User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-b
baa {n} /bæ/ (bleating of sheep) | :: belato {m}, bè |
baa {interj} (cry of sheep) | :: beè |
baa {v} (to make the cry of sheep) | :: belare |
baba {n} (flavoured sponge cake) | :: babà {m} |
baba au rhum {n} (rum-soaked cake) | :: babà {m} |
babassu {n} (Attalea speciosa, a tall Brazilian feather palm) | :: babassu {m} |
Baba Yaga {prop} (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) | :: Baba Yaga {f} |
babble {v} /ˈbæb.l̩/ (to talk much) | :: chiacchierare, ciarlare |
babble {v} (to make a continuous murmuring noise) | :: cicalare |
babble {n} (idle talk) | :: ciancia |
babble {n} (inarticulate speech) | :: balbettio |
babble {n} (the sound of flowing water) | :: gorgoglio |
babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby | :: |
babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby | :: |
babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby | :: |
Babelic {adj} | :: babelico |
babesiosis {n} (parasitic disease) | :: babesiosi, piroplasmosi |
Babeufism {n} | :: babuvismo {m} |
babiroussa {n} (hoglike quadruped) | :: babirussa {m} |
babirusa {n} (a member of the genus Babyrousa) | :: babirussa {m} |
baboon {n} /ˌbæˈbuːn/ (primate) | :: babbuino {m} |
babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll | :: |
baby {n} /ˈbeɪbi/ (very young human being) | :: bambino {m}, bambina {f}, bimbo {m}, bimba {f}, bebè {m} |
baby {n} (young animal) | :: piccolo {m}, cucciolo {m} |
baby {n} (immature or infantile person) | :: bambino {m} |
baby {n} (term of endearment) | :: tesoro {m} |
baby {n} (form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive) | :: bello {m} [to a man], bella {f} [to a woman] |
baby {adj} (of a child) | :: see baby boy and baby girl |
baby {adj} (of an animal) | :: in general, append the suffix -ino or -etto to the name of the animal |
baby {adj} (intended for babies) | :: per i bimbi |
baby boom {n} (post-World War II baby boom (1946 to 1964)) | :: incremento delle nascite, incremento demografico |
baby boom {n} (any increase in the birth rate) | :: incremento delle nascite, incremento demografico |
baby boomer {n} (person born after Second World War) | :: baby boomer {m} |
baby bottle {n} (bottle with a teat) | :: biberon {m} |
baby boy {n} (very young male human being) | :: bambino {m} |
baby buggy {n} (a wheeled chair for the transport of a baby) SEE: stroller | :: |
baby doll {n} (night-dress) | :: baby-doll {m} |
baby face {n} /ˈbeɪbɪ feɪs/ (face resembling that of a baby) | :: faccino {m} |
baby face {n} (person having such a face) | :: bamboccio {m}, bamboccione {m}, bambocciona {f} |
baby formula {n} (artificial substitute for human breast milk) SEE: infant formula | :: |
Babylon {prop} /ˈbæbɪ.lɑn/ (capital of Babylonia) | :: Babilonia {f} |
Babylonic {adj} (pertaining to Babylon) | :: babilonico |
babysit {v} /ˈbeɪbiː.sɪt/ (To watch or tend someone else's child for a period of time, often for money) | :: fare da babysitter |
babysitter {n} /ˈbeɪbiˌsɪtɚ/ (baby or child caretaker) | :: baby-sitter |
baby tooth {n} (tooth which will be replaced) SEE: milk tooth | :: |
baccarat {n} /ˈbækəɹɑː/ (card game) | :: baccarà |
bacchic {adj} (of or relating to Bacchus) | :: bacchico |
bachelor {n} /ˈbætʃ.ə.lə(ɹ)/ (unmarried man) | :: scapolo {m}, celibe {m}, zito {m}, zitello {m} |
bachelor {n} (bachelor's degree) | :: baccelliere, laurea {f} |
bachelorette party {n} (bachelorette party) | :: festa di addio al nubilato {f}, addio al nubilato |
bachelor party {n} (party) | :: festa di addio al celibato {f}, addio al celibato |
bacillophobia {n} (fear of microbes) | :: bacillofobia {f} |
bacillus {n} /bæˈsɪl.əs/ (any bacteria in the genus Bacillus) | :: bacillo |
back {adj} /bæk/ (near the rear) | :: posteriore, di dietro |
back {adj} (not current) | :: arretrato |
back {adj} (far from the main area) | :: secondario {m} |
back {adj} (phonetics: produced in the back of the mouth) | :: posteriore |
back {adv} (to or in a previous condition or place) | :: indietro, a posto |
back {adv} (away from the front or from an edge) | :: indietro |
back {n} (the rear of body) | :: [of a person or animal] schiena {f}, dorso {m} |
back {n} (the reverse side) | :: retro {m}, dietro {m}, rovescio {m} |
back {n} (that which is farthest away from the front) | :: fondo {m} |
back {n} (the part of something that goes last) | :: fondo {m}, dietro {m} |
back {n} (a position behind most players on the team) | :: difensore {m}, terzino {m} |
back {v} (to go in the reverse direction) | :: indietreggiare, [vehicle] fare marcia indietro |
back {v} (to support) | :: appoggiare, sostenere |
backache {n} /ˈbækeɪk/ (any pain or ache in the back, see also: lumbago) | :: mal di schiena {m} |
back and forth {adv} (from one place to another and back again) | :: avanti e indietro |
back and forth {adj} (going from one place to another and back again) | :: avanti e indietro |
back and forth {n} (movement (of someone or something) forward followed by a return to the same position) | :: andirivieni {m}, viavai {m} |
backbite {v} (to make defamatory statements about another) | :: dire peste e corna, parlare male, denigrare, sparlare, calunniare, parlare alle spalle |
backbiting {n} (the act of slandering a person without that person's knowledge) | :: maldicenza {f}, sussurrio {m}, diceria {f}, ciarla {f} |
backbone {n} /ˈbækˌboʊn/ (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord) | :: spina dorsale {f}, colonna vertebrale {f}, rachide {m} |
backbone {n} (any fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure) | :: base {f}, spina dorsale |
backbone {n} (courage, fortitude, or strength) | :: coraggio {m} |
backbone {n} (backbone) SEE: spine | :: |
backbreaking {adj} (of work, very physically tiring) | :: estenuante, massacrante |
back door {n} (subsidiary entrance to building) | :: porta di dietro {f}, porta di servizio {f}, porta sul retro {f} |
back door {v} (to attempt to accomplish by indirect means) | :: ottenere per vie traverse |
backdoor {n} (backdoor (all definitions)) SEE: back door | :: |
backdrop {n} /ˈbæk.dɹɒp/ (a decorated cloth hung at the back of a stage) | :: scenario {m} |
backdrop {n} (background of a historical event) | :: contesto {m}, sfondo {m} |
back fire {n} (explosion of a combustion engine) | :: back-fire {m} |
backfire {v} /bækˈfaɪə(ɹ)/ (fail) | :: avere effetto contrario |
back-formation {n} (linguistic process) | :: retroformazione |
backgammon {n} /ˈbæk.ɡæm.ən/ (board game) | :: backgammon {m}, tric trac {m}, tavola reale {f} |
background {n} /ˈbæk.ɡɹaʊnd/ (social heritage) | :: formazione {f}, istruzione {m}, legato {m}, retaggio {m}, bagaglio culturale {m} |
background {n} (part of picture) | :: sfondo {m} |
background {n} (relevant information) | :: storia {f}, antefatto {m}, antecedente {m} |
background {n} (less important feature) | :: secondo piano {m}, sottofondo {m} |
background {n} (computer background) | :: sfondo {m} |
background {n} (activity not visible to the user) | :: sottofondo {m}, in sordina |
backhand {n} /ˈbækhænd/ (stroke in tennis) | :: rovescio {m} |
backhand {v} (execute a backhand stroke or throw) | :: tirare di rovescio |
backhander {n} (blow with the back of the hand) | :: manrovescio {m}, marrovescio {m} |
backhander {n} (bribe, secret payment) | :: tangente {f}, bustarella {f}, mazzetta {f} |
backhander {n} (shot played backhand, a backhand stroke) | :: rovescio {m} |
backlash {n} /ˈbækˌlæʃ/ (sudden backward motion) | :: reazione {f} |
backlash {n} (violent or abrubt reaction) | :: contraccolpo |
backlash {n} (mechanical: distance of free movement between connected parts) | :: gioco, passo {m} |
backlash {n} (jarring motion in badly fitting machinery) | :: scuotimento {m}, stridore {m}, dissonanza {f} |
backlight {n} /ˈbæk.laɪt/ (light attached to an LCD display) | :: retroilluminazione {f} |
backlight {v} (illuminate something from behind) | :: illuminare dal di dietro |
backlit {adj} (illuminated from behind) | :: illuminato dal di dietro |
backlog {n} /ˈbæk.lɒɡ/ (an accumulation or buildup) | :: arretrato {m} |
back of beyond {n} (A remote place) | :: capo al mondo {m}, casa del Diavolo {f}, casa di Dio {f} |
back out {v} (to reverse a vehicle from a confined space) | :: fare retromarcia, fare marcia indietro, retrocedere, indietreggiare |
back out {v} (to withdraw from something one has promised to do) | :: fare marcia indietro |
backpack {n} /ˈbæk.pæk/ (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) | :: zaino {m}, sacco a pelo {m} |
backpacker {n} (a traveler) | :: escursionista {m} {f}, saccopelista {m} |
backpackers {n} (hostel) SEE: hostel | :: |
backrest {n} /ˈbækˌɹest/ (back piece of a chair) | :: schienale {m} |
backscratcher {n} (rod for scratching one's own back) | :: grattaschiena {m} (back scratcher), manina {f} (small hand) |
backside {n} /ˈbækˌsaɪd/ (back side of something) | :: lato posteriore {m} |
backside {n} (buttocks) | :: sedere {m}, di dietro |
backslash {n} /ˈbækˌslæʃ/ (punctuation mark) | :: barra inversa {f} |
backstab {v} /ˈbækˌstæb/ (to attack someone (especially verbally) unfairly) | :: colpire alle spalle |
backstabber {n} /ˈbækˌstæbɚ/ (a traitor or hypocrite) | :: ipocrita |
backstage {n} /bækˈsteɪdʒ/ (the area behind the stage) | :: quinta {f}, quinte {f-p} |
backstay {n} (part of the rigging) | :: controtirante {m} |
backstitch {n} (backstitch) | :: punto indietro {m} |
backstop {n} (thing or a person to support) | :: spalleggiamento {m}, supporto {m} |
backstop {n} (default arrangement) | :: garanzia {f}, copertura {f} |
back to square one {adj} (located back at the start, as after a dead-end or failure) | :: essere punto e a capo |
back to the wall {n} (very difficult situation) | :: spalle al muro |
backtrack {n} /ˈbæk.tɹæk/ (the act of backtracking) | :: retrocessione {f} |
backtrack {v} (retracing one's steps) | :: arretrare, retrocedere |
backtrack {v} (reviewing previous work) | :: analizzare, ripassare, rivedere |
backtrack {v} (taxiing the opposite way down a runway) | :: parcheggiare contropista |
backup {n} /ˈbækˌʌp/ (reserve) | :: riserva {f}, sostituto {m} |
backup {n} (copy of file or record) | :: backup {m}, copia di riserva {f}, copia di sicurezza {f} |
backward {adj} /ˈbækwɚd/ (in the direction towards the back) | :: indietro, |
backward {adj} (in the direction reverse of normal) | :: retromarcia |
backward {adj} (reluctant to advance) | :: riluttante |
backward {adj} (undeveloped) | :: indietro |
backward {adj} (of an idea: outdated) | :: antiquato fuori moda |
backwardness {n} | :: arretratezza {f} |
backwards {adj} /ˈbæk.wə(ɹ)dz/ (oriented toward the back) | :: indietro |
backwash {v} /ˈbæk.wɑʃ/ (backward flow of water from a propeller) | :: risacca {f}, riflusso {m}, scia {f} |
backwash {v} (The saliva, spit or food flowing back into a drink) | :: sbavatura {f}, salivazione {f} |
backwater {n} (the water held back by a dam or other obstruction) | :: acqua di invaso |
bacon {n} /ˈbeɪ.kən/ (cut of meat) | :: pancetta {f} |
Baconian {adj} /bəˈkəʊn.ɪən/ (of or pertaining to Francis Bacon and his philosophical system) | :: baconiano |
bacon rind {n} (skin of pork) | :: cotenna {f} |
bacteria {n} /bækˈtɪɹ.i.ə/ (bacteria) | :: batteri {m-p} |
bacterial flora {n} (the bacteria inside an organism) | :: flora batterica {f} |
bacterialization {n} (The treatment of a crop with bacteria) | :: batterizzazione {f} |
bacteriological {adj} (of or pertaining to bacteriology) | :: batteriologico |
bacteriologically {adv} (with respect to bacteriology) | :: batteriologicamente |
bacteriostatic {adj} (of or relating to bacteriostasis or a bacteriostat) | :: batteriostatico |
bacterium {n} /bækˈtɪəɹ.ɪəm/ (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) | :: batterio {m} |
Bactria {prop} /ˈbæktɹɪə/ (Greek name for ancient country) | :: Battria |
bad {adj} /bæd/ (unfavorable; negative) | :: cattivo |
bad {adj} (not suitable or fitting) | :: sbagliato |
bad {adj} (evil, wicked) | :: cattivo, malvagio |
bad {adj} (faulty; not functional) | :: difettoso |
bad {adj} (of breath: malodorous) | :: cattivo |
bad {adj} (severe; urgent) | :: serio, urgente, grave, doveroso |
bad {adj} (spoilt, rotten, overripe) SEE: spoilt | :: |
bad {adv} (badly) SEE: badly | :: |
badass {adj} (belligerent and troublesome) SEE: belligerent | :: |
badge {n} /bædʒ/ (distinctive mark) | :: distintivo, insegna {f} |
badge {n} (nameplate) | :: targhetta {f} |
badge {n} (card to grant access) | :: cartellino |
badge {n} (something characteristic) | :: emblema, contrassegno |
badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart | :: |
badger {n} /ˈbædʒɚ/ (mammal) | :: tasso {m} |
badger {n} (native or resident of Wisconsin) SEE: Wisconsinite | :: |
Badiot {n} | :: badioto {m}, badiotto {m} |
bad luck {n} (misfortune) | :: iella {f}, sfiga {f}, sfortuna {f}, malasorte {f} |
badly {adv} /ˈbæ (in a bad manner) | :: male |
badminton {n} /ˈbæd.mɪn.tən/ (a racquet sport) | :: badminton {m} |
bad news {n} (news of unpleasant, unfortunate or sad events) | :: brutta notizia {f}, cattiva notizia {f} |
bad things come in threes {proverb} (unfortunate events usually occur more than twice) | :: non c'è due senza tre (there is no two without three) [also “good things come in threes”] |
badware {n} (malware) SEE: malware | :: |
Baetic {adj} | :: betico |
baffle {v} /ˈbæfl̩/ (to totally bewilder; confuse or perplex) | :: sconcertare |
bag {n} /ˈbɛɡ/ (flexible container) | :: sacco {m}, busta {f} |
bag {n} (paper (or plastic) container given or sold to shoppers) | :: sacchetto {m} |
bag {v} (to hang like an empty bag) | :: sbolgiare [Tuscany, uncommon, of clothes] |
bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase | :: |
bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack | :: |
bagatelle {n} /ˌbæɡəˈtɛl/ (trifle) | :: baggianata {f}, inezia {f}, minuzia {f}, pagliuzza, banalità {f}, nonnulla {m}, pinzillacchera {f}, bazzeccola {f}, quisquilia {f}, sciocchezza {f}, cosina {f} |
bagel {n} /ˈbeɪɡəl/ (toroidal bread roll that is boiled and then baked) | :: bagel {m} |
baggage {n} (luggage) SEE: luggage | :: |
Baghdad {prop} /bæɡˈdæd/ (city) | :: Bagdad {f}, Baghdad {f} |
bagna cauda {n} /ˌbɑːnjə ˈkaʊdə/ (dip made from anchovies, olive oil and garlic) | :: bagna cauda {f}, bagna càuda {f}, bagnacauda {f} |
bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes | :: |
bagpipes {n} /ˈbæɡ.pɑɪps/ (musical wind instrument) | :: cornamusa {f}, zampogna {f}, pive {f} |
bag valve mask {n} | :: pallone auto-espandibile, pallone di AMBU, AMBU |
Bahamas {prop} /bəˈhɑː.məz/ (country in the Caribbean) | :: Bahama {f} |
Bahian {adj} | :: bahiano |
Bahian {n} | :: bahiano |
Bahrain {prop} /bɑːˈɹeɪn/ (country in the Middle East) | :: Bahrain, Bahrein {m} |
Bahraini {n} (a person from Bahrain or of Bahraini descent) | :: bahreinita {m} {f} |
Bahraini {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bahrain or the Bahraini people) | :: bahreinita {m} {f} |
baiji {n} /ˈbaɪd͡ʒi/ (freshwater dolphin) | :: lipote {m} |
bail {n} /beɪ̯l/ (security) | :: cauzione {f} |
bail {n} (release from imprisonment on payment of such money) | :: libertà provvisoria {f} |
bail {v} (to remove water) | :: sgottare |
bail bond {n} (surety posted as bail) | :: cauzione {f} |
bailer {n} (a utensil) | :: aggottatoio {m} |
bailiff {n} (steward) SEE: steward | :: |
bailiwick {n} /ˈbeɪ.lɪ.wɪk/ (precincts within which a bailiff has jurisdiction) | :: bailiato {m} |
bain-marie {n} (pan containing hot water) | :: bagnomaria |
Baird's sandpiper {n} (Calidris bairdii) | :: gambecchio di Baird {m} |
bait {n} /beɪt/ (substance used in catching fish) | :: esca {f} |
bait {n} (anything which allures) | :: esca {f} |
bait {v} (to attract with bait) | :: adescare |
bait {v} (to affix or attach a bait) | :: abboccare |
baize {n} /beɪz/ (woollen cloth used for covering card tables etc.) | :: baietta {f} |
Bajocian {prop} | :: Bajociano |
Bačka {prop} /ˈbɑːtʃ.kə/ (historical region divided between Serbia and Hungary) | :: Bačka |
Bakar {prop} | :: Buccari |
bake {v} /beɪk/ (to cook in an oven) | :: cuocere [al forno], infornare |
bake {v} (to dry by heat) | :: cuocere |
bake {v} (to become baked) | :: cuocersi, infornare |
baked {adj} /beɪkt/ (cooked by baking) | :: al forno |
baked {adj} (high on cannabis) | :: fatto |
baked Alaska {n} /beɪkt əˈlaskə/ (dessert of ice cream encased in cake and meringue and briefly baked) | :: omelette norvegese {f} |
Bakelite {n} /ˈbeɪk.ə.laɪt/ (heat-resisting chemically inert resin) | :: bachelite {f} |
baker {n} /ˈbeɪ.kɚ/ (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) | :: panettiere {m}, panettiera {f}, fornaio {m}, fornaia {f}, panificatore {m}, panificatrice {f} |
Baker {prop} (Occupational surname) | :: Panettiere |
baker's {n} (bakery) SEE: bakery | :: |
baker's dozen {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin | :: |
bakery {n} /ˈbeɪ.kə.ɹi/ (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) | :: panetteria {f}, forno {m}, panificio {m} |
baking powder {n} (dry leavening agent used in baking) | :: lievito chimico {m} |
baking tray {n} (oven-proof tray) | :: teglia {f} |
baklava {n} /ˈbæk.lə.və/ (sweet pastry) | :: baklava |
bʼakʼtun {n} /ˈbɑkˌtun/ (Maya calendar period of 144000 days) | :: baktun {m} |
Baku {prop} /bɑːˈkuː/ (the capital city of Azerbaijan) | :: Baku |
balaclava {n} /ˌbæl.əˈklɑː.və/ (headgear) | :: passamontagna {f} |
Balaklava {prop} (a former city in Crimea) | :: Balaclava {f} |
balalaika {n} /bæləˈlaɪkə/ (Russian instrument) | :: balalaika {f} |
balance {n} /ˈbæləns/ (equilibrium) | :: equilibrio {m} |
balance {n} (mental equilibrium) | :: equilibrio {m} |
balance {n} (something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium) | :: contrappeso {m}, bilanciamento {m} |
balance {n} (scales) | :: bilancia {f} |
balance {n} (awareness of both viewpoints) | :: neutralità {f} |
balance {n} (overall result of conflicting forces) | :: equilibrio {m} |
balance {n} (apparent harmony in art) | :: equilibrio {m} |
balance {n} (accounting: list of credits and debits) | :: bilancio {m} |
balance {n} (difference between credit and debit of an account) | :: saldo {m} |
balance {n} (device that regulates the speed of a watch) | :: bilanciere |
balance {v} (to bring to equipoise) | :: bilanciare |
balance {v} (to make concepts agree) | :: bilanciare, equivalere |
balance {v} (to hold precariously) | :: tenere in equilibrio, bilanciare |
balance {v} (accounting: to make credits and debits correspond) | :: conguagliare, pareggiare |
balance {v} (to estimate) SEE: estimate | :: |
balance {n} (astrology: Libra) SEE: Libra | :: |
balance beam {n} (gymnastics: narrow wooden rail) | :: trave di equilibrio {f} |
balance wheel {n} (timepiece mechanism) | :: bilanciere {m} |
balanitis {n} (inflammation of glans penis) | :: balanite {f} |
balcony {n} /ˈbælkəni/ (structure extending from a building) | :: balcone {m} |
bald {adj} /bɑld/ (having no hair) | :: calvo {m}, pelato {m} |
bald {adj} ((of tyre) whose surface is worn away) | :: liscio |
baldacchin {n} /ˈbaldəkɪn/ (canopy suspended over an altar or throne) | :: baldacchino {m} |
baldmoney {n} /ˈbɔːldˌmʌni/ (Meum athamanticum) | :: finocchio delle Alpi {m}, finocchio alpino {m}, finocchiella {f} |
baldness {n} (condition or state of being (or becoming) bald) | :: calvizie {f} |
baldrick {n} (broad belt) | :: balteo {m} |
Baldwin {prop} /ˈbɔːldwɪn/ (given name) | :: Baldovino |
bale {v} (to remove water from a boat) SEE: bail | :: |
bale {n} /beɪ̯l/ (rounded bundle of goods) | :: balla {f} |
bale {n} (bundle of compressed wool or hay) | :: balla {f} |
Balearic {adj} /bæliˈæɹɪk/ (of the Balearic Islands) | :: balearico |
Balearic Islands {prop} (group of Mediterranean islands) | :: Isole Baleari {f-p} |
baleen {n} /ˈbeɪliːn/ (plates in mouth of baleen whale) | :: fanone {m} |
baleful {adj} /ˈbeɪl.fəl/ (ominous) | :: funesto |
Balinese {n} /ˈbɑːlɪniːz/ (language) | :: balinese {m} |
Balinese {n} (inhabitant) | :: balinese {m} {f} |
Balinese {adj} (of or relating to Bali, or its inhabitants, language or culture) | :: balinese |
Bali tiger {n} (Panthera tigris balica) | :: tigre di Bali {m} |
balk {n} /bɔk/ (an unplowed strip of land) | :: porca {f} |
balk {v} (to stop, check, block) | :: ostacolare |
balk {v} (to stop short and refuse to go on) | :: tirarsi indietro |
Balkan {adj} /ˈbɔːlkən/ (of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula) | :: balcanico |
Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan | :: |
Balkanic {adj} (of or relating to Balkan peninsula) SEE: Balkan | :: |
Balkanization {n} /ˌbɑl.kən.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (fragmentation of a region into several small states) | :: balcanizzazione |
Balkan Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in southeastern Europe, see also: Balkans) | :: penisola balcanica {f} |
Balkans {prop} /ˈbɑl.kənz/ (geographical region in the southeast of Europe, see also: Balkan Peninsula) | :: Balcani {m-p} |
ball {n} /bɔːl/ (solid or hollow sphere) | :: palla {f} |
ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) | :: pallone {m} |
ball {n} (quantity of string, thread, etc., wound into a spherical shape) | :: gomitolo {m} |
ball {n} (baseball: a pitch that falls outside the strike zone) | :: ball {m} |
ball {n} (ballistics: a solid nonexplosive missile) | :: palla {f} |
ball {n} (mathematics: set of points in a metric space lying within a given distance of a given point) | :: palla {f} |
ball {n} (testicle) | :: palla {f} [mildly vulgar], coglione {m} [vulgar] |
ball {n} (in plural - mildly vulgar slang - nonsense) | :: boiate {f-p} |
ball {v} (vulgar slang: have sexual intercourse with) | :: scopare, trombare |
ball {n} (formal dance) | :: ballo {m} |
ballad {n} /ˈbæləd/ (narrative poem) | :: ballata {f} |
ballad {n} (slow romantic song) | :: ballata {f} |
ballast {n} /ˈbæl.əst/ (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel) | :: zavorra {f} |
ballast {n} (material laid to form a bed for a road) | :: massicciata {f} |
ballast {n} (electronics) | :: regolatore {m} |
ball boy {n} (A male person responsible for retrieving balls) | :: raccattapalle |
ball-breaker {n} (Something or someone annoying) | :: rompiballe {m} {f}, rompicoglioni {m} {f} |
ballerina {n} /ˌbæləɹˈiːnə/ (female ballet dancer) | :: ballerina {f} |
ballet {n} /ˈbæleɪ/ (form of dance) | :: balletto {m} |
ballet dancer {n} (a person who dances in ballets) | :: ballerino {m}, ballerina {f} |
ballista {n} /bəˈlɪstə/ (crossbow-like military engine for hurling large missiles) | :: balista {f} |
ballistic {adj} /bəˈlɪs.tɪk/ (relating to ballistics) | :: balistico |
ballistic missile {n} (missile) | :: missile balistico {m} |
ballistics {n} /bəˈlɪst.ɪks/ (science of the study of falling objects) | :: balistica {f} |
ballistic vest {n} (bulletproof vest) SEE: bulletproof vest | :: |
ball lightning {n} (a short-lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air) | :: fulmine globulare {m} |
balloon {n} (slang: woman’s breast) SEE: boob | :: |
balloon {n} /bəˈluːn/ (child’s toy) | :: palloncino {m} |
balloon {n} (speech bubble) SEE: speech bubble | :: |
balloonfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish | :: |
ballot {n} /ˈbalət/ (paper used for vote-casting) | :: scheda elettorale {f} |
ballot box {n} (a sealed box into which a voter puts a voting slip) | :: urna elettorale {f}, bussolotto {m}, bussola {f} |
ball pen {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen | :: |
ballpoint pen {n} (pen) | :: penna a sfera {f}, biro {f} |
ballroom {n} /ˈbɔːlɹuːm/ (large room used for dancing) | :: sala da ballo {f}, balera {f} |
balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry "ball") SEE: ball | :: |
balls {n} /bɔːlz/ (testicles) | :: balle {f-p}, palle {f-p}, coglioni {m-p}, testicoli {m-p} |
balls {n} (bravery) | :: palle {f-p} |
balls {n} (rubbish) | :: balle {f-p} |
ballsack {n} (scrotum) | :: coglia {f} |
ballsy {adj} /ˈbɔlzi/ (having balls) | :: cazzuto {m} |
ball up {v} (to crush into a ball) | :: appallottolare |
balm {n} (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from some plants) SEE: balsam | :: |
balm {n} (plant or tree yielding such substance) SEE: balsam | :: |
balm {n} (soothing lotion) SEE: balsam | :: |
balm {n} (figurative: something soothing) SEE: balsam | :: |
balneation {n} (act of bathing) | :: balneazione {f} |
baloney {n} /bəˈloʊni/ (nonsense) | :: stupidaggine {f}, fesseria {f}, idiozia {f}, sciocchezza {f} |
balrog {n} /ˈbɔːɫ.ɹɒɡ/ (fiery demonic creature) | :: balrog {m} |
balsa {n} /ˈbɑlsə/ (a tree) | :: balsa {m} |
balsam {n} /ˈbɔːlsəm/ (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from some plants) | :: balsamo {m} |
balsam {n} (soothing ointment) | :: balsamo {m}, unguento {m}, pomata {f} |
balsam {n} (figurative: something soothing) | :: balsamo {m} |
balsamic vinegar {n} (a dark, sweet vinegar, made from reduced white wine) | :: aceto balsamico {m} |
Balt {n} /bɔːlt/ (inhabitant of one of the modern Baltic states) | :: baltico {m}, baltica {f} |
Balthazar {prop} /ˈbælθəˌzɔɹ/ (one of the Magi) | :: Baldassarre {m} |
Balthazar {prop} (Babylonian king) | :: Baldassar {m} |
Balthazar {prop} (male given name) | :: Baldassarre {m} |
Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea | :: |
Baltic {adj} /ˈbɑl.tɪk/ (of the Baltic region or sea) | :: baltico |
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Baltic languages) | :: baltico |
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Balts) | :: baltico |
Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) | :: Mar Baltico {m} |
Baltimore {prop} /ˈbɔl.tɪˌmɔɹ/ (city in central Maryland, USA) | :: Baltimora {f} |
balun {n} (electronic device) | :: balun |
baluster {n} /ˈbæl.ʌ.stɹ/ (banister) | :: balaustra |
balustrade {n} /ˈbæl.ə.stɹeɪd/ (row of balusters) | :: balaustra {f}, balaustrata {f}, ringhiera {f} |
Balzacian {adj} /balˈzakɪ.ən/ (of or pertaining to Honoré de Balzac or his writings) | :: balzachiano, balzacchiano |
Balzacian {n} (follower of Honoré de Balzac) | :: balzachiano {m}, balzachiana {f}, balzacchiano {m}, balzacchiana {f} |
Bambara {prop} (language) | :: bambara {f} |
bamboo {n} /bæmˈbu/ (plant) | :: bambù {m} |
bamboo {n} (wood) | :: bambù {m} |
bamboo {adj} (made of bamboo) | :: di bambù |
bamboo antshrike {n} (a passerine bird) | :: averla formichiera del bambú |
bamboo rat {n} (rodent in the genera Rhizomys or Cannomys) | :: ratto del bambù {m} |
bamboozle {v} /bæm.ˈbuː.zəl/ (to con, defraud, trick) | :: mistificare |
ban {v} /bæn/ (forbid) | :: espellere, vietare, censurare, bandire |
ban {n} (prohibition) | :: proibizione, divieto |
ban {n} (title used in several states in central and south-eastern Europe) | :: bano {m} |
Banach space {n} (complete normed vector space) | :: spazio di Banach {?} |
banal {adj} /bəˈnɑːl/ (common) | :: banale |
banality {n} /bəˈnælɨti/ (quality of being banal) | :: banalità {f} |
banality {n} (something which is banal) | :: banalità |
banally {adv} (in a banal manner) | :: banalmente |
banana {n} /bəˈnɑːnə/ (fruit) | :: banana {f} |
banana {n} (plant) | :: banano {m} |
banana boat {n} (ship for transporting bananas) | :: bananiera {f} |
banana peel {n} (outermost layer of the banana) | :: buccia di banana {f} |
bananaquit {n} (Coereba flaveola) | :: cereba gialla {f}, platanero {m}, bananero {m} |
banana republic {n} (country) | :: repubblica delle banane {f} |
banana skin {n} (banana skin) SEE: banana peel | :: |
band {n} /bænd/ (strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together) | :: fascia |
band {n} (group of musicians) | :: gruppo musicale {m} |
bandage {n} /ˈbændɪdʒ/ (medical binding) | :: fasciatura {f}, bendaggio {m}, benda {f}, benderella {f}, fascia {f} |
bandage {v} (to apply a bandage to something) | :: fasciare |
bandage {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid | :: |
band-aid {n} /ˈbændeɪd/ (adhesive bandage) | :: cerotto {m} |
banded {adj} /ˈbændɪd/ (marked with bands of colour) | :: bandato, zonato |
bandicoot {n} /ˈbændiˌkut/ (small Australian marsupial with a long snout) | :: peramelide {m}, bandicoot {m} |
bandit {n} /ˈbændɪt/ (one who robs others) | :: bandito {m}, bandita {f} |
bandit {n} (an outlaw) | :: bandito {m}, bandita {f} |
banditry {n} (acts characteristic of a bandit) | :: brigantaggio {m}, banditismo {m} |
bandog {n} (guard dog) SEE: guard dog | :: |
bandoleer {n} (bandolier) SEE: bandolier | :: |
bandolier {n} /ˌbændəˈlɪə(ɹ)/ (an ammunition belt) | :: bandoliera {f} |
