright meteor) :: bòlid {m}
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela {prop} (official name of Venezuela) :: República Bolivariana de Veneçuela {f}
Bolivia {prop} (country in South America) :: Bolívia {f}
Bolivian {n} (Bolivian person) :: bolivià {m}, boliviana {f}
Bolivian {adj} (pertaining to Bolivia) :: bolivià
bollard {n} (post to secure mooring lines) :: norai {m}
bollard {n} (post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area) :: bol·lard {m}
bollocks {n} (testicles) :: collons {m-p}
Bologna {prop} (city) :: Bolonya {f}
Bolognese {adj} (of or relating to Bologna) :: bolonyès
Bolognian {adj} (of or relating to Bologna) SEE: Bolognese ::
bolometer {n} (a device for measuring the energy of electromagnetic radiation) :: bolòmetre {m}
Bolshevik {n} (a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917) :: bolxevic {m} {f}
Bolshevism {n} (Communist political ideology) :: bolxevisme {m}
bolt {n} (metal fastener) :: balda {f}
bolt {n} (lightning spark) :: llampec {m}
bolt rope {n} (A rope sewn around the edge of a sail) :: ralinga
bolívar {n} (currency of Venezuela) :: bolívar {m}
Bolzano {prop} (town and capital of South Tyrol) :: Bozen
bomb {n} (device filled with explosives) :: bomba {f}
bomb {n} (car in poor condition) :: tartana {f}
bomb {n} (very attractive woman) :: monument {m}
bomb {v} (attack with bombs) :: bombardejar
bomb {n} (success) SEE: success ::
bombard {n} (medieval primitive cannon) :: bombarda {f}
bombard {v} (to attack something with bombs, artillery shells, or other missiles) :: bombardejar
bombardment {n} (act of bombing, esp towns or cities) :: bombardeig {m}
Bombay {n} (Mumbai) SEE: Mumbai ::
bombing {n} (action of dropping bombs from the air) :: bombardeig {m}
Bonapartism {n} (pratices and ideology of Napoleon Bonaparte) :: bonapartisme {m}
Bonapartist {n} (one attached to Napoleon's policy) :: bonapartista {m} {f}, napoleònic {m}, napoleònica {f}
bon appétit {phrase} (used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat) :: bon profit
Bonaventure {prop} (male given name) :: Bonaventura
bond {n} (specific pattern of bricklaying.) :: aparell {m}
bondage {n} (The state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery) :: esclavitud
bone {v} (to remove bones) :: desossar
bone {n} (material) :: os {m}
bone {n} (component of a skeleton) :: os {m}
bonefolder {n} (A dull-edged hand tool used to fold and crease) :: plegador {m}
boneless {adj} (without bones) :: desossat
bone marrow {n} (bone marrow) :: medul·la òssia {f}, bessó {m}, medul·la {f}, moll {m}
boner {n} (erect penis) :: trempera {f}
boner {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) SEE: erection ::
bongo {n} (drum) :: bongo {m}
bongo drum {n} (bongo) SEE: bongo ::
Boniface {prop} (male given name) SEE: Bonifatius ::
Bonifatius {prop} (male given name) :: Bonifaci
bonito {n} (Katsuwonus pelamis) SEE: skipjack tuna ::
bonjour {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
bonk {n} (bump on the head) :: bony
bonnet {n} (cover over the engine of a motor car) :: capó
bonnet {n} (second stomach of a ruminant) SEE: reticulum ::
bonsai {v} (a miniaturized tree or plant) :: bonsai {m}
bon voyage {interj} (wish of good journey) :: bon viatge
bony {adj} (resembling, having the appearance or consistence of, or relating to bone) :: ossi
boo {interj} (loud exclamation intended to scare someone) :: bu, ua
boo {n} (derisive shout) :: esbroncada {f}
boo {v} (to shout boos derisively (intransitive)) :: esbroncar
boob {n} (breast (colloquial)) :: pit {m}
booger {n} (a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus) :: burilla {f}
book {n} (collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material) :: llibre {m}
book {n} (convenient collection of small paper items, such as stamps) :: àlbum {m}
book {n} (major division of a published work, larger than a chapter) :: llibre {m}
book {n} (usually in plural: records of the accounts of a business) :: llibres {m-p}
book {v} (to reserve) :: reservar
book {v} (to write down, register, record) :: anotar
bookbinding {n} (art, craft or process of binding books) :: enquadernació {f}
bookcase {n} (furniture displaying books) :: prestatgeria {f}
book lover {n} (person who loves books) :: lletraferit {m}
booklover {n} (booklover) SEE: book lover ::
bookmark {n} (strip used to mark a place in a book) :: punt de llibre {m}
bookmark {n} (record of the address of a file or page) :: adreça d'interès {f}
bookseller {n} (person) :: llibreter {m}, llibretera {f}, llibrer {m}
bookshop {n} (shop that sells books) :: llibreria {f}
bookstore {n} (bookshop) SEE: bookshop ::
bookworm {n} (avid reader) :: lletraferit {m}, lletraferida {f}
Boolean {adj} (logic: pertaining to data items that have values “true” and “false”) :: booleà
boom {n} :: [2] botavara {f}
boom {n} (period of prosperity) :: boom {m}
boomerang {n} (flat curved airfoil) :: bumerang {m}
boost {n} (push from behind) :: impuls {m}
boost {v} (to lift or push from behind) :: impel·lir, empènyer
boost {v} (to steal) :: bitllar
boot {n} (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg) :: bota {f}
boot {v} (vomit) :: vomitar
boot {n} (kick) SEE: kick ::
boot {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) SEE: trunk ::
bootblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
bootee {n} (a soft, woolen shoe, usually knitted, for a baby or small pet) :: peüc {m}
bootee {n} (shoe cover) :: peüc {m}
bootleg {n} (an illegally produced, transported or sold product; contraband) :: contraban
bootstrap {v} (to load the operating system) SEE: boot ::
bootstrap {n} (a loop at the top of a boot to help in pulling it on) :: llengüeta {f}
bootstrap {n} (the process by which the operating system of a computer is loaded into its memory) :: arrencada {f}
boot up {v} (to start computer by bootstrap procedure) SEE: boot ::
booty {n} (plunder) :: botí {m}
boracite {n} (Mg3B7O13Cl) :: boracita {f}
borage {n} (Borago officinalis) :: borratja
borax {n} (crystalline salt) :: bòrax {m}
Bordeaux {prop} (a city in France) :: Bordeus
Bordeaux mixture {n} (copper sulphate and lime mixture) :: brou bordelès {m}
bordello {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
border {n} (the outer edge of something) :: vora {f}, orla {f}