bandstand {n} /ˈbænd.stænd/ (platform for bands to play on) | :: cassa armonica {f}, chiosco della musica {m} |
band-tailed antshrike {n} (bird) | :: averla formichiera golanera |
bandurria {n} (plectrum-plucked stringed instrument with a flat-backed pear-shaped body) | :: baldosa {f} |
bandwidth {n} /ˈbændwɪdθ/ (width of a frequency band) | :: larghezza di banda {f} |
bandy {n} /ˈbændi/ (winter sport played on ice) | :: bandy {m} |
bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison | :: |
bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer | :: |
bane {n} /beɪn/ (source of harm or ruin; affliction) | :: rovina {f}, flagello {m}, piaga {f}, disgrazia {f}, sventura {f} |
bang {n} /bæŋ(ɡ)/ (A sudden percussive noise) | :: botto {m}, fragore {m}, schiocco {m} |
bang {n} (A strike upon an object causing such a noise) | :: colpo {m}, percussione {f} |
bang {n} (An explosion) | :: esplosione {f}, scoppio {m}, detonazione {f} |
bang {n} (The symbol !) | :: punto esclamativo {m} |
bang {v} (to make sudden loud noises) | :: scoppiare, battere, picchiare, martellare |
bang {v} (to hit hard) | :: battere, picchiare, martellare |
bang {v} (slang: to engage in sexual intercourse) | :: scopare, fottere |
bang {v} (to hammer) | :: martellare, colpire, battere |
bang {interj} (verbal percussive sound) | :: pam, pum |
banger {n} (woman's breast) SEE: breast | :: |
banger {n} /ˈbæŋ(ɡ)ə(ɹ)/ (firework) | :: petardo {m} |
banger {n} (worn-out car) | :: bagnarola {f}, carretta {f}, catorcio {m} |
Bangkok {prop} /bæŋˈkɒk/ (the capital of Thailand) | :: Bangkok |
Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali | :: |
Bangladesh {prop} /ˌbæŋ.ɡlə.ˈdɛʃ/ (country) | :: Bangladesh {m} |
bangle {n} /ˈbæŋ.ɡəl/ (a rigid bracelet or anklet, especially one with no clasp) | :: cerchietto {m}, braccialetto {m}, braccialetto da schiava {m} |
bangs {n} /bæŋz/ (hair that hangs down over the forehead) | :: frangia {f}, frangetta {f} |
banish {v} /ˈbænɪʃ/ (to send someone away and forbid that person from returning) | :: bandire, esiliare |
banister {n} /ˈbænɪstə(ɹ)/ (the handrail on the side of a staircase) | :: ringhiera {f} |
banjax {v} /ˈbæn.d͡ʒæks/ (To ruin or destroy) | :: rovinare, distruggere |
banjo {n} /ˈbæn.dʒoʊ/ (a musical instrument) | :: bangio {m}, banjo {m} |
bank {n} /bæŋk/ (institution) | :: banca {f}, banco {m} |
bank {n} (branch office) | :: banca {f} |
bank {n} (storage for important goods) | :: banca {f} |
bank {v} (to put into bank) | :: depositare |
bank {n} (edge of river or lake) | :: riva {f}, sponda {f}, argine {m}, ripa {f} |
bank {n} (an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank) | :: banco {m} (of sand) |
bank {n} (embankment, an earth slope) | :: cumulo {m} |
bank {n} (incline of an aircraft) | :: sbandamento {m} |
bankable {adj} (reliable) SEE: reliable | :: |
bank account {n} (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) | :: conto bancario {m} |
banker {n} /ˈbæŋkɚ/ (one who conducts the business of banking) | :: banchiere {m} |
bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
banknote {n} (paper currency) | :: banconota {f}, biglietto {m}, denaro {m}, cartamoneta {f} |
bankrupt {adj} /ˈbæŋk.ɹəpt/ (having been legally declared insolvent) | :: fallito |
bankruptcy {n} /ˈbæŋkɹʌptsɪ/ (legally declared or recognised condition of insolvency) | :: bancarotta {f} |
bank statement {n} (statement of transactions and balances) | :: estratto conto |
bank swallow {n} (sand martin) SEE: sand martin | :: |
banner {n} /ˈbænɚ/ (flag) | :: stendardo {m}, vessillo {m} |
banner {n} (large sign) | :: striscione {m} |
banner {n} (large piece of cloth with a slogan or emblem carried in a demonstration or other procession) | :: striscione {m} |
banner {n} (cause or purpose; a campaign or movement) | :: vessillo {m} |
banner {n} (principal standard of a knight) | :: stendardo {m} |
banner {adj} (exceptional; very good) | :: eccezionale, da urlo |
banns {n} /bænz/ (the announcement of a forthcoming marriage) | :: pubblicazioni {f} |
banquet {n} /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ (a large celebratory meal; a feast) | :: pranzo festivo {m}, banchetto {m} |
banteng {n} /ˈbɑntɛŋ/ (Bos javanicus) | :: banteng |
banter {n} /ˈbæntɚ/ (good humoured conversation) | :: chiacchierata {f} |
banter {v} (to tease mildly) | :: stuzzicare |
bantustan {n} /ˌbæntuˈstæn/ (territory defined as a homeland for black South Africans) | :: bantustan {m} |
banya {n} /ˈbɑːnjə/ (a Russian steam bath) | :: bania {f} |
banzai {interj} (hurrah) SEE: hurrah | :: |
baobab {n} /ˈbeɪoʊˌbæb/ (Adansonia digitata) | :: baobab {m} |
Baphometic {adj} | :: bafomettico |
baptise {v} (baptise) SEE: baptize | :: |
baptism {n} /ˈbæptɪzəm/ (Christian sacrament) | :: battesimo {m} |
baptismal {adj} (relating to baptism) | :: battesimale |
baptismal font {n} (a basin used for baptism) | :: fonte battesimale {f} |
baptism by fire {n} (baptism of fire) SEE: baptism of fire | :: |
baptism of fire {n} (the first experience of a severe ordeal) | :: battesimo del fuoco {m} |
Baptist {n} (adherent of a Protestant denomination (or various subdenominations) of Christianity) | :: battista {m} {f} |
baptize {v} /ˈbæptaɪz/ (To perform the Christian sacrament of baptism) | :: battezzare |
bar {n} (vertical bar mark) SEE: pipe | :: |
bar {n} (music: section of a staff) SEE: measure | :: |
bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except | :: |
bar {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) SEE: fess | :: |
bar {n} (music: vertical line across a staff) SEE: bar line | :: |
bar {n} (business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages) | :: bar {m}, taverna {f}, birreria {f} |
bar {n} (counter of such a premises) | :: bancone {m} |
bar {n} (profession of lawyers) | :: avvocatura |
bar {n} (nautical: sand formation) | :: barra {f} |
bar {n} (sports: in high jump and pole vault) | :: asticella {f} |
bar {v} (to prohibit) | :: vietare |
bar {n} (unit of pressure) | :: bar {m} |
Bar {prop} (city) | :: Antivari |
Barabbas {prop} /bəˈɹæbəs/ (insurrectionary whom Pontius Pilate freed instead of releasing Jesus) | :: Barabba {m} |
bar association {n} (an organization of lawyers) | :: Ordine Forense |
barb {n} (bit for a horse) SEE: bit | :: |
barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard | :: |
Barbados {prop} /bɑɹˈbeɪ.doʊs/ (country in the Caribbean) | :: Barbados {f} |
Barbara {prop} /ˈbɑɹb(ə)ɹə/ (cognates and transliterations of female given name) | :: Barbara |
barbarian {adj} /bɑɹ.ˈbɛəɹ.i.ən/ (uncivilized) | :: barbaro {m} |
barbarian {n} (uncivilized person) | :: barbaro |
barbaric {adj} /bɑː(ɹ)ˈbæɹɪk/ (uncivilised) | :: barbarico, barbaro |
barbarize {v} /ˈbɑː(ɹ)bəɹaɪz/ (to cause to become savage) | :: barbarizzare |
barbarous {adj} (barbarian) SEE: barbarian | :: |
barbarous {adj} (barbaric) SEE: barbaric | :: |
Barbary ape {n} (tailless monkey) SEE: Barbary macaque | :: |
Barbary lion {n} (Panthera leo leo) | :: leone dell'Atlante, leone berbero |
Barbary macaque {n} (Macaca sylvanus) | :: bertuccia, scimmia di Barberia |
barbecue {n} /ˈbɑːbɪˌkjuː/ (cooking instrument) | :: fornacella {f} |
barbecue {v} (grill) SEE: grill | :: |
barbecue sauce {n} /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː sɔːs/ (type of sauce) | :: salsa barbecue {f} |
barbed wire {n} (twisted strands of steel wire) | :: filo spinato {m} |
barbel {n} /ˈbɑːbəl/ (fish) | :: barbio |
barbel {n} (whisker-like sensory organs of certain fish) | :: barbiglio {m} |
barbell {n} (wide steel bar with premeasured weights) | :: bilanciere {m} |
barber {n} /ˈbɑː.bə/ (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards) | :: barbiere {m}, parrucchiere {m} |
barberry {n} /ˈbɑɹbɛɹi/ (Berberis) | :: crespino {m} |
barber shop {n} (business which offers haircuts to men) SEE: barbershop | :: |
barbershop {n} (barber's shop) | :: barbieria {f}, salone da parrucchiere {m} |
barber surgeon {n} (medical practitioner) | :: cerusico {m} |
barbetism {n} | :: barbetismo {m} |
barbican {n} /ˈbɑː(ɹ)bɪkən/ (A tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town) | :: barbacane {m} |
barbiturate {n} /ˌbɑɹˈbɪtʃu.ɪt/ (derivative of barbituric acid that acts as a depressant of the central nervous system) | :: barbiturato {m} |
barbituric {adj} (barbituric) | :: barbiturico |
barbituric acid {n} (heterocyclic compound) | :: acido barbiturico {m} |
barcarole {n} /ˈbɑːkəɹəʊl/ (Venetian folk song) | :: barcarola {f} |
Barcelona {prop} /ˌbɑɹsəˈloʊnə/ (capital of Catalonia) | :: Barcellona {f} |
Barcelonan {adj} (from Barcelona) SEE: Barcelonian | :: |
Barcelonan {n} (someone from Barcelona) SEE: Barcelonian | :: |
Barcelonian {adj} (from Barcelona) | :: barcellonese |
Barcelonian {n} (someone from Barcelona) | :: barcellonese {m} {f} |
barcode {n} /ˈbɑː(ɹ)kəʊd/ (set of machine-readable parallel bars) | :: codice a barre {m} |
bar-crested antshrike {n} (a passerine bird of the antbird family) | :: averla formichiera crestabarrata |
bard {n} /bɑːd/ (professional poet and singer) | :: aedo {m}, cantore {m}, trovatore {m}, poeta {m}, vate {m} |
bardiche {n} /ˈbɑː(ɹ)diːʃ/ (weapon) | :: berdica {f} |
bare {adj} /bɛəɹ/ (minimal) | :: basilare |
bare {adj} (naked, uncovered) | :: nudo {m}, nuda {f} |
bare {adj} (having no supplies) | :: privo, vuoto |
bare {adj} (having no decoration) | :: nudo |
bare {adj} (having had what usually covers (something) removed) | :: spoglio |
bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely | :: |
bareback {adv} /ˈbɛəbæk/ (without a saddle) | :: a bisdosso, a pelo |
barefoot {adj} /ˈbɛɹfʊt/ (wearing nothing on the feet) | :: scalzo {m} |
barefoot {adv} (wearing nothing on the feet) | :: scalzo {m} |
barefooted {adj} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot | :: |
barefooted {adv} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot | :: |
bareheaded {adj} (having no covering on the head) | :: a capo scoperto |
barely {adv} /ˈbɛɹ.li/ (by a small margin) | :: appena |
barely {adv} (merely) SEE: merely | :: |
Barents Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) | :: mare di Barents {m} |
Barese {adj} (of or relating to the city of Bari, Italy) | :: barese |
Barese {n} (native or inhabitant of Bari, Italy) | :: barese {m} {f} |
barf {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
barf {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
barfly {n} /bɑɹflaɪ/ (person who spends much time in a bar) | :: frequentatore abituale di bar {m} |
bargain {n} /ˈbɑːɡən/ (agreement or contract concerning sale of property) | :: trattativa {f}, accordo {m}, mercanteggiamento {m} |
bargain {v} (to make a bargain) | :: mercanteggiare, trattare, contrattare, negoziare |
barge {n} /bɑːdʒ/ (flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters) | :: chiatta {f}, maona {f}, bettolina {f} |
barge {n} (The wooden disk in which bread or biscuit is placed on a mess table) | :: paniere {m} |
bargeman {n} (member of the crew of a barge) | :: barcaiolo {m} |
Bari {prop} (area of Italy) | :: Bari {f} |
Bari {prop} (town in Italy) | :: Bari {f} |
barista {n} /baˈɹista/ (person who prepares coffee in a coffee shop for customers) | :: barista {m} {f} |
barite {n} (mineral) | :: barite {f}, baritina {f} |
baritone {n} /ˈbɛɹ.ɪ.toʊn/ (male voice) | :: baritono {m} |
baritone {n} (musical range) | :: baritono {m} |
baritone horn {n} (baritone horn) SEE: baritone | :: |
barium {n} /ˈbɛəɹɪəm/ (chemical element) | :: bario {m} |
bark {v} /bɑːk/ (to make a loud noise (dogs)) | :: abbaiare |
bark {v} | :: [1] abbaiare |
bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) | :: abbaiamento {m}, latrato {m} |
bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) | :: corteccia {f}, scorza {f} (dialect) |
bark {v} (to strip the bark from, to peel) | :: scortecciare |
bark {v} (to girdle) SEE: girdle | :: |
barking {n} | :: abbaiamento {m} |
barking dogs seldom bite {proverb} (people who make threats rarely carry them out) | :: can che abbaia non morde, [rare] cane che abbaia non morde |
bark up the wrong tree {v} (bark up the wrong tree) | :: prendere un granchio (to pick up a crab) |
barley {n} /ˈbɑɹli/ (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) | :: orzo {m} |
bar line {n} (vertical line across a staff) | :: sbarretta {f} |
barn {n} (child) SEE: child | :: |
barn {n} /bɑɹn/ (building) | :: granaio {m}, fienile {m}, stalla {f} [for animals] |
barn {n} (unit) | :: barn {m} |
barn {n} | :: baracca {f} |
Barnabas {prop} /ˈbɑɹnəbəs/ (An early Christian) | :: Barnaba |
Barnabas {prop} (male given name) | :: Barnaba {m} |
barnacle {n} (instrument to fix on the nose of a vicious horse) SEE: twitch | :: |
barn owl {n} /ˈbɑːn ˌaʊl/ (Tyto alba) | :: barbagianni |
barn swallow {n} (species of swallow) | :: rondine comune |
bar of chocolate {n} (chocolate bar) SEE: chocolate bar | :: |
bar of chocolate {n} (slab of chocolate) | :: tavoletta di cioccolata {f} |
Barolo {n} /bəˈɹoʊloʊ/ (wine made from Nebbiolo grapes) | :: barolo {m} |
barometer {n} /bəˈɹɑməɾɚ/ (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) | :: barometro {m} |
barometric {adj} /ˌbæɹəˈmetɹɪk/ (of or pertaining to atmospheric pressure) | :: barometrico |
baron {n} /ˈbæɹən/ (male ruler of a barony) | :: barone {m} |
baroness {n} /ˌbæ.ɹəˈnɛs/ (female ruler of a barony) | :: baronessa {f} |
baronial {adj} /bəˈɹəʊnɪəɫ/ (belonging or relating to a baron) | :: baronale |
barony {n} /ˈbæ.ɹə.ni/ (a dominion ruled by a baron or baroness) | :: baronia {f} |
baroque {adj} /bəˈɹoʊk/ (laden with detail) | :: barocco |
Baroque {prop} /bəˈɹoʊk/ (period in architecture) | :: barocco {m} |
Baroque {prop} (period in art) | :: barocco {m} |
Baroque {prop} (period in music) | :: barocco {m} |
Baroque guitar {n} (archaic form of guitar from the Baroque era) | :: chitarra barocca {f} |
baroque pearl {n} (pearl that has an irregular shape) | :: scaramazza {f} |
baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer | :: |
barotrauma {n} (tissue damage caused by air pressure difference) | :: barotrauma {m} |
barotropic {adj} | :: barotropico |
barquentine {n} (sailing vessel) | :: velacciere {m} |
barrack {n} /ˈbæ.ɹək/ (a building for soldiers) | :: caserma {f}, guarnigione {f} |
barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack | :: |
barracuda {n} (predatory competitor) SEE: shark | :: |
barramundi {n} (species of diadromous fish) | :: barramundi {m} |
barred antshrike {n} (a passerine bird) | :: averla formichiera barrata |
barrel {n} (tube) SEE: tube | :: |
barrel {n} (jar) SEE: jar | :: |
barrel {n} /ˈbæɹəl/ (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) | :: barile {m}, botte {f} |
barrel organ {n} (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel) | :: organo a rullo {m} |
barrel roll {n} (aerobatic maneuver) | :: avvitamento {m}, tonneau {m} |
barrel vault {n} (architecture) | :: volta a botte {f} |
barren {adj} /ˈbæɹən/ (unable to bear children; sterile) | :: sterile, infertile |
barren {adj} (infertile) | :: sterile, infruttifero |
barren {adj} (bleak) | :: desolato |
barricade {n} /ˌbæɹɪˈkeɪd/ (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence) | :: barricata {f} |
barrier {n} /ˈbæɹi.əɹ/ (structure that bars passage) | :: barriera {f} |
barrier {n} (obstacle or impediment) | :: barriera {f} |
barrier {n} (boundary or limit) | :: limite {m} |
barring {prep} /ˈbɑːɹɪŋ(ɡ)/ (excepting) | :: eccetto |
barrister {n} /ˈbæ.ɹɪst.ə(ɹ)/ (lawyer with the right to speak as an advocate in higher lawcourts) | :: avvocato {m} |
barrow {n} /ˈbæɹoʊ/ (small vehicle used to carry a load and pulled or pushed by hand) | :: carretto {m} |
barrowful {n} (the amount that can fit in a barrow) | :: barellata {f} |
bar-tailed godwit {n} (bar-tailed godwit) | :: pittima minore |
barter {n} /ˈbɑɹtɚ/ (exchange of goods or services) | :: baratto {m} |
barter {v} (exchange goods or services without involving money) | :: barattare |
Bartholomew {prop} /bɑɹˈθɑləmju/ (the Apostle) | :: Bartolomeo |
Bartholomew {prop} (male given name) | :: Bartolomeo |
Bartonian {prop} | :: Bartoniano |
baryogenesis {n} (generation of baryonic matter) | :: bariogenesi {f} |
baryon {n} /ˈbɛəɹiɒn/ (heavy subatomic particle) | :: barione {m} |
baryon number {n} (quantum number) | :: numero barionico {m} |
barytes {n} (barite) SEE: barite | :: |
basal layer {n} (the deepest layer of the epidermis) | :: strato germinativo {m} |
basalt {n} /bəˈsɑlt/ (hard rock) | :: basalto |
bascinet {n} /ˌbæsɪˈnet/ (light helmet) | :: bacinetto {m} |
base {n} /beɪs/ (something from which other things extend) | :: basi {f-p}, basamento {m}, fondamenta {f-p} |
base {n} (starting point of thought) | :: base {f} |
base {n} (permanent structure for housing military) | :: base {f}, caserma {f} |
base {n} (headquarters) | :: sede {f}, quartier generale {m} |
base {n} (cooking, painting, pharmacy: basic but essential component or ingredient) | :: ingrediente {m}, basilare |
base {n} (substance used as mordant in dyeing) | :: mordente {m} |
base {n} (cosmetics: a cosmetic cream to make the face appear uniform) | :: sottofondo {m} |
base {n} (chemical compound that will neutralize an acid) | :: base {f}, alcali {m-p} |
base {n} (lowermost part of a column) | :: base {f}, zoccolo {m}, basamento {m}, piedistallo {m} |
base {n} (geometry: lowest side or face) | :: base {f} |
base {n} (heraldic charge: lowest third of a shield or escutcheon) | :: campagna {f} |
base {n} (heraldry: lower part of the field) | :: campagna {f} |
base {v} (have as its foundation or starting point) | :: basare, erigere, edificare |
base {adj} (vulgar, common) | :: plebaglia {f}, volgo {m}, popolino {m}, plebe {f}, plebeo, volgare, popolano |
base {adj} (describing metals) | :: basico |
base {n} (bass) SEE: bass | :: |
base {n} (apron) SEE: apron | :: |
base {n} (housing of a horse) SEE: housing | :: |
baseball {n} /ˈbeɪs.bɔl/ (ball game) | :: baseball {m} |
baseball bat {n} (device which is swung to try to make contact with baseballs) | :: mazza da baseball {f} |
baseball cap {n} /ˈbeɪs.bɔl ˌkæp/ (cap) | :: berretto da baseball {m} |
baseball diamond {n} (inner part of baseball field) | :: diamante {m} |
baseball field {n} (a playing field on which the game of baseball is played) | :: diamante {m} |
baseboard {n} (panel or molding between floor and interior wall) SEE: skirting board | :: |
Basel {prop} (city in Switzerland) | :: Basilea {f} |
Basel-Country {prop} (canton) | :: Basilea-Campagna |
baseline {n} /ˈbeɪslaɪn/ (datum used as the basis for calculation or for comparison) | :: riferimento |
Basel-Stadt {prop} (canton) | :: Basilea-Città |
basement {n} /ˈbeɪsmənt/ (floor below ground level) | :: scantinato {m}, seminterrato {m} |
basement {n} (mass of rock) | :: basamento {m} |
baserunner {n} (player) | :: corridore {m}, corritrice {f} |
bash {v} (collide) SEE: collide | :: |
bashful {adj} /ˈbæʃfəɫ/ (inclined to avoid notice) | :: vergognoso, timido, modesto |
Bashkir {adj} /bɑːʃˈkɪəɹ/ (of or relating to Bashkortostan or its people) | :: baschiro |
Bashkir {n} (a Bashkir person) | :: baschiro {m}, baschira {f} |
Bashkir {prop} (language) | :: baschiro {m} |
Bashkiria {prop} (Bashkortostan) SEE: Bashkortostan | :: |
Bashkortostan {prop} /bɑʃˈkɔɹtoə̯stɛən/ (federal subject of Russia) | :: Baschiria {f} |
Bashkortostani {adj} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir | :: |
Bashkortostani {n} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir | :: |
basic {adj} /ˈbeɪsɪk/ (elementary, simple, merely functional) | :: basico |
basic {adj} (chemistry: of a base) | :: basico |
basically {adv} /ˈbeɪsɪk(ə)li/ (in a fundamental or basic manner) | :: praticamente, in pratica, basicamente |
basic income {n} (basic income) | :: reddito di base {m}, reddito di base incondizionato {m}, reddito minimo universale {m} |
basidiomycete {n} (fungus of phylum Basidiomycota) | :: basidiomicete {m} |
basidiospore {n} (a sexually reproductive spore produced by fungi of the phylum Basidiomycota) | :: basidiospora {f} |
basil {n} /ˈbæz.əl/ (plant) | :: basilico {m} |
basil {n} (herb) | :: basilico {m} |
Basil {prop} /ˈbæz.əl/ (male given name) | :: Basilio {m} |
basilean {n} (partisan of a king) SEE: royalist | :: |
basilica {n} /bəˈsɪlɪkə/ (Christian church building having a nave) | :: basilica {f} |
Basilicata {prop} (region of southern Italy) | :: Basilicata {f} |
basilisk {n} /ˈbæs.ɪ.lɪsk/ (snake-like dragon type) | :: basilisco {m} |
basilisk {n} (type of lizard (genus Basiliscus)) | :: basilisco {m} |
basilisk {n} (type of large brass cannon) | :: basilisco {m} |
basin {n} /ˈbeɪsɪn/ (wide bowl for washing) | :: lavandino {m}, lavabo {m}, bacinella {f}, lavacro {m}, lavello {m} |
basin {n} (area of land that drains into a common outlet) | :: bacino {m}, conca {f} |
basin {n} (rock formation scooped out by water erosion) | :: conca {f} |
basinful {n} (as much as a basin will hold) | :: concata {f} |
basis {n} /ˈbeɪsɪs/ (starting point for an argument) | :: base {f} |
basis {n} (underlying condition) | :: base {f} |
basis {n} (linearly independent, spanning set of vectors) | :: base {f} |
basis {n} (amount paid for an investment) | :: cifra {f}, ammontare {m}, cifra base, ammontare base |
bask {v} /bɑːsk/ (to bathe in warmth; to be exposed to pleasant heat) | :: crogiolarsi |
bask {v} (to take great pleasure or satisfaction; to feel warm or happiness) | :: crogiolarsi |
basket {n} /ˈbɑːskɪt/ (container) | :: cestino {m}, cesto {m}, canestro {m}, cesta {f}, paniere {m} |
basket {n} (notional place to store items before ordering them online) | :: carrello {m} |
basket {n} (basketball: hoop from which a net is suspended) | :: canestro {m} |
basket {n} (basketball: act of putting the ball through the basket) | :: canestro {m} |
basketball {n} /ˈbæs.kɪt.bɔːl/ (the sport) | :: pallacanestro {f} |
basketball player {n} (person who plays basketball) | :: cestista {m} {f}, giocatore di basket {m}, giocatrice di basket {f} |
basketful {n} (the amount that will fit into a basket) | :: corbello {m}, paniera {f}, panierata {f}, zanata {f} |
basking shark {n} (Cetorhinus maximus) | :: squalo elefante {m}, squalo cetorino {m} |
Basler {n} /ˈbɑːzlə(ɹ)/ (someone from Basel) | :: basilese {m} {f} |
basophilic {adj} (easily stained with basic dyes) | :: basofilo |
Basque {n} /bɑːsk/ (language) | :: basco {m} |
Basque {n} (member of a people) | :: basco {m}, basca {f} |
Basque {adj} (relative to the Basque people or their language) | :: basco {m} |
Basque Country {prop} (geographical region in Spain and France) | :: Paese basco |
Basque Country {prop} (autonomous community within Spain) | :: Paesi Baschi |
bas-relief {n} /ˈbæs.ɹɪˌliːf/ (a low or mostly-flat sculpture) | :: bassorilievo {m} |
bass {adj} /beɪs/ (low in pitch) | :: basso |
bass {n} (singer) | :: basso {m} |
bass {n} (musical instrument) | :: basso {m} |
bass {n} (clef sign) | :: chiave di basso {f}, chiave di fa {f} |
bass {n} /bæs/ (perch) | :: branzino {m}, spigola {m} |
bass clarinet {n} (bass instrument in the clarinet family) | :: clarinetto basso {m} |
bass drum {n} /ˈbeɪsˌdɹʌm/ (large drum with a low pitch) | :: grancassa {f} |
Basse-Terre {prop} (capital city of Guadeloupe) | :: Basse-Terre |
basset horn {n} (alto instrument of the clarinet family) | :: corno di bassetto {m} |
bass fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
bass guitar {n} /ˈbeɪsɡɪˈtɑːɹ/ (stringed musical instrument) | :: basso elettrico {f}, basso {m} |
basso continuo {n} (continuous realization of harmony) | :: basso continuo {m} |
bassoon {n} /bəˈsuːn/ (musical instrument in the woodwind family) | :: fagotto {m} |
bassoonist {n} (person who plays the bassoon) | :: fagottista {m} {f} |
bass viol {n} (musical instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
bass violin {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
basta {interj} (that's enough, stop) | :: basta |
bastard {n} /ˈbɑːs.təd/ (person born to unmarried parents) | :: bastardo {m}, bastarda {f} |
bastard {n} (contemptible etc. person) | :: bastardo {m}, figlio di puttana {m} |
bastard {n} (humorously: man, fellow) | :: bastardo {m} |
bastard {n} (informal: something extremely difficult or unpleasant) | :: brutta bestia {f} |
bastard {n} | :: bastardo {m} |
bastard {adj} (of or like a bastard (illegitimate human descendant)) | :: bastardo {m} |
bastard {adj} (of or like a bastard (bad person)) | :: bastardo {m} |
bastard sugar {n} (type of sugar) | :: zucchero bruno {m}, zucchero giallo {m} |
bastille {n} (prison) SEE: prison | :: |
bastille {n} (fortress) SEE: fortress | :: |
bastille {n} (citadel) SEE: citadel | :: |
bastion {n} /ˈbæsti.ən/ (projecting part of a rampart) | :: bastione |
bastion {n} (well-fortified position) | :: cittadella {f}, bastione {m}, fortezza {f} |
bastion {n} (person who strongly defends some principle) | :: bastione {m}, baluardo {m}, rocca {f}, difesa {f}, usbergo {m} |
bat {n} /bæt/ (small flying mammal) | :: pipistrello {m} |
bat {n} (club used for striking the ball in sports) | :: mazza, racchetta {f} |
bat an eyelid {v} (to react in any slight way) | :: battere ciglio |
Batavia {prop} /bəˈteɪviə/ (Jakarta during the Dutch East Indies period) | :: Batavia, Giacarta |
batch {n} /bæt͡ʃ/ (quantity of baked goods made at one time) | :: infornata {f} |
batch {n} (quantity of anything produced in one operation) | :: lotto {m} |
batch {n} (group or collection of things of the same kind) | :: serie {f} |
batch {n} (computing) | :: batch {m} |
bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat | :: |
bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate | :: |
bath {n} /bæθ⁓bɛəθ⁓beəθ/ (tub) | :: bagno {m}, vasca da bagno {f} |
bath {n} (room) | :: stanza da bagno {f}, bagno {m} |
bath {n} (act of bathing) | :: bagno {m} |
bathe {v} /beɪð/ (to clean oneself with water) | :: bagnare |
bathe {v} (to sunbathe) SEE: sunbathe | :: |
bathing cap {n} (cap worn by swimmers) SEE: swim cap | :: |
bathing suit {n} (tight fitting garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit | :: |
bathing trunks {n} (pair of shorts or briefs) SEE: swimming trunks | :: |
bathmotropic {adj} | :: batmotropo |
bathometer {n} (instrument) | :: batometro {m} |
Bathonian {prop} | :: Bathoniano |
bathos {n} (depth) SEE: depth | :: |
bathos {n} (nadir) SEE: nadir | :: |
bathrobe {n} /ˈbæθɹoʊb/ (terrycloth robe) | :: accappatoio {m} |
bathroom {n} /ˈbɑːθ.ɹuːm/ (a room with a bathtub) | :: stanza da bagno, bagno {m} |
bathroom {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
bath salt {n} (inorganic salt) | :: saltrato {m} |
Bathsheba {prop} /bæθˈʃiːbə/ (biblical character) | :: Betsabea |
Bathsheba {prop} (female given name) | :: Betsabea |
bath towel {n} (towel for drying the body) | :: asciugamano da bagno {m} |
bathtub {n} /ˈbæθtʌb/ (large container in which a person may bathe) | :: bagno {m}, vasca da bagno {f} |
bathymeter {n} (bathometer) SEE: bathometer | :: |
bathymetric {adj} (of, pertaining to, or derived from bathymetry) | :: batimetrico |
bathymetry {n} (the measurement of the depths of the seas) | :: batimetria {f}, batometria {f} |
bathyscaphe {n} /ˈbæθɪˌskeɪv/ (self-propelled deep-sea submersible) | :: batiscafo {m} |
bathysphere {n} /ˈbæθɪˌsfɪə(ɹ)/ (diving chamber) | :: batisfera {f} |
batik {n} /bəˈtiːk/ (A method of dyeing fabric) | :: batik |
batman {n} /ˈbætmən/ (servant to an army officer) | :: attendente {m} |
Batman {prop} /ˈbætmæn/ (the bat-themed hero) | :: Batman |
baton {n} /bəˈtɑn/ (military staff of office) | :: bacchetta |
baton {n} (music: conductor's stick) | :: bacchetta {f} |
baton {n} (sports: object transferred by relay runners) | :: testimone {m} |
baton {n} (club of the police) | :: manganello {m} |
Bats {prop} (language) | :: bats |
Bats {prop} (a commune in France) | :: Bats |
batsman {n} (cricket: player of the batting side on the field) | :: battitore {m} |
batsman {n} (cricket: striker) | :: colpitore {m} |
battalion {n} /bəˈtælɪən/ (army unit) | :: battaglione {m}, compagnia {f} |
batter {v} /ˈbætəɹ/ (to hit or strike violently and repeatedly) | :: battere |
batter {v} (to coat with batter) | :: pastellare |
batter {n} (beaten mixture of flour and liquid) | :: impasto, pastella {f} |
batter {n} (binge) | :: bisboccia {f}, gozzoviglia {f} |
batter {n} (player attempting to hit the ball) | :: battitore |
battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) | :: ariete, puntone {m}, rompimuro {m} |
battery {n} /ˈbætəɹi/ (device storing electricity) | :: pila {f} |
battery {n} (coordinated group of artillery) | :: batteria |
batting {n} /ˈbætɪŋ/ (material used to stuff) | :: imbottitura {f}, ovatta {f} |
batting {n} (cotton for surgery) | :: filo per sutura {m} |
batting {n} (act of someone who bats) | :: battuta {f} |
battle {n} /ˈbætl̩/ (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) | :: battaglia {f} |
battle {n} (struggle; a contest; as, the battle of life) | :: lotta {f} |
battle axe {n} (electric guitar) SEE: electric guitar | :: |
battle cry {n} (something the troops yell out when going to war or battle) | :: grido di battaglia {m}, grido di guerra {m} |
battlefield {n} (field of a land battle) | :: campo di battaglia {m} |
battlefront {n} (line along which opposing armies engage in combat) | :: fronte di battaglia |
battleground {n} (location) SEE: battlefield | :: |
Battle of Britain {prop} (series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II) | :: battaglia d'Inghilterra {f} |
battle of the sexes {n} (any competition between males and females) | :: battaglia dei sessi {f} |
battle of the sexes {n} (game theory) | :: battaglia dei sessi {f} |
battleship {n} (warship) | :: corazzata {f}, nave corazzata {f} |
battleship {n} (guessing game) | :: battaglia navale {f} |
batty {adj} /ˈbæti/ (mad, crazy, silly) | :: pazzo |
bauble {n} /ˈbɔbəl/ (cheap showy ornament piece of jewellery) | :: chincaglieria {f}, cianfrusaglia {f} |
Baudelairean {adj} /ˌboʊdəˈlɛɹi.ən/ (of or pertaining to Baudelaire or his works) | :: baudelairiano |
bauxite {n} /ˈbɔːksaɪt/ (ore) | :: bauxite {f} |
Bavaria {prop} /bəˈveəɹɪə/ (state) | :: Baviera {f} |
Bavarian {adj} /bəˈvɛəɹɪən/ (of or pertaining to Bavaria) | :: bavarese |
Bavarian {n} (person from Bavaria or of Bavarian descent) | :: bavarese {m} {f} |
bavarois {n} /ˌbɑvɚˈwɑ/ (pudding) | :: bavarese |
bavaroise {n} /bævəɹˈwɑz/ (dessert) | :: bavarese {f} |
bavette {n} /bæˈvɛt/ | :: bavetta |
bavette {n} (flank steak) SEE: flank steak | :: |
bawl {v} /bɔl/ ((intransitive) To shout or utter in a loud and intense manner) | :: gridare, urlare |
bay {n} /beɪ/ (shrub) | :: alloro {m} |
bay {n} (herb) | :: alloro {m} |
bay {n} (body of water) | :: baia {f}, golfo {m} |
bay {n} (compartment) | :: vano {m} |
bayan {n} (a Russian accordion) | :: bayan {m} |
bay cat {n} (Catopuma badia) | :: gatto dorato del Borneo {m} |
Bayesian {adj} /ˈbeɪzɪən/ (of or pertaining to Thomas Bayes) | :: bayesiano |
bay leaf {n} (herb) | :: alloro |
Bay of Bengal {prop} (Large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean) | :: golfo del Bengala {m} |
bayonet {n} /ˈbeɪə(ʊ)nɨt/ (weapon) | :: baionetta {f} |
bayou {n} /ˈbaɪ.uː/ (slow-moving creek or swamp) | :: acquitrino {m}, ramo paludoso {m} |
bazaar {n} /bəˈzɑɹ/ (marketplace) | :: bazar {m}, mercato {m} |
BBC {prop} (British Broadcasting Corporation) | :: BBC {f} |
BC {adv} (before Christ) | :: a.C. (avanti Cristo) |
béchamel sauce {n} (white sauce made with butter, flour and milk) | :: besciamella {f} |
be {v} (occupy a place) | :: essere |
be {v} (occur, take place) | :: essere |
be {v} (exist) | :: essere, esserci |
be {v} (have a certain age) | :: avere |
be {v} (elliptical form of "be here", or similar) | :: andare, venire |
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) | :: essere |
be {v} (used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same) | :: essere uguale, fare |
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal) | :: essere |
be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) | :: essere |
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase) | :: essere |
be {v} (used to form the passive voice) | :: essere |
be {v} (used to form the continuous forms of various tenses) | :: stare |
be able to {v} (have ability to) | :: potere, sapere (for a skill), essere capace di |
beach {n} /bit͡ʃ/ (sandy shore) | :: spiaggia {f} |
beach {v} (to run something aground on a beach) | :: spiaggiare |
beachhead {n} (area of hostile territory) | :: testa di ponte {f} |
beach nourishment {n} | :: ripascimento {m} |
beach volleyball {n} (sport) | :: beach volley, beach volleyball {m}, pallavolo da spiaggia {m} |
beacon {n} /ˈbiːkən/ (signaling or guiding mark erected as guide to mariners) | :: faro {m}, radiofaro {m} |
beacon {n} (high hill or similar) | :: punto cospicuo {m} |
bead {n} /biːd/ (rosary ball) | :: grano {m} |
bead {n} (pierced small round object) | :: grano {m}, perlina {f} |
bead {n} (small drop of liquid) | :: goccia {f}, gocciolina {f} |
beadle {n} /ˈbiːdəɫ/ | :: chierico {m}, sagrestano {m} |
beads {n} /biːdz/ (beaded necklace) | :: collana di perline, conterie {f} {f-p} |
beak {n} /biːk/ (structure projecting from a bird's face) | :: becco {m}, rostro {m}, ranfoteca {f} |
beak {n} (metal point fixed on the bows of a war galley, used as a ram) | :: rostro {m} |
beak {n} (slang: human nose) SEE: schnozzle | :: |
beaker {n} /ˈbiːkɚ/ (flat-bottomed vessel) | :: bicchiere {m}, becher {m} |
beakful {n} (amount) | :: imbeccata {f} |
beakhead {n} (protruding part at the bow of a sailing ship) | :: sperone, polena, rostro |
be all ears {v} (to listen carefully or eagerly; to anticipate) | :: essere tutt'orecchi |
beam {n} /biːm/ (large piece of timber or iron) | :: trave {f}, asse {m} |
beam {n} (principal horizontal beam in a building) | :: architrave {f} |
beam {n} (transverse member of a ship's frame) | :: traversa {f} |
beam {n} (crossbar of a balance) | :: braccio {m} |
beam {n} (principal stem of an antler) | :: corno principale |
beam {n} (pole of a carriage) | :: barra timone |
beam {n} (bar of a plow) | :: bure {f} |
beam {n} (ray) | :: raggio {m} |
bean {n} /biːn/ (seed) | :: fagiolo {m} |
bean {n} (guinea coin) SEE: guinea | :: |
beanbag {n} /ˈbiːnbæɡ/ (piece of furniture) | :: Sacco {m} |
bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu | :: |
beanie {n} /ˈbiː.ni/ (cap that fits the head closely) | :: berretto {m} |
beanpole {n} (pole) | :: palo {m} |
beanpole {n} (tall, thin person) | :: spilungone {m} |
bear {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth | :: |
bear {v} /bɛə(ɹ)/ (to carry) | :: portare |
bear {v} (to be equipped with) | :: portare |
bear {v} (to tolerate, to put up with) | :: sopportare |
bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) | :: orso {m} |
bear {n} (large hairy man) | :: orso {m} |
bearable {adj} /ˈbɛəɹəbəɫ/ (able to be borne) | :: sopportabile |
bearcat {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda | :: |
bearcat {n} (giant panda) SEE: giant panda | :: |
bear cub {n} (young bear) | :: cucciolo di orso {m}, orsetto {m} |
beard {n} /bɪɹd/ (facial hair) | :: barba {f} |
beard {n} (woman accompanying a gay male) | :: appuntamento di copertura |
bearded {adj} /ˈbɪɹdəd/ (having a beard) | :: barbuto {m} |
bearded vulture {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier | :: |
beardless {adj} (without a beard) | :: imberbe, sbarbato |
bearer {n} /ˈbɛəɹə/ (one who bears) | :: portatore {m} |
bearer {n} (possessor of a cheque, bond, etc.) | :: titolare {m} |
bearer {n} (domestic servant in India) | :: portatore {m} |
bear garlic {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons | :: |
bearing {n} /ˈbɛɹɪŋ/ (mechanical device) | :: cuscinetto |
bearing {n} (relevance) | :: posizione {f} |
bearing {n} (posture) | :: postura {f}, portamento {m} |
bear in mind {v} (remember, consider) | :: considerare, tenere presente, tenere conto |
bear out {v} (corroborate, prove, or confirm) | :: confermare |
bear's breech {n} (acanthus) SEE: acanthus | :: |
bearskin {n} /ˈbɛəɹ.skɪn/ (pelt of a bear) | :: pelliccia d'orso {f}, pelle d'orso {f} |
bearskin {n} (tall ceremonial hat) | :: colbacco {m} |
bear the brunt {v} (to endure the worst part of something) | :: sostenere il peso maggiore, avere la peggio, essere maggiormente colpito |
bearwort {n} (meum athamanticum) SEE: baldmoney | :: |
be ashamed {v} (feel ashamed) | :: vergognarsi, avere vergogna |
beast {n} /biːst/ (non-human animal) | :: bestia {f}, belva {f} |
beastie {n} /ˈbiːsti/ (beast, animal) | :: bestiola {f} |
beastmaster {n} | :: gladiatore {m} |
beast of burden {n} (animal that carries or pulls a load) | :: giumento {m}, animale da soma {m} |
beast of burden {n} (domesticated animal trained to perform tasks for humans) | :: animale addestrato |
beat {n} /biːt/ (pulsation) | :: pulsazione {f}, battito {m} |
beat {n} (rhythm) | :: ritmo {m}, tempo {m} |
beat {n} (patrolled route) | :: ronda {f} |
beat {n} | :: pausa {f} |
beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) | :: colpire, battere |
beat {v} (to strike or pound repeatedly) | :: percuotere |
beat {v} (to win against) | :: battere |
beat {n} (act of reporting before a rival) SEE: scoop | :: |
beat a dead horse {v} (continue far beyond reason) SEE: flog a dead horse | :: |
beat around the bush {v} (to treat a topic but omit its main points) | :: menare il can per l'aia, girarci intorno, tergiversare, fare giri di parole, andare per le spicce |
beat around the bush {v} (to delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant) | :: menare il can per l'aia |
beater {n} /ˈbitɚ/ | :: [1] frullatore {m}, battitore {m} |
beatify {v} /biːˈætɪfaɪ/ (to take step in declaring a person a saint) | :: beatificare |
beating {n} /ˈbiːtɪŋ/ (action of the verb to beat) | :: bastonatura |
beating {n} (a heavy defeat or setback) | :: bastonata, smacco {m}, sconfitta {f}, sonora sconfitta |
beating {n} (the pulsation of the heart) | :: battito {m} |
beat it {v} /ˈbiˌdɪt/ (to go away) | :: vai via, vattene |
beatitude {n} /biːˈætɪtjuːd/ (supreme, utmost bliss and happiness) | :: beatitudine {f} |
beat one's brains out {v} (rack one's brain) SEE: rack one's brain | :: |
beat one's head against a stone wall {v} (to waste effort on a futile project) | :: sbattere la testa contro un muro |
Beatrice {prop} /ˈbiː(ə)tɹɪs/ (female given name) | :: Beatrice |
beat up {v} (to give a beating to) | :: picchiare |
beau {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend | :: |
Beauceron {n} /ˈboʊsəˌɹɑn/ (Beauceron) | :: pastore di Beauce {m} |
Beaufort scale {prop} (measure for the intensity of the wind) | :: scala di Beaufort {f} |
beautiful {adj} /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/ (possessing charm and attractive) | :: bello {m}, bella {f} |
beautiful {adj} (of weather: pleasant, clear) | :: [before "tempo"] bel, [after "tempo"] bello |
beautify {v} /ˈbjuː.tɪ.faɪ/ (to make beautiful or more beautiful) | :: abbellire |
beauty {n} /ˈbjuɾi/ (quality of pleasing appearance) | :: bellezza {f} |
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: female) | :: bellezza {f} |
beauty contest {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant | :: |
beauty is in the eye of the beholder {proverb} /ˈbjuːti ɪz ɪn ðiː aɪ əv ðiː bɪˈhəʊldə/ (people have different ideas of what is beautiful) | :: la bellezza sta negli occhi di chi guarda |
beauty pageant {n} (competition on attractiveness) | :: concorso di bellezza {m} |
beauty parlor {n} (salon with hairdressers and beauticians) | :: istituto di bellezza |
beauty queen {n} (winner of a beauty contest) | :: reginetta di bellezza {f} |
beauty salon {n} (beauty salon) SEE: beauty parlor | :: |
beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole | :: |
beaver {n} /ˈbiːvə/ (semiaquatic rodent) | :: castoro {m} |
beaver {n} (coarse slang: pubic hair/vulva of a woman) | :: figa {f} |
be awake {v} (awake) SEE: awake | :: |
be awake {v} (wake up) SEE: wake up | :: |
beazle {n} (bezel) SEE: bezel | :: |
be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) | :: nascere; venire al mondo |
be born yesterday {v} (to be inexperienced) | :: essere nato ieri |
be bothered {v} (have enthusiasm) | :: aver voglia (di) |
be called {v} (to have a specific name) | :: chiamarsi |
be careful {interj} (proceed with caution) | :: attento, stai attento, procedi con cautela, fare attenzione |
because {adv} /biˈkɔz/ (on account) | :: perché, imperciocchè, poiché, siccome |
because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) | :: perché |
because of {prep} (on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of) | :: a causa di, per via di |
Bechuanaland {prop} /ˌbɛtʃuˈɑːnəlænd/ (former name for Botswana) | :: Protettorato del Bechuanaland |
beckon {v} /ˈbɛkən/ (to wave or nod to somebody with the intention to make the person come closer) | :: accennare |
becloud {v} (cause to become obscure or muddled) | :: annebbiare, annuvolare |
become {v} /bəˈkʌm/ (to begin to be) | :: diventare |
becoming {n} /bəˈkʌmɪŋ/ (The act or process by which something becomes) | :: divenire {m} |
bed {n} (shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear) SEE: pallet | :: |
bed {n} (piece of furniture) | :: letto {m}, giaciglio {m} |
bed {n} (the bottom of a lake or other body of water) | :: letto {m} |
bed {v} (to go to a sleeping bed) | :: andare a dormire |
bed and breakfast {n} (guesthouse providing breakfast) | :: bed and breakfast {m} |
bedbound {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden | :: |
bedbug {n} (small nocturnal insect) | :: cimice {f} |
bedclothes {n} (sheets, blankets, quilts or other coverings used on a bed) | :: biancheria da letto {f} |
bedcover {n} (decorative cover for a bed) SEE: bedspread | :: |
bedding {n} /ˈbɛdɪŋ/ (bedlinen) | :: biancheria da letto {f}, lenzuola {f-p} |
beddy-bye {n} (bedtime for a toddler) | :: nanna {f} |
bedevil {v} /bɪˈdɛvəɫ/ (to harass) | :: assillare, tormentare |
bedfast {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden | :: |
bedframe {n} (frame of a bed) SEE: bedstead | :: |
bedjacket {n} (a short jacket worn when sitting up in bed) | :: liseuse {f}, giacchettino {m}, mantellina {f}, giacchetta {f} |
bedlinen {n} (cloth items used to make up a bed) | :: biancheria da letto {f} |
bedouin {n} /ˈbɛd.wɪn/ (desert-dweller) | :: beduino {m}, beduina {f} |
bedpan {n} (chamber pot used while still in bed) | :: padella |
bedridden {adj} /ˈbɛdɹɪdən/ (confined to bed) | :: degente, allettato |
bedroll {n} (roll of bedding) | :: sacco a pelo {m} |
bedroom {n} /ˈbɛdˌɹum/ (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) | :: camera da letto {f}, camera {f} |
bed sheet {n} (sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) | :: lenzuolo {m} |
bedsheet {n} /ˈbɛdʃiːt/ (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) | :: lenzuolo {m} |
bedside table {n} (nightstand) SEE: nightstand | :: |
bedsore {n} (Lesion caused by pressure) | :: piaga da decubito, ulcera da decubito |
bedspread {n} (topmost covering of a bed) | :: copriletto {m} |
bedstead {n} (bed framework) | :: sponda {f}, telaio {m} |
bedstraw {n} (any plant of the herb genus Galium) | :: caglio {m} |
bee {n} /ˈbiː/ (insect) | :: ape {f}, pecchia {f} |
beech {n} /biːt͡ʃ/ (tree of genus Fagus) | :: faggio {m} |
beech marten {n} (Martes foina) | :: faina {f} |
beechnut {n} /ˈbiːtʃˌnʌt/ (nut of the beech tree) | :: faggiola {f}, faggina {f} |
beechwood {n} (a wood largely populated with beech trees) | :: faggeto {m} |
bee-eater {n} /ˈbiː iːtəɹ/ (bird in the family Meropidae) | :: gruccione {m}, vespiere {m} |
bee escape {n} (panel) | :: apiscampo {m} |
beef {n} /bif/ (meat) | :: manzo {m}, carne bovina {f} |
beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow | :: |
bee fly {n} (bee fly) | :: bombilio {m} |
beefsteak {n} /ˈbiːfsteɪk/ (steak) | :: bistecca {f} |
beef up {v} (to strengthen or reinforce) SEE: strengthen | :: |
beefy {adj} (robust) SEE: robust | :: |
beefy {adj} /ˈbiːfi/ (similar to beef) | :: carnoso |
beefy {adj} (muscular) SEE: muscular | :: |
beehive {n} /ˈbiːhaɪv/ (home of bees) | :: alveare {m}, arnia {f} |
beehive {n} (man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey) | :: arnia {f} |
beehive {n} (figurative: any place in which people are very busy) | :: alveare {m}, formicaio {m} |
beehive {n} (hairstyle) | :: [informal] cofana {f} |
bee in one's bonnet {n} (something of particular interest or concern) | :: idea fissa {f}, fissazione {f} |
beekeeper {n} /ˈbiˌkipɚ/ (someone who keeps bees) | :: apicoltore {m}, apicoltrice {f}, apicultore {m}, apicultrice {f} |
beekeeping {n} (raising bees) | :: apicoltura {f} |
Beelzebub {prop} /biːˈɛlzɪbʌb/ (a Semitic deity, another name for the Devil) | :: Belzebù {m} |
been there, done that {phrase} (assertion that the speaker has personal experience or knowledge of a particular place or topic) | :: Già visto, già fatto... |
beer {n} /bɪɹ/ (alcoholic drink made of malt) | :: birra {f} |
beer bar {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour | :: |
beer parlor {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour | :: |
beer parlour {n} (a bar, selling beers, that has tables) | :: birreria {f} |
bee sting {n} (puncture from a bee) | :: puntura d'ape {f} |
beestings {n} (first milk drawn from an animal) SEE: colostrum | :: |
beeswax {n} /ˈbizwæks/ (wax secreted by bees) | :: cera d'api |
beet {n} /biːt/ (Beta vulgaris) | :: bietola {f}, bieta {f} |
beet {n} (a root) | :: barbabietola {f} |
Beethoven {prop} /ˈbeɪˌtoʊvən/ (German surname) | :: Beethoven |
Beethovenian {adj} /ˌbeɪtoʊˈvini.ən/ (of or pertaining to Ludwig van Beethoven) | :: beethoveniano |
beetle {n} /ˈbiːtəl/ (insect) | :: coleottero {m}, scarabeo {m} |
Beetle {n} (Volkswagen car) | :: maggiolino {m} |
beetroot {n} /ˈbitɹut/ (normally deep red coloured root vegetable) | :: barbabietola {f} |
befit {v} (be fit for) | :: adattarsi, essere appropriato |
before {prep} /bəˈfɔɹ/ (earlier than) | :: prima, innanzi |
before {prep} (in front of in space) | :: davanti, innanzi |
before {adv} (at an earlier time) | :: prima |
before {conj} (in advance of the time when) | :: prima |
before dark {prep} (before night begins to fall) | :: prima del tramonto |
beforehand {adv} /bɪˈfɔɹhænd/ (at an earlier time) | :: anticipatamente |
before long {prep} (soon) SEE: soon | :: |
beforesaid {adj} (previously said) SEE: aforesaid | :: |
befuddle {v} /bɪˈfʌdl/ (perplex or confuse) | :: confondere, sconcertare |
befuddle {v} (stupefy) | :: ingarbugliare, annebbiare, istupidire |
beg {v} /bɛɡ/ (to request the help of someone, often in the form of money) | :: mendicare, elemosinare |
beg {v} (to plead with someone for help) | :: implorare, pregare |
beget {v} /biˈɡɛt/ (to cause, to produce) | :: generare |
beget {v} (to procreate) | :: generare |
beggar {n} /ˈbɛɡɚ/ (person who begs) | :: mendicante {m} {f} |
beggars can't be choosers {proverb} (when resources are limited, one must accept even substandard gifts) | :: a caval donato non si guarda in bocca, chi accetta elemosine non può scegliere |
begging {n} /ˈbɛɡɪŋ/ (the act of one who begs) | :: accatto {m}, accattoneria {f}, pitoccheria {f} |
Beghard {n} /bəˈɡɑːɹd/ (one of an association of religious laymen) | :: begardo {m} |
begin {v} /bɪˈɡɪn/ (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.) | :: cominciare, iniziare |
beginner {n} /bəˈɡɪnɚ/ (someone who just recently started) | :: principiante {m} {f} |
beginning {n} /bɪˈɡɪn.ɪŋ/ (that which begins or originates something) | :: inizio {m} |
begone {v} ((expressing a desire or a command for someone or something to go away)) | :: vattene |
begonia {n} /ˈbəɡəʊniː.ə/ (plants of the genus Begonia) | :: begonia {f} |
beg to differ {v} /ˈbɛɡ tə ˈdɪfə/ | :: non essere d'accordo |
beguile {v} /bɪˈɡaɪl/ (to deceive or delude (using guile)) | :: ingannare, turlupinare |
beguile {v} (charm, delight) | :: incantare, distogliere, sedurre, adulare, lusingare |
beguine {n} /bə.ˈɡiːn/ (ballroom dance) | :: beguine |
Beguine {n} /beɪˈɡiːn/ | :: beghino {m}, beghina {f} |
behalf {n} /bɪˈhæf/ (behalf) | :: a vantaggio di |
behave {v} /bɪˈheɪv/ (to act in a specific manner) | :: comportarsi, agire |
behave {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) | :: comportarsi bene |
behave {v} | :: comportarsi |
behave oneself {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) SEE: behave | :: |
behavior {n} /bɪˈheɪvjɚ/ (way an animal or human behaves or acts) | :: comportamento {m} |
behavior {n} (way matter or systems behave) | :: comportamento {m}, condotta {f} |
behavior {n} | :: comportamento {m} |
behavioral {adj} (of or relating to behavior) | :: comportamentale |
behaviorism {n} (approach to psychology focusing on behavior) | :: comportamentismo {m} |
behaviour {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior | :: |
behead {v} /bɪˈhɛd/ (to remove the head) | :: decapitare |
beheadal {n} (beheading) SEE: beheading | :: |
beheading {n} (an instance of beheading) | :: decapitazione {f} |
behest {n} (vow) SEE: vow | :: |
behest {n} (promise) SEE: promise | :: |
behest {n} /biˈhɛst/ (command, bidding) | :: comando {m}, ordine {m} |
Behçet's disease {n} /ˈbeɪt͡ʃɛts dɪˈziːz/ (multi-system disorder) | :: sindrome di Behçet {f} |
behind {prep} /bɪˈhaɪnd/ (at the back of) | :: dietro |
behind {prep} (to the back of) | :: dietro |
behind {prep} (after, time- or motion-wise) | :: dopo |
behind bars {prep} (in jail or prison) | :: dietro le sbarre |
behind closed doors {prep} (in private) | :: a porte chiuse |
behind someone's back {prep} (secretly) | :: alle spalle |
behind the scenes {prep} /bɪˈhaɪnd ðə siːnz/ (in secret; out of public view) | :: [also of theatre and movies] dietro le quinte |
behind the wheel {prep} (in control of a vehicle) | :: al volante |
behold {v} /bɪˈhoʊld/ (to see, to look at) | :: guardare |
behold {interj} | :: ecco |
behoof {n} /bɪˈhuːf/ (advantage or benefit) | :: vantaggio |
behove {v} /bɪˈhəʊv/ (to be in the best interest of) | :: convenire |
beige {n} /ˈbeɪʒ/ (colour) | :: beige |
beige {adj} (having a slightly yellowish gray colour) | :: bigio |
beignet {n} /ˈbɛn.jeɪ/ (fritter) | :: bignè {m} |
Beijing {prop} /beɪˈdʒɪŋ/ (capital of China) | :: Pechino {f} |
be in for {v} (able to expect) | :: essere in attesa |
being {n} /ˈbiɪŋ/ (a living creature) | :: essere {m}, creatura |
being {n} (the state or fact of existence) | :: esistenza |
Beirut {prop} /beɪˈɹuːt/ (capital of Lebanon) | :: Beirut |
bejel {n} (Endemic syphilis) | :: Scherlievo {m}, |
bejewel {v} (decorate with jewels) | :: ingioiellare |
Belarus {prop} /ˌbɛləˈɹus/ (country) | :: Bielorussia {f} |
Belarusian {adj} /ˌbɛləˈɹuːsi.ən/ (pertaining to Belarus) | :: bielorusso |
Belarusian {n} (language) | :: bielorusso {m} |
Belarusian {n} (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent) | :: bielorusso |
belated {adj} (later in relation to the proper time) | :: tardivo |
belatedly {adv} (in a belated manner) | :: tardivamente |
belay {v} /bɪˈleɪ/ (to secure a rope to a cleat) | :: dar volta, assicurare |
belch {v} /ˈbɛltʃ/ (expel gas from the stomach through the mouth) | :: ruttare |
belch {n} (sound one makes when belching) | :: rutto {m} |
Belfast {prop} /ˈbɛl.fæst/ (capital of Northern Ireland) | :: Belfast {f} |
belfry {n} /ˈbɛlfɹi/ (tower or steeple specifically for containing bells, especially as part of a church) | :: campanile {m} |
Belgian {n} /ˈbɛl.dʒən/ (Belgian, person from Belgium) | :: belga {m} {f} |
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgium) | :: belga |
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgians or Belgian people) | :: belga |
Belgian Congo {prop} (Belgian colony) | :: Congo Belga |
Belgian Sheepdog {n} (Umbrella term for the four Belgian sheepdog variants) | :: pastore belga {m} |
Belgium {prop} /ˈbɛldʒəm/ (country in Europe) | :: Belgio {m} |
Belgorod {prop} (a city in Russia) | :: Belgorod {m} |
Belgrade {prop} /ˈbɛlɡɹeɪd/ (capital of Serbia) | :: Belgrado {f} |
belie {v} /bɪˈlʌɪ/ (to contradict or show to be false) | :: smentire, contraddire |
belief {n} /bɪˈliːf/ (mental acceptance of a claim as truth) | :: credito {m}, credenza {f}, convinzione {f} |
belief {n} (something believed) | :: credenza {f}, opinione {f} |
belief {n} (the quality or state of believing) | :: convinzione {f} |
belief {n} (religious faith) | :: fede, credo, credenza |
belief {n} (religious or moral convictions) | :: convinzioni {p} {f} |
belief {n} (a wishing of case or circumstance to be true) | :: fiducia {f} |
believability {n} (state or quality of being believable) | :: credibilità {f} |
believe {v} /bɪˈliːv/ (to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person)) | :: credere |
believe {v} (to accept as true) | :: credere |
believe {v} (to consider likely) | :: credere |
believe {v} (to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth) | :: credere |
believer {n} (person who believes) | :: credente {m} {f} |
Belisarius {prop} (a general of the Byzantine Empire) | :: Belisario |
belittle {v} /bɨˈlɪt.əl/ (to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is) | :: sminuire |
Belize {prop} /bəˈliːz/ (country) | :: Belize |
Belizean {n} (person from Belize) | :: beliziano |
Belizean {adj} (Pertaining to Belize) | :: beliziano |
Belizian {n} (Belizean) SEE: Belizean | :: |
Belizian {adj} (Belizean) SEE: Belizean | :: |
bell {n} /bɛl/ (percussive instrument) | :: campana {f} |
bell {n} (informal: telephone call) | :: chiamata {f}, telefonata |
bell {n} (signal at a school) | :: campanella {f} |
belladonna {n} (a plant, Atropa belladonna) SEE: deadly nightshade | :: |
bellboy {n} /ˈbɛlˌbɔɪ/ (A male worker, usually at a hotel, who carries luggage and runs errands) | :: boy {m}, fattorino {m}, facchino {m} |
bell-collar {n} (collar) | :: sonagliera {f} |
belles-lettres {n} (humanities) SEE: humanities | :: |
bellflower {n} (plant of genus Campanula) | :: campanula {f} |
bell-gable {n} (an architectural element) | :: campanile a vela {m} |
bellicist {n} (warmonger) SEE: warmonger | :: |
bellicose {adj} /ˈbɛlɪkoʊs/ (warlike in nature) | :: bellicoso |
bellicose {adj} (having the impulse to be combative) | :: combattivo, battagliero |
belligerence {n} (state of being belligerent) | :: belligeranza {f} |
belligerent {adj} /bəˈlɪdʒ.ə.ɹənt/ (engaged in warfare) | :: belligerante {m} |
belligerent {adj} (eager to go to war) | :: bellicoso |
belligerent {adj} (of or pertaining to war) | :: bellico |
belligerent {adj} (hostile, eager to fight) | :: bellicoso |
belligerent {adj} | :: belligerante |
belligerent {n} (state or other armed participant in warfare) | :: belligerante {m} |
bellow {n} /ˈbɛloʊ/ (the deep roar of a large animal, or any similar loud noise) | :: ruggito {m} |
bellow {v} (to make a noise like the deep roar of a large animal) | :: muggire, ruggire |
bellows {n} /ˈbɛl.oʊz/ (air blower) | :: soffietto {m}, mantice {f} |
bell pepper {n} (spicy-sweet vegetable) | :: peperone {m} |
bell ringer {n} (bell ringer) | :: campanaro {m} |
bells and whistles {n} (extra features added for show rather than function) | :: facezia riempitiva |
bell tower {n} (tower in which a bell (or set of bells) is hung; a belfry) | :: campanile {m} |
belluine {adj} /ˈbɛljuˌaɪn/ (of, characteristic of, or pertaining to beasts, see also: bestial) | :: belluino {m}, belluina {f} |
Belluno {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Belluno {f} |
Belluno {prop} (town and capital of Belluno) | :: Belluno {f} |
belly {n} /bɛli/ (abdomen) | :: pancia {f}, ventre {m} |
bellyache {n} /ˈbɛliˌeɪk/ (pain in the belly, stomach, or abdomen) | :: mal di pancia {m} |
bellybutton {n} (the navel or umbilicus) SEE: navel | :: |
belly dance {n} (form of dance) | :: danza del ventre {f} |
belly dancer {n} (person who performs belly dances) | :: danzatrice del ventre {f} |
belly flop {n} (style of diving) | :: spanciata {f} |
belong {v} /bɪˈlɒŋ/ (be the property of) | :: appartenere a |
beloved {adj} /bɪˈlʌvd/ (loved) | :: amato {m} |
below {adv} /bəˈloʊ/ (of a temperature: below zero) | :: sotto zero {m} |
below decks {prep} (below the main deck of a vessel) | :: sottocoperta |
belowstairs {adv} (downstairs) SEE: downstairs | :: |
below the belt {prep} (unfair; not according to the rules) | :: scorretto |
Bel Paese {n} /ˌbɛl pɑˈeɪzi/ (mild creamy Italian cheese) | :: Bel Paese {m} |
belt {n} /bɛlt/ (band worn around the waist) | :: cintura {f}, cintola {f}, cinghia {f} |
belt {n} (band used for safety purposes) | :: cintura {f} |
belt {n} (band used in a machine to help transfer motion or power) | :: cinghia {f} |
belt {n} (powerful blow) | :: colpo {m}, cinghiata {f} |
belt {n} (geographical region) | :: zona {f}, regione {f}, cintura {f} |
belt {v} (surround) | :: cingere |
belt {v} (fasten a belt) | :: allacciare |
beltway {n} (a freeway that encircles a city) SEE: ring road | :: |
beluga {n} /bəˈluː.ɡə/ (cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) | :: beluga {m}, balena beluga {f} |
beluga {n} (fish, Huso huso) | :: storione ladano {m}, storione beluga {m} |