border {n} (a decorative strip around the edge of something) :: orla {f}, sanefa {f}
border {n} (the line or frontier area separating regions) :: frontera {f}
border {v} ((transitive) to lie on, or adjacent to a border) :: vorejar
bordure {n} (contrasting border round a shield) :: bordura {f}
bore {v} (to make a hole) :: barrinar, perforar, foradar
bore {v} (to inspire boredom) :: avorrir
bore {n} (sudden and rapid flow of tide) :: rissaga {f}
boreal {adj} (relating to the north) :: boreal
Boreal {n} :: Període boreal
boreas {n} :: bòrees {m}
Boreas {prop} (Greek god) :: Bòreas {m}
bored {adj} (suffering from boredom) :: avorrit
boredom {n} (state of being bored) :: avorriment {m}
boric {adj} (pertaining to the element boron) :: bòric
boric acid {n} (White crystalline solid soluble as a weak acid) :: àcid bòric {m}
boring {adj} (causing boredom) :: avorrit
born {adj} (given birth to) :: nascut, nat
born {v} (be born) SEE: be born ::
borne {adj} (carried, supported) :: cargat
bornite {n} (mineral) :: bornita {f}
boro {v} (borrow) SEE: borrow ::
boron {n} (chemical element) :: bor {m}
borough {n} (administrative district) :: districte {m}
borough {n} (municipal borough) :: districte {m}
borrow {v} (receive temporarily) :: manllevar, amprar
borrow {v} (to copy a word from another language) :: manllevar, amprar
borrow {n} (deviation of a rolling golfball) :: caiguda {f}
borrower {n} (one who borrows) :: manllevador {m}
borrowing {n} (loanword) SEE: loanword ::
Bose-Einstein condensate {n} (gaseous superfluid) :: condensat de Bose-Einstein {m}
bosk {n} (thicket; small wood) SEE: thicket ::
Bosnia {prop} (northern part of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a geographic and historical entity) :: Bòsnia {f}
Bosnia {prop} (short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina') :: Bòsnia {f}
Bosnia and Herzegovina {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: Bòsnia i Hercegovina {f}
Bosnian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bosnia) :: bosnià {m}, bosniana {f}
Bosnian {n} (the people) :: bosnià {m}, bosniana {f}
Bosnian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: bosnià {m}
boson {n} (particle) :: bosó {m}
Bosphorus {prop} (a strait that passes through Istanbul) :: Bòsfor {m}
boss {n} (supervisor) :: cap {m}, superior {m}
boss {n} (person in charge) :: patró {m}, cap {m}
boss {n} (leader, head of an organised team) :: cap {m} {f}, patró {m}
bossage {n} (rough, unfinished stone block) :: encoixinat {m}
bossy {adj} (tending to give orders to others) :: manaire
bot {n} (robot) SEE: robot ::
bot {n} (a piece of software for doing repetitive tasks) :: bot {m}
botanic {adj} (pertaining to botany) SEE: botanical ::
botanical {adj} (Of or pertaining to botany) :: botànic
botanical garden {n} (a place where a variety of plants are grown for scientific reasons) :: jardí botànic {m}
botanic garden {n} (botanical garden) SEE: botanical garden ::
botanist {n} (a person engaged in botany) :: botànic {m}
botany {n} (scientific study of plants) :: botànica {f}
botch {v} (to perform (a task) in an unacceptable or incompetent manner) :: potinejar
botch {n} (An action, job, or task that has been performed very badly) :: bunyol {m}
Boötes {prop} (a constellation) :: Bover {m}
both {determiner} (each of two; one and the other) :: ambdós, tots dos
both {conj} (both...and...) :: tant ... com ...
bother {v} (to annoy, disturb) :: molestar
botheration {interj} (expression of annoyance) SEE: bother ::
bo tree {n} (sacred fig) SEE: sacred fig ::
Botswana {prop} (Republic of Botswana) :: Botswana {f}
Botswanan {n} (person from Botswana) :: botswanès {m}
Botswanan {adj} (pertaining to Botswana) :: botswanès
Botswanian {n} (Botswanan) SEE: Botswanan ::
Botswanian {adj} (Botswanan) SEE: Botswanan ::
bottle {n} (container) :: ampolla {f}, botella {f}
bottle {n} (contents of such a container) :: ampolla {f}, botella {f}
bottle {n} (nerve, courage) :: coratge {m}, audàcia {m}
bottle {n} :: ampolla {f}
bottle {v} (seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption) :: embotellar
bottle {n} (container with a rubber nipple) SEE: baby bottle ::
bottle cap {n} (closure used to seal bottles) :: tap corona {m}
bottle green {n} (Dark green color) :: verd ampolla {m}
bottle opener {n} (device to open bottles) :: obreampolles {m}
bottom {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
bottom {n} (lowest part) :: fons {m}
bottom {n} (euphemistic: buttocks or anus) :: cul {m}
bottom bracket {n} :: eix pedalier {m}
botulism {n} (medical condition) :: botulisme {m}
Bouches-du-Rhône {prop} (department) :: Boques del Roine {f-p}
bougainvillea {n} (flower) :: buguenvíl·lia {f}
bouillabaisse {n} (mixture) SEE: mixture ::
bouillabaisse {n} (type of fish stew or soup from Provence) :: bullabessa {f}
bouillon {n} (a clear seasoned broth) :: brou {m}
boulder {n} (large mass of stone) :: bloc {m}
boule {n} (A round loaf of bread) :: un pa {m}, fogassa {f}
boule {n} (A round piece of dough) :: bolla {f}
boules {n} (game played with metal balls) :: petanca {f}
boulevard {n} (broad, landscaped thoroughfare) :: bulevard {m}
bounce {v} (to change direction of motion after hitting an obstacle) :: botre
bound {n} (boundary, border of territory) :: límit {m}
boundary {n} (dividing line or location between two areas) :: frontera {f}, terme {m}
bounty {n} (abundance or wealth) SEE: abundance ::
bounty {n} (generosity) SEE: generosity ::
bouquet {n} (bunch of flowers) :: ram {m}, ramell {m}, pom {m}, toia {f}
bouquet {n} (scent of wine) :: aroma {f}, buquet {m}
bourdon {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
bourgeois {adj} (of or relating to the middle class) :: burgès
bourgeois {adj} (conventional, conservative and materialistic) :: burgès
bourgeoisie {n} (class) :: burgesia {f}
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté {prop} (region of France) :: Borgonya-Franc Comtat {f}
boustrophedon {n} (writing that is alternately right-to-left and left-to-right) :: bustrofèdon {m}
boutique {n} (a small shop, especially one that sells fashionable clothes, jewelry and the like) :: boutique {f}
bovarysm {n} (anxiety to escape from an unsatisfactory social or sentimental condition) :: bovarisme {m}
bovid {n} (an animal of Bovidae) :: bòvid {m}
bovine {adj} (of, relating to or resembling cattle) :: boví
bovine spongiform encephalopathy {n} (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: encefalopatia espongiforme bovina {f}
bow {n} (weapon used for shooting arrows) :: arc {m}
bow {n} (bend in a rod or planar surface) :: corba
bow {n} (rod used for playing stringed instruments) :: arc
bow {n} (type of knot with two loops) :: llaç {m}
bow {v} (to become bent) :: corbar-se, doblegar-se, vinclar-se, blincar-se [dialectal]
bow {v} (to bend a thing) :: corbar, doblegar
bow {v} (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference) :: corbar, doblegar, vinclar, blincar [dialectal]
bow {n} (gesture made by bending forward at the waist) :: reverència {f}, inclinació {f}
bow {n} (front of a boat or ship) :: proa {f}, prora {f} [Latinism]
bowel obstruction {n} (obstruction of the intestines) :: obstrucció intestinal {f}
bowels {n} (intestines) :: intestins {m-p}, budell m singular
bower bird {n} (Australasian bird) :: arquer {m}
bowl {n} (container for food) :: bol {m}
bow-legged {adj} (having a bowleg) :: camatort
bowler {n} (one who engages in the sport of bowling) :: jugador de bitlles {m}, bitllaire {m} {f}
bowler {n} (pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
bowling {n} (a game played by rolling a ball down an alley) :: bitlles {m}
bowling alley {n} (a building which contains bowling lanes) :: bowling {m}
bowman {n} (archer) SEE: archer ::
bowman {n} (the person positioned nearest the bow) :: proer {m}
Bowman's capsule {n} (cup-like sac) :: càpsula glomerular {f}, càpsula de Bowman {f}
bowsprit {n} (spar projecting over the prow of a sailing vessel) :: bauprès {m}
bowtie {n} (necktie shaped like a bow) :: corbatí {m}
bow wow {n} (sound of a dog barking) :: bub-bub
bow-wow {interj} (bow wow) SEE: bow wow ::
box {n} (cuboid space; container) :: capsa {f}, caixa {f}
box {n} (as much as fills a box) :: capsa {f}, caixa {f}
box {n} (compartment to sit inside) :: llotja {f}
box {n} (small rectangular shelter) :: garita {f}
box {v} (to place inside a box) :: empaquetar, encapsar
box {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) :: boix {m}
box {n} (blow with the fist) :: cop de puny {m}
box {v} (to fight against (a person) in a boxing match) :: boxejar, boxar
box {n} (rectangle) SEE: oblong ::
box {n} (wood from a box tree) SEE: boxwood ::
boxer {n} (participant in a boxing match) :: boxador {m}, boxejador
boxing {n} (the sport of boxing) :: boxa
box office {n} (ticket office) :: taquilla {f}
boxthorn {n} (plant of the genus Lycium) SEE: wolfberry ::
boxwood {n} (Buxus sempervirens) :: boix {m}
boxwood {n} (the hard, close-grained wood of this tree) :: boix {m}
boxwood {n} (any tree of genus Buxus) :: boix {m}
boy {n} (young male) :: noi {m}, al·lot {m}, xiquet {m}, xic {m}, xicot {m}
boy {n} (male servant) :: minyó {m}
boy {n} (male of any age, used as a friendly diminutive) :: home {m}
boy {n} (adult male found attractive) :: home {m}
boycott {v} (to abstain from dealing with a person or organisation as a protest) :: boicotejar
boycott {n} (the act of boycotting) :: boicot {m}
boyfriend {n} (male partner in a romantic relationship) :: xicot {m}, nòvio {m}
boyfriend {n} (male friend) :: amic {m}
boy next door {n} (regular boy) :: el típic bon noi {m}
bra {n} (brassiere) :: sostenidors {m-p}
brace {v} (to prepare oneself for an impact) :: agafar-se
brace {n} (harness) SEE: harness ::
brace {n} (system to correct crooked teeth) SEE: braces ::
brace {n} (curly bracket) SEE: curly bracket ::
brace {n} (bitstock) SEE: bitstock ::
bracelet {n} (a band or chain worn around the wrist as jewelry or an ornament) :: braçalet {m}
braces {n} (handcuffs) SEE: handcuffs ::
braces {n} (device for straightening teeth) :: ferros {m-p}, aparell dental {m}
brachial {adj} (pertaining or belonging to the arm) :: braquial
bracken {n} (any of several coarse ferns) :: falguera aquilina {f}; [Valencian] falaguera aquilina {f}
bracket {n} (engineering: intermediate object that connects a smaller part to a larger part) :: mènsula {f}
bracket {n} (square bracket) SEE: square bracket ::
bracket {n} (round bracket) SEE: round bracket ::
brackish {adj} (slightly salty) :: salabrós
brackish {adj} (repulsive) SEE: repulsive ::
bract {n} (leaf or leaf-like structure) :: bràctea {f}
bradycardia {n} (condition of having a slow heartbeat) :: bradicàrdia {f}
brag {n} (boast) SEE: boast ::
Bragança {prop} (city in the homonymous district of Portugal) :: Bragança {f}
braggadocio {n} (braggart) SEE: braggart ::
braggardly {adj} (boastful) SEE: boastful ::
braggart {n} (one who constantly brags or boasts) :: fanfarró {m}
braggart {adj} (characterized by boasting) SEE: boastful ::
braid {n} (weave of three or more strands) :: trena {f}
braid {n} (hairstyle) :: trena {f}
braille {n} (system of writing using raised dots) :: braille {m}
brain {n} (organ) :: cervell {m}
brain {n} (person providing intelligence) :: cervell {m}
brain damage {n} (injury to the brain) :: lesió cerebral {f}
brain drain {n} (emigration of educated people) :: fuga de cervells {f}, fugida de cervells {f}
brainpower {n} (mental ability) SEE: intelligence ::
brainstorm {n} (brainstorming) SEE: brainstorming ::
brainstorming {n} (method of problem solving) :: pluja d'idees {f}
brainwash {n} (effect upon one's memory, belief or ideas) :: rentat de cervell {m}
brainwash {v} (to affect one's mind) :: rentar el cervell
brain-washing {n} (form of indoctrination) :: rentat de cervell {m}
brake {n} (device used to slow or stop a vehicle) :: fre {m}
brake {n} (something that slows or stops an action) :: fre {m}
brake {v} (to be stopped or slowed (as if) by braking) :: frenar
bramble {n} (diverse Rubus shrubs) SEE: blackberry ::
bramble {n} (any thorny shrub) SEE: thornbush ::
brambling {n} (bird) :: pinsà mec {m}
bran {n} (outside layer of a grain) :: segó {m}
branch {n} (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk) :: branca {f}
branch {n} (location of an organization with several locations) :: sucursal {f}
brand {n} (name, symbol, logo) :: marca {f}
brand {n} (a specific product, service, or provider so distinguished) :: marca {f}
Brandenburg {prop} (state) :: Brandenburg
Brandenburg {prop} (city) :: Brandenburg