belvedere {n} /ˈbɛl.vəˌdɪɹ/ (raised structure offering a pleasant view of the surrounding area) | :: belvedere {m}, terrazza panoramica {f} |
bemoan {v} /bɪˈmoʊn/ (to complain about) | :: lamentare |
bemock {v} (mock) SEE: mock | :: |
bemol {n} (bemol) | :: bemolle {m} |
bemuse {v} /bɪˈmjuːz/ (to confuse or bewilder) | :: confondere |
bench {n} /bɛntʃ/ (long seat) | :: banco {m}, panca {f} |
bench {n} (sports: where players sit when not playing) | :: pachina {f} |
bench {n} (workbench) SEE: workbench | :: |
benchlet {n} (stool) SEE: stool | :: |
benchmark {n} (standard) | :: riferimento {m}, termine di paragone {m}, paragone {m}, modello {m}, paradigma {m} |
benchmark {n} (surveyor's mark) | :: punto di riferimento {m} |
bend {v} /bɛnd/ (to cause to shape into a curve) | :: curvare, piegare |
bend {v} (to change direction) | :: piegarsi, curvarsi |
bend {v} (to tie a line) | :: ammanigliare |
bend {n} (curve) | :: curva {f} |
bend {n} (knot) | :: nodo {m} |
bend {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) | :: banda {f} |
bender {n} /ˈbɛndɚ/ (slang: bout of heavy drinking) | :: sbronza {f} |
bender {n} (slang: homosexual man) | :: frocio {m} |
bend over backwards {v} (make a great effort) | :: farsi in quattro |
bend sinister {n} (diagonal band on coat of arms going from top right to bottom left) | :: sbarra {f} |
bend the truth {v} (change or leave out certain facts of a story) | :: dire una mezza verità {f} |
beneath {adv} /bɪˈniːθ/ (below or underneath) | :: sotto |
Benedict {prop} /ˈbɛnədɪkt/ (male given name) | :: Benedetto, Benito |
Benedicta {prop} (feminine form of Benedict) | :: Benedetta |
Benedictine {n} (monk or nun) | :: benedettino {m}, benedettina {f} |
Benedictine {adj} (of or pertaining to St. Benedict of Nursia) | :: benedettino |
benediction {n} (a short invocation for divine help, blessing and guidance, usually after a church worship service) | :: benedizione |
benedictional {n} (book of benedictions) | :: benedizionale {m} |
benefactor {n} /ˈbɛnəˌfæktɚ/ (on who gives gifts or help) | :: benefattore {m} |
beneficence {n} /bəˈnɛfɪsəns/ (act of philanthropy) | :: beneficenza {f} |
beneficial {adj} /ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl/ (helpful or good to something or someone) | :: benefico |
benefit {n} /ˈbɛn.ə.fɪt/ (advantage, help or aid) | :: beneficio {m} |
benefit {n} (profit, use) | :: beneficio {m} |
benefit {v} (to be or provide a benefit to) | :: beneficiare |
benefit {v} (to receive a benefit) | :: beneficiare, sfruttare, usufruire, godere, approfittare, servirsi |
benefit of the doubt {n} (a favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence) | :: beneficio del dubbio |
Benevento {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Benevento {f} |
Benevento {prop} (capital of Benevento province) | :: Benevento {f} |
Bengal {prop} /bɛŋˈɡɑl/ (region in South Asia) | :: Bengala |
Bengal fox {n} (Vulpes bengalensis) | :: volpe indiana |
Bengali {adj} /bɛŋˈɡɔːli/ (of or pertaining to Bengal) | :: Bengalese |
Bengali {n} (language) | :: bengali {m} |
Benghazi {prop} (Benghazi, Libya) | :: Bengasi |
benign {adj} /bɪˈnaɪn/ ((medicine) not posing any serious threat to health) | :: benigno |
Benin {prop} /bəˈnin/ (country) | :: Benin |
Benjamin {prop} /ˈbɛndʒəmɪn/ (the youngest son of Jacob) | :: Beniamino |
Benjamin {prop} (male given name) | :: Beniamino {m} |
Bennu {prop} (Egyptian deity) | :: Benu {m}, Bennu {m} |
bent {adj} /bɛnt/ (folded) | :: piegato {m}, ripiegato {m} |
bent {adj} (Determined or insistent) | :: fissato {m} |
bent {n} (inclination or talent) | :: talento {m} |
bent {n} (predisposition) | :: estro {m}, ispirazione {f} |
bent {n} (area) SEE: grassland | :: |
benthic {adj} /ˈbɛnθɪk/ (of the benthos on the seafloor) | :: bentonico |
benthopelagic {adj} (both benthic and pelagic) | :: bentopelagico |
benthos {n} /ˈbɛnθɒs/ (flora and fauna at the bottom of a body of water) | :: bentos {m} |
bentonite {n} | :: bentonite {f} |
benumb {v} (make numb) SEE: numb | :: |
benumb {v} (deaden) SEE: deaden | :: |
benzaldehyde {n} (C6H5CHO) | :: benzaldeide {f} |
benzene {n} /ˈbɛnziːn/ (aromatic compound C6H6) | :: benzene {m}, benzolo {m} |
benzenediol {n} | :: benzendiolo {m} |
benzenol {n} | :: benzenolo {m} |
benzidinic {adj} | :: benzidinico |
benzine {n} (benzene) SEE: benzene | :: |
benzo- {prefix} (containing benzene) | :: benzo- |
benzoate {n} (salt or ester of benzoic acid) | :: benzoato {m} |
benzodiazepine {n} /ˌbɛnzoʊdaɪˈæzɨpiːn/ (any of a class of psychoactive drugs) | :: benzodiazepina {f} |
benzoic {adj} (derived from benzoic acid or its derivatives) | :: benzoico |
benzol {n} (an impure benzene) | :: benzolo {m} |
benzopyrene {n} (a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) | :: benzopirene {m} |
benzoyl {n} (univalent radical) | :: benzoile {m} |
benzyl {n} (chemical compound) | :: benzile {m} |
benzylic {adj} | :: benzilico |
Beograd {prop} (Belgrade) SEE: Belgrade | :: |
be prepared {phrase} (motto) | :: sii preparato |
bequeath {v} /bɪˈkwiːθ/ (to give or leave by will) | :: legare, lasciare in eredità |
bequeath {v} (to hand down; to transmit) | :: trasmettere, tramandare |
bequeath {v} (to give; to offer; to commit) | :: donare, offrire |
bequest {n} /bɪˈkwɛst/ (will of the deceased) | :: lascito {m}, testamento {m}, volontà {f} |
bequest {n} (a person's inheritance) | :: eredità {f} |
be quiet {interj} (remain silent) SEE: silence | :: |
berate {v} /bɪˈɹeɪt/ (chide vehemently) | :: riprendere, ammonire, rimproverare, sgridare, richiamare, redarguire |
Berber {n} (Member of northwest African ethnic group) | :: berbero {m}, berberi {m-p} |
bereave {v} /bɪˈɹiːv/ (To take away someone or something important or close) | :: privare |
bereavement {n} (The state of being bereaved; deprivation; especially the loss of a relative by death) | :: lutto {m} |
bereft {adj} /bəˈɹɛft/ (pained by the loss of someone) | :: deprivato |
bereft {adj} (deprived of) | :: deprivato, orbato |
Berengar {prop} /ˈbɛɹɪŋɡəɹ/ (a male given name of historical usage) | :: Berengario, Beringhiero |
Berenice {prop} (female given name) | :: Berenice |
beret {n} /bəˈɹeɪ/ (type of brimless cap) | :: basco |
Bergamasco {n} (Bergamasco Shepherd Dog) | :: Pastore Bergamasco {m} |
Bergamo {prop} /ˈbɝɡəˌmoʊ/ (province of Italy) | :: Bergamo {f} |
Bergamo {prop} (city and capital of Bergamo) | :: Bergamo {f} |
bergamot {n} /ˈbɝɡəˌmɑt/ | :: bergamotto {m} , bergamotta {f} |
bergamot {n} (Mentha × piperita) SEE: peppermint | :: |
Bergmanian {adj} (pertaining to Bergman) | :: bergmaniano |
be right {v} (be correct in one's judgement or statement about something) | :: avere ragione |
Bering Sea {prop} /ˈbɛɹɪŋ ˈsiː/ (sea) | :: mar di Bering {m} |
berkelium {n} /ˈbɜːɹkliəm/ (transuranic chemical element) | :: berkelio {m} |
Berlin {prop} /bɚ.ˈlɪn/ (capital city of Germany) | :: Berlino {f} |
Berlin Wall {prop} (wall that parted Berlin) | :: Muro di Berlino {m} |
Berlusconi {prop} (surname) | :: Berlusconi |
Berlusconism {n} (Silvio Berlusconi's policies) | :: berlusconismo {m} |
berm {n} (raised bank or path along canal) | :: banchina |
Bermuda {prop} /bɚˈmjuːdə/ (island group) | :: Bermude {f-p} |
Bermuda Triangle {prop} (area in Atlantic Ocean) | :: Triangolo delle Bermuda |
Bern {prop} /bɜː(ɹ)n/ (city) | :: Berna {f} |
Bern {prop} (canton) | :: Berna {f} |
Bernadette {prop} (female given name) | :: Bernadetta {f} |
Bernard {prop} /bəɹˈnɑɹd/ (male given name) | :: Bernardo |
Bernese {adj} /ˌbɜːˈniːz/ (of, from, or pertaining to Bern) | :: bernese |
Bernice {prop} (female given name) SEE: Berenice | :: |
berry {n} /ˈbɛɹi/ (small fruit) | :: bacca {f}, coccola {f} |
berry sugar {n} (caster sugar) SEE: caster sugar | :: |
bersagliere {n} (marksman or rifleman in Italian regiments) | :: bersagliere {m} |
berserk {adj} /bə(ɹ)ˈzɜː(ɹ)k/ (injuriously, maniacally, or furiously violent or out of control) | :: furioso, folle {m}, frenetico {m} |
berserker {n} (Norse warrior) SEE: berserk | :: |
berth {n} /bɝθ/ (bunk) | :: cuccetta {f} |
berth {n} (space to moor) | :: attracco {m} |
berth {v} (to bring a ship into berth) | :: attraccare |
beryl {n} /ˈbɛɹəl/ (gem) | :: berillo {m} |
beryllium {n} /bəˈɹɪli.əm/ (chemical element) | :: berillio {m} |
Berytian {adj} /bəˈɹɪʃən/ (of or pertaining to Berytus) | :: beritense |
Berytian {n} (native or inhabitant of Berytus) | :: beritense {m} {f} |
Berytus {prop} /ˈbɛɹɪtəs/ (the ancient city of Beirut) | :: Berito |
beseech {v} /bɪˈsiːt͡ʃ/ (to beg) | :: supplicare, implorare |
beset {v} /bɪˈsɛt/ (to surround or hem in) | :: circondare |
beset {v} (to attack, especially from all sides) | :: assediare, assaltare |
beset {v} (to decorate something with jewels, etc.) | :: incastonare |
beset {v} | :: assalire |
be sick {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit | :: |
beside {prep} /bɪˈsaɪd/ (next to) | :: accanto, vicino |
beside oneself {prep} (consumed by an emotion) | :: fuori di sè |
besides {prep} /bəˈsaɪdz/ (in addition to) | :: oltre a |
besides {prep} (other than; except for) | :: ad eccezione di |
besides {adv} (also; in addition) | :: in aggiunta |
besides {adv} (moreover; furthermore) | :: inoltre |
besides {adv} (otherwise; else) | :: altrimenti |
besides {adv} | :: inoltre |
beside the point {adj} (irrelevant) | :: irrilevante, non c'entra, fuori contesto |
beside the point {adv} (irrelevantly) | :: irrilevantemente |
besiege {v} /bəˈsiːd͡ʒ/ (to surround with armed forces) | :: assediare |
besiege {v} (to vex, to attack continually) | :: assediare |
be silent {v} (refrain from speaking) | :: tacere |
besmirch {v} /bɪˈsmɝːtʃ/ (make dirty) | :: sporcare, insudiciare, lordare, insozzare, smerdare |
besmirch {v} (tarnish; debase) | :: denigrare, macchiare, insudiciare, lordare |
besom {n} /ˈbiː.zəm/ (broom) | :: scopa di saggina |
bespectacled {adj} /bɪˈspɛktəkəld/ (wearing spectacles (glasses)) | :: occhialuto {m} |
Besselian {adj} | :: besseliano |
best {adj} /ˈbɛst/ (superlative of the adjective good) | :: il migliore |
best {n} (person) | :: migliore |
best {v} (to beat) | :: superare, dominare, vincere, battere |
bestiary {n} (A medieval treatise of animals) | :: bestiario {m} |
best man {n} (primary attendant to the groom) | :: testimone, testimone di nozze {m} |
bestow {v} /bɪˈstoʊ/ (to lay up in store) | :: depositare, immagazzinare, collocare |
bestow {v} (to provide with accommodation) | :: alloggiare |
bestow {v} (to present a thing as a gift or honour) | :: donare, (gifts) elargire, (honours) conferire, insignire |
bestow {v} (to give in marriage) | :: maritare, accasare, dare in matrimonio |
best regards {n} (polite closing of a letter) | :: distinti saluti |
bestride {v} (dominate) SEE: dominate | :: |
bet {n} /ˈbɛt/ (a wager) | :: scommessa {f} |
bet {v} (to stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event) | :: scommettere |
beta {n} /ˈbeɪtə/ (letter of the Greek alphabet) | :: beta {f} |
beta {adj} (beta) | :: beta |
betatron {n} (a form of cyclotron used to accelerate electrons to high speed) | :: betatrone {m} |
Betelgeuse {prop} /ˈbiːtəldʒuːz/ (supergiant) | :: Betelgeuse {f} |
beth {n} /bɛθ/ (Aramaic and Hebrew letter) | :: bet {m} {f} |
beth {n} (Phoenician letter) | :: bet {m} {f} |
be that as it may {adv} (nevertheless) | :: sia quel che sia |
Bethesda {prop} /bə.θɛz.də/ (pool in Jerusalem) | :: Betzaeta {f} |
Bethlehem {prop} /ˈbɛθləhɛm/ (City) | :: Betlemme {f} |
betony {n} (Stachys officinalis) | :: betonica |
betray {v} /bəˈtɹeɪ/ (to deliver into the hands of an enemy) | :: consegnare |
betray {v} (to prove faithless or treacherous) | :: tradire |
betray {v} (to violate the confidence of, by disclosing a secret) | :: tradire |
betray {v} (to disclose or discover) | :: rivelare |
betray {v} (to lead astray, as a maiden) | :: tradire |
betray {v} (to show or to indicate) | :: rivelare |
betrayal {n} (treason) SEE: treason | :: |
betrayer {n} (someone who betrays) | :: traditore, sicofante |
betroth {v} /bəˈtɹoʊð/ (to promise to give in marriage) | :: fidanzare, promettere in sposa |
betroth {v} (to promise to take as a future spouse) | :: promessa matrimoniale {f} |
betrothal {n} (mutual promise) | :: fidanzamento {m} |
betrothed {n} /bɪˈtɹəʊðd/ (fiancé or fiancée) | :: fidanzato {m}, fidanzata {f} |
betrothment {n} (betrothal) SEE: betrothal | :: |
better {adj} /ˈbɛtə/ (comparative of the adjectives good or well) | :: migliore, meglio |
better {adv} (comparative form of the adverb well) | :: meglio |
better {v} (to improve) | :: migliorare |
better an egg today than a hen tomorrow {proverb} (a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush) SEE: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush | :: |
better late than never {adv} (it’s better to do something late, than to never do it at all) | :: meglio tardi che mai, non è mai troppo tardi |
better safe than sorry {proverb} (it is preferable to be cautious) | :: la prudenza non è mai troppa, meglio prevenire che curare |
better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick {phrase} (better than nothing) | :: meglio di un pugno in un occhio |
better than nothing {adj} (almost worthless) | :: meglio di nulla |
Betti number {n} (number that characterises a topological space with respect to a given dimension) | :: numero di Betti {m} |
between {prep} /bɪˈtwiːn/ (in the position or interval that separates two things) | :: tra, fra |
between {prep} (shared in confidence by) | :: tra, fra |
between {prep} (in transit from one to the other) | :: tra, fra |
between {prep} (combined by effort or ownership) | :: tra |
between {prep} (one of, representing a choice) | :: tra, fra |
between a rock and a hard place {prep} (in a difficult and inescapable position) | :: tra l'incudine e il martello |
between Scylla and Charybdis {prep} /bəˈtwiːn.ˈsɪlə.ænd.kəˈɹɪbdɪs/ (idiomatic) | :: tra l'incudine e il martello |
between the devil and the deep blue sea {prep} (choice between two undesirable options) | :: fra l'incudine ed il martello |
between the hammer and the anvil {prep} (with the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options) | :: tra l'incudine e il martello |
bevel {n} /ˈbɛvəl/ (An edge that is canted, one that is not a 90 degree angle) | :: bisello {m}, bisellatura {f}, smussatura {f} |
beverage {n} /ˈbevəɹɪdʒ/ (drink) | :: bevanda |
bevor {n} /ˈbivɚ/ (plate armour protecting the lower face and neck) | :: barbozza {f} |
bevy {n} /ˈbɛvi/ (large group of birds) | :: stormo, volata, passo |
beware {v} /ˌbəˈwɛəɹ/ (use caution, pay attention (to)) | :: temere, guardarsi, fare attenzione |
beware of the dog {phrase} (beware of the dog) | :: attenti al cane |
Bewick's swan {n} (Bewick's swan) | :: cigno minore |
bewilder {v} /bɪˈwɪldə(ɹ)/ (to confuse, disorientate, or puzzle someone) | :: confondere, disorientare, sconcertare, disorientare |
bewildered {adj} /bəˈwɪldɚd/ (confused) | :: confuso, perplesso, disorientato |
bewilderment {n} /bɪˈwɪldəɹmənt/ (state of being bewildered) | :: confusione {f}, perplessità {f}, disorientamento {m} |
bewitched {adj} /bɪˈwɪtʃt/ (Under a spell; entranced) | :: stregato |
be wrong {v} (have an incorrect belief, be mistaken) | :: essere in torto |
beyond {prep} (beyond) SEE: above | :: |
beyond {n} (unknown) SEE: unknown | :: |
beyond {prep} /biˈjɑnd/ (further away than) | :: più lontano di |
beyond {prep} (on the far side of) | :: oltre |
beyond {prep} (later than; after) | :: dopo |
beyond {prep} (greater than) | :: oltre |
beyond {prep} (in addition to) | :: oltre |
beyond {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife | :: |
bezel {n} /ˈbɛz.əl/ (the rim and flange which encompasses and fastens a jewel or other object) | :: incastonatura {f}, castone {m} |
bezoar {n} /ˈbi.zɔɹ/ (mass of undigested matter) | :: bezoario {m} |
B-flat major {n} (major key with B-flat as its tonic) | :: si bemolle maggiore |
Bharat {prop} (India) SEE: India | :: |
bhikkhu {n} /ˈbɪkuː/ (Buddhist monk) | :: monaco buddista {m} |
bhikkhuni {n} (Buddhist nun) | :: monaca buddista {f} |
Bhutan {prop} /buːˈtɑːn/ (Himalayan country) | :: Bhutan |
Bhutanese {n} /bu.təˈniːz/ (person from Bhutan) | :: bhutanese {m} {f}, bhutanesi {p} |
bi {adj} /baɪ/ (bisexual) | :: bisex |
bi- {prefix} /baɪ-/ (two-) | :: bi- |
biannual {adj} /bʌɪˈanjuːəl/ (occurring twice a year; semi-annual) | :: semestrale |
biarchy {n} (rule by 2 people) SEE: diarchy | :: |
bias {n} /ˈbaɪəs/ (inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality) | :: pregiudizio {m}, predisposizione {f}, inclinazione {f}, tendenza {f}, predilezione, preferenza {f}, influenza {f} |
bias {n} (electronics: voltage or current applied to electronic device) | :: polarizzazione {f} |
bias {n} (statistics: difference between expectation and true value) | :: distorsione |
bias {v} (to place bias upon) | :: influenzare, distorcere, condizionare, influire, orientare |
bias {adj} (inclined to or swelled on one side) | :: penzolante, inclinato |
bias {adj} (cut slanting or diagonally) | :: di sbieco {m} |
bias {adv} (in a slanting manner) | :: di sbieco, diagonalmente |
biased {adj} /ˈbaɪəst/ (exhibiting bias; prejudiced) | :: parziale, pregiudizievole, tendenzioso |
biased {adj} (angled at a slant) | :: obliquo, inclinato |
biased {adj} (of statistics - showing an imbalance of a result) | :: distorto |
biathlon {n} (winter sport) | :: biathlon |
bib {n} /bɪb/ (item of clothing for protecting other clothes while eating) | :: bavaglino {m}, bavaglio {m} |
bibimbap {n} (Korean dish of white rice topped with vegetables, beef, a whole egg, and gochujang) | :: bibimbap {m} |
bible {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum | :: |
Bible {prop} /ˈbaɪbəl/ (Christian holy book) | :: Bibbia {f} |
biblical {adj} /ˈbɪblɪkəl/ (of or relating to the Bible) | :: biblico |
biblically {adv} (in a biblical manner) | :: biblicamente |
biblio- {prefix} (relating to books) | :: biblio- |
bibliographic {adj} (of or pertaining to bibliography) | :: bibliografico |
bibliography {n} /bɪbliɒɡɹəfi/ (section of a written work) | :: bibliografia {f} |
bibliology {n} (the study of the history of books and the art of printing) | :: bibliologia {f} |
bibliomancy {n} (divination by interpreting a passage from a book) | :: bibliomanzia {f} |
bibliomaniac {n} (person who is obsessed with owning valuable books) | :: bibliomane |
bibliopegy {n} | :: bibliopegia |
bibliophage {n} (person who loves books) SEE: bookworm | :: |
bibliophagy {n} | :: bibliofagia {f} |
bicameral {adj} /bʌɪˈkaməɹəl/ (having two separate legislative chambers) | :: bicamerale {m} |
bicameralism {n} (principle of dividing legislative body into two groups) | :: bicameralismo {m} |
bicarbonate {n} (chemistry) | :: bicarbonato {m} |
bicarbonate {n} (of soda) | :: bicarbonato di sodio {m}, bicarbonato {m} |
bicarbonate of soda {n} (sodium bicarbonate) SEE: sodium bicarbonate | :: |
biceps {n} /ˈbaɪ.sɛps/ (any muscle having two heads) | :: bicipite {m} |
bichord {n} (bichord) | :: bicordo {m} |
bichrome {adj} (having two colours) SEE: bicolour | :: |
bicker {v} /ˈbɪkə/ (quarrel in a tiresome manner) | :: bisticciare, litigare |
bicker {n} (skirmish) | :: bisticcio {m}, lite {f} |
Bicol {prop} /ˈbikɔl/ (language) | :: Lingue bicolane |
Bicolano {prop} (Bicol) SEE: Bicol | :: |
Bicolano {n} /bɪkəˈlɑnoʊ/ (person) | :: bicolani |
bicolour {adj} (having two colours) | :: bicolore |
bicoloured {adj} (of two colours) SEE: bicolour | :: |
Bicol Peninsula {prop} (Bicol Peninsula) | :: Penisola di Bicol |
biconsonantal {adj} | :: biconsonantico |
bicorn {n} (plane curve having two cusps) | :: bicorno {m} |
biculturalism {n} (state or quality of being bicultural) | :: biculturalismo {m} |
bicycle {n} /ˈbaɪsɪkl̩/ (vehicle) | :: bicicletta {f}, bici {f} [informal] |
bicycle clip {n} (clip worn around the ankles of a cyclist) | :: fermacalzoni {m} |
bicycle lane {n} (lane of a roadway designated for use by cyclists) | :: pista ciclabile {f} |
bicycle rack {n} (rack in which bicycles may be parked) SEE: bicycle stand | :: |
bicycle stand {n} (device to which bicycles may be securely attached) | :: portabiciclette {m} |
bicycle touring {n} (touring on a bicycle) | :: cicloturismo {m} |
bicycle tourist {n} (person who travels for fun on a bicycle) | :: cicloturista {m} |
bicyclist {n} (rider of bicycle) SEE: cyclist | :: |
bid {v} /bɪd/ (intransitive: to make an offer) | :: fare un'offerta per un'asta |
bid {n} (offer at an auction) | :: offerta {f} |
bidet {n} /bɨˈdeɪ/ (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus) | :: bidè {m}, bidet {m} |
bidirectional {adj} /ˌbaɪdɪˈɹɛkʃənəl/ (moving in two directions) | :: bidezionale |
bidirectional {adj} (operating in two directions) | :: bidezionale |
Biella {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Biella {f} |
Biella {prop} (city and capital of Biella) | :: Biella {f} |
biennale {n} (a biennial celebration or exhibition) | :: biennale {f} |
bier {n} /biɚ/ (litter to transport the corpse of a dead person) | :: barella, catafalco {m} |
bier {n} (platform or stand where a body or coffin is placed) | :: catafalco |
bifront {adj} (having two fronts) | :: bifronte |
bifurcate {v} /ˈbʌɪ.fək.eɪt/ (divide into two) | :: biforcare |
big {adj} /bɪɡ/ (of a great size, see also: large) | :: grande, grosso |
big {adj} (adult) | :: grande |
bigamist {n} /ˈbɪɡəmɪst/ (someone who practices bigamy) | :: bigamo {m} |
Big Apple {prop} (nickname for New York City) | :: Grande Mela {f} |
Big Bad Wolf {n} /bɪɡ bæd ˈwʊlf/ (fictional evil wolf) | :: lupo cattivo {m} |
Big Bang {prop} (cosmic event) | :: Big Bang {m} |
big brother {n} (a sibling's older brother) SEE: older brother | :: |
big cheese {n} (very important figure) | :: pezzo grosso {m} [fat fish], capo {m} |
big deal {interj} (so what) | :: bella forza {f}, e allora |
Big Dipper {prop} (bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) | :: Gran Carro {m} |
big eater {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton | :: |
Bigfoot {n} /ˈbɪɡˌfʊt/ (unidentified yeti-like animal) | :: Bigfoot |
bigger {adj} /ˈbɪɡɚ/ (comparative of big) | :: maggiore |
bighead {n} /ˈbɪɡˌhɛd/ (A person with an inflated opinion of themselves) | :: pallone gonfiato {m} |
big-headed {adj} (arrogant) | :: pallone gonfiato, arrogante |
bight {n} /baɪt/ (large bay) | :: ansa {f}, baia {f} |
Big Mac {n} /bɪɡ mæk/ (burger) | :: Big Mac {m} |
bigoli {n} (type of spaghetti) | :: bigoli {m} |
bigophone {n} | :: bigofono {m} |
bigorexia {n} (mental disorder) | :: vigoressia {f}, bigoressia {f} |
bigot {n} /ˈbɪɡət/ (one who is narrow-mindedly devoted to their own ideas and groups and intolerant of others) | :: fanatico {m}, intollerante {m}, estremista {m} {f} |
bigot {n} (translations to be checked) | :: bigotto, collotorto {m} |
big screen {n} (surface) | :: grande schermo {m} |
big shot {n} (person with reputation or importance) SEE: big cheese | :: |
big sister {n} (a sibling's older sister) SEE: older sister | :: |
big toe {n} (largest of the toes of the foot of a human) | :: alluce |
big wheel {n} (big cheese) SEE: big cheese | :: |
big wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel | :: |
bigwig {n} (A person of importance) | :: capo {m}, barbassoro {m}, pataffione {m}, pallone gonfiato {m} |
bijective {adj} (both injective and surjective) | :: biiettivo, bigettivo |
bike {n} /bɐɪk/ (bicycle) | :: bici {f} [slang] |
bike {n} (motorcycle) | :: moto {f} |
bike {n} (promiscuous woman) | :: puttana {f} |
bike {v} (to ride a bike) | :: pedalare |
bike lane {n} (bicycle lane) SEE: bicycle lane | :: |
biker {n} /ˈbaɪkɚ/ (person whose lifestyle is centered on motorcycles) | :: motociclista {m}, centauro {m} |
biker {n} | :: motociclista {m} {f} (person who rides a motorcycle); ciclista {m} {f} |
biker {n} (person who rides a bicycle) SEE: cyclist | :: |
bike rack {n} (bicycle stand) SEE: bicycle stand | :: |
bikini {n} /bɪˈkiːni/ (bathing suit) | :: bikini {m} |
bilabial {adj} (articulated with both lips) | :: bilabiale |
bilabial {n} (a speech sound articulated with both lips) | :: bilabiale {f} |
bilabiate {adj} (having two lips) | :: bilabiato |
bilateral {adj} /baɪˈlætəɹəl/ (having two sides) | :: bilaterale |
bilberry {n} /ˈbɪlb(ə)ɹɪ/ (type of blueberry from the cowberry family, see also: blueberry) | :: mirtillo {m} |
bile {n} /baɪl/ (secretion produced by the liver) | :: fiele |
bile acid {n} (bile acid) | :: acido biliare {m} |
bilge {n} /bɪldʒ/ (lowest inner part of a ship's hull) | :: sentina |
bilge {n} (nonsense) | :: fesserie {f-p}, idiozie {f-p}, sciocchezze {f-p} |
bilgewater {n} /ˈbɪldʒwɔtɚ/ (nautical: water which collects in the bilges of a ship) | :: acqua di sentina {f} |
Bilhah {prop} (handmaid of Rachel) | :: Bila {f} |
biliary {adj} /ˈbɪlɪəɹi/ (biliary) | :: biliare |
bilinear {adj} ((mathematics) linear in each of two variables) | :: bilineare |
bilingual {adj} /baɪˈlɪŋ.ɡwəl/ (speaking two languages) | :: bilingue |
bilingualism {n} (condition of being bilingual) | :: bilinguismo {m}, bilinguità {f} |
bilious {adj} /ˈbɪl.jəs/ (suffering from real or supposed liver disorder) | :: bilioso |
biliverdin {n} (a green tetrapyrrolic bile pigment) | :: biliverdina {f} |
bilk {v} /bɪlk/ (defraud, cheat) | :: frodare, defraudare |
bill {n} /bɪl/ (bird's beak) | :: becco {m} |
bill {n} (beaklike projection) | :: promontorio {m} |
bill {v} (to stroke bill against bill) | :: beccarsi |
bill {n} (written inventory) | :: inventario {m}, manifesto {m} |
bill {n} (official statement) | :: nota {f}, certificato {m}, polizza {f}, stesura {f} |
bill {n} (draft of a law) | :: disegno {m} di legge {f}, stesura {f}, atto {m}, proposta {f} |
bill {n} (law: declaration made in writing, stating some wrong the complainant has suffered from the defendant) | :: denuncia {f} |
bill {n} (invoice) | :: conto {m}, fattura {f}, dovuto {m}, spettanza {f} |
bill {n} (advertisement) | :: poster {m}, cartello pubblicitario {m}, manifesto {m}, locandina {f} |
bill {n} (bill of exchange) | :: cambiale {f} |
bill {v} (to advertise by a bill) | :: manifestare, avvisare |
bill {v} (to charge or enter in a bill) | :: fatturare, caricare |
bill {n} (piece of paper money) SEE: banknote | :: |
billboard {n} (large advertisement along side of highway) | :: cartellone {m} |
billet-doux {n} (love letter) SEE: love letter | :: |
billfold {n} (wallet) SEE: wallet | :: |
billhook {n} (agricultural implement) | :: roncola {f}, roncolina {f} |
billiards {n} /ˈbɪlɪədz/ (a cue sport) | :: biliardi {m-p} |
billion {n} /ˈbɪljən/ (a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; a milliard) | :: miliardo |
billion {n} (a million million; 1,000,000,000,000, see also: trillion) | :: bilione {m} |
bill of exchange {n} (document demanding payment from another party) | :: cambiale tratta {f} |
bill of lading {n} (waybill for transport by boat) | :: polizza di carico {f} |
billow {n} /ˈbɪloʊ/ (large wave) | :: maroso {m} |
billposting {n} (sticking of posters) | :: affissione {f} |
Billy {prop} (William) SEE: William | :: |
billycan {n} (lightweight pot) | :: gamella {f} |
billy goat {n} (male goat) | :: caprone {m}, becco {m}, capro {m}, irco {m} |
bilocation {n} /baɪləʊˈkeɪʃən/ (paranormal ability) | :: bilocazione {f} |
bimillennial {adj} /baɪˈmɪlɛn.i.əl/ (occurring every 2,000 years) | :: bimillenniale |
bimonthly {adv} (once every two months) | :: tutti i due mesi |
bimonthly {adv} (two times per month) | :: due volte al mese |
bin {n} /bɪn/ (container for rubbish) | :: bidone {m} |
bin {v} (informal: dispose of in a bin or as if in a bin) | :: cestinare |
binary {adj} /ˈbaɪ.nə.ɹi/ (logic states) | :: binario {m} |
binary {adj} (using binary number system) | :: binario {m}, binaria {f} |
binary number {n} | :: numero binario {m} |
binary relation {n} (order theory) | :: relazione binaria {f} |
binary star {n} (stellar system in which two stars orbit their center of mass) | :: stella binaria {f} |
binary star system {n} (binary star) SEE: binary star | :: |
binary system {n} (astronomy: system of two celestial objects) SEE: binary star | :: |
binary tree {n} (a data structure) | :: albero binario {m} |
binaural {adj} (of or designed for use with two ears) | :: binaurale |
bind {v} /baɪnd/ (transitive connect) | :: legare |
bind {v} (transitive couple) | :: connettere |
bind {v} (transitive put together in a cover, as of books) | :: rilegare |
binding {adj} /ˈbaɪndɪŋ/ (imposing stipulations or requirements that must be honoured) | :: vincolante |
binding {n} (spine of a book) | :: rilegatura {f} |