brandish {v} (to move a weapon) :: brandar, brandejar
brand new {adj} (utterly new) :: nou de trinca, flamant
brand spanking new {adj} (brand new) SEE: brand new ::
brandy {n} (liquor) :: brandi {m}, conyac {m}
bras d'honneur {n} (obscene gesture) :: botifarra {f}
Brasília {prop} (The capital of Brazil) :: Brasília
brass {n} (alloy of copper and zinc) :: llautó
brass {n} (class of wind instruments) :: metall {m}
brass {n} (slang: money) :: pasta {f}
brassiere {n} (bra) SEE: bra ::
brat {n} (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child) :: marrec {m}, ganàpia
brave {adj} (strong in the face of fear) :: valent, coratjós, audaç
bravely {adv} (in a brave manner) :: valentament, coratjosament
bravery {n} (being brave) :: bravesa {f}, bravor {f}, bravura {f}, valor {m}
bray {v} (to make the cry of a donkey) :: bramar
bray {n} (cry of an ass or donkey) :: bram {m}
brazen-faced {adj} (Impudent) :: descarat
Brazil {prop} (Portuguese-speaking country in South America) :: Brasil
Brazilian {n} (person from Brazil) :: brasiler {m}, brasilera {f}
Brazilian {adj} (pertaining to Brazil) :: brasiler {m}, brasilera {f}
breach {n} (gap) :: bretxa {f}
bread {n} (baked dough made from cereals) :: pa {m}
bread {v} (to bread) :: arrebossar
bread and circuses {n} (food and entertainment provided by the state) :: pa i circ
breadbasket {n} (stomach) SEE: stomach ::
breadbasket {n} (basket for storing or carrying bread) :: panera {f}
breadfruit {n} (tree) :: arbre del pa {m}
breadmaker {n} (baker) SEE: baker ::
break {v} (intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces) :: trencar-se
break {v} (transitive: to separate into (to cause to end up in) two or more pieces) :: trencar
break {v} (to win a game as receiver in tennis) :: trencar el servei
break {v} (to counter-attack) :: escapar-se, internar-se
break {n} (act of escaping) :: escapada {f}
break {n} (billiards, snooker: first shot) :: entrada {f}
break {n} (soccer: counter-attack) :: escapada {f}
breakable {adj} (fragile) SEE: fragile ::
breakable {adj} (able to be broken) :: trencable
break a leg {interj} (expression of best wishes to a performer) :: molta merda!
breakdown {n} (failure, particularly mechanical) :: avaria {f}, pana {f}
breakfast {n} (first meal of the day) :: esmorzar {m}
breakfast {v} (to eat the morning meal) :: esmorzar
break in {v} (to enter by force or illicitly) :: irrompre
breaking news {n} (news that just happened or is happening) :: notícies d'última hora {f-p}
break of dawn {n} (daybreak) SEE: daybreak ::
break out {v} (to begin suddenly; to emerge in a certain condition) :: esclatar
break point {n} (situation in which if the receiver wins the next point, (s)he will win the game) :: punt de trencament {m}, pilota de trencament {f}
break the ice {v} (to start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness) :: rompre el glaç
breakthrough {n} (major progress) :: avenç {m}, progrés {m}
breakup {n} (breakdown) SEE: breakdown ::
breakwater {n} (construction in or around a harbour) :: escullera {f}
bream {n} (Abramis brama) :: brema {f}
breast {n} (milk-producing organ) :: pit {m}, mama {f}, mamella {f} [colloquial, vulgar], teta {f} [colloquial], sina {f} [poetic, formal]
breast {n} (chest) :: pit {m}
breastbone {n} (the central narrow bone in the front of the chest) :: estern {m}, estèrnum {m}
breast cancer {n} (cancer of the breast) :: càncer de mama {m}
breastfeed {v} (feed a baby milk via the breasts) :: alletar
breastfeeding {n} (activity) :: alletament {m}, lactància {f}
breast milk {n} (milk produced by humans) :: llet maternal {f}
breastplate {n} (armor) :: cuirassa {f}
breastplate {n} (horse tack) :: pitral {m}, petral {m}
breaststrap {n} (breastplate) SEE: breastplate ::
breaststroke {n} (swimming stroke) :: braça {f}
breath {n} (act or process of breathing) :: respiració {f}
breath {n} (single act of breathing in and out) :: alè {m}
breath {n} (air expelled from the lungs) :: alè {m}
breath {n} (rest or pause) :: alè {m}
breathe {v} (to draw air in and out) :: respirar, alenar
breathe {v} :: respirar
breather {n} (something that breathes) :: respirador {m}
Breda {prop} (municipality in the province of Girona, Catalonia) :: Breda {f}
breeches {n} (a garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs) :: calçons
breed {v} (to sexually produce offspring) :: criar
breed {v} (to keep animals and have them reproduce) :: criar
breed {v} (to propagate or grow plants) :: criar
breed {v} (to yield or result in) :: engendrar
breed {n} (all animals or plants of the same species or subspecies) :: raça {f} (of animals), varietat {f} (of plants)
breed {n} (race or lineage) :: raça {f}
breeder {n} ((professional) plant or animal breeder) :: criador {m}, criadora {f}
breeding {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
breeding-ground {n} (figuratively) :: planter {m}
breeze {n} (a light, gentle wind) :: brisa {f}
breezefly {n} (horsefly) SEE: horsefly ::
breezily {adv} (In a breezy manner) :: airosament
breezy {adj} (exposed to the breezes) :: airejós
breezy {adj} ((figuratively) cheerful and lively) :: airós
Bremen {prop} (state) :: Bremen
Bremen {prop} (city) :: Bremen
Brendan {prop} (male given name) :: Brandan {m}
Brescia {prop} (city and province of Italy) :: Brescia
Breslau {prop} (Wroclaw) SEE: Wroclaw ::
Brest {prop} (a city in Brittany) :: Brest
brethren {n} (the body of members) :: confraria {f}
brethren {n} :: germans {p}
Breton {n} (person from Brittany) :: bretó {m}, bretona {f}
Breton {n} (the language) :: bretó {m}
Breton {adj} (pertaining to Brittany) :: bretó
breve {n} (double whole note) :: quadrada {f}, breu
brew {n} (beer) SEE: beer ::
brew {v} :: destilar
brew {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
brew {n} (cup of tea) SEE: cup of tea ::
briar {n} (any thorny plant) SEE: thornbush ::
bribe {n} (inducement to dishonesty) :: suborn {m}
bribe {v} (to give a bribe) :: subornar
bribery {n} (making of illegal payment to persons in official positions as a means of influencing their decisions) :: suborn {m}
brick {n} (hardened block used for building) :: maó {m}
brick {n} (a building material) :: maó {m}
bricklayer {n} (craftsman) :: paleta {m} {f}
brickyard {n} (factory where bricks are produced or distributed) :: bòbila {f}, rajoleria {f}