binding {n} ((chemistry) the sticking together) | :: legame |
bindweed {n} /ˈbaɪndwiːd/ (Convolvulaceae) | :: vilucchio {m}, convolvolo {m} |
binge {n} /bɪndʒ/ (short period of excessive consumption, especially of alcohol) | :: bisboccia, sregolatezza {f}, gozzoviglia {f} |
binge {n} | :: abbuffata {f} |
binge {v} (to engage in a short period of excessive consumption) | :: abbuffarsi |
binge drinker {n} (one who engages in binge drinking) | :: bevitore {m}, beone {m}, ubriacone {m}, avvinazzato {m} |
binge drinking {n} (consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol) | :: ubriacatura {f}, sbornia {f}, sbronza {f}, ciucca {f} |
binge eating disorder {n} (medical disorder) | :: disturbo da alimentazione incontrollata |
bingo {n} /ˈbɪŋ.ɡoʊ/ (game of chance) | :: bingo {m} |
bingo {interj} (to claim a win in bingo) | :: tombola |
binky {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier | :: |
bin man {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector | :: |
binnacle {n} /ˈbɪnəkəl/ ((nautical) the wooden housing for a ship's compass) | :: chiesuola {f} |
binocular {adj} (using two eyes or viewpoints) | :: binoculare |
binoculars {n} /ˈbɪnˌɒk.jʊ.lə(ɹ)z/ (hand-held device for looking at a distance) | :: binocolo {m} |
binomial {adj} /baɪˈnəʊ.mi.əl/ (consisting of two parts) | :: binomiale |
binomial {n} (algebra: polynomial with two terms) | :: binomio {m} |
binomial nomenclature {n} (The scientific system of naming each species of organism with a Latinized name in two parts) | :: nomenclatura binomiale {f} |
binucleate {adj} (having two nuclei) | :: binucleato |
bio- {prefix} (life) | :: bio- |
bioaccumulation {n} (the process by which substances accumulate in the tissues of living organisms) | :: bioaccumulo {m} |
bioarchitecture {n} (construction of buildings in an ecologically-friendly manner) | :: bioarchitettura {f} |
bioavailability {n} (amount of drug which reaches the site of physiological activity after administration) | :: biodisponibilità {f} |
biocatalytic {adj} (Relating to, or employing biocatalysis) | :: biocatalitico |
biocenosis {n} (biocoenosis) SEE: biocoenosis | :: |
biochemical {adj} (of or relating to biochemistry) | :: biochimico |
biochemical {adj} (involving chemical processes in living organisms) | :: biochimico |
biochemist {n} (A chemist whose speciality is biochemistry) | :: biochimico {m}, biochimica {f} |
biochemistry {n} (the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism) | :: biochimica {f} |
bioclastic {adj} (describing a sedimentary rock) | :: bioclastico |
bioclastic {adj} (describing a form of erosion or formation) | :: bioclastico |
bioclimatology {n} (science that studies interaction between biosphere and atmosphere) | :: bioclimatologia {f} |
biocoenology {n} (study of bioceonosis) | :: biocenologia {f} |
biocoenosis {n} (community of organisms) | :: biocenosi {f} |
bioconjugated {adj} | :: bioconiugato |
biodegradability {n} (capacity of a material to decompose over time) | :: biodegradabilità {f} |
biodegradable {adj} /baɪoʊdəˈɡɹeɪdəbl̩/ (capable of being decomposed by biological activity) | :: biodegradabile |
biodegradation {n} (decomposition of any material by microorganisms) | :: biodegradazione {f} |
biodegrade {v} (to decompose as a result of biological action) | :: [transitive] biodegradare, [reflexive] biodegradarsi |
biodiversity {n} /ˌbaɪoʊdɑɪˈvɚsəti/ (diversity of flora and fauna) | :: biodiversità {f} |
bioelectric {adj} (of or pertaining to bioelectricity) | :: bioelettrico |
bioelectrical {adj} (bioelectric) SEE: bioelectric | :: |
bioelectricity {n} (Electricity generated within an organism) | :: bioelettricità {f} |
bioenergetic {adj} (related to bioenergetics) | :: bioenergetico |
bioenergetics {n} (study of the energy transformations) | :: bioenergetica {f} |
bioenergy {n} (energy produced from a biological resource) | :: bioenergia {f} |
biofactor {n} (material that has a significant biochemical function) | :: biofattore {m} |
biogenesis {n} /bʌɪə(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnəsɪs/ (principle) | :: biogenesi {f} |
biogenesis {n} (biosynthesis) SEE: biosynthesis | :: |
biogenic {adj} | :: biogeno, biogenico |
biogeography {n} (study of geographical distribution of living things) | :: biogeografia {f} |
Biograd na Moru {prop} (town in Croatia) | :: Zaravecchia |
biographee {n} (subject of a biography) | :: biografato |
biographer {n} (the writer of a biography) | :: biografo {m} |
biographette {n} (short biography) | :: biografietta {f} |
biographic {adj} (biographical) SEE: biographical | :: |
biographical {adj} (relating to an account of a person's life) | :: biografico |
biography {n} /baɪˈɑːɡɹəfi/ (personal life story) | :: biografia {f} |
bioherm {n} (a mass of rock constructed from the remains of marine organisms such as coral or algae) | :: bioherma {m} |
bioindicator {n} (indicator of environmental health) | :: bioindicatore {m} |
biolistic {adj} | :: biolistico |
biologic {adj} (biological) SEE: biological | :: |
biological {n} /ˌbaɪəˈlɑdʒɪkəl/ (of biology) | :: biologico |
biological {n} (consanguine) | :: consanguineo |
biologically {adv} (with regard to biology) | :: biologicamente |
biological warfare {n} (use of an organism as a weapon of war) | :: guerra biologica |
biological weapon {n} (biological pathogen) | :: arma biologica {f} |
biology {n} /baɪˈɑlədʒi/ (study of living matter) | :: biologia {f} |
bioluminescence {n} /ˌbaɪ̯oʊ̯ˌluməˈnɛsəns/ (emission of light by a living organism) | :: bioluminescenza {f} |
bioluminescent {adj} (exhibiting bioluminescence) | :: bioluminescente |
biomagnetism {n} (production or detection of a magnetic field) | :: biomagnetismo {m} |
biomarker {n} /ˈbaɪoʊˌmɑɹkɚ/ (indicator of a biological state) | :: biomarcatore |
biomass {n} /ˈbaɪ.ə(ʊ)ˌmæs/ (vegetation used as fuel) | :: biomassa {f} |
biomathematics {n} (application of mathematics to the study of biological systems) | :: biomatematica {f} |
biome {n} /ˈbaɪoʊm/ (biological community) | :: bioma {m} |
biomedicine {n} (a branch of medical science) | :: biomedicina {f} |
biomolecular {adj} | :: biomolecolare |
biomolecule {n} (molecules) | :: biomolecola {f} |
biophotolysis {n} (The photolysis of a biochemical compound) | :: biofotolisi {f} |
biophysical {adj} /ˈbaɪəʊˌfɪzɪkəl/ (relating to biophysics) | :: biofisico |
bioplastic {n} (polymer) | :: bioplastica {f} |
biopsy {n} /ˈbaɪɑpsi/ (removal and examination of a sample of tissue for diagnostic purposes) | :: biopsia {f} |
bioreactor {n} (A fermentation vat containing microorganisms) | :: bioreattore {m} |
biosatellite {n} (an artificial satellite that is designed to carry humans or other organisms) | :: biosatellite {f} |
biospeleology {n} | :: biospeleologia {f} |
biosphere {n} (part of Earth capable of supporting life) | :: biosfera {f} |
biostratigraphic {adj} | :: biostratigrafico |
biostratigraphy {n} (the study of the stratigraphic distribution of fossil) | :: biostratigrafia {f} |
biosynthesis {n} (synthesis of organic compounds) | :: biosintesi |
biotechnological {adj} /ˈbaɪəʊˌtɛk.nə.lɒdʒ.ɪk.əl/ (of or pertaining to biotechnology) | :: biotecnologico, biotecnico |
biotechnologist {n} (one who works in biotechnology) | :: biotecnologo {m}, biotecnologa {f} |
biotechnology {n} /ˈbaɪəʊˌtɛk.nɒl.əʊ.dʒi/ (use of living organisms in industrial, agricultural, medical applications) | :: biotecnologia {f} |
biotechnology {n} (application of the principles and practices of engineering and technology to the life sciences) | :: biotecnologia {f} |
biotic {adj} /baɪˈɑ.tɪk/ (of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms) | :: biotico |
biotin {n} /ˈbaɪətɪn/ (sulfur-containing member of the vitamin B complex) | :: biotina {f} |
biotite {n} /ˈbaɪəˌtaɪt/ (dark brown mica) | :: biotite {f} |
biotope {n} (geographical area) | :: biotopo |
biotoxin {n} (toxin produced by a living organism) | :: biotossina {f} |
bioturbation {n} (the mixing of soil or sediment by living organisms) | :: bioturbazione {f} |
biotypology {n} (study of biotypes) | :: biotipologia {f} |
biovular {adj} (fraternal (twins)) | :: biovulari {m-p} |
bipartisan {adj} /ˈbaɪˌpɑː(ɹ)t.ɪ.zæn/ (relating to, or supported by two groups, especially by two political parties) | :: bipartisan |
bipartite {adj} (graph theory) | :: bipartito {m} |
bipennate {adj} (pinnate with a pinnate leaflet) SEE: bipinnate | :: |
biphenyl {n} (organic compound) | :: bifenile {m} |
bipinnate {adj} /bʌɪˈpɪneɪt/ (pinnate) | :: bipennato |
bipolar {adj} (involving both poles) | :: bipolare |
bipolar {adj} (relating to or having bipolar disorder) | :: bipolare |
bipolar disorder {n} (psychiatric diagnostic category) | :: psicosi maniaco-depressiva |
bipolarization {n} | :: bipolarizzazione {f} |
biradical {n} (molecule having two independent radical centres) | :: biradicale {m} |
birch {n} /bɝtʃ/ (tree) | :: betulla {f} |
birch bolete {n} (Leccinum scabrum) | :: porcinello {m}, arbatrello {m} |
bird {n} /bɝd/ (animal) | :: uccello {m}, pennuto {m}, volatile {m} |
bird {n} (person) | :: tipo {m} |
bird {n} (woman) | :: bambola {f} |
bird {n} (vulgar hand gesture) | :: dito d'onore {m} |
birdcage {n} (cage to keep birds in) | :: voliera {f} |
bird dog {n} (tout) SEE: tout | :: |
bird flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza | :: |
birdhouse {n} (aviary) SEE: aviary | :: |
birdhouse {n} (small house for birds) | :: gabbietta {f} |
birdie {n} (badminton: shuttlecock) SEE: shuttlecock | :: |
birdie {n} /ˈbɝdi/ (bird, birdling) | :: uccellino {m} |
birdlime {n} (serving of a prison sentence) SEE: time | :: |
bird of ill omen {n} | :: uccellaccio {m} |
bird of paradise {n} (bird) | :: paradisea {f} |
bird of prey {n} (carnivorous bird) | :: rapace {m} |
bird's-eye view {n} (view from directly or high above) | :: vista a volo d'uccello {f}, prospettiva a volo d'uccello {f} |
birds of a feather flock together {proverb} (people of similar character, etc. tend to associate) | :: chi si assomiglia si piglia, dio li fa e poi li accoppia |
birds of the feather flock together {proverb} (birds of a feather flock together) SEE: birds of a feather flock together | :: |
biretta {n} (square cap) | :: berretta {f} |
biro {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen | :: |
birth {n} /bɝθ/ (process of childbearing; beginning of life) | :: nascita {f}, parto {m} |
birth {n} (instance of childbirth) | :: parto {m} |
birth {n} (beginning or start; a point of origin) | :: nascita {f} |
birth {n} (circumstances of one's background) | :: nascita {f} |
birth certificate {n} (official document certifying the details of a person's birth) | :: certificato di nascita {m}, atto di nascita {m} |
birthdate {n} (date of birth) SEE: date of birth | :: |
birthday {n} /ˈbɝθˌdeɪ/ (anniversary) | :: compleanno {m} |
birthday {n} (date of birth) | :: data di nascita {f} |
birthday boy {n} (a male whose birthday it is) | :: festeggiato {m} |
birthday cake {n} (a cake made to celebrate a birthday) | :: torta di compleanno {f} |
birthday card {n} (greeting card) | :: cartolina di compleanno {f} |
birthday girl {n} (a female whose birthday it is) | :: festeggiata {f} |
birthday party {n} (a party held to celebrate a birthday) | :: festa di compleanno {f} |
birth defect {n} (any of several medical disorders that are present at birth) | :: difetto congenito {m} |
birthmark {n} (a mark on the skin formed before birth) | :: voglia {f} |
birthplace {n} /ˈbɝθˌpleɪs/ (location where a person is born) | :: luogo di nascita {m} |
birthright {n} (something that is owed since birth, due to inheritance) | :: diritto di nascita {m} |
birth tray {n} | :: desco da parto {m} |
birthwort {n} (Aristolochia) | :: vellutino {m} |
Biscay {prop} (province of Spain) | :: Biscaglia {f} |
biscuit {n} /ˈbɪskɪt/ (small, flat baked good, see also: cookie; cracker) | :: biscotto {m}, biscottino {m} |
bisecant {n} (secant that cuts a curve at exactly two points) | :: bisecante {f} |
bisect {v} /baɪˈsɛkt/ (geometry: to divide an angle, line segment or other figure into two equal parts) | :: bisecare |
bisector {n} /ˈbaɪˌsɛktɚ/ (A line or curve that bisects or divides a line segment, angle, or other figure into two equal parts) | :: bisettrice {f} |
bisemic {adj} (having two meanings) | :: bisemico |
bisexual {adj} /baɪˈsɛk.ʃu.əl/ (sexually attracted to both men and women) | :: bisessuale {m} {f} |
bisexual {adj} (botany: having both male and female organs) | :: bisessuale, ermafrodita |
bisexual {n} (bisexual person) | :: bisessuale {m} {f}, bisex {m} {f} |
bisexuality {n} (botany) | :: bisessualità {f}, ermafrodismo {m} |
bisexuality {n} (psychology) | :: bisessualità {f} |
Bishkek {prop} /bɪʃˈkɛk/ (capital of Kyrgyzstan) | :: Biškek {m} |
Bishnupriya Manipuri {prop} (language) | :: bishnupria manipuri |
bishop {n} /ˈbɪʃəp/ (church official, supervisor of priests and congregations) | :: vescovo {m}, vescova {f} |
bishop {n} (chess piece) | :: alfiere {m} |
Bishop of Rome {prop} (a title of the Pope) | :: Vescevo di Roma |
bishopric {n} /ˈbɪʃ.ə.pɹɪk/ (diocese) | :: vescovato {m} |
Bislama {prop} /ˈbɪʃləmɑː/ (a creole spoken on the South Pacific island-nation of Vanuatu) | :: bislama |
bismuth {n} /ˈbɪz.məθ/ (chemical element) | :: bismuto {m} |
bispectrum {n} (statistic used in the study of nonlinear interactions) | :: bispettro {m} |
bisphenol A {n} (4,4'-dihydroxy-2,2-diphenylpropane) | :: bisfenolo A {m} |
bissextile {n} (leap year) SEE: leap year | :: |
bissextile year {n} (year with an extra day) SEE: leap year | :: |
bistable {adj} (having two stable states) | :: bistabile |
bistort {n} (any of several perennial herbs, classified in genera Bistorta, Persicaria, or Polygonum, having spikes of pink flowers) | :: bistorta {f} |
bistro {n} /ˈbiːstɹoʊ/ (small restaurant) | :: trattoria {f}, bistrot |
bistro {n} (small bar) | :: osteria {f} |
bisulfate {n} (Univalent anion HSO4-) | :: bisolfato {m} |
bisulfite {n} (univalent group -HSO3, or any salt containing it) | :: bisolfito {m} |
bisyllabic {adj} (comprising two syllables) SEE: disyllabic | :: |
bit {n} /bɪt/ (metal in horse's mouth) | :: morso {m}, freno |
bit {n} (rotary cutting tool) | :: trapano {m}, punta {f}, punta di trapano |
bit {n} (eighth of a dollar) | :: ottavo di dollaro {m} |
bit {n} (small amount of something, see also: a little) | :: poco {m}, poca {f}, pezzetto {m}, pezzettino {m} |
bit {n} (coin of a specified value) SEE: coin | :: |
bit {n} (ten-cent piece) SEE: dime | :: |
bit by bit {adv} (small amount at a time) | :: piano piano |
bitch {n} /bɪt͡ʃ/ (female canine) | :: cagna {f} [dog], lupa [wolf] |
bitch {n} (disagreeable, aggressive person, usually female) | :: stronza {f}, troia {f}, puttana {f} |
bitch {n} (complaint) SEE: complaint | :: |
bitch {n} (playful variation on dog (sense "man")) SEE: dog | :: |
bitch out {v} (to complain) SEE: bitch | :: |
bitchy {adj} /ˈbɪtʃi/ (spiteful; catty) | :: incazzoso |
bitchy {adj} (irritable) | :: incazzoso |
bitcoin {n} /ˈbɪtˌkɔɪn/ (cryptocurrency) | :: bitcoin |
bite {v} /baɪt/ (to cut into by clamping the teeth) | :: mordere |
bite {v} (to attack with the teeth) | :: morsicare |
bite {v} (to bite a baited hook or other lure) | :: abboccare |
bite {v} (to sting) | :: pungere |
bite {n} (act of biting) | :: morso {m}, puntura {f}, morsicatura {f} |
bite {n} (wound left behind after having been bitten) | :: morsicatura {f} |
bite {n} (swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting) | :: puntura {f}, bozzo {m}, segno {m}, escrescenza {f} |
bite {n} (mouthful) | :: boccone {m} |
bitemark {n} | :: azzannatura {f} |
bite off more than one can chew {v} (To try to do too much) | :: fare il passo più lungo della (propria) gamba |
bite the bullet {v} (endure punishment with dignity or accept a negative aspect of a situation) | :: ingoiare il rospo, fare buon viso a cattiva sorte |
bite the dust {v} (to die) | :: mordere la terra, tirare le cuoia |
bite the dust {v} (to quit or fail) | :: mangiare la polvere, fallire, essere sconfitto |
bite the hand that feeds one {v} (cause harm to a benefactor) | :: mordere la mano che ti nutre, sputare nel piatto in cui si mangia |
bit of skirt {n} (Woman) | :: bel bocconcino {f}, gnocca {f}, figona {f} |
bitonality {n} (bitonality) | :: bitonalità {f} |
bit part {n} (a minor role) | :: particina {f}, ruolo secondario {m}, ruolo minore {m}, generico {m} |
bit player {n} (actor with a minor role) | :: figurante {m}, spalla {f} |
bitruncated {adj} (truncated using bitruncation) | :: bitroncato |
bitstock {n} (drill bit-carrying crank for boring holes) | :: girabacchino {m}, menarola {f} |
bitt {n} (bollard) | :: bitta {f}, galloccia {f} |
bitter {adj} /ˈbɪtə/ (having an acrid taste) | :: amaro {m}, amara {f} |
bitter {adj} (harsh, piercing or stinging) | :: aspro, [of weather] gelido |
bitterling {n} (fish of the genus Rhodeus) | :: rodeo {m} |
bittern {n} /ˈbɪtəɹn/ (bird of the subfamily Botaurinae) | :: tarabuso |
bitterness {n} /ˈbɪtənəs/ (quality of being bitter in taste) | :: amarezza {f} |
bitterness {n} (quality of feeling bitter) | :: amarezza {f} |
bitters {n} (beverage) | :: bitter {m} |
bittersweet {adj} /ˈbɪtɚˌswit/ (both bitter and sweet) | :: agrodolce, dolceamaro |
bittersweet {adj} (expressing contrasting emotions of pain and pleasure) | :: agrodolce |
bittersweet {n} (the bittersweet nightshade, Solanum dulcamara) | :: dulcamara {f} |
bitter vetch {n} (Vicia ervilia) | :: ervo {m}, mochi {m-p}, girlo {m} |
bitumen {n} /bɪˈtumən/ (Mineral pitch) | :: bitume, asfalto {m} |
bituminize {v} (treat with bitumen) | :: bitumare, bituminare |
bivoltine {adj} (having two broods or generations in a year) | :: bivoltino |
bivouac {n} /ˈbɪv.u.æk/ (encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering) | :: bivacco {m} |
bivouac {v} (to set up camp) | :: bivaccare, accamparsi, attendarsi, campeggiare |
biweekly {adj} /baɪˈwiːkli/ (occurring twice a week) | :: bisettimanale |
biweekly {adv} (every two weeks) | :: ogni due settimane |
biweekly {adv} (twice a week) | :: due volte alla settimana |
bizarre {adj} /bɪˈzɑɹ/ (strangely unconventional) | :: bizzarro {m}, bizzarra {f} |
Bizerte {prop} (city in Tunisia) | :: Biserta {f} |
blab {n} (gossip) SEE: gossip | :: |
blabber {v} /ˈblæb.ə(ɹ)/ (to let out a secret) | :: spiattellare, cianciare, spettegolare |
blabber {n} (A person who blabs) | :: chiacchierone, pettegolo |
blabbermouth {n} (chatterbox) SEE: chatterbox | :: |
black {v} (to blacken) SEE: blacken | :: |
black {adj} (absorbing all light) | :: nero |
black {adj} (without light) | :: nero |
black {adj} (relating to people with dark skin) | :: nero |
black {n} (colour/color) | :: nero {m} |
black {n} (dark-skinned person) | :: nero {m}, nera {f} |
black alder {n} (Alnus glutinosa tree) | :: ontano nero {m} |
black antshrike {n} (bird) | :: averla formichiera nera |
black-arched moth {n} (species of moth) | :: falena monaca |
black bear {n} (American black bear) | :: orso nero americano {m}, baribal {m} |
black bear {n} (Asiatic black bear) | :: orso dal collare {m}, orso tibetano {m} |
Blackbeard {prop} (pirate's name) | :: Barbanera |
blackberry {n} /ˈblækbeɹi/ (shrub) | :: rovo {m} |
blackberry {n} (fruit) | :: mora {f}, mora di rovo {f} |
blackbird {n} /ˈblækˌbɚd/ (Turdus merula: blackbird) | :: merlo {m} |
blackboard {n} /ˈblækbɔɹd/ (a surface that can be written upon with chalk) | :: lavagna {f} |
black box {n} (recorders in an aircraft) | :: scatola nera {f}, registratore di volo {m} |
black box {n} (theoretical construct or device) | :: scatola nera {f} |
black-browed albatross {n} (Thalassarche melanophris) | :: albatros sopracciglineri {m} |
blackcap {n} (Sylvia atricapilla) | :: capinera {f} |
black cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher | :: |
black cat {n} (black-furred cat) | :: gatto nero {m} |
black child {n} (black child, see also: pickaninny) | :: negretto {m} [can be offensive] |
black coffee {n} (coffee served without cream or milk) | :: caffè americano {m} |
black-crested antshrike {n} (bird) | :: Averla formichiera crestanera |
black-crowned night heron {n} (Nycticorax nycticorax) | :: nitticora {f} |
black currant {n} /ˈblækˌkɜɹənt/ (berry) | :: ribes nero |
Black Death {prop} (14th century pandemic outbreak) | :: peste nera {f} |
black earth {n} (chernozem) SEE: chernozem | :: |
black elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) SEE: elder | :: |
blacken {v} /ˈblækən/ (make black) | :: annerire |
blacken {v} (make dirty) | :: sporcare |
black-footed cat {n} (Felis nigripes) | :: gatto dai piedi neri {m} |
Black Forest {prop} (German forest and mountain range) | :: Foresta Nera {f}, Selva Nera {f} |
Black Forest gâteau {n} (type of gâteau originating in the Black Forest region of Germany) | :: torta della Foresta Nera {f} |
black gold {n} (petroleum) | :: oro nero {m} |
black grouse {n} /ˈblæk ɡɹɑʊs/ (Lyrurus tetrix) | :: gallo forcello {m}, fagiano di monte {m} |
blackguard {n} (scoundrel) SEE: scoundrel | :: |
blackhead {n} (skin blemish) | :: comedone {m} |
black-headed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) | :: gabbiano comune {m} |
black hole {n} /blæk ˈhoʊl/ (celestial body) | :: buco nero {m} |
black-hooded antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: averla formichiera di Bridges |
black horehound {n} (Ballota nigra) | :: ballota {f}, cimiciotto {m} |
black ice {n} (invisible film of ice) | :: vetrone {m}, ghiaccio nero {m} |
blacking {n} (shoe polish) SEE: shoe polish | :: |
blackish {adj} /ˈblækɪʃ/ (somewhat black) | :: nerastro |
blackish-gray antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: averla formichiera grigionero |
black kite {n} (species of kite) | :: nibbio bruno {m} |
black lead {n} (graphite) SEE: graphite | :: |
blackleg {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker | :: |
black-legged kittiwake {n} (Rissa tridactyla) | :: gabbiano tridattilo {m} |
black magic {n} (magic derived from evil forces) | :: magia nera {f} |
blackmail {n} (extortion of money by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure) | :: ricatto {m} |
blackmail {v} (to extort money) | :: ricattare |
blackmailer {n} (someone who blackmails) | :: ricattatore {m}, ricattatrice {f} |
blackness {n} /ˈblæknəs/ (state or quality of being black) | :: nerezza {f} |
black olive {n} (olive picked after it has ripened) | :: oliva nera {f} |
blackout {n} /ˈblækaʊt/ (a temporary loss of consciousness) | :: svenimento {m}, mancamento {m}, deliquio {m}, lipotimia {f} |
black pepper {n} (spice) | :: pepe {m}, pepe nero {m} |
black pudding {n} | :: sanguinaccio {m} |
black redstart {n} (a small passerine bird) | :: codirosso spazzacamino {m} |
black rhinoceros {n} (Diceros bicornis) | :: rhinocéros noir |
black rice {n} (type of rice) | :: riso venere {m} |
black salsify {n} (Scorzonera hispanica) | :: scorzonera di Spagna {f} |
Black Sea {prop} (an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor) | :: Mar Nero {m} |
blackshirt {n} (member of a fascist party) SEE: fascist | :: |
blackshirt {n} (uniformed Italian fascist, member of a paramilitary wing of the party) | :: camicia nera {f}, squadrista {m} {f} |
blacksmith {n} /ˈblæk.smɪθ/ (iron forger, see also: smith) | :: fabbro ferraio {m} |
blacksmith {n} (iron forger, see also: smith) | :: maniscalco, maniscalca {f} |
black swan {n} (Cygnus atratus) | :: cigno nero {m} |
black swan {n} (something believed non-existent) | :: mosca bianca {f} |
black tea {n} (tea leaves which have been "fermented") | :: tè nero {m} |
black tea {n} (cup of tea served without milk) | :: tè nero {m} |
blackthorn {n} /ˈblækˌθɔɹn/ (Prunus spinosa) | :: prugnolo {m} |
black-throated antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: averla formichiera golanera |
black truffle {n} (A species of truffle, Tuber melanosporum) | :: tartufo nero |
black vulture {n} (Coragyps atratus) | :: urubù dalla testa nera {m} |
black vulture {n} (Aegypius monachus) SEE: Eurasian black vulture | :: |
blackwater {n} (contaminated waste water) | :: acqua di scolo, acque nere |
black widow {n} (species of venomous spider) | :: vedova nera {f} |
black widow {n} (a murderous woman) | :: vedova nera {f} |
black-winged pratincole {n} (Glareola nordmanni) | :: pernice di mare orientale {f} |
black woodpecker {n} /ˈblækˈwʊdpɛkə(ɹ)/ (Dryocopus martius) | :: picchio nero {m} |
bladder {n} /ˈblædə/ (flexible sac in zoology) | :: vescica {f} |
bladder {n} (urinary bladder) SEE: urinary bladder | :: |
bladder cherry {n} (Physalis alkekengi) | :: alchechengi |
blade {n} /bleɪd/ (sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil) | :: lama {f} |
blade {n} (thin plate, foil) | :: lamina {f} |
blade {n} (the flat part of a leaf or petal) | :: filo {m} |
blade {n} (part of a propeller) | :: pala {f} |
blade of grass {n} (a single instance of a plant described by the mass noun grass) | :: filo d'erba {m} |
blah {n} /blɑː/ (nonsense talk) | :: bla, bla bla, bla bla bla |
blah blah blah {interj} (a stand-in for trivial, obvious, or boring content) | :: blablabla |
Blairism {n} | :: blairismo {m} |
Blaise {prop} (male given name) | :: Biagio {m} |
blame {n} /bleɪm/ (state of having caused a bad event) | :: colpa {f} |
blame {v} (place blame upon) | :: incolpare, biasimare, dare torto |
blame {n} (responsibility) SEE: responsibility | :: |
blame {n} (culpability) SEE: culpability | :: |
blameworthiness {n} (culpability) SEE: culpability | :: |
blameworthy {adj} /ˈbleɪmˌwɚ.ði/ (deserving blame of censure) | :: biasimabile, deprecabile, vituperabile |
Blanche {prop} (female given name) | :: Bianca |
bland {adj} /blænd/ (Mild; dull; soft; gentle; smooth in manner; suave) | :: blando {m} |
bland {adj} (Having a soothing effect; not irritating or stimulating) | :: blando {m} |
bland {adj} (Lacking in taste or vigor) | :: insipido, fiacco |
blank {adj} /blæŋk/ (without color) | :: intonso |
blank {adj} (free from writing, printing or marks) | :: in bianco, vuoto, intatto |
blank {adj} (blank ammunition) | :: cartuccia a salve |
blank {n} (simulation cartridge) | :: cartuccia a salve {f} |
blanket {n} /ˈblæŋkɪt/ (fabric) | :: coperta {f} |
blanket {n} (layer of anything) | :: coltre {f}, mantello {m} |
blanket term {n} (word or phrase used to describe multiple groups of related things) SEE: umbrella term | :: |
blasé {adj} /ˈblɑːzeɪ/ (unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity) | :: blasé {m}, disincantato {m}, indifferente {m}, scettico {m}, disilluso {m} |
Blasius {prop} (male given name) | :: Biagio |
blaspheme {v} /ˈblæs.fim/ (to speak against God or religious doctrine) | :: bestemmiare |
blasphemer {n} (One who commits blasphemy) | :: bestemmiatore |
blasphemous {adj} /ˈblæs.fəm.əs/ (lacking piety or respect for the sacred) | :: blasfemo |
blasphemy {n} /ˈblæs.fə.mi/ (Irreverence toward something sacred) | :: blasfemia {f}, bestemmia {f} |
blast {n} /blæst/ (violent gust of wind) | :: raffica {f}, folata {f}, colpo di vento, ventata {f} |
blast {n} (forcible stream of fluid) | :: getto {m} |
blast {n} (explosion) | :: esplosione, scoppio {m} |
blast {n} (loud, sudden sound) | :: squillo {m} |
blast {v} | :: [2] far esplodere, [2] far brillare! |
blast {interj} (damn it) | :: cribbio |
blast {n} (an immature or precursor cell) | :: citoblasto {m} |
-blast {suffix} (an immature cell or tissue) | :: -blasto {m} |
blasted {adj} /ˈblæst.ɪd/ (subjected to explosion) | :: maledetto |
blast furnace {n} (furnace where iron ore is smelted) | :: altoforno {m} |
blasto- {prefix} (bud, budding, germination) | :: blasto- |
blastoderm {n} /ˈblæstəˌdɚm/ (point from which the embryo develops) | :: blastoderma {m} |
blastoff {n} (countdown and launch) | :: lancio {m}, decollo {m}, partenza {f} |
blastoma {n} /blæstˈoʊmə/ (type of tumour) | :: blastoma {m} |
blastopore {n} (the opening into the archenteron) | :: blastoporo {m} |
blastospore {n} /ˈblæstəˌspɔːɹ/ (fungal spore produced asexually from budding) | :: blastospora {f} |
blastula {n} (an early form in the development of an embryo) | :: blastula {f} |
blat {n} (connections; relationships; one's social or business network (Russia)) | :: blat {m} |
blatant {adj} /ˈbleɪtənt/ (bellowing, as a calf; bawling; brawling; clamoring; disagreeably clamorous) | :: assordante, fragoroso, chiassoso, gigantesco, macroscopico |
blatant {adj} (obvious, on show) | :: appariscente, vistoso |
blatant {adj} | :: ovvio |
blather {v} /blæðə(ɹ)/ (to talk rapidly without making much sense) | :: blaterare, sproloquiare, straparlare |
blay {n} (bleak) SEE: bleak | :: |
blaze {n} /bleɪz/ (fast-burning fire) | :: fiamma {f}, fiammata {f}, vampa {f} |
blazer {n} /ˈbleɪzɚ/ (a jacket) | :: giacca {f}, blazer |
blazon {n} /ˈbleɪzən/ (a description of a coat of arms) | :: blason, blasonatura, blasone {m} |
blazon {v} (to describe of a coat of arms) | :: blasonare, divisare |
bleach {v} (to treat with bleach) | :: sbiancare, candeggiare, imbiancare, decolorare |
bleach {n} (chemical) | :: varechina {f}, candeggina {f}, decolorante {m}, sbiancante {m} |
bleacher {n} (seating for spectators) | :: gradinate {f-p} |
bleak {adj} /bliːk/ (without color) | :: pallido, incolore |
bleak {adj} (desolate and exposed) | :: desolato |
bleak {adj} (cheerless) | :: triste, misero, infelice |
bleak {n} (small European river fish) | :: alborella {f}, alburno {m} |
bleat {n} /ˈbliːt/ (cry of a sheep or a goat) | :: belato {m} |
bleat {v} (to make the cry of a sheep or goat) | :: belare |
bleed {v} /ˈbliːd/ (lose blood) | :: sanguinare |
bleep censor {n} (software module) | :: censore di segnale {m} |
blemish {n} /ˈblɛmɪʃ/ (small flaw which spoils the appearance of something) | :: macchia {f} |
blend {n} (in linguistics) SEE: portmanteau word | :: |
blend {n} /blɛnd/ (mixture) | :: miscela {f}, combinazione {f}, mix {m}, amalgama {f} |
blend {v} (to mix) | :: mescolare, amalgamare, rimestare, miscelare |
blende {n} (sphalerite) SEE: sphalerite | :: |
blender {n} /ˈblɛndɚ/ (machine) | :: frullatore {m} |
blennorrhea {n} (an inordinate secretion and discharge of mucus) | :: blenorragia {f} |
blenny {n} (fish of Blenniodei) | :: bavosa {f} |
blepharitis {n} /blɛfəɹˈaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of the eyelid) | :: blefarite {f} |
blepharoplasty {n} (plastic surgery on the eyelid) | :: blefaroplastica {f} |
blepharoptosis {n} (drooping of the upper eyelid) | :: blefaroptosi {f} |
bless {v} /blɛs/ (confer blessing on) | :: benedire |
blessed {adj} /ˈblɛsɪd/ (having divine aid, or protection, or other blessing) | :: beato |
blessed {adj} (In Catholicism, a title indicating the beatification of a person) | :: beato |
blessed {adj} (held in veneration; revered) | :: benedetto |
blessed {adj} | :: beato, benedetto |
blessing {n} /ˈblɛs.ɪŋ/ (divine or supernatural aid or reward) | :: benedizione |
blessing {n} (pronouncement invoking divine aid) | :: benedizione |
blessing {n} (prayer before a meal) SEE: grace | :: |
blessing in disguise {n} (A seeming misfortune that turns out to be for the best) | :: bene insperato {m}, non tutto il male viene per nuocere |
bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) | :: salute! |
bless you {interj} (short for "God bless you") SEE: God bless you | :: |
bleuatre {adj} (bluish) SEE: bluish | :: |
blight {n} /blaɪt/ (anything that impedes growth or spoils something) | :: rovina {f} |
blight {v} (to spoil or ruin (something)) | :: rovinare |
blimey {interj} /ˈblaɪmi/ (used to express anger, excitement, surprise, etc.) | :: cribbio, dannazione, foccalabindella, miseriaccia, ostia, perbacco, urca |
blimp {n} /blɪmp/ (airship) | :: dirigibile floscio {m} |
blind {adj} /blaɪnd/ (unable to see) | :: cieco, orbo |
blind {n} (covering for a window) | :: tenda {f} |
blind {v} (make temporarily or permanently blind) | :: accecare |
blind {adv} (without seeing) | :: ciecamente |
blind alley {n} (course of inquiry) SEE: impasse | :: |
blind alley {n} (street that leads nowhere) SEE: dead end | :: |
blind date {n} (romantic meeting between two people who have never met before, see also: miai) | :: appuntamento al buio {m} |
blinder {n} /ˈblaɪndɚ/ (horse's eye shield) | :: paraocchi |
blindfold {n} (a covering, usually a bandage, for the eyes) | :: benda, bendaggio {m}, bendatura {f} |
blindfold {n} (something that obscures vision (literally or metaphorically)) | :: bendaggio {m}, bendatura {f} |
blindfold {v} (To cover the eyes, in order to make someone unable to see) | :: bendare gli occhi |
blindfolded {adj} (wearing a blindfold) | :: bendato |
blindingly {adv} (extremely) SEE: extremely | :: |
blindly {adv} /ˈblaɪndli/ (sightlessly) | :: alla cieca, a tentoni, a casaccio |
blindly {adv} (without consideration or question) | :: alla leggera |
blind man's buff {n} (game where someone is blindfolded and tries to catch the others) | :: mosca cieca {f}, moscacieca {f} |
blindness {n} /ˈblaɪndnəs/ (condition of being blind) | :: cecità {f} |
blind spot {n} (part of the road that cannot be seen) | :: punto cieco {m} |
blindworm {n} (slowworm) SEE: slowworm | :: |
bling bling {n} /blɪŋ blɪŋ/ (shiny jewelry that displays wealth) | :: bling bling {m}, bling bling {f} |
blink {v} /blɪŋk/ (to close and reopen both eyes quickly) | :: sbattere le ciglia, ammiccare |
blink {v} (to flash headlights) | :: lampeggiare |
blink {v} (to send a signal with a lighting device) | :: segnalare |
blink {v} (to flash on and off at regular intervals) | :: lampeggiare, intermittenza |
blink {n} (a quick view) | :: battito di ciglia, occhiata {f}, in un batter d'occhio |
blink {n} (The act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again) | :: battito di ciglia |
blinker {n} /ˈblɪŋkə(ɹ)/ (eye shield) | :: paraocchi {m} |
blink of an eye {n} (very short period of time) | :: batter d'occhio {m}, batter d'occhi {m}, battito di ciglia {m} |
bliss {n} /blɪs/ (perfect happiness) | :: beatitudine |
blister {n} /ˈblɪstɚ/ (bubble on the skin) | :: vescica {f} |
blister {n} (bubble on a painted surface) | :: bolla {f} |
blithe {adj} /blaɪð/ (indifferent, careless, showing a lack of concern) | :: indifferente |
blithely {adv} /ˈblaɪðli/ (in a joyful, carefree manner) | :: spensieratamente, allegramente |
Blitzen {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Lampo {m} |
blitzkrieg {n} (fast military offensive) | :: guerra lampo {f}, guerra celere |
blizzard {n} /ˈblɪ.zəd/ (severe snowstorm) | :: tormenta {f}, bufera di neve {f} |
blizzard {n} (figuratively: large amount of paperwork) | :: montagna {f}, marea {f} |
BL Lac object {n} (type of galaxy with AGN) | :: oggetti BL Lac |
bloat {v} /bloʊt/ (to cause to become distended) | :: gonfiare |
bloat {v} (to get an overdistended rumen) | :: gonfiarsi |
blob {n} /blɑb/ (shapeless or amorphous mass) | :: grumo |
bloc {n} /blɑk/ (group of voters or politicians) | :: blocco {m} |
bloc {n} (group of countries) | :: blocco {m} |
block {n} /blɑk/ (substantial often approximately cuboid piece) | :: blocco {m}, cubo {m} |
block {n} (chopping block; cuboid base for cutting or beheading) | :: ceppo |
block {n} (group of buildings demarcated by streets) | :: isolato, blocco {m} |
block {n} (residential building consisting of flats) | :: condominio {m}, blocco {m} |
block {n} (set of paper sheets) | :: blocchetto {m}, blocco {m} |
block {n} (computing: logical data storage unit) | :: blocco {m} |
block {n} (part of a ship's rigging) | :: verricello {m}, bozzello {m} |
block {n} (chemistry: portion of macromolecule) | :: blocco |
block {n} (something that prevents passing) | :: ingorgo {m}, blocco {m} |
block {n} (sports: action to interfere) | :: blocco {m} |
block {n} (philately: joined group of stamps, forming square) | :: quartina {f} |
block {v} (to fill, making it impossible to pass) | :: bloccare |
block {v} (to prevent passing) | :: bloccare |
block {v} (to prevent an action) | :: bloccare |
block {v} (to impede opponent) | :: stoppare |
block {n} (stupid fellow) SEE: blockhead | :: |
block {n} (solitary confinement) SEE: solitary confinement | :: |
blockade {n} /blɑˈkeɪd/ (the isolation of something) | :: blocco {m} |
block and tackle {n} (system of several pulleys) | :: polispasto {m}, paranco {m} |
blockboard {n} (composite wood board with a softwood block core and hardwood face veneer) | :: paniforte {m} |
blockbuster {n} /ˈblɒkˌbʌstə(ɹ)/ (film or book, that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales) | :: successo commerciale {m} |
blockhead {n} (stupid person) | :: imbecille {m}, idiota {m}, testone {m} |
block of flats {n} (apartment building) SEE: apartment building | :: |
blog {n} /blɑɡ/ (a personal or corporate website) | :: diario in rete {m}, blog {m} |
blog {v} (to contribute to a blog) | :: bloggare |
blogger {n} /ˈblɔ.ɡɚ/ (contributor to a blog) | :: blogger {m} {f}, bloggista {m} {f}, blogghista {m} {f} |
blogosphere {n} (the totality of blogs) | :: blogosfera {f} |
Blois {prop} /blwɑː/ (city in Centre Region, France) | :: Blois |
blond {adj} /blɒnd/ (having blond hair) | :: biondo |
blond {n} (fair-haired person) | :: biondo {m}, bionda {f} |
blonde {n} (blond) SEE: blond | :: |
blonde {adj} (blond) SEE: blond | :: |
blondness {n} (the characteristic of being blond) | :: biondezza {f} |
blood {n} (vital liquid flowing in animal bodies) | :: sangue {m} |
bloodbath {n} /ˈblʌdˌbæθ/ (indiscriminate killing or slaughter) | :: bagno di sangue {m} |
blood clot {n} | :: trombosi {f} |
blood feud {n} (feud between clans or families) SEE: vendetta | :: |
blood group {n} (blood type) SEE: blood type | :: |
bloodhound {n} /ˈblʌd.haʊnd/ (dog) | :: segugio {m} |
bloodhound {n} (informal: detective) | :: segugio {m} |
blood is thicker than water {proverb} (relationships are stronger within the family) | :: il sangue non è acqua |
bloodless {adj} (lacking blood) | :: esanime |
bloodletting {n} (ancient medical practice) | :: salasso {m} |
bloodlust {n} /ˈblʌdˌlʌst/ (the desire for bloodshed) | :: sete di sangue {f} |
blood moon {n} (moon as it appears during a total lunar eclipse) | :: luna rossa {f}, luna di sangue {f} |
blood orange {n} (type of orange) | :: arancia sanguinella {f} |
blood pressure {n} (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins) | :: pressione {f}, pressione sanguigna {f}, pressione del sangue {f} |
blood pudding {n} (blood sausage) SEE: blood sausage | :: |
blood red {n} (dark red colour) | :: rosso sangue {m} |
blood red {adj} (of a deep vivid red colour) | :: rosso sangue |
blood relation {n} (person) | :: parente stretto {m} |
blood relative {n} (blood relation) SEE: blood relation | :: |
blood sausage {n} (type of sausage) | :: sanguinaccio {m} |
bloodshed {n} /ˈblʌdˌʃɛd/ (shedding or spilling of blood) | :: spargimento di sangue |
bloodshed {n} (carnage, destruction of life, slaughter) | :: ecatombe, carneficina |
bloodstain {n} (a spot that has absorbed blood) | :: macchia di sangue {f} |
bloodstream {n} /ˈblʌd.stɹɪim/ (flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal) | :: flusso sanguigno {m} |
bloodsucker {n} (vampire) SEE: vampire | :: |
bloodsucker {n} (parasite) SEE: parasite | :: |
blood tax {n} | :: imposta di sangue |
blood test {n} (a serologic analysis of a sample of blood) | :: esame del sangue {m} |
bloodthirsty {adj} /ˈblʌdθəːsti/ (thirsty for blood) | :: sanguinario |
blood type {n} (blood classification) | :: gruppo sanguigno {m} |
blood vessel {n} (component of the circulatory system that carries blood) | :: vaso sanguigno {m} |
blood volume {n} | :: volemia {f} |
blood work {n} (blood test) SEE: blood test | :: |
bloody {adj} /ˈblʌ.di/ (covered in blood) | :: sanguinante, cruento, insanguinato |
bloody {adj} (characterised by great bloodshed) | :: cruento, sanguinoso |
bloody {adj} (intensifier) | :: fottuto, maledetto |
bloody {v} (to draw blood) | :: insanguinare |
bloody mary {n} (cocktail made from vodka and tomato juice) | :: bloody mary {m} |
bloom {n} (flower) SEE: flower | :: |
bloom {n} (blossom) SEE: blossom | :: |
bloom {v} (open its blooms) SEE: blossom | :: |
bloom {n} /bluːm/ (delicate, powdery coating upon certain growing or newly-gathered fruits or leaves) | :: pruina {f} |
blooper {n} (gaff-rigged fore-and-aft sail) SEE: spanker | :: |
blossom {n} /ˈblɒ.səm/ (flowers on trees) | :: bocciuolo {m} |
blossom {v} (have or open into blossoms) | :: fiorire |
blot {n} /blɑt/ (blemish, spot or stain) | :: macchia {f} |
blot {v} (to cause a blot) | :: macchiare |
blotch {n} /blɒtʃ/ (An uneven patch of color or discoloration) | :: screziatura {f}, striatura {f}, chiazzatura {f}, picchiettatura {f}, macula {f}, macola {f} |
blot out {v} (to obscure) | :: oscurare |
blot out {v} (to obliterate) | :: scomparire |
blotter {n} (piece of blotting paper) SEE: blotting paper | :: |
blotter {n} (police station register) | :: registro {m}, brogliaccio {m} |
blotting paper {n} (absorbent paper used to dry ink) | :: tampone {m}, carta assorbente {f} |
blotto {adj} ((very) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk | :: |
blotto {n} /ˈblɒtəʊ/ (person who is (very) drunk or intoxicated) | :: ubriacone {m}, avvinazzato {m}, beone {m}, alcolizzato {m} |
blotto {v} (to become (very) drunk or intoxicated) | :: ubriacarsi, sborniarsi |
blotto {v} (to be annihilated or destroyed) | :: essere fatto |
blouse {n} /blaʊs/ (an outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt) | :: camicia {f}, blusa {f}, camicetta {f} |
blouse {n} (military: a loose-fitting uniform jacket) | :: camisaccio {m} |
bloviate {v} /ˈbloʊ.viˌeɪt/ (to speak or discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner) | :: concionare [pompously, not boastfully] |
blow {v} /bləʊ/ (to produce an air current) | :: soffiare |
blow {n} (strong wind) | :: ventata {f}, folata {f} |
blow {n} (act of striking or hitting) | :: botta {f}, colpo {m} |
blow {n} (cocaine) SEE: snow | :: |
blow {v} (blossom) SEE: blossom | :: |
blow away {v} (to cause to go away by blowing) | :: spazzare via |
blow-dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer | :: |
blower {n} (person) | :: soffiatore {m} |
blower {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone | :: |
blowfish {n} (any species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe) | :: pesce palla {m} |
blowgun {n} (weapon) | :: cerbottana {f} |
blowhard {n} /ˈbləʊhɑːd/ (person who talks too much or too loudly) | :: sbruffone {m} |
blowhole {n} (spiracle through which cetaceans breath) | :: sfiatatoio {m} |
blowhole {n} (vent for the escape of gas) | :: sfiatatoio |
blowjob {n} /ˈbloʊdʒɑb/ (the act of fellatio) | :: pompino {m}, pompa {f}, bocchino {m} |
blow one's nose {v} (to expel mucus from nose) | :: soffiarsi (il naso) |
blow one's top {v} (lose one's temper) SEE: lose one's temper | :: |
blow out of proportion {v} (overreact or overstate) | :: ingigantire |
blowpipe {n} (weapon) SEE: blowgun | :: |
blowtorch {n} /ˈbloʊˌtɔɹtʃ/ (tool) | :: lampada per saldare |
blow up {v} (to explode (transitive)) | :: saltare in aria |
blow up {v} (to explode (intransitive)) | :: esplodere, saltare in aria |
blow up {v} (to inflate) | :: gonfiare |
blubber {n} /ˈblʌbɚ/ (fatty tissue) | :: adipe {m} |
blubber {n} (coat of fat of Antarctic/Arctic animal) | :: pannicolo {m} |
bludgeon {n} /blʌdʒ.ən/ (short heavy club) | :: mazza |
blue {adj} /bluː/ (blue-colored, see also: dark blue; light blue) | :: [dark blue] blu, [sky blue] azzurro |
blue {adj} (depressed) | :: triste, depresso, malinconico |
blue {adj} (pornographic) | :: a luci rosse |
blue {n} (colour) | :: [dark blue] blu, [sky blue] azzurro |
blue {n} (argument) SEE: argument | :: |
blue {n} (blue uniform) SEE: blues | :: |
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky | :: |
Blue Banana {prop} (corridor) | :: banana blu |
Bluebeard {prop} (the title character) | :: Barbablù {m} |
blue beret {n} (UN peacekeeper) | :: casco blu {m} |
blueberry {n} /ˈblu.ˌbɛ.ɹi/ (fruit) | :: mirtillo {m} |
blueberry {n} (plant) | :: mirtillo {m} |
bluebird {n} (bird of Sialia) | :: sialia {m} |
bluebottle {n} (man-of-war) SEE: man-of-war | :: |
bluebottle {n} (cornflower) SEE: cornflower | :: |
blue catfish {n} (freshwater catfish) | :: pesce gatto azzurro {m} |
blue-green alga {n} (member of cyanobacteria) | :: cianobatterio {m} |
blueing {n} (laundry aid) | :: turchinetto {m} |
blue jay {n} (species of North American jay) | :: cyanocitta cristata {f} |
blueprint {n} /ˈbluːˌpɹɪnt/ (any detailed technical drawing) | :: progetto {m} |
blueprint {n} | :: progetto {m} |
blues {n} /bluːz/ (feeling of sadness) | :: malinconia {f}, paturnie {f-p} |
blue screen of death {n} (screen indicating a system error) | :: schermo blu della morte {m} |
blue shark {n} (long blue shark) | :: verdesca {f} |
bluestocking {n} (scholarly, literary, or cultured woman) | :: bas-bleu {f} |
bluestone {n} (slate) SEE: slate | :: |
bluestone {n} (limestone) SEE: limestone | :: |
bluestone {n} (basalt) SEE: basalt | :: |
bluethroat {n} (bird) | :: pettazzurro {m} |
blue tit {n} (Cyanistes caeruleus) | :: cinciarella {f} |
bluetongue {n} (disease of ruminants) | :: lingua blu {f} |
Bluetooth {prop} /ˈbluːtuːθ/ (nickname of a Danish king) | :: Dente Azzurro {m} |
Bluetooth {prop} (personal area wireless network) | :: bluetooth {m} |
blue whale {n} (a whale, Balaenoptera musculus) | :: balenottera azzurra {f} |
blue wildebeest {n} (Connochaetes taurinus) | :: gnu azzurro {m}, gnu striato {m} |
blue-winged kookaburra {n} (Dacelo leachii) | :: kookaburra dalle ali azzurre {m}, kookaburra aliazzurre {m} |
bluff {n} /blʌf/ (high, steep bank) | :: scogliera {f} |
bluish {adj} /ˈbluːɪʃ/ (somewhat blue in color) | :: (somewhat dark blue) bluastro; (somewhat sky blue) azzurrastro, azzurrognolo |
blunder {n} /ˈblʌn.dɚ/ (mistake) | :: abbaglio {m}, strafalcione {m}, cantonata, sfondone {m}, svarione {m}, topica {f} |
blunder {v} (To make a stupid mistake) | :: sbagliare, prendere una cantonata, prendere un abbaglio, sgarrare, errare, toppare, spropositare |
blunder {v} (To move blindly or clumsily) | :: muoversi a tentoni, andare alla cieca |
blunderbuss {n} /ˈblʌndəbʌs/ (old style of firearm with a distinctive large opening at the muzzle) | :: spingarda {f} |
blunt {adj} /blʌnt/ (having a thick edge or point, not sharp) | :: spuntato |
blunt {adj} (dull in understanding; slow of discernment) | :: ottuso {m} |
blunt {adj} (hard to impress or penetrate) | :: spuntato |
blunt {v} (to dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker) | :: smussare, spuntare |
blur {v} /blɜ(ɹ)/ (make indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim) | :: sbavare, offuscare |
blurb {n} /blɝ(ː)b/ (a short description of a book, film, or other work) | :: fascetta pubblicitaria {f} |
blurry {adj} /ˈblɜːɹi/ (not clear, crisp, or focused) | :: sfocato |
blurt {v} /ˈblɜːt/ (to speak suddenly and unadvisedly) | :: blaterare |
blurt out {v} (blurt) SEE: blurt | :: |
blush {n} /blʌʃ/ (makeup) | :: fard {m} |
blush {v} (to redden in the face from shame, excitement or embarrassment) | :: arrossire |
bluster {n} /ˈblʌs.tə/ (pompous, officious talk) | :: sbruffoneria {f} |
B major {n} (the major key with B as its tonic) | :: si maggiore {m} |
boa {n} /ˈboʊ.ə/ (snake) | :: boa {m} |
boa {n} (scarf) | :: boa {m} |
boar {n} (wild boar) SEE: wild boar | :: |
boar {n} /bɔɹ/ (male pig) | :: verro {m} |
board {n} /bɔːɹd/ (long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material) | :: asse {f}, tavola {f} |
board {n} (device containing electrical switches) | :: quadro {m} |
board {n} (short for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.) | :: lavagna {f} |
board {n} (managing committee) | :: consiglio di amministrazione, comitato |
board {n} (regular meals or amount paid for them in a place of lodging) | :: vitto {m} |
board {n} (side of a ship) | :: bordo {m}, fiancata {f} |
board {v} (to step or climb onto) | :: imbarcarsi, salire a bordo |
board {v} (nautical: to capture an enemy ship) | :: abbordare |
board and lodging {n} (lodging with daily meals) | :: vitto e alloggio {m} |
boarder {n} /ˈbɔɹdɚ/ (pupil who lives at school during term) | :: pensionante |
board game {n} (game played on a board) | :: gioco da tavolo {m} |
boarding {n} (embarkation) | :: imbarco {m} |
boarding {n} (act of attacking an enemy ship) | :: abbordaggio {m}, arrembaggio {m}, assalto {m}, attraccaggio {m} |
boarding {n} (structure made of boards) | :: tavolato {m}, copertura {f}, assito {m} |
boarding house {n} (private house for paying guests) | :: pensione {f} |
boarding party {n} (group of sailors to invade a ship) | :: gruppo d'assalto {m} |
boarding pass {n} /ˈbɔɹdɪŋ ˌpæs/ (a document to board a plane, ship, etc.) | :: carta d'imbarco {f} |
boarding school {n} (school which provides board and lodging) | :: collegio {m}, convitto {m}, internato {m} |
board of directors {n} (group of people elected by stockholders) | :: consiglio d'amministrazione {m} |
boarhound {n} (large dog bred to hunt boars) | :: veltro {m} |
boast {n} /bəʊst/ (brag) | :: vanteria {f}, guasconeria {f} |
boast {v} (to brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself) | :: vantarsi |
boat {n} /boʊt/ (water craft) | :: barca {f}, nave {f}, battello {m}, schifo {m}, scialuppa {f}, lancia {f}, natante {m} |
boat {n} (poker slang: full house) | :: full {m} |
boater {n} /ˈboʊ.tɚ/ (straw hat) | :: paglietta |
boatful {n} (enough of something to fill a boat) | :: barcata {f} |
boathook {n} (hook attached to a pole to push out or pull in things, see also: setting pole) | :: mezzomarinaro {m}, gaffa {f}, alighiero {m} |
boatman {n} (a man in charge of a small boat) | :: barcaiolo {m}, battelliere {m} |
boatswain {n} /ˈboʊ.sn̩/ (the officer (or warrant officer) in charge of sails, rigging, anchors, cables etc. and all work on deck of a sailing ship) | :: nostromo |
boatyard {n} (shipyard) SEE: shipyard | :: |
bob {n} (bobber) SEE: float | :: |
bob {v} /bɑb/ (move vertically at surface of water) | :: ondeggiare, dondolare, traballare, spuntare fuori |
bob {v} (move (something) as though it were bobbing in water) | :: sballottare |
bob {n} (bobbing motion) | :: sballottio {m} |
bob {n} (curtsey) SEE: curtsey | :: |
bobber {n} (buoyant fishing device) SEE: float | :: |
bobbin {n} | :: bobina {f} |
bobby {n} /ˈbɒbi/ (police officer) | :: poliziotto, piedipiatti {m}, questurino {m}, sbirro {m}, agente {m}, guardia {f} |
bobby {n} (railway signaller) | :: segnalatore ferroviario {m} |
bobby pin {n} (type of hair pin) SEE: hairgrip | :: |
bobcat {n} /ˈbɒbkæt/ (North American wild cat) | :: lince rossa {f} |
bob haircut {n} (a haircut) | :: caschetto {m} |
bobolink {n} (songbird) | :: doliconice {m} |
bobsled {n} (the sled) SEE: bobsleigh | :: |
bobsled {n} (the sport) SEE: bobsleigh | :: |
bobsleigh {n} (sport) | :: bob {m} |
bobsleigh {n} (sled) | :: bob {m} |
Boccaccian {adj} /bəˈkɑːt͡ʃiən/ (of or pertaining to Boccaccio or his works) | :: boccaccesco, boccacciano |
bocce {n} /ˈbɑtʃi/ (A game similar to bowls or pétanque) | :: bocce {f-p} |
Boche {n} (German) SEE: German | :: |
Boche {n} (derogatory: German) SEE: Fritz | :: |
bode {v} /boʊd/ (to be the omen of; to portend to presage) | :: presagire, promettere |
bode {v} (to foreshow something; to augur) | :: far presagire, preannunciare |
bodge {v} (do a clumsy or inelegant job) SEE: botch | :: |
bodice {n} /ˈbɒdɪs/ (sleeveless garment covering body from neck to waist) | :: corpino {m} |
bodice {n} (blouse-like garment in European folk dress) | :: corpetto {m} |
bodice {n} (kind of under waist stiffened with whalebone) | :: corpetto {m} |
bodice ripper {n} /ˈbɒdɪs ˌɹɪpə/ (sexually explicit romantic novel, usually in a historical setting) | :: racconto erotico {m} |
bodily {adj} /ˈbɑdɪli/ (relating to the body) | :: corporale, corporeo |
bodily {adv} (in or by the body) | :: corporalmente |
bodily fluid {n} (biofluid) | :: umore {m} |
bodkin {n} (dagger) SEE: dagger | :: |
bodkin {n} (hairpin) SEE: hairpin | :: |
body {n} /ˈbɑdi/ (physical structure of a human or animal) | :: corpo {m} |
body {n} (fleshly or corporeal nature of a human) | :: corpo {m} |
body {n} (corpse) | :: corpo {m} |
body {n} (torso) | :: corpo {m} |
body {n} (largest or most important part of anything (e.g. car bodywork)) | :: carrozzeria {f} [of vehicles], scafo {m} [of boats] |
body {n} (organisation, company or other authoritative group) | :: organo {m}, ente {m} |
body {n} (group having a common purpose or opinion) | :: corpo |
body {n} (any physical object or material thing) | :: corpo {m} |
body {n} (comparative viscosity, solidity or substance) | :: corpo {m}, consistenza {f} |
bodybuilder {n} /ˈbɑː.diˌbɪl.dɚ/ (a person who uses diet and exercise to build an aesthetically muscular physique) | :: culturista {m} {f} |
bodybuilding {n} /ˈbɑːdiˌbɪldɪŋ/ (sport of muscle development) | :: culturismo {m}, bodybuilding |
body corporate {n} (corporation) SEE: corporation | :: |
bodyguard {n} /ˈbɑːdiɡɑːɹd/ (person responsible for protecting an individual) | :: guardia del corpo {f} |
body language {n} (non-verbal communication) | :: linguaggio del corpo {m} |
body louse {n} (parasitic insect Pediculus humanus corporis) | :: piattola {f}, amico per la pelle {m} |
body of water {n} (significant accumulation of water) | :: corpo d'acqua {m}, massa d'acqua {f}, specchio d'acqua {m} |
body shop {n} (body shop) | :: carrozzeria {f} |
body snatcher {n} (One who secretly removes without right or authority a dead body from a grave) | :: ultracorpo {m} |
bodywork {n} (repair of the exterior body of a motor vehicle) | :: carrozzeria {f} |
Boeotia {prop} /biːˈəʊʃə/ (a district in Greece) | :: Beozia {f}, Aonia {f} |
Boeotian {adj} /biːˈəʊʃən/ (pertaining to Boeotia) | :: aonio, beotico, beota |
Boeotian {adj} (stupid, foolish) | :: beota |
Boer {n} /ˈbʊəɹ/ (South African of Dutch descent) | :: boero |
boffin {n} /ˈbɒfɪn/ ((informal) engineer or scientist) | :: scienziato {m} |
bog {n} /bɔɡ/ (expanse of marshland) | :: palude {f}, torbiera {f} |
bog {v} (to become mired or stuck) | :: insabbiare, affossare |
bog {v} (to make a mess of something) | :: incasinare |
bog {n} (coarse slang for toilet) SEE: shitter | :: |
bogatyr {n} (medieval Russian heroic warrior, see also: bahadur) | :: bogatyr {m} |
bog down {v} (to become stuck) | :: impantanarsi, impaludarsi, arenarsi |
bogey {n} (structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi) SEE: bogie | :: |
bogey {n} (booger) SEE: booger | :: |
bogey {n} (standard of performance set up as a mark to be aimed at) SEE: benchmark | :: |
bogeyman {n} /ˈboʊɡimæn/ (menacing, ghost-like monster in children's stories) | :: uomo nero, babau |
bogie {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette | :: |
bogie {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost | :: |
bogie {n} /ˈboʊɡi/ (structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi) | :: carrello motore di locomotiva {m} |
bogie {n} (booger) SEE: booger | :: |
bog iron {n} (bog iron ore) SEE: bog iron ore | :: |
bog iron ore {n} (deposit) | :: ferro di palude {m} |
Bogotá {prop} (Bogota) SEE: Bogota | :: |
Bogota {prop} /ˌboʊɡəˈtɑː/ (capital of Colombia) | :: Bogotà {f} |
bogue {n} (bayou) SEE: bayou | :: |
bogus {adj} /ˈboʊ.ɡəs/ (counterfeit or fake; not genuine) | :: falsificato, truccato |
bogus {adj} (incorrect; useless; broken) | :: brutto, fritto |
Bohemia {prop} /boʊˈhimiə/ (The region of the Czech Republic) | :: Boemia {f} |
Bohemian {n} (native or resident of Bohemia) | :: boemo {m} |
Bohemian {n} (dialect of the Czech language) | :: boemo {m} |
Bohemian {adj} (of, or relating to Bohemia or its language) | :: boemo |
Bohemian waxwing {n} (Bombycilla garrulus) | :: beccofrusone {m} |
bohemium {n} (rhenium) SEE: rhenium | :: |
Bohemond {prop} /ˈbəʊəmənd/ (a given name of historical usage) | :: Boemondo |
bohrium {n} /ˈbɔːɹiəm/ (chemical element) | :: bohrio {m} |
boil {n} /bɔɪl/ (accumulation of pus) | :: foruncolo {m}, pustola {f} |
boil {v} (heat (a liquid) until it begins to turn into a gas) | :: far bollire |
boil {v} (cook in boiling water) | :: bollire, far bollire, lessare |
boil {v} (begin to turn into a gas) | :: bollire |
boiled {adj} (angry) SEE: angry | :: |
boiled {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
boiled {adj} /bɔɪld/ (cooked in hot water) | :: bollito |
boiled egg {n} (hard-boiled egg) | :: uovo sodo {m} |
boiled egg {n} (soft-boiled egg) | :: uovo alla coque {m}, uovo bazzotto {m} |
boiler {n} /ˈbɔɪlə/ (device for heating circulating water) | :: caldaia {m}, scaldabagno {m}, boiler {m} |
boiler {n} (hot water heater with storage) | :: bollitore {m} |
boiler room {n} (a room that houses the boiler) | :: locale delle caldaie |
boiler suit {n} (one-piece suit) | :: tuta {f} |
boiling {n} /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ (process of changing the state of a substance) | :: ebollizione |
boiling {adj} (that boil(s)) | :: bollente |
boiling {adj} (of a thing: extremely hot) | :: bollente |
boisterous {adj} /ˈbɔɪstəɹəs/ (full of energy; noisy) | :: esuberante, chiassoso |
boisterous {adj} (characterized by violence and agitation; wild; stormy) | :: turbolento, tempestoso |