bridal {adj} (nuptial) :: nupcial
bride {n} (woman in the context of her own wedding) :: núvia {f}
bridegroom {n} (bridegroom, groom) :: nuvi {m}
bridge {n} (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) :: pont {m}
bridge {n} (replacement for teeth) :: pont {m}
bridge {n} (nautical) :: pont {f}
bridge {n} (piece on string instruments) :: pontet {m}
bridge {n} (card game) :: bridge {m}
bridle {n} (headgear for horse) :: brida {f}
brief {adj} (of short duration) :: breu
brief {adj} (concise) :: concís
briefcase {n} (case used for carrying documents) :: cartera {f}
briefly {adv} (in a brief manner) :: breument
brig {n} (two-masted vessel) :: bergantí {m}
brig {n} (naval military jail or guardhouse) :: calabós {m}
brigade {n} (organized group of people) :: brigada {f}
brigade {n} (military unit) :: brigada {f}
brigadier {n} (an army rank) :: brigadier {m}
bright {adj} (visually dazzling, luminous, radiant) :: brillant, clar
brill {n} (Scophthalmus rhombus) :: rèmol {m}
brilliant {adj} (shining brightly) :: brillant
brilliant {adj} (of a colour: both light and saturated) :: brillant
brilliant {adj} (of a voice or sound: having a sharp, clear tone) :: clar
brilliant {adj} (of surpassing excellence) :: brillant
brilliant {adj} (magnificent or wonderful (primarily UK usage)) :: brillant
brilliant {adj} (highly intelligent) :: brillant
brilliantly {adv} (in a brilliant manner) :: brillantment
brim {n} (an edge or border (originally specifically of the sea or a body of water)) :: vora {f}
brimstone {n} (sulfur) SEE: sulfur ::
brimstone {n} (the sulfur of Hell) :: sofre {m}
Brindisi {prop} (port city in Apulia, Italy) :: Bríndisi {?}
brine {n} (salt water) :: salmorra {f}
bring {v} (to transport toward somebody/somewhere) :: portar
bring about {v} (To cause to take place) :: provocar
bring about {v} (To accomplish) :: aconseguir
bring owls to Athens {v} (to undertake a pointless venture) SEE: carry coals to Newcastle ::
brinjal {n} (an aubergine) SEE: eggplant ::
briny {n} (sea) SEE: sea ::
brioche {n} (type of bun) :: brioix {m}
Britain {prop} (United Kingdom) SEE: United Kingdom ::
Britain {prop} (Brittany) SEE: Brittany ::
britches {n} (pants) SEE: pants ::
britches {n} (breeches) SEE: breeches ::
British {adj} (of Britain) :: britànic
British {adj} (colloquial: of the UK) :: britànic
British Columbia {prop} (province of Canada) :: Colúmbia Britànica {f}
British Commonwealth {prop} (Commonwealth of Nations) SEE: Commonwealth of Nations ::
British Isles {prop} (group of islands) :: illes Britàniques {f-p}
Brittany {prop} (region of North West France) :: Bretanya {f}
brittle {adj} (able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure) :: fràgil
brittle {adj} (apt to break or crumble when bending) :: trencadís
bro {n} (a male sibling) SEE: brother ::
broach {n} (spit) SEE: spit ::
broach {n} (architecture: spire) SEE: spire ::
broad {adj} (wide) SEE: wide ::
broad {n} (whore) SEE: whore ::
broad bean {n} (Vicia faba) :: fava {f}
broadcast {n} (transmission of a radio or television programme) :: emissió {f}
broadcast {n} (programme transmitted) :: programa {m}
broadcast {v} (to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means) :: emetre, transmetre
broadcasting {n} (business or profession of radio and television) :: radiodifusió {f}
broad-leaved {adj} (having broad leaves) :: planifoli
brocade {n} (fabric) :: brocat {m}
broccoli {n} (plant Brassica oleracea var. italica) :: bròcoli {m}
brochure {n} (booklet of printed informational matter) :: fullet {m}, opuscle {m}, prospecte {m}
broke {adj} (lacking money; bankrupt) :: pelat
broken {adj} (fragmented) :: trencat
broken {adj} (not working properly) :: espatllat
bromatology {n} (study of food) :: bromatologia {f}
bromide {n} (chemistry: binary compound of bromine and another element) :: bromur {m}
bromine {n} (nonmetallic chemical element) :: brom {m}
bronchiectasis {n} (abnormal permanent dilatation of the bronchial tubes) :: bronquièctasi {f}
bronchiole {n} (small branch of a bronchus) :: bronquíol {m}
broncho- {prefix} (relating to bronchi) :: bronco-
bronchoscope {n} (form of endoscope for inspecting the bronchial tubes) :: broncoscopi {m}
bronchoscopy {n} (technique) :: broncoscòpia {f}
bronchus {n} (Either or two branches of the trachea) :: bronqui {m}
Bronx cheer {n} (synonym of raspberry) SEE: raspberry ::
bronze {n} (alloy) :: bronze {m}
bronze {n} (colour) :: bronze {m}
bronze {adj} (having a bronze colour) :: bronze
Bronze Age {prop} (archaeology) :: edat del bronze {f}
bronze whaler {n} (copper shark) SEE: copper shark ::
brood {v} (to keep an egg warm) :: covar
brood {v} (to dwell upon moodily and at length) :: encaparrar-se
brook {n} (a small stream) :: rierol {m}
brook {v} (tolerate) SEE: tolerate ::
brook trout {n} (Salvelinus fontinalis) :: truita de rierol {f}
broom {n} (domestic utensil) :: escombra {f}
broom {n} (Fabaceae shrub) :: ginesta
broth {n} (water in which food (meat or vegetable etc) has been boiled) :: brou {m}
broth {n} (soup made from broth) :: brou {m}
brothel {n} (house of prostitution) :: bordell {m}, prostíbul {m}
brother {n} (male sibling) :: germà {m}
brother {n} (male having parents in common) :: germà {m}
brother {n} (male fellow member of a religious community) :: germà {m}
brotherhood {n} (state of being brothers or a brother) :: fraternitat {f}, germanor {f}
brother-in-arms {n} (fellow combatant or soldier) :: company d'armes
brother-in-law {n} (one's husband's brother) :: cunyat {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's wife's brother) :: cunyat {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's sister's husband) :: cunyat {m}
brouhaha {n} (fuss, uproar) :: gatzara {f}, aldarull {m}, cridòria {f}, rebombori {m}, brogit {m}, avalot {m}
brow {n} (forehead) SEE: forehead ::
brow {n} (eyebrow) SEE: eyebrow ::
browbeat {v} (to bully in an intimidating way) :: intimidar
brown {n} (colour) :: marró {m}
brown {adj} (having a brown colour) :: marró
brown {v} (to become brown) :: s'enrossir
brown {v} (to cook until brown) :: enrossir
Brown {prop} (surname meaning "brown", or indicating a dark complexion) :: Bru
brown bear {n} (Ursus arctos) :: ós bru {m}
brown coal {n} (lignite) SEE: lignite ::
brown dwarf {n} (starlike object) :: nana marró
brown falcon {n} :: falcó berigora, falcó bru australià
brownish {adj} (of a colour which resembles brown; somewhat brown) :: brunenc
brownnose {v} (fawn) SEE: fawn ::
brown trout {n} (species of freshwater trout) :: truita {f}
browser {n} (web browser) SEE: web browser ::
brucellosis {n} (infection by the bacterium, Brucella) :: brucel·losi {f}
Bruges {prop} (city in Belgium) :: Bruges
bruise {n} (medical: mark on the skin) :: blau {m}
bruise {n} (mark on fruit or vegetable) :: blau {m}
Brumaire {prop} (the second month of the French Republican Calendar) :: brumari {m}
Brunei {prop} (a country in Southeast Asia) :: Brunei {m}
brunion {n} (nectarine) SEE: nectarine ::
brush {n} (implement) :: raspall {m}
brush {n} (act of brushing) :: raspallar
brushstroke {n} (stroke of a brush) :: pinzellada {f}
brusque {adj} (rudely abrupt, unfriendly) :: brusc
brusquely {adv} (in a brusque manner) :: bruscament
Brusselian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to, Brussels) :: brussel·lès
Brusselian {n} (someone from Brussels) :: brussel·lès {m}, brussel·lesa {f}
Brussels {prop} (capital of Belgium) :: Brussel·les
Brussels sprout {n} (vegetable) :: col de Brussel·les {f}
brutal {adj} (savagely violent) :: brutal
Brutalism {n} (style of modernist architecture) :: brutalisme {m}
brutality {n} (a state of being brutal) :: brutalitat {f}
brutally {adv} (in a brutal manner) :: brutalment
bruxism {n} (habit or practice of grinding the teeth) :: bruxisme {m}
bête noire {n} (an anathema) :: bèstia negra {f}
bubble {n} (Greek) SEE: Greek ::
bubble {n} (spherically contained volume of air or other gas) :: bombolla {f}
bubble {n} (small spherical cavity in a solid) :: bombolla {f}
bubble {n} (anything resembling a hollow sphere) :: bombolla {f}
bubble {n} (period of intense speculation in a market) :: bombolla {f}
bubble {v} (to cry, weep) SEE: weep ::
bubble {v} (to cheat, delude) SEE: cheat ::
bubble level {n} (tool) SEE: spirit level ::
bubo {n} (inflamed lymph node) :: bubó {m}
bubonic {adj} (of or pertaining to buboes) :: bubònic
Bucharest {prop} (The capital of Romania) :: Bucarest {?}
buck {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
buck {n} (male deer, goat, etc.) :: cérvol {m} [deer], boc {m} [goat]
bucket {n} (container) :: cubell {m}, galleda {f}
bucket {n} (amount held in this container) :: cubellada {f}
bucket {n} (part of piece of machinery) :: catúfol {m}
buckeye {n} (tree of the genus Aesculus) :: castanyer d'Índia {m}
Buckingham Palace {prop} (the official London residence of the British monarch) :: Palau de Buckingham {m}
buckle {n} (belt clasp) :: sivella {f}
buckler {n} (small shield) :: escut {m}, broquer {m}
buckwheat {n} (Fagopyrum esculentum plant) :: fajol {m}
buckwheat {n} (fruit of this plant as cereal) :: gra de fajol {m}, blat sarraí {m}
bucolic {adj} (rustic, pastoral, country-styled) :: bucòlic
bud {n} (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) :: gemma {f}, borró {m}
bud {n} (small rounded body in the process of splitting from an organism, which may grow into a genetically identical new organism) :: gemma {f}
bud {v} (to form buds) :: gemar
bud {v} (to reproduce by splitting off buds) :: gemar
bud {n} (slang: buddy) :: col·lega {m} {f}
Budapest {prop} (the capital city of Hungary) :: Budapest
buddha {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
Buddha {prop} (spiritual and philosophical teacher) :: Buda {m}
Buddhism {n} (religion and philosophy) :: budisme {m}
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism) :: budista
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to a Buddhist, Buddhists) :: budista
Buddhist {n} (practitioner of Buddhism) :: budista {m} {f}
Buddhist {n} (follower of Buddha) :: budista {m} {f}
Buddhistic {adj} (of, relating to Buddhism) :: búdic
buddy {n} (friend or casual acquaintance) :: company {m}
budgerigar {n} (species of parakeet) :: periquito {m}
budget {n} (the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame) :: pressupost {m}
budo {n} (Japanese martial arts) :: budo {m}
Buenos Aires {prop} (capital of Argentina) :: Buenos Aires {?}
buffalo {n} (Old World mammals) :: búfal {m}
buffalo {n} (North American bison) :: bisó {m}
Buffalo {prop} (a city in New York State) :: Buffalo
buffer solution {n} (buffer solution) :: solució tampó
bufflehead {n} (a duck in the goldeneye genus, Bucephala albeola) :: morell capblanc {m}
bufotenine {n} (alkaloid) :: bufotenina {f}
bug {n} (an insect of the order Hemiptera) :: xinxa {f}
bug {n} (a colloquial name for insect) :: cuca {f}
bug {n} (problem that needs fixing (especially in computing)) :: error {m}, defecte {m}
bug {n} (an enthusiasm for something) :: febre {f}, mania {f}
bugger {n} (heretic) SEE: heretic ::
bugger off {interj} (go away) SEE: get lost ::
buggery {n} (anal sex) SEE: anal sex ::
Buginese {prop} (language) :: bugui {m}
bugle {n} (music: simple brass instrument) :: clarí {m}
bugler {n} (someone who plays the bugle) :: corneta {m}
build {v} ((transitive) to form by combining materials or parts) :: construir, edificar
builder {n} (a person who builds or constructs things) :: constructor {m}
builder {n} (a bodybuilder) SEE: bodybuilder ::
building {n} (act or process of building) :: construcció {f}
building {n} (closed structure with walls and a roof) :: edifici {m}
buisine {n} (medieval wind instrument) :: anafil {m}, nafil {m}
bulb {n} (bulb-shaped root) :: bulb {m}
bulb {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
bulbourethral gland {n} (bulbourethral gland) :: glàndula bulbouretral {f}
bulbous {adj} (having the shape of a bulb) :: bulbós
bulbous {adj} (growing from a bulb or producing bulbs) :: bulbós
Bulgaria {prop} (country) :: Bulgària {f}
Bulgarian {adj} (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) :: búlgar
Bulgarian {n} (native of Bulgaria) :: búlgar {m}, búlgara {f}
Bulgarian {n} (language) :: búlgar {m}
bulimia {n} (eating disorder) :: bulímia, bulímia nerviosa
bulimia nervosa {n} (eating disorder) SEE: bulimia ::
bulimic {adj} (suffering from bulimia nervosa) :: bulímic
bulimic {adj} (of, or relating to, bulimia nervosa) :: bulímic
bulk {n} (major part of something) :: gruix {m}
bulk {adj} (large in size, mass, or volume) :: massiu