bok choy {n} (Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis) | :: cavolo cinese {m}, pe-tsai {m} |
bokeh {n} /ˈboʊ.kə/ (subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image) | :: bokeh {m} |
bold {adj} /bəʊld/ (courageous, daring) | :: sfrontato, ardito, audace, coraggioso, baldo |
bold {adj} (having thicker strokes than the ordinary form of the typeface) | :: grassetto |
bold {adj} (presumptuous) SEE: presumptuous | :: |
boldface {n} (a font with thicker strokes) | :: grassetto {m} |
boldly {adv} /ˈboʊldli/ (in a bold manner) | :: arditamente, coraggiosamente, valentemente, audacemente, sfrontatamente |
bolide {n} /ˈboʊ.laɪd/ (extremely bright meteor) | :: bolide {m} |
bolide {n} (any extraterrestrial body that collides with earth) | :: meteora {f} |
bolide {n} (fireball) | :: palla di fuoco {f}, bolide {m}, stella cadente {f} |
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela {prop} (official name of Venezuela) | :: Repubblica Bolivariana del Venezuela {f} |
Bolivia {prop} /boʊ.ˈlɪv.i.ə/ (country in South America) | :: Bolivia |
boll {n} /boʊl/ (the rounded seed-bearing capsule of a cotton or flax plant) | :: capsula {f} |
bollard {n} /ˈbɒləɹd/ (post to secure mooring lines) | :: bitta {f}, galloccia {f} |
bollard {n} (post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area) | :: paracarro {m}, pilastro {m}, spartitraffico {m}, colonnina {f} |
bollock {n} /ˈbɒ.lək/ ((vulgar, slang) testicle) | :: coglione {m} |
bollocks {n} /ˈbɒ.ləks/ (testicles) | :: testicoli {m-p}, [vulgar, slang] coglioni {p}, [vulgar, slang] palle {m-p}, [vulgar, slang] balle {m-p} |
bollocks {n} (nonsense or information deliberately intended to mislead) | :: coglionata {f}, cazzate {f}, palle {f}, balle {f} |
bollocks {n} (an idiot or disagreeable person) | :: [vulgar, slang] coglione {m} |
bollocks {v} (to fail (a task)) | :: incasinare |
bollocks {interj} (expressing anger, frustration) | :: puttana {f}, merda {f}, cazzo {m} |
Bollywood {prop} (Indian film industry) | :: Bollywood {m} |
Bologna {prop} /bəˈloʊnjə/ (province) | :: Bologna {f} |
Bologna {prop} (city) | :: Bologna {f} |
bolognese {n} /ˌbɒləˈneɪz/ (Italian sauce) | :: ragù alla bolognese {m}, ragù bolognese {m}, ragù {m} |
bolognese {n} (dish served with bolognese) | :: [adjectival] al ragù |
Bolognese {adj} /ˌbɒləˈneɪz/ (of or relating to Bologna) | :: bolognese |
Bolognese {adj} (relating to culinary sauce) | :: ragù alla bolognese {m} |
Bolognian {adj} (of or relating to Bologna) SEE: Bolognese | :: |
bolometer {n} (a device for measuring the energy of electromagnetic radiation) | :: bolometro {m} |
bolometric {adj} | :: bolometrico |
Bolshevik {n} /ˈbɒlʃəvɪk/ (a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917) | :: bolscevico {m} |
Bolshevism {n} /ˈbɒlʃəˌvɪz(ə)m/ (Communist political ideology) | :: bolscevismo {m} |
bolster {n} /ˈboʊlstɚ/ (a large cushion or pillow) | :: capezzale {m} |
bolster {v} (to brace, reinforce, secure, or support) | :: sostenere, supportare, appoggiare |
bolt {n} /boʊlt/ (metal fastener) | :: bullone {m} |
bolt {n} (sliding pin or bar in a lock) | :: chiavistello {m}, barilotto {m}, rocchetto {m} |
bolt {n} (bar to prevent a door from being forced open) | :: chiavistello {m} |
bolt {n} (sliding mechanism to chamber and unchamber a cartridge in a firearm) | :: otturatore {m} |
bolt {n} (lightning spark) | :: fulmine {m}, saetta {f} |
bolt {n} (large roll of material) | :: rotolo {m} |
bolt {v} (to connect pieces using a bolt) | :: serrare, imbullonare |
bolt {v} (to secure a door) | :: sprangare |
bolt {v} (to escape) | :: scappare, fuggire |
bolt {v} (to swallow food without chewing) | :: inghiottire, trangugiare |
bolt rope {n} (A rope sewn around the edge of a sail) | :: gratile {m} |
bolus {n} (round mass of food) | :: bolo {m} |
Bolzano {prop} (town and capital of South Tyrol) | :: Bolzano {f} |
bomb {n} /bɑm/ (device filled with explosives) | :: bomba {f}, explosivo {m}, ordigno {m} |
bomb {n} (very attractive woman) | :: bomba {f} |
bomb {v} (attack with bombs) | :: bombardare |
bomb {n} (success) SEE: success | :: |
bombard {v} /ˌbɑmˈbɑɹd/ | :: bombardare |
bombardment {n} (act of bombing, esp towns or cities) | :: bombardamento |
bombastic {adj} /bɑmˈbæs.tʰɪk/ (pompous or overly wordy) | :: pomposo, magniloquente {m}, ampolloso |
Bombay {n} | :: gatto Bombay |
Bombay cat {n} (Bombay) SEE: Bombay | :: |
bomb cyclone {n} | :: ciclone bomba {m} |
bomber {n} /ˈbɑməɹ/ (aircraft) | :: bombardiere {m} |
bomber {n} (bomb setter) | :: bombarolo {m}, attentatore, dinamitardo |
bombing {n} /ˈbɒmɪŋ/ (action of dropping bombs from the air) | :: bombardamento {m} |
bombproof {n} (air-raid shelter) SEE: air-raid shelter | :: |
bombshell {n} (a bomb or artillery shell designed to explode on impact) | :: bomba {f}, granata {f} |
bombshell {n} (something that is very surprising, shocking, amazing or sensational) | :: notizia clamorosa {f} |
bombshell {n} (someone who is very attractive) | :: schianto {m} |
bomb shelter {n} (air-raid shelter) SEE: air-raid shelter | :: |
Bonapartism {n} /ˈbəʊnəpɑːtɪzəm/ (pratices and ideology of Napoleon Bonaparte) | :: bonapartismo {m} |
Bonapartist {n} (one attached to Napoleon's policy) | :: bonapartista {m} {f} |
Bonapartist {adj} (relating to Bonapartism) | :: bonapartistico, bonapartista |
bon appétit {phrase} /ˌbɒn apəˈtiː/ (used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat) | :: buon appetito |
Bonaventure {prop} (male given name) | :: Bonaventura {m} |
bond {n} /bɑnd/ (that which binds, a band) | :: legaccio {m}, stringa {f}, laccio {m} |
bond {n} (link, connection or union) | :: legame {m}, vincolo {m}, collante {m}, cemento {m} |
bond {n} (in chemistry, a link or force between neighbouring atoms in a molecule) | :: legame {m} |
bond {n} (binding agreement, a covenant) | :: accordo {m}, alleanza {f} |
bond {n} (documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract) | :: obbligazione {f}, vincolo {m} |
bond {v} (to connect, secure, or tie) | :: legare, cementare, collegare |
bond {n} (bail bond) SEE: bail bond | :: |
bondage {n} /ˈbɑn.dɪd͡ʒ/ (The state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery) | :: schiavitù {f} |
bondage {n} (The practice of tying people up for sexual pleasure) | :: bondage {m} |
bone {v} /ˈboʊn/ (to remove bones) | :: disossare |
bone {v} (slang: have sexual intercourse with) | :: fottere, scopare, chiavare |
bone {n} (material) | :: osso {m} |
bone {n} (component of a skeleton) | :: osso {m} |
bone {n} (fishbone) | :: lisca {f} |
bone {n} (colour) | :: osseo {m} |
bone density {n} (bone mineral density) | :: densità minerale ossea {f} |
bonefish {n} (game fish) | :: albula {f} |
bone marrow {n} (bone marrow) | :: midollo osseo {m}, midollo |
boner {n} /ˈboʊ.nɚ/ (erect penis) | :: erezione |
boner {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) SEE: erection | :: |
bones {n} /boʊnz/ (percussive folk musical instrument) | :: ossa |
boneseeker {n} /ˈbəʊnsiːkə/ (element that has a tendency to accumulate in bones) | :: radioisotopo {m} |
bonfire {n} /ˈbɑnˌfaɪ.ɚ/ (fire to burn unwanted items or people) | :: rogo {m} [for corpses or people], falò {m} [for unwanted items] |
bonfire {n} (large, outdoor controlled fire) | :: falò {m} |
bongo {n} (mammal) | :: bongo {m} |
bongo drum {n} (bongo) SEE: bongo | :: |
bonheur du jour {n} /bəˌnɝ d(j)u ˈʒʊɹ/ (lady's writing desk) | :: bonheur-du-jour {m}, scrivania {f} |
Boniface {prop} (male given name) SEE: Bonifatius | :: |
Bonifacio {prop} /bəˈniː.fɑː.tʃoʊ/ (city in Corsica) | :: Bonifacio |
Bonifatius {prop} (male given name) | :: Bonifacio |
bonito {n} (fish of Sarda) | :: palamita {f} |
bonjour {interj} (hello) SEE: hello | :: |
bonk {v} /bɒŋk/ (to strike or collide) | :: battere, scontrarsi, sbattere |
bonk {v} (to have sexual intercourse) | :: scopare, trombare, sbattere |
bonk {n} (bump on the head) | :: bernoccolo {m}, bozzo {m}, bitorzolo {m}, rigonfiamento {m} |
bonk {n} (minor collision) | :: urto {m} |
bonk {n} (sexual intercourse) | :: scopata {f}, chiavata {f} |
bonkers {adj} (mad, crazy) | :: rincoglionito, barbogio |
Bonn {prop} (a city in Germany) | :: Bonn |
bonnet {n} /ˈbɒn.ɪt/ (type of women's and children's hat) | :: cuffia {f} |
bonnet {n} (cover over the engine of a motor car) | :: cofano {m} |
bonnet {n} (second stomach of a ruminant) SEE: reticulum | :: |
bonsai {v} /ˈbɑnsaɪ/ (a miniaturized tree or plant) | :: bonsai {m} |
bonus {n} /ˈboʊ.nəs/ (something extra that is good) | :: bonus {m} |
bonus {n} (extra amount of money given as a premium) | :: bonus {m} |
bon vivant {n} /ˌbɑn viˈvɑnt/ (person who enjoys the good things in life, especially good food and drink) | :: gaudente {m} {f}, viveur {m}, viveuse {f} |
bon voyage {interj} /ˌbɒn vwaɪˈɑːʒ/ (wish of good journey) | :: buon viaggio |
bony {adj} /ˈbəʊni/ (with little flesh; skinny, thin) | :: ossuto, stecchino {m} |
bonze {n} (Buddhist monk or priest in East Asia) | :: bonzo {m}, monaco buddista {m} |
boob {n} /ˈbuːb/ (idiot, fool) | :: babbeo {m} |
boob {n} (breast (colloquial)) | :: zizza {f}, tetta {f}, zinna {f} |
boob job {n} (breast augmentation) | :: plastica al seno {f}, tette rifatte {f-p} |
boo-boo {v} /ˈbuːˌbuː/ (A minor injury) | :: bua {f} |
booby {n} /ˈbuːbi/ (stupid person) | :: babbeo {m} |
booby {n} (bird) | :: sula {f} |
booby {n} (woman’s breast) | :: tetta {f}, zizza {f}, zinna {f} |
booby trap {n} (an unforeseen source of danger; a pitfall) SEE: pitfall | :: |
booby trap {n} (antipersonnel device deliberately hidden or disguised as a harmless object) | :: trabocchetto {m} |
boodle {n} /ˈbuːdəl/ (Money, especially when acquired or spent illegally or improperly; swag) | :: bottino {m}, refurtiva {f} |
booger {n} /ˈbʊɡɚ/ (a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus) | :: caccola {f} |
book {n} (ebook) SEE: e-book | :: |
book {n} (collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material) | :: libro {m} |
book {n} (convenient collection of small paper items, such as stamps) | :: blocchetto {m} |
book {v} (to reserve) | :: prenotare, riservare |
book {v} (to write down, register, record) | :: annotare, trascrivere |
book {v} (to record the details of an offender) | :: ammonire |
book {v} (sports: to issue with a caution) | :: ammonire |
bookbinder {n} (person whose profession is binding books) | :: legatore {m}, legatrice {f} |
bookcase {n} /ˈbʊkːeɪs/ (furniture displaying books) | :: libreria {f} |
bookend {n} (object designed to keep books upright) | :: reggilibro {m} |
bookie {n} (bookmaker) SEE: bookmaker | :: |
booking {n} /ˈbʊkɪŋ/ (reservation for a service) | :: prenotazione {f} |
bookkeeping {n} (skill of keeping records of financial transactions) | :: contabilità {f} |
booklet {n} /ˈbʊk.lət/ (small book) | :: libretto {m}, libello, libricino {m} |
book lung {n} (A lamellate respiratory organ found in arachnids) | :: polmone a libro {m} |
bookmaker {n} /ˈbʊkmeɪkəɹ/ (a person who prints or binds books) | :: tipografo {m}, rilegatore {m} |
bookmaker {n} (a person who calculates odds and accepts bets; a bookie) | :: bookmaker {m}, allibratore {m} |
bookmark {n} /ˈbʊkmɑɹk/ (strip used to mark a place in a book) | :: segnalibro {m} |
Book of the Dead {prop} (ancient Egyptian funerary text) | :: Libro dei morti {m} |
bookrack {n} (rack for books) SEE: bookshelf | :: |
bookrest {n} (support used to maintain a book) | :: leggio |
bookseller {n} /ˈbʊksɛlɚ/ (person) | :: libraio {m}, libraia {f} |
bookshelf {n} /ˈbʊkˌʃɛlf/ (shelf for storing books) | :: libreria {f} |
bookshop {n} (shop that sells books) | :: libreria {f} |
Books of Moses {prop} (five books) | :: Libri di Mosè {m-p} |
bookstore {n} (bookshop) SEE: bookshop | :: |
bookworm {n} /ˈbʊk.wɜːm/ (insect) | :: bibliofago {m} |
bookworm {n} (avid reader) | :: bibliofago {m}, topo di biblioteca {m} |
Boolean {adj} /ˈbuli.ən/ (logic: pertaining to data items that have values “true” and “false”) | :: booleano |
Boolean algebra {n} (algebraic structure) | :: algebra booleana {f}, reticolo booleano {m}, algebra di Boole {f} |
boom {n} /bum/ (spar extending the foot of a sail) | :: boma {m} |
boomerang {n} /ˈbuːməɹæŋ/ (flat curved airfoil) | :: boomerang, bumerang |
boomslang {n} /ˈbuːmˌslæŋ/ (Dispholidus typus) | :: boomslang |
boondoggle {n} (woggle) SEE: woggle | :: |
boor {n} /bʊə/ (a peasant) | :: cafone {m}, bifolco {m}, becero {m}, buzzurro {m} |
boor {n} (a Boer, white South African of Dutch or Huguenot descent) | :: boero {m} |
boor {n} (an uncultured person) | :: cafone {m} |
boorish {adj} /ˈbʊəɹɪʃ/ (behaving as a boor) | :: zotico, becero, grossolano, rozzo |
boorishness {n} (the state or characteristic of being a boor or of being boorish) | :: maialata {f} |
boost {n} /buːst/ (push from behind) | :: spinta {f} |
boost {v} (to help or encourage (something) to increase or improve) | :: incrementare, potenziare, rafforzare |
boost {v} | :: aumentare, incentivare |
booster {n} /ˈbustɚ/ (A booster dose) | :: richiamo {m} |
boot {n} /but/ (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg) | :: stivale {m}, scarpone {m} |
boot {n} (flexible cover of rubber, plastic or similar to protect a shaft, lever, switch etc) | :: guaina {f} |
boot {n} (torture device) | :: ganasce {f-p}, ceppo {m}, ceppi {m-p} |
boot {n} (the act or process of bootstrapping) | :: avvio {m} |
boot {v} (to start a system) | :: avviare, caricare |
boot {n} (kick) SEE: kick | :: |
boot {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) SEE: trunk | :: |
bootblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner | :: |
booth {n} /buːθ/ (A small stall for the display and sale of goods) | :: bancarella, stand, bugigattolo {m} |
booth {n} (An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person) | :: cabina {f} |
bootlace {n} (lace for fastening boots) | :: sogattolo {m} |
bootlegger {n} (illegal trader) | :: contrabbandiere, trafficante {m} |
bootlicker {n} (person who behaves in a servile or obsequious manner) | :: ruffiano {m}, leccapiedi |
bootmaker {n} (a maker of boots, a cobbler) | :: stivalaio {m} |
bootstrap {v} (to load the operating system) SEE: boot | :: |
bootstrap {n} /ˈbuːtˌstɹæp/ (a loop at the top of a boot to help in pulling it on) | :: linguetta {f}, tirante {m} |
bootstrap {n} (a means of advancing oneself or accomplishing something) | :: trampolino {m} |
bootstrap {n} (the process by which the operating system of a computer is loaded into its memory) | :: avvio {m} |
bootstrap {n} (the process necessary to compile the tools that will be used to compile the rest of the system or program) | :: caricamento {m} |
boot up {v} (to start computer by bootstrap procedure) SEE: boot | :: |
booty {n} /ˈbuːti/ (plunder) | :: bottino {m}, bottini {m-p} |
booze {n} /buːz/ (any alcoholic beverage) | :: alcolici {m-p} |
boozer {n} /ˈbuː.zə(ɹ)/ (drunkard) | :: ubriacone {m}, (archaic) beone {m} |
bora {n} (wind) | :: bora {f} |
boraciferous {adj} (yielding or containing borax) | :: boracifero |
borage {n} /ˈbɒɹ.ɪdʒ/ (Borago officinalis) | :: borragine {f}, borraggine {f} |
borate {n} (salt of boric acid) | :: borato {m} |
borax {n} (crystalline salt) | :: borace {m} |
borborygm {n} (gurgling or rumbling noise produced by gas in the bowels) SEE: borborygmus | :: |
borborygmus {n} /bɔːbəˈɹɪɡməs/ (the rumbling sounds in the intestines) | :: borborigmo {m} |
Bordeaux {prop} /bɔɹdoʊ/ (a city in France) | :: Bordeaux, Bordello [obsolete] |
Bordeaux mixture {n} (copper sulphate and lime mixture) | :: poltiglia bordolese {f} |
bordello {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel | :: |
border {n} /ˈbɔɹdɚ/ (the outer edge of something) | :: confine {m} |
border {n} (a decorative strip around the edge of something) | :: orlo |
border {n} (the line or frontier area separating regions) | :: confine {m}, frontiera {f} |
bordering {adj} (having a common boundary or border) | :: cingente |
border on {v} (To be almost like some other thing) | :: rasentare |
bordure {n} (contrasting border round a shield) | :: bordura {f} |
bore {v} /bɔɹ/ (to make a hole) | :: alesare, scavare, scavare |
bore {v} (to inspire boredom) | :: annoiare, tediare |
bore {n} (A hole drilled or milled through something) | :: foro {m} |
bore {n} (The tunnel inside of a gun's barrel through which the bullet travels when fired) | :: calibro {m} |
bore {n} (a tool for making a hole) | :: trapano {m}, saetta {f}, punta {f} |
bore {n} (One who inspires boredom) | :: pedante {m} {f}, logorroico {m} |
bore {n} (sudden and rapid flow of tide) | :: flusso anomalo {m}, ondata anomala {f} |
Boreas {prop} /ˈbɔːɹɪəs/ (Greek god) | :: Borea {m} |
bored {adj} /bɔːɹd/ (suffering from boredom) | :: annoiato, scocciato |
boredom {n} /ˈbɔɹ.dəm/ (state of being bored) | :: noia {f}, tedio {m} |
borer {n} /ˈbɔːɹɚ/ (tool) | :: alesatore {m} |
bore water {n} (water accumulated in aquifers below the earth's surface) SEE: groundwater | :: |
Borgia {prop} (family) | :: Borgia |
boric {adj} (pertaining to the element boron) | :: borico {m} |
boric acid {n} (White crystalline solid soluble as a weak acid) | :: acido borico {m} |
boring {adj} /ˈbɔːɹɪŋ/ (causing boredom) | :: noioso, palloso, tedioso, soporifero, barboso, palloso, uggioso, stucchevole |
born {adj} /ˈbɔɹn/ (given birth to) | :: nato |
born {v} (be born) SEE: be born | :: |
born-again {adj} (renewed commitment to Jesus Christ) | :: rinato {m}, rinata {f} |
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth {adj} (born rich or in a wealthy family) | :: nascere con la camicia |
boro {v} (borrow) SEE: borrow | :: |
borohydride {n} (borohydride) | :: boroidruro {m} |
boron {n} /ˈbɔːˌɹɒn/ (chemical element) | :: boro {m} |
borough {n} /ˈbʌɹoʊ/ (municipal borough) | :: rione {m}, borgo {m} |
Borromean Islands {prop} (group of three small islands) | :: Isole Borromee |
borrow {v} /ˈbɒɹəʊ/ (receive temporarily) | :: prendere in prestito |
borrowing {n} (loanword) SEE: loanword | :: |
borscht {n} /bɔːʃt/ (beetroot soup) | :: boršč {m} |
borstal {n} (juvenile institution) SEE: reform school | :: |
borzoi {n} /ˈbɔːzɔɪ/ (breed of dog) | :: barzoi {m} |
Bose-Einstein condensate {n} (gaseous superfluid) | :: condensato di Bose-Einstein {m} |
Bose-Einstein statistics {n} (particle statistics model applicable to bosons) | :: statistica di Bose-Einstein {f} |
bosk {n} (thicket; small wood) SEE: thicket | :: |
bosky {adj} /ˈbɒski/ (having abundant bushes or trees) | :: boscoso [trees], cespuglioso [bushes, shrubs] |
Bosnia {prop} /ˈbɑə/ (short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina') | :: Bosnia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina {prop} /ˈbɒzni.ə ænd ˌhɜɹtsɨɡoʊˈviːnə/ (country on the Balkan peninsula) | :: Bosnia-Erzegovina {f}, Bosnia ed Erzegovina {f} |
Bosniak {n} (a person with ties to Bosnia, traditional adherence to Islam, and common culture and language) | :: bosgnacco {m} |
Bosniak {n} | :: bosniaco {m}, bosgnacco {m} |
Bosnian {adj} /ˈbɑːzni.ən/ (of or pertaining to Bosnia) | :: bosniaco {m} |
Bosnian {n} (the people) | :: bosniaco {m}, bosniaca {f} |
Bosnian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) | :: bosniaco {m} |
bosom {n} /ˈbʊz(ə)m/ (chest, breast) | :: seno {m} |
bosom {n} (protective embrace) | :: intimità {f}, seno {m} |
bosom {adj} (in a very close relationship) | :: intimo |
bosom buddy {n} (bosom friend) SEE: bosom friend | :: |
bosom friend {n} (very close friend) | :: amico per la pelle {m} |
boson {n} /ˈboʊ.zɒn/ (particle) | :: bosone {m} |
bosonic {adj} /boʊˈsɑnɪk/ (of, pertaining to, or resembling a boson) | :: bosonico |
Bosphorus {prop} /ˈbɒs.fəɹ.əs/ (a strait that passes through Istanbul) | :: Bosforo {m} |
boss {n} /bɔs/ (supervisor) | :: capo {m}, principale {m} |
boss {n} (person in charge) | :: capo {m}, padrone {m} |
boss {n} (enemy in video game) | :: boss {mf} |
boss {v} (to exercise authority over (someone)) | :: comandare |
boss {n} (projection in centre of shield) | :: umbone {m} |
boss {n} (architecture: knob or protrusion) | :: bugna {f} |
bossage {n} (rough, unfinished stone block) | :: bugnato {m} |
bossiness {n} (the characteristic of being bossy) | :: caporalismo {m}, rampantismo {m} |
Boston {prop} /ˈbɔstən/ (city in Massachusetts) | :: Boston {f} |
bosun {n} (warrant or petty officer in navy) | :: nostromo {m} |
bot {n} (robot) SEE: robot | :: |
botanic {adj} (pertaining to botany) SEE: botanical | :: |
botanical {adj} (Of or pertaining to botany) | :: botanico |
botanical garden {n} (a place where a variety of plants are grown for scientific reasons) | :: orto botanico {m}, giardino botanico {m} |
botanical name {n} (scientific name of plants) | :: nome botanico {m} |
botanic garden {n} (botanical garden) SEE: botanical garden | :: |
botany {n} /ˈbɒtəni/ (scientific study of plants) | :: botanica {f} |
botch {v} /bɑt͡ʃ/ (to perform (a task) in an unacceptable or incompetent manner) | :: malfare, raffazzonare, pasticciare, rovinare, abborracciare |
botch {v} (to do something without skill, without care, or clumsily) | :: raffazzonare, rabberciare |
botch {n} (An action, job, or task that has been performed very badly) | :: pasticcio, pastrocchio {m}, guazzabuglio {m} |
botched {adj} (clumsily made or repaired) | :: pasticciato, raffazzonato |
botcher {n} (clumsy or incompetent worker; a bungler) | :: abborracciatore {m}, abborracciatrice {f}, abborracciona {f}, abborraccione {m}, cianfruglione {m}, guastamestieri {m} {f}, raffazzonatore {m}, raffazzonatrice {f} |
Boötes {prop} /boʊˈoʊtiːz/ (a constellation) | :: Boote {m}, bovaro {m} |
both {determiner} /bəʊθ/ (each of two; one and the other) | :: entrambi, tutti e due {m}, tutte le due {f}, ambedue |
both {conj} (both...and...) | :: sia... che... |
bother {v} /ˈbɑðɚ/ (to annoy, disturb) | :: disturbare, infastidire |
bother {v} (make or take trouble) | :: disturbarsi, prendersi la briga, preoccuparsi |
bother {v} (to do something which is of negligible inconvenience) | :: preoccuparsi, disturbarsi, prendersi la briga, degnarsi |
bother {n} (fuss, ado) | :: confusione {f}, trambusto {m}, agitazione {f} |
bother {n} (trouble, inconvenience) | :: fastidio {m}, incomodo {m}, seccatura {f}, problema {m} |
botheration {interj} (expression of annoyance) SEE: bother | :: |
bothersome {adj} (causing bother or perplexity) | :: irritante, seccante, noioso {m}, fastidioso {m} |
Botswana {prop} /bɑːtˈswɑːnə/ (Republic of Botswana) | :: Botswana {f} |
Botswanan {n} (person from Botswana) | :: botswaniano {m}, botswaniana {f} |
Botswanan {adj} (pertaining to Botswana) | :: botswaniano |
Botswanian {n} (Botswanan) SEE: Botswanan | :: |
Botswanian {adj} (Botswanan) SEE: Botswanan | :: |
bottle {n} /ˈbɒ.təl/ (container) | :: bottiglia {f} |
bottle {n} (contents of such a container) | :: bottiglia {f} |
bottle {v} (seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption) | :: imbottigliare |
bottle {n} (container with a rubber nipple) SEE: baby bottle | :: |
bottle cap {n} (closure used to seal bottles) | :: tappo {m} |
bottle-fed {adj} (that has been fed by bottle) | :: allattato artificialmente, allattato con il biberon |
bottle-feed {v} (feed a baby using a bottle) | :: allattare artificialmente, allattare con il biberon |
bottle gourd {n} (calabash) SEE: calabash | :: |
bottleneck {n} (neck of a bottle) | :: collo di bottiglia {m} |
bottleneck {n} (narrowing of the road, especially resulting in a delay) | :: collo di bottiglia {m}, strettoia {f}, strozzatura {f}, imbuto {m} |
bottleneck {n} (part of a process that is too slow or cumbersome) | :: collo di bottiglia {m}, strettoia {f}, strozzatura {f}, imbuto {m} |
bottlenose dolphin {n} (species of dolphin) | :: tursiope {m} |
bottle opener {n} (device to open bottles) | :: apribottiglie {m}, [corkscrew] cavatappi {m} |
bottle up {v} (to put into bottles) | :: imbottigliare |
bottle up {v} (to prevent enemy vessels of leaving an anchorage) | :: imbottigliare |
bottom {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss | :: |
bottom {n} /ˈbɑtəm/ (lowest part) | :: fondo, parte inferiore {f} |
bottom {n} (euphemistic: buttocks or anus) | :: sedere {m} |
bottom {n} (gay sexual slang: penetrated partner in sex) | :: passivo {m} |
bottom sheet {n} (bottom bed sheet) | :: lenzuolo con angoli {m} |
botulinic {adj} (of or pertaining to the botulinum bacterium) | :: botulinico |
botulinum toxin {n} (neurotoxic protein produced by Clostridium botulinum) | :: tossina botulinica {f} |
botulism {n} /ˈbɒt.jʊl.ɪz.əm/ (medical condition) | :: botulismo {m} |
botulogenic {adj} (that produces botulism) | :: botuligeno |
bougainvillea {n} /ˌbu.ɡənˈvɪl.jə/ (flower) | :: buganvillea {f} |
bough {n} /baʊ/ (tree branch) | :: ramo {m} |
bouillabaisse {n} (mixture) SEE: mixture | :: |
bouillabaisse {n} /ˈbuːjəˌbeɪs/ (type of fish stew or soup from Provence) | :: bouillabaisse {f} |
bouillon cube {n} (cube) | :: dado |
boulder {n} /ˈboʊldəɹ/ (large mass of stone) | :: macigno {m} |
boulderer {n} | :: sassista |
bouldering {n} (climbing on large boulders) | :: sassismo {m} |
boule {n} | :: bulè {f} |
boules {n} (game played with metal balls) | :: bocce {f-p} |
bouleuterion {n} | :: buleuterio |
boulevard {n} /ˈbʊləvɑɹd/ (broad, landscaped thoroughfare) | :: viale {m} |
bounce {v} /baʊns/ (to change direction of motion after hitting an obstacle) | :: rimbalzare |
bounce {n} (change of direction of motion after hitting an obstacle) | :: rimbalzo {m} |
bounce {n} (movement up and down) | :: rimbalzo {m} |
bouncer {n} /ˈbaʊnsə˞/ (member of security personnel) | :: buttafuori {m} |
bouncing castle {n} /ˌbaʊnsɪŋ ˈkæsəl/ (inflatable structure on which children jump and play) | :: castello gonfiabile {m} |
bound {adj} /ˈbaʊnd/ (obliged to) | :: obbligato {m}, confinato {m}, tenuto {m}, costretto, portato |
bound {adj} (constrained by something, or constrained to something) | :: obbligato, costretto |
bound {adj} (ready, prepared) | :: destinato, diretto, indirizzato |
bound {adj} (ready to start or go (to); moving in the direction (of)) | :: diretto, incamminato |
bound {n} (boundary, border of territory) | :: frontiera {f}, confine {m} |
bound {n} (mathematics: value greater (or smaller) than a given set) | :: limite {m} |
bound {v} (to surround a territory) | :: confinare, accerchiare, delimitare |
bound {n} (sizeable jump) | :: salto {m}, balzo {m} |
bound {v} (to leap) | :: balzare |
boundary {n} /ˈbaʊndəɹi/ (dividing line or location between two areas) | :: confine, limite |
boundless {adj} (without bounds, unbounded) | :: illimitato, sconfinato |
bound variable {n} (in logic) | :: [Peano] variabile apparente {f} |
bounty {n} (abundance or wealth) SEE: abundance | :: |
bounty {n} /ˈbaʊnti/ (something given liberally, see also: gift) | :: regalo {m}, dono {m}, regalia {f} |
bounty {n} (reward for some specific act) | :: premio {m}, ricompensa {f}, taglia {f} |
bounty {n} (money paid to a person when becoming a member of the armed forces, or as a reward for some service therein) | :: ricompensa {f}, paga {f}, ingaggio {m}, premio {m}, premio di arruolamento {m}, compenso {m}, retribuzione {f} |
bounty {n} (generosity) SEE: generosity | :: |
bounty hunter {n} (person who catches criminals in return for a reward) | :: cacciatore di taglie {m} |
bouquet {n} /boʊˈkeɪ/ (bunch of flowers) | :: mazzo {m} |
bouquet {n} (scent of wine) | :: profumo {m}, fragranza {f}, aroma {m} |
bourdon {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee | :: |
bourgeois {n} /bəɹˈdʒɔɪs/ (9-point type) | :: gagliarda |
bourgeoisie {n} /ˌbʊə(ɹ)ʒwɑːˈziː/ (class) | :: borghesia {f} |
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté {prop} (region of France) | :: Borgogna-Franca Contea |
bourse {n} (stock exchange) SEE: stock exchange | :: |
bout {n} /ˈbaʊt/ (period of something) | :: attacco {m} |
bovarysm {n} (anxiety to escape from an unsatisfactory social or sentimental condition) | :: bovarismo {m} |
bovid {n} /ˈboʊvɪd/ (an animal of Bovidae) | :: bovide {m} |
bovine {adj} /ˈboʊvaɪn/ (of, relating to or resembling cattle) | :: bovino |
bovine spongiform encephalopathy {n} (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) | :: encefalopatia spongiforme bovina {f} |
bow {n} /boʊ/ (weapon used for shooting arrows) | :: arco {m} |
bow {n} (bend in a rod or planar surface) | :: arco {m} |
bow {n} (rod used for playing stringed instruments) | :: arco {m}, archetto {m} |
bow {n} (type of knot with two loops) | :: fiocco {m} |
bow {v} (to become bent) | :: curvarsi, piegarsi, incurvarsi |