bulky {adj} (large in size, mass, or volume) :: voluminós
bull {n} (uncastrated adult male bovine) :: toro {m}
bull {n} (document) :: butlla {f}
bull {n} (seal) :: butlla {f}, segell {m}
bullcrap {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
bullet {n} (projectile) :: bala {f}, projectil {m}
bulletin board {n} (a board) :: taulell d’anuncis {m}
bulletproof {adj} (capable of withstanding a bullet) :: antibales
bulletproof {adj} (reliable, infallible) :: infal·lible {m} {f}
bulletproof vest {n} (garment) :: armilla antibales
bull fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bullhead {n} (Europe, Asia: the European bullhead) SEE: European bullhead ::
bullhorn {n} (portable device which electronically amplifies a person’s natural voice) :: megàfon {m}
bull ring {n} (bullring) SEE: bullring ::
bullring {n} (area in which a bullfight is takes place) :: plaça de toros {f}, plaça de bous {f}
bullroarer {n} (musical instrument) :: brunzidor {m}
bull run {n} (event in which people run with bulls in the streets) :: correbou {m}
bullseye {n} (centre of a target) :: fitó {m}
bullseye {n} (thick glass set into the side of a ship to let in light) :: ull de bou {m}
bullshit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) :: collonades {f-p}
bully {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
bulwark {n} (defensive wall or rampart) :: baluard {m}
bulwark {n} (defense or safeguard) :: baluard {m}
bulwark {n} (breakwater) SEE: breakwater ::
bumblebee {n} (genus of bee) :: borinot {m}
bumfodder {n} (toilet paper) SEE: toilet paper ::
bumfodder {n} (bureaucratic documents) :: paperassa {f}
bumfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
bump {n} (a light blow or jolting collision) :: sotrac {m}
bump {n} (a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury) :: nyanyo {m}
bumper {n} (impact absorber on a vehicle) :: para-xocs {m}
bumpkin {n} (yokel) :: taujà {m}
bun {n} (A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced) :: panellet {m}, pasta {m}, brioix {m}, llesca {m}
bun {n} (A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head) :: monya {f}, trossa {f}
bunch {n} (a group of similar things) :: raïm {m}, grapat {m}
bunch {n} (a cluster of grapes) :: raïm
bunch {n} (an informal body of friends) :: colla {f}
bundle {n} (group of objects held together by wrapping or tying) :: feix {m}
bundle {n} (package wrapped or tied up for carrying) :: farcell {m}
bung {n} (bribe) SEE: bribe ::
bungee jumping {n} (jumping from a great height with a cord) :: pònting {m}
bungler {n} (one who makes mistakes) :: barroer {m}, barroera {f}
bunion {n} (bump on the big toe) :: galindó {m}
bunker {n} (hardened shelter) :: búnquer {m}
bunker {n} (large container for storing coal) :: carbonera {f}
bunny {n} (young rabbit) :: catxap {m}, conillet {m}, llorigó {m}
bunny {n} (women in a costume of rabbit ears and tail) :: conilleta {f}
Bunsen burner {n} (small laboratory gas burner) :: cremador Bunsen {m}
bunt {n} (baseball: ball intentionally hit softly) :: toc {m}
buoy {n} (moored float) :: boia {f}
buoy {v} (keep afloat or aloft) :: aboiar
buoy {v} (mark with a buoy) :: aboiar
buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
burden {n} (heavy load) :: càrrega {f}, carga
burdensome {adj} (of or like a burden; arduous or demanding) :: gravós
Burdigalian {prop} :: Burdigalià
bureaucracy {n} (system of administration) :: burocràcia {f}
bureaucracy {n} (excessive red tape) :: burocràcia {f}
bureaucrat {n} (An official in a bureaucracy) :: buròcrata {m} {f}
bureaucratic {adj} (of or pertaining to bureaucracy) :: burocràtic
burette {n} (glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock used for titration, etc.) :: bureta {f}
Burgas {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: Burgàs {m}
burger bar {n} (fast-food restaurant primarily selling hamburgers) :: hamburgueseria {f}
burglar {n} :: lladre {m} {f}, espanyaportes {m}
Burgundian {n} (an inhabitant of Burgundy) :: borgonyó {m}
Burgundian {n} (а member of the Burgundians, an East Germanic tribe) :: burgundi {m}
Burgundian {prop} (the old Burgundian language) :: burgundi {m}
Burgundian {prop} (the modern Burgundian language) :: borgonyó {m}
Burgundian {adj} (pertaining to Burgundy, its people or its language) :: borgonyó {m}
burgundy {n} (color) :: bordeus {m}
Burgundy {prop} (region) :: Borgonya {f}
burial {n} (interment) :: enterrament {m}
burial chamber {n} (chamber used to bury the dead) :: cambra funerària {f}
buried {adj} (Placed in a grave at a burial) :: enterrat
burin {n} (chisel) :: burí {m}
burka {n} (female garment that covers the whole body) :: burca {m}
Burkina Faso {prop} (country) :: Burkina Faso
Burma {prop} (Southeast Asian country (former name), see also: Myanmar) :: Birmània {f}
Burmese {adj} (Of or relating to Burma) :: birmà
Burmese {n} (a person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent) :: birmà {m}
Burmese {prop} (language) :: birmà {m}
burn {n} (physical injury) :: cremada {f}
burn {n} (act of burning something) :: cremada {f}
burn {v} (to cause to be consumed by fire) :: cremar
burn {v} (to be consumed by fire) :: cremar
burn {n} (vegetable disease) SEE: brand ::
burn {v} (to cauterize) SEE: cauterize ::
burning {adj} (so hot as to seem to burn (something)) :: ardent
burning {adj} (feeling very hot) :: ardent
burning {adj} (feeling great passion) :: ardent
burning bush {n} (Euonymus in general) SEE: spindle ::
burning bush {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant ::
burnisher {n} (implement) :: brunyidor {m}
burnt {adj} (carbonized) :: cremat
burn the midnight oil {v} (work through the night) :: cremar-se les celles
burnt sienna {n} (colour) :: siena torrat {m}
burocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to bureaucracy) :: burocràtic
burp {n} (a softer belch) :: rot {m}
burp {v} (to emit a burp) :: eructar
burqa {n} (burka) SEE: burka ::
burrow {n} (a tunnel or hole) :: cau {m}
burst {v} (to break from internal pressure) :: petar, rebentar
Burundi {prop} (a country in Eastern Africa) :: Burundi {m}
Burundian {n} (person from Burundi) :: burundès {m}
Burundian {adj} (pertaining to Burundi) :: burundès
bury {v} (inter a corpse in a grave or tomb) :: enterrar
bury {v} (place in the ground) :: enterrar
bury {v} (hide or conceal as if by covering with earth) :: enterrar
Buryatia {prop} (Buryatia, Russia) :: Buriàtia {f}
bus {n} (medical slang: ambulance) SEE: ambulance ::
bus {n} (vehicle) :: autobús {m}
bus {n} (electrical conductor) :: bus {m}
bush {n} (category of woody plant) :: arbust {m}
bushel {n} (dry measure) :: faneca {f}
Bushism {prop} (political philosophy) :: Bushisme {m}
business {n} (commercial enterprise or establishment) :: empresa {f}, companyia {f}
business {n} (occupation, work or trade of a person) :: negoci {m}
bust {n} (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders) :: bust {m}
bust {n} (breasts and upper thorax of a woman) :: bust {m}
bustard {n} (any of several birds of the family Otididae) :: avitarda {f}
buster {n} (person or thing that breaks or overwhelms) :: rebenta-
buster {n} (guy, friend) :: tio {m}, tipus {m}, company {m}
buster {n} (loser, uncool person) :: xafaxancles, botaxarcos, botabancals, astropellat, tros de figa, castellà, trompellot {m}, xafaxarcos, sangonera
bustle {n} (excited activity) :: bullícia {f}
bustle {v} (to move busily and energetically) :: trafeguejar
busty {adj} (having large breasts) :: mamelluda
busy {adj} (doing a great deal) :: ocupat
but {conj} (rather) :: però
but {conj} (although) :: però, encara que
but {conj} (except) :: menys, excepte
butane {n} (the organic compound) :: butà {m}
butcher {n} (a person who prepares and sells meat) :: carnisser {m}, carnissera {f}
butcher's {n} (butcher’s shop) :: carnisseria {f}
butchery {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
butler {n} (manservant having charge of wines and liquors) :: sommelier {m}
butler {n} (chief male servant) :: majordom {m}
butt {n} (buttocks) :: natja {f}
butt {n} (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar) :: punta {f}, burilla {f}
butt {v} ((transitive) to strike bluntly) :: tossar
butter {n} (soft foodstuff made from milk) :: mantega {f}
buttercup {n} (flower of the genus Narcissus) SEE: daffodil ::
buttercup {n} (herb of the genus Ranunculus) :: ranuncle {m}
butterfly {n} (insect) :: papallona {f}, [dialectal, dated] papalló {m}, [dialectal] papaió {m}, [dialectal] babaiana {f}, [dialectal] paloma {f}, [dialectal] palometa {f}
butterfly effect {n} (technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory) :: efecte papallona
butterfly net {n} (net used to collect butterflies) :: caçapapallones {m}, salabret {m}
buttermilk {n} (traditional buttermilk) :: sèrum de mantega {m}
butter tea {n} :: te amb mantega {m}
butter up {v} (to flatter) :: afalagar, [archaic] fer lo bus
buttery {adj} (made with or tasting of butter) :: mantegós
buttfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
butthole {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked ::
buttock {n} (each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body) :: natja {f}
button {n} (knob or small disc serving as a fastener) :: botó {m}
button {n} (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) :: botó {m}
button {n} (in computer software, an on-screen control that can be selected) :: botó {m}
button {n} (a badge worn on clothes) :: insígnia {f}
button {n} (botany: a bud) :: botó {m}, poncella {f}
button {v} (to fasten with a button) :: botonar
buttonhole {n} (hole for a button) :: trau {m}
button mushroom {n} (Agaricus bisporus) :: xampinyó {m}
buttonwood {n} (mangrove) SEE: mangrove ::
butt plug {n} (A sex toy for the anus and rectum) :: tap anal
buttress {n} (brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it) :: contrafort {m}
butyl {n} (Any of four isomeric univalent hydrocarbon radicals, C4H9) :: butil {m}
buy {v} (to obtain something with money) :: comprar
buyable {adj} (that can be bought) :: comprable
buyer {n} (person who makes purchases) :: comprador {m}
buying power {n} (purchasing power) SEE: purchasing power ::
buzz {n} (whisper) SEE: whisper ::
buzzard {n} (bird of the genus Buteo) :: aligot {m}, zopilot {m}
buzzard {n} (scavenging bird) SEE: vulture ::
by {prep} (not later than) :: per a
by {prep} (indicates the agent of a passive verb) :: per
by {prep} (indicates creator of a work) :: per
by accident {adv} (accidentally) SEE: accidentally ::
by and by {adv} (soon) SEE: soon ::
by and large {adv} (mostly, generally; with few exceptions) :: en general
Byblos {prop} (port city in Lebanon) :: Biblos
by chance {prep} (unexpected(ly); accidental(ly)) :: per atzar
by dint of {prep} (because of; by reason of) SEE: because of ::
bye {interj} (short for goodbye, see also: goodbye) :: adéu
by-election {n} (special election) :: elecció parcial {f}
by far {prep} (to a large extent) :: de molt
by foot {adv} (on foot) SEE: on foot ::
by hand {prep} (manually) SEE: manually ::
by hand {prep} (manually) :: a mà
by heart {prep} (knowing completely) :: de cor, de memòria
bylaw {n} (law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization) :: estatut {m}
by means of {prep} (By using) :: mitjançant
bypass {n} (road) :: apartador {m}, variant {f}, camí secundari {m}, ronda (carretera) {m}
bypass {n} (circumvention) :: desviació {f}
bypass {n} (section of pipe) :: derivació {f}, canal de derivació {?}, canal d'alimentació {?}
bypass {n} (electrical shunt) :: canal de derivació {?}, canal d'alimentació {?}
bypass {n} (alternative passage for a bodily fluid) :: bypass {m}, anastomosi de derivació per a revascularització cardíaca {?} [cardiac bypass]
byproduct {n} (secondary or additional product) :: subproducte {m}
by-product {n} (side effect) :: subproducte {m}
by the by {prep} (by the way) SEE: by the way ::
by the Grace of God {prep} (By divine right) :: per la gràcia de Déu
by the skin of one's teeth {prep} (barely, closely) :: pels pèls
by the time {prep} (when) SEE: when ::
by the way {prep} (incidentally) :: per cert
Byzantine {adj} (of or pertaining to Byzantium) :: bizantí
Byzantine {adj} (belonging to the civilisation of the Eastern-Roman empire) :: bizantí
Byzantine {n} (native of Byzantine Empire) :: bizantí {m}, bizantina {f}
Byzantine Empire {prop} (Greek-speaking empire in the Eastern Mediterranean region) :: Imperi Bizantí
Byzantium {prop} (Byzantine Empire) SEE: Byzantine Empire ::
Byzantium {prop} (ancient Greek city) :: Bizanci
Béziers {prop} (city in France) :: Besiers