bow {v} (to bend a thing) | :: curvare, piegare, incurvare |
bow {v} /baʊ/ (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference) | :: inchinarsi, fare la riverenza |
bow {n} (gesture made by bending forward at the waist) | :: inchino {m} |
bow {n} /baʊ/ (front of a boat or ship) | :: prua {f}, prora {f} |
bow and arrow {n} /bəʊ(.)ən(d.)æɹəʊ/ (weapon) | :: arco e freccia |
Bowden cable {n} (cable used to transmit force by the movement of an inner cable) | :: cavo Bowden {m}, guaina {f} |
bowdlerize {v} /ˈbaʊd.lə.ˌɹaɪz/ (to remove or alter parts of a text considered offensive) | :: censurare |
bow drill {n} (a simple hand-operated tool) SEE: fire drill | :: |
bowel {n} /ˈbaʊ.əl/ (large intestine) | :: intestino crasso {m} |
bowel {n} (intestines, entrails) | :: budella {f}, viscere, intestino {m} |
bowel {n} (interior of something) | :: interiora {f-p} |
bowels {n} /baʊ.əlz/ (deepest or innermost part) | :: profondità {f-p}, viscere {f-p} [of the earth] |
bowels {n} (intestines) | :: interiora {f-p}, budella {f-p} |
bowfin {n} (Amia calva) | :: amia {f} |
bowhead {n} (Balaena mysticetus) | :: balena della Groenlandia {f} |
bowhead whale {n} (a whale, Balaena mysticetus) SEE: bowhead | :: |
bowing and scraping {n} (obsequious or deferential behaviour) | :: salamelecco {m} |
bowl {n} /boɫ/ (container for food) | :: scodella {f}, ciotola {f}, terrina {f}, tazza {f} |
bowl {n} (ball used in lawn bowls) | :: boccia {f} |
bowl {n} (lawn bowls) SEE: bowls | :: |
bowleg {n} (leg that curves outward from the knee) | :: gambestorte |
bowler {n} (pitcher) SEE: pitcher | :: |
bowler {n} (bowler hat) SEE: bowler hat | :: |
bowler hat {n} (hard round black felt hat) | :: bombetta {f} |
bowline {n} (knot) | :: bolina {f} |
bowling alley {n} (a building which contains bowling lanes) | :: bocciodromo {m} |
bowls {n} /bəʊlz/ (precision sport) | :: bocce |
bowls {n} (ball for game of bowls) | :: boccia {f} |
bow maker {n} (one who manufactures bows for musical instruments) | :: archettaio {m} |
bowman {n} (archer) SEE: archer | :: |
bowman {n} /ˈbaʊmən/ (the person positioned nearest the bow) | :: prodiere {m} |
bowsprit {n} /ˈbəʊspɹɪt/ (spar projecting over the prow of a sailing vessel) | :: bompresso {m} |
bowtie {n} /boʊˈtaɪ/ (necktie shaped like a bow) | :: cravattino {m}, cravatta a farfalla {f} |
bow wow {n} (sound of a dog barking) | :: bau bau |
bow-wow {interj} (bow wow) SEE: bow wow | :: |
box {n} /bɒks/ (cuboid space; container) | :: scatola {f}, bussolotto {m} |
box {n} (as much as fills a box) | :: scatola {f} |
box {n} (compartment of an item of furniture) | :: deposito {m} |
box {n} (compartment to sit inside) | :: palco {m}, palchetto {m}, loggia {f} |
box {n} (driver’s seat on a coach) | :: cabina {f} |
box {n} (small rectangular shelter) | :: garitta {f}, guardiola {f}, casotto {m}, gabbiotto {m} |
box {n} ((slang) television) | :: tele {f} |
box {n} ((cricket) hard protector for the genitals) | :: conchiglia {f}, sospensorio {m} |
box {n} ((engineering) cylindrical casing) | :: scatola {f}, scatola del cambio {f} |
box {n} (rectangular border around an image, text, etc.) | :: cornice {f}, riquadro {m} |
box {n} (small area on a document for a tick mark) | :: casella {f} |
box {v} (to place inside a box) | :: inscatolare |
box {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) | :: bosso {m} |
box {n} (blow with the fist) | :: pugno {m} |
box {v} (to strike with the fists) | :: boxare |
box {v} (to fight against (a person) in a boxing match) | :: boxare |
box {n} (input field on an electronic display) SEE: text box | :: |
boxer {n} /ˈbɑːksɚ/ (participant in a boxing match) | :: pugile {m}, boxeur {m} |
boxing {n} /ˈbɒksɪŋ/ (the sport of boxing) | :: boxe {f}, pugilato {m} |
Boxing Day {n} /ˈbɒksɪŋ deɪ/ (the day after Christmas: 26 December) | :: Santo Stefano |
box office {n} /ˈbɑksˌɑfɪs/ (ticket office) | :: biglietteria {f}, botteghino {m} |
box-office bomb {n} (a motion picture that generates relatively low revenue at the box office) | :: fallimento al botteghino {m} |
boy {n} /bɔɪ/ (young male) | :: bambino {m} (child); ragazzino {m} (teenager); ragazzo {m} (young man), maschietto {m}, maschio {m} |
boy {n} (male servant) | :: ragazzo {m} |
boy {n} (non-white male) | :: negro {m} |
boy {n} (male of any age, used as a friendly diminutive) | :: ragazzo {m} |
boy {n} (adult male found attractive) | :: ragazzo {m} |
boy {n} (male friend) | :: ragazzi {m-p} |
boy band {n} (pop group whose members are all young men) | :: boy band {f} |
boycott {v} /ˈbɔɪkɑt/ (to abstain from dealing with a person or organisation as a protest) | :: boicottare |
boycott {n} (the act of boycotting) | :: boicottaggio |
boyfriend {n} /ˈbɔɪˌfɹɛnd/ (male partner in a romantic relationship) | :: ragazzo {m}, fidanzato {m} |
boyfriend {n} (male friend) | :: amico {m} |
bra {n} /bɹɑː/ (brassiere) | :: reggiseno {m}, reggipetto {m} |
Brabant {prop} /ˈbɹæbənt/ (former province of central Belgium) | :: Brabante {m} |
brace {n} /bɹeɪs/ (measure of length representing a person's outstretched arms) | :: braccia {f} |
brace {n} (that which holds tightly) | :: abbraccio {m} |
brace {n} (arrangement for producing tension) | :: aggancio {m}, grappa {f}, uncino {m} |
brace {n} (straps or bands to sustain trousers) | :: bretella {f} |
brace {n} (two goals in one game) | :: doppietta {f} |
brace {v} (to prepare oneself for an impact) | :: puntellarsi, tenersi forte |
brace {n} (harness) SEE: harness | :: |
brace {n} (system to correct crooked teeth) SEE: braces | :: |
brace {n} (curly bracket) SEE: curly bracket | :: |
brace {n} (bitstock) SEE: bitstock | :: |
bracelet {n} /ˈbɹeɪslət/ (a band or chain worn around the wrist as jewelry or an ornament) | :: braccialetto {m} |
braces {n} (handcuffs) SEE: handcuffs | :: |
braces {n} /ˈbɹeɪsɪz/ (device for straightening teeth) | :: apparecchio {m}, apparecchio per i denti {m}, apparecchio ortodontico {m} |
braces {n} (pair of straps holding trousers) | :: bretelle {f} |
brachiation {n} (movement by swinging arms between holds) | :: brachiazione {f} |
brachiosaurus {n} (herbivorous dinosaur) | :: brachiosauro {m} |
brachy- {prefix} (short) | :: brachi- |
brachylogy {n} (concise speech) | :: brachilogia {f} |
brachymorphic {adj} | :: brachimorfo |
bracken {n} (any of several coarse ferns) | :: felce {f} |
bracket {n} /ˈbɹækɪt/ (item attached to a wall to hold up a shelf) | :: staffa {f} |
bracket {n} (generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">") | :: parentesi {f} |
bracket {v} (To bound on both sides, to surround, as enclosing with brackets) | :: accerchiare |
bracket {n} (square bracket) SEE: square bracket | :: |
bracket {n} (round bracket) SEE: round bracket | :: |
brackish {adj} /ˈbɹækɪʃ/ (slightly salty) | :: salmastra {f}, salmastro {m} |
braconid {n} (any species of the family Braconidae) | :: braconidi |
bract {n} (leaf or leaf-like structure) | :: brattea {f} |
bradycardia {n} (condition of having a slow heartbeat) | :: bradicardia {f} |
bradyseism {n} (A gradual uplift or descent of the Earth's surface) | :: bradisismo {m} |
brag {v} /bɹæɡ/ (to boast) | :: vantarsi |
brag {n} (boast) SEE: boast | :: |
Bragança {prop} /bɹəˈɡɑnzə/ (city in the homonymous district of Portugal) | :: Braganza {f} |
braggadocio {n} (braggart) SEE: braggart | :: |
braggart {n} /ˈbɹæɡɑːt/ (one who constantly brags or boasts) | :: fanfarone {m}, ballista |
bragger {n} (person who brags) | :: fanfarone {m}, vanesio {m}, esibizionista {m} |
bragging {n} /ˈbɹaɡɪŋ/ (the act of one who brags) | :: fanfaronata {f} |
brahmin {n} (believer in Brahman) | :: bramino {m} |
braid {v} /bɹeɪd/ (to intertwine) | :: intrecciare |
braid {n} (weave of three or more strands) | :: treccia {f} |
braid {n} (hairstyle) | :: treccia {f} |
brain {n} /bɹeɪn/ (organ) | :: cervello {m}, [pejorative or when used as food] cervella {f-p} |
braincase {n} (the part of the skull containing the brain) | :: scatola cranica {f}, cranio {m} |
brain cell {n} (cell in brain) | :: cellula cerebrale {f} |
brainchild {n} /ˈbɹeɪn.tʃaɪld/ (creation) | :: frutto ingegno {m} |
brain damage {n} (injury to the brain) | :: cerebrolesione {f} |
brain drain {n} (emigration of educated people) | :: fuga dei cervelli {f}, fuga di cervelli {f} |
brain fart {n} (something ill-considered) | :: cazzata {f} |
brainiac {n} /ˈbɹeɪniæk/ (a very intelligent and usually studious, erudite person) | :: cervellone {m} |
brain mushroom {n} (fungus) | :: spongino {m}, spugnola bastarda {f}, spugnola falsa {f}, falsa morchella {f}, marugola {f} |
brainpower {n} (mental ability) SEE: intelligence | :: |
brain stem {n} (part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum) | :: tronco encefalico {m} |
brainstorm {n} (brainstorming) SEE: brainstorming | :: |
brainstorming {n} (method of problem solving) | :: brainstorming {m} |
brain-teaser {n} (a complex riddle or puzzle) | :: rompicapo {m} |
brainwash {n} /ˈbɹeɪnwɒʃ/ (effect upon one's memory, belief or ideas) | :: lavaggio del cervello {m} |
brainwash {v} (to affect one's mind) | :: fare il lavaggio del cervello |
brain-washing {n} (form of indoctrination) | :: lavaggio del cervello {m} |
braise {v} /bɹeɪz/ (To cook in a small amount of liquid) | :: brasare |
brake {n} /bɹeɪk/ (tool for crushing and beating flax or hemp) | :: gramola {f} |
brake {n} (nautical: handle of pump) | :: manovella della tromba {f} |
brake {n} (device used to slow or stop a vehicle) | :: freno {m} |
brake {v} (to operate brakes) | :: frenare |
brake pad {n} (friction element in a disc brake) | :: pastiglia {f}, pastiglia dei freni {f} |
brake shoe {n} (element of a drum brake) | :: ganascia {f} |
bramble {n} (diverse Rubus shrubs) SEE: blackberry | :: |
bramble {n} (any thorny shrub) SEE: thornbush | :: |
brambling {n} (bird) | :: peppola {f} |
brambly {adj} (covered in brambles) | :: dumoso |
bran {n} /ˈbɹæn/ (outside layer of a grain) | :: crusca {f}, semola {f} |
branch {n} /bɹæntʃ/ (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk) | :: ramo |
branch {n} (location of an organization with several locations) | :: filiale {f}, succursale {f} |
branch {n} (area in business or of knowledge, research) | :: branca {f}, ramo {m}, settore {m} |
branch {n} | :: ramo {m}, filiale {f} |
branched {adj} (Having branches) | :: ramificato |
branchial {adj} (of, pertaining to or resembling gills) | :: branchiale |
brand {n} /bɹand/ (mark made by burning) | :: marchio a fuoco {m} |
brand {n} (name, symbol, logo) | :: marca {f} |
brand {n} (a specific product, service, or provider so distinguished) | :: marca {f} |
brand {n} (marker for cattle) SEE: branding iron | :: |
Brandenburg {prop} (state) | :: Brandeburgo {m} |
Brandenburg {prop} (city) | :: Brandeburgo {m} |
branding iron {n} (bent piece of metal) | :: marchio {m}, ferro per marchiare |
brand new {adj} (utterly new) | :: nuovo di zecca |
brand spanking new {adj} (brand new) SEE: brand new | :: |
bras d'honneur {n} /ˌbɹɑ dɑˈnɝ/ (obscene gesture) | :: gesto dell'ombrello {m} |
Brasília {prop} /bɹəˈziːli.ə/ (The capital of Brazil) | :: Brasilia {f} |
brass {n} /bɹɑːs/ (alloy of copper and zinc) | :: ottone {m} |
brass {n} (class of wind instruments) | :: ottoni {m-p} |
brass {n} (spent shell casings) | :: bossolo {m} |
brass {n} (colour of brass) | :: bronzo {m} |
brass {n} (high-ranking military officers) | :: gallonato |
brass {n} (informal: a brave or foolhardy attitude) | :: faccia di bronzo, faccia tosta |
brass {adj} (made of brass, of or pertaining to brass) | :: d'ottone |
brass {adj} (impertinent, bold, brazen) | :: dalla faccia di bronzo |
brass band {n} (group of musicians who play brass instruments) | :: fanfara {f} |
brassiere {n} (bra) SEE: bra | :: |
brass instrument {n} (musical instrument) | :: strumento ad ancia {m} |
brat {n} /bɹæt/ (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child) | :: monello {m}, moccioso |
Bratislava {prop} /ˌbɹætɨˈslɑːvə/ (The capital of Slovakia) | :: Bratislava {f} |
bravado {n} /bɹɑːˈvɑːdoʊ/ (a show of defiance or courage) | :: bravata {f} |
brave {adj} /bɹeɪv/ (strong in the face of fear) | :: coraggioso {m}, ardito {m}, baldo {m}, audace {m}, valoroso {m} |
bravo {n} /ˈbɹɑvoʊ/ (the letter "B") | :: Bologna, Bari |
bravo {interj} (interjection) | :: bravo {m}, bene, ben fatto! |
brawl {n} /bɹɔːl/ (disorderly argument or fight) | :: lotta {f}, combattimento {m}, rissa {f}, battaglia {f}, baruffa {f}, zuffa {f}, litigio {m}, litigata {f}, ruffa {f} |
brawl {v} (to engage in a brawl, see also: fight; quarrel) | :: lottare, combattere, litigare, baruffare, accapigliarsi, brigare |
brawny {adj} (characterized by brawn) | :: muscoloso |
bray {v} /bɹeɪ/ (to make the cry of a donkey) | :: ragliare |
bray {n} (cry of an ass or donkey) | :: raglio {m} |
brazen {adj} /ˈbɹeɪzən/ (pertaining to, made of, or resembling brass) | :: ottone, ottonato |
brazen {adj} (sounding harsh and loud) | :: squillante |
brazen {adj} (impudent, immodest, or shameless) | :: faccia di bronzo, sfacciato {m}, sfrontato {m} |
brazen {v} (to act [boldly] despite [embarrassment]) | :: ignorare sfacciatamente |
brazen bull {n} (ancient torture device consisting of a hollow brass bull where victims were imprisoned and burned to death) | :: toro di Falaride {m} |
brazen-faced {adj} /ˈbɹeɪ.zənˌfeɪst/ (Impudent) | :: sfacciato |
brazier {n} /ˈbɹeɪ.ʒɚ/ (An upright standing or hanging metal bowl used for holding burning coal) | :: braciere {m} |
brazier {n} (A worker in brass) | :: ottonario {m}, calderaio {m} |
Brazil {prop} /bɹə.ˈzɪl/ (Portuguese-speaking country in South America) | :: Brasile {m} |
Brazilian {n} /bɹə.ˈzɪ.lɪ.ən/ (person from Brazil) | :: brasiliano {m}, brasiliana {f}, brasiliani {m-p}, brasiliane {f-p} |
Brazilian {adj} (pertaining to Brazil) | :: brasiliano |
brazil nut {n} (tree) | :: noce del Brasile {m}, sprenciolo {m} |
brazil nut {n} (nut) | :: noce del Brasile |
brazilwood {n} (timber tree) | :: pernambuco |
breach {n} /bɹiːtʃ/ (figuratively: the act of breaking) | :: breccia {f} |
breach {n} (break of a law or obligation) | :: infrazione {f}, violazione {f} |
breach {n} (gap) | :: breccia {f} |
breach {n} | :: breccia |
breach of contract {n} (failure to perform) | :: violazione di contratto {f}, inadempienza contrattuale {f} |
bread {n} /bɹɛd/ (baked dough made from cereals) | :: pane {m} |
bread {v} (to bread) | :: impanare, panare |
breadbasket {n} (stomach) SEE: stomach | :: |
breadbasket {n} (food bowl) SEE: food bowl | :: |
breadboard {n} (cutting board) | :: tagliere {m} |
breadcrumb {n} (tiny piece of bread) | :: briciola {f}, mollica {f} [soft internal portion of bread] |
bread knife {n} (knife designed to cut bread) | :: coltello per pane {m} |
breadmaker {n} (baker) SEE: baker | :: |
bread roll {n} (miniature round loaf of bread) | :: panino {m} |
breadstick {n} (slender loaf of crisp bread) | :: grissino {m} |
breadth {n} (width) SEE: width | :: |
breadth-first search {n} (a search algorithm) | :: visita in ampiezza {f} |
break {v} /bɹeɪk/ (intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces) | :: rompere |
break {v} (transitive: to separate into (to cause to end up in) two or more pieces) | :: rompere |
break {v} (intransitive, of a bone: to crack) | :: rompere, fratturare |
break {v} (transitive: to cause (a bone) to crack) | :: fratturare |
break {v} (to divide (money) into smaller units) | :: suddividere, cambiare, scambiare |
break {v} (to cause a person lose spirit or will) | :: frantumare, annullare, annientare, distruggere |
break {v} (to turn an animal into a beast of burden) | :: addomesticare, sottomettere |
break {v} (to cause a habit no longer exist) | :: porre fine, terminare |
break {v} (to ruin financially) | :: fare fallire, eliminare, chiudere |
break {v} (transitive: to do that which is forbidden by (something)) | :: oltrepassare, sfondare, superare |
break {v} (gaming: to design or make a powerful, unbalancing but legal move) | :: contrattaccare |
break {v} (intransitive: to stop functioning properly or altogether) | :: rompersi, scassarsi |
break {v} (transitive: to cause to stop functioning) | :: fermare, interrompere, stoppare |
break {v} (to cause to no longer bar) | :: rompere, scassinare, spaccare |
break {v} (of a wave, to collapse into a surf) | :: infrangersi, frantumarsi, fracassarsi |
break {v} (of a spell of weather: to end) | :: esaurire, dissiparsi, esaurirsi |
break {v} (to interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily) | :: interrompere, fare una sosta, fare una pausa, sospendere |
break {v} (to interrupt a fall) | :: interrompere, fermare |
break {v} (to disclose or make known an item of news) | :: trapelare, filtrare, diffondere |
break {v} (of morning: to arrive) | :: spuntare, nascere, fare capolino, apparire |
break {v} (to become audible suddenly) | :: rompere, irrompere, prorompere, invadere |
break {v} (to change a steady state abruptly) | :: interrompere, bloccare, rompere |
break {v} (to suddenly become) | :: prorompere, irrompere, volgersi |
break {v} (of a voice, to alter in type due to emotion or strain [existing translations are to be checked, whether they belong to the previous sense]) | :: mutare |
break {v} (to do better than a record) | :: frantumare |
break {v} (to reduce the military rank of) | :: degradare, retrocedere |
break {v} (to end a connection) | :: terminare, interrompere, staccare, sconnettere |
break {v} (to counter-attack) | :: contrattaccare, rispondere, replicare |
break {n} (rest or pause, usually from work) | :: pausa {f}, sosta {f} |
breakable {adj} (fragile) SEE: fragile | :: |
break a leg {interj} (expression of best wishes to a performer) | :: in bocca al lupo!, [vulgar] in culo alla balena! |
breakaway {n} (in cycling) | :: fuga {f} |
break down {v} (to cease to function) | :: guastarsi, rompersi |
break down {v} (to decay) | :: decomporsi |
break down {v} (to divide into parts for analysis) | :: partizionare, suddividere |
break down {v} (to digest) | :: decomporre, digerire, elaborare |
breakdown {n} (failure, particularly mechanical) | :: avaria {f} |
breakdown {n} (listing or categorization in great detail) | :: analisi {f} |
breaker {n} /ˈbɹeɪkɚ/ (wave) | :: cavallone {m} |
breakfast {n} /ˈbɹɛkfəst/ (first meal of the day) | :: colazione {f}, prima colazione {f} |
breakfast cereal {n} (food made from processed grains) | :: cereale da prima colazione {m}, cereale da colazione {m}, cereale {m} |
break in {v} (to make something new function well through use) | :: rodare |
break in {v} (to tame (a horse)) | :: domare |
breaking news {n} (news that just happened or is happening) | :: ultim'ora {f}, ultime notizie {f} |
breakneck {adj} (dangerously fast; hell-for-leather) | :: all'impazzata, a rotta di collo, a rompicollo |
breakout {n} (An escape from prison) | :: fuga {f}, evasione {f} |
breakout {n} (An escape from any restrictive or confining situation) | :: liberazione {f} |
breakout {n} (An outbreak) | :: scoppio {m}, esplosione {f} |
break ranks {v} (military) | :: rompere le fila |
break ranks {v} (idiomatic) | :: uscire dai ranghi |
break someone's heart {v} (to cause a person to feel grief or sadness) | :: accorare |
break the bank {v} (win all the money that is available to be paid) | :: far saltare il banco |
break the ice {v} /ˈbɹeɪk ði ˈaɪs/ (to start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness) | :: rompere il ghiaccio |
breakthrough {n} /ˈbɹeɪkθɹuː/ (military advance) | :: breccia {f} |
breakthrough {n} (major progress) | :: svolta {f}, salto di qualità {m} |
break up {v} (intransitive: to disintegrate) | :: disintegrare, rompere, ridurre in mille pezzi, fare a pezzi |
break up {v} (to end a relationship) | :: rompere, terminare, lasciarsi, separarsi |
break up {v} (to dissolve; to part) | :: terminare, finere, concludersi |
break up {v} (of a school, to close for the holidays at the end of term) | :: concludersi, completarsi |
break up {v} (of a telephone conversation, to cease to be understandable because of a bad connection) | :: concludere, terminare, finire, interrompere |
break up {v} (transitive: to break or separate into pieces) | :: spezzettare, tagliuzzare, frantumare, dissodare |
break up {v} (to stop a fight) | :: separare, dividere |
breakup {n} (breakdown) SEE: breakdown | :: |
breakup {n} /ˈbɹeɪkʌp/ (the act of breaking up, disintegration, or division) | :: spezzettamento {m} |
breakup {n} (termination of a friendship or a romantic relationship) | :: rottura {f} |
breakwater {n} /ˈbɹeɪkˌwɔːtə/ (construction in or around a harbour) | :: frangiflutti {m}, frangimare {m}, frangionde {m} |
breakwater {n} (low bulkhead across the forecastle deck of a ship) | :: bulbo {m}, bulbo di prua |
breakwater {n} (beach barrier) | :: diga foranea {f} |
breakwater {n} | :: frangiflutti {m} |
break wind {v} (to fart) | :: mollarne una |
bream {n} /bɹɪm/ (fish of the genus Abramis) | :: breme {m}, abramide comune {m} |
bream {n} (Abramis brama) | :: abramide {m}, abramide comune {m}, breme {m} |
breast {n} /bɹɛst/ (milk-producing organ) | :: seno {m}, mammella {f} |
breast {n} (chest) | :: petto {m} |
breast {n} (choice cut of meat from poultry or other animals) | :: petto {m} |
breastaurant {n} (restaurant featuring scantily clad waitresses) | :: ristorante a luci rosse {m} |
breastbone {n} (the central narrow bone in the front of the chest) | :: sterno {m} |
breast-fed {adj} (that has been suckled at its mother's breast) | :: allattato al seno |
breastfeed {v} (feed a baby milk via the breasts) | :: allattare, allattare al seno |
breastfeeding {n} /ˈbɹɛstˌfidɪŋ/ (activity) | :: allattamento {m} |
breast ironing {n} (pounding and massaging of a pubescent girl's breasts to make them stop developing) | :: stiramento del seno {m} |
breast milk {n} (milk produced by humans) | :: latte materno {m} |
breastpin {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch | :: |
breastplate {n} (armor) | :: corazza {f} |
breastplate {n} (horse tack) | :: pettorale {m} |
breast pump {n} (device used to extract breast milk) | :: tiralatte {m} |
breaststrap {n} (breastplate) SEE: breastplate | :: |
breath {n} /bɹɛθ/ (act or process of breathing) | :: respiro {m}, lena {f} |
breath {n} (single act of breathing in and out) | :: respiro {m} |
breath {n} (air expelled from the lungs) | :: alito {m}, fiato {m} |
breathalyzer {n} (a device that measures alcohol in expired air) | :: etilometro {m} |
breathe {v} /bɹiːð/ (to draw air in and out) | :: respirare |
breathing {n} /ˈbɹiːðɪŋ/ (act of respiration) | :: respirazione {f} |
breathlessness {n} (state of being breathless or out of breath) | :: affanno |
breathlessness {n} (difficult respiration) SEE: shortness of breath | :: |
breathtaking {adj} /ˈbɹɛθˌteɪ.kɪŋ/ (stunningly beautiful) | :: mozzafiato |
breccia {n} /ˈbɹɛtʃ(ɪ)ə/ (rock) | :: breccia {f} |
Brechtian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bertolt Brecht or his works) | :: brechtiano |
Breda {prop} /ˈbɹidə/ (city in North Brabant) | :: Breda {f} |
breech {n} /bɹiːtʃ/ (part of a cannon or other firearm) | :: culatta {f} |
breeches {n} /ˈbɹiːtʃɪz/ (a garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs) | :: brache |
breed {v} /bɹiːd/ (to sexually produce offspring) | :: allevare, riprodursi |
breed {v} (to keep animals and have them reproduce) | :: allevare |
breed {n} (race or lineage) | :: razza {f} |
breeder {n} /ˈbɹiːdə(ɹ)/ (type of nuclear reactor) | :: autofertilizzante |
breeding {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
breeze {n} /bɹiːz/ (a light, gentle wind) | :: brezza {f}, ora {f} |
breezefly {n} (horsefly) SEE: horsefly | :: |
Breisgau {prop} | :: Brisgovia |
Bremen {prop} /ˈbɹeɪmən/ (city) | :: Brema {f} |
Brendan {prop} (male given name) | :: Brendano |
Brenta Canal {prop} | :: Naviglio del Brenta {m} |
Brescia {prop} /ˈbɹɛʃə/ (city and province of Italy) | :: Brescia {f} |
Breslau {prop} (Wroclaw) SEE: Wroclaw | :: |
Brest {prop} /bɹɛst/ (a city in Belarus) | :: Brėst |
brethren {n} /ˈbɹɛðɹən/ (the body of members) | :: confratelli |
Breton {n} /ˈbɹɛtən/ (person from Brittany) | :: bretone |
Breton {n} (the language) | :: bretone {m} |
breve {n} /bɹiːv/ (double whole note) | :: breve {f} |
breviary {n} /ˈbɹɛv.i.ɛɹ.i/ (a book containing prayers and hymns) | :: breviario {m} |
brevier {n} | :: testino |
brew {n} (beer) SEE: beer | :: |
brew {v} /bɹuː/ (make a hot soup) | :: bollire |
brew {n} (hill) SEE: hill | :: |
brew {n} (cup of tea) SEE: cup of tea | :: |
brewery {n} /ˈbɹuːəɹi/ (building where beer is produced) | :: birrificio {m} |
Brexit {prop} /ˈbɹɛɡzɪt/ (withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU) | :: Brexit {f} |
briar {n} (any thorny plant) SEE: thornbush | :: |
bribe {n} /bɹaɪb/ (inducement to dishonesty) | :: tangente {f}, bustarella {f} |
bribe {v} (to give a bribe) | :: offrire una tangente, corrompere |
briber {n} (a person who bribes) | :: corruttore {m}, corruttrice {f} |
bribery {n} /ˈbɹaɪbəɹi/ (making of illegal payment to persons in official positions as a means of influencing their decisions) | :: corruzione {f} |
BRIC {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) | :: BRIC {m} |
bric-a-brac {n} /ˈbɹɪkəˌbɹæk/ (small ornaments and other miscellaneous items of little value) | :: cianfrusaglie {f-p}, paccottaglia {f}, ciarpame {m} |
brick {n} /bɹɪk/ (hardened block used for building) | :: mattone {m}, laterizio {m}, tegola {f} |
bricklayer {n} (craftsman) | :: muratore {m} |
brickyard {n} (factory where bricks are produced or distributed) | :: mattonaia {f} |
bridal shower {n} (celebration) | :: addio al nubilato |
bride {n} /bɹaɪd/ (woman in the context of her own wedding) | :: fidanzata, sposa {f} |
bridegroom {n} /ˈbɹaɪdˌɡɹuːm/ (bridegroom, groom) | :: sposo {m} |
bride price {n} (sum paid to the family of the bride) | :: prezzo della sposa {m} |
bridesmaid {n} /ˈbɹaɪdzˌmeɪd/ (woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony) | :: damigella d'onore {f} |
bridge {n} /bɹɪd͡ʒ/ (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) | :: ponte {m} |
bridge {n} (bony ridge of the nose) | :: setto nasale {m} |
bridge {n} (replacement for teeth) | :: ponte {m} |
bridge {n} (piece on string instruments) | :: ponticello {m} |
bridge {n} (graph theory) | :: ponte {m} |
bridge {n} (card game) | :: bridge {m} |
bridgehead {n} /ˈbɹɪdʒhɛd/ (area of ground on the enemy's side of an obstacle) | :: testa di ponte {f} |
Bridget {prop} /ˈbɹɪd͡ʒɪt/ (female given name) | :: Brigida, Brigitta {f} |
bridle {n} /ˈbɹaɪdəl/ (headgear for horse) | :: briglia |
bridle {v} (to put a bridle on.) | :: imbrigliare |
bridled tern {n} (Onychoprion anaethetus) | :: sterna dalle redini {f} |
brief {adj} /bɹiːf/ (of short duration) | :: breve |
brief {adj} (concise) | :: breve |
brief {n} (a short news story or report) | :: breve {m} |
briefcase {n} /ˈbɹiːfˌkeɪs/ (case used for carrying documents) | :: valigetta {f} |
briefly {adv} /ˈbɹiːfli/ (in a brief manner) | :: concisamente, brevemente |
briefs {n} /bɹiːfs/ (male underwear) | :: slip {m-p} |
brig {n} (two-masted vessel) | :: brigantino {m} |
brigade {n} /bɹɪˈɡeɪd/ (military unit) | :: brigata |
brigadier {n} (an army rank) | :: brigadiere {m}, brigadiere generale {m} |
brigadier general {n} (an officer commanding a brigade) | :: brigadiere generale {m}, comandante di brigata {m} |
brigand {n} /ˈbɹɪɡ.ənd/ (bandit) | :: bandito {m}, brigante {m}, malandrino {m}, masnadiere {m} |
brigantine {n} (square-rigged foremast with main mast rigged fore-and-aft, sailing vessel) | :: brigantino |
bright {adj} /bɹaɪt/ (visually dazzling, luminous, radiant) | :: brillante, luminoso, lucente |
bright {adj} (intelligent) | :: brillante, intelligente |
bright {adj} (vivid) | :: brillante, allegro |
bright {adj} (happy) | :: allegro {m}, felice {m} |
brilliant {adj} /ˈbɹɪljənt/ (shining brightly) | :: brillante, splendente, luccicante, sgargiante, lucente |
brilliant {adj} (of a colour: both light and saturated) | :: brillante |
brilliant {adj} (of a voice or sound: having a sharp, clear tone) | :: squillante |
brilliant {adj} (of surpassing excellence) | :: brillante, fantastico, superlativo |
brilliant {adj} (magnificent or wonderful (primarily UK usage)) | :: brillante, eccezionale, meraviglioso |
brilliant {adj} (highly intelligent) | :: brillante, geniale, talentuoso, di successo |
brilliant {n} (cut gemstone) | :: brillante {m}, gemma {f}, pietra preziosa {f} |
brilliant {n} (4-point type) | :: perla |
brim {n} /bɹɪm/ (an edge or border (originally specifically of the sea or a body of water)) | :: bordo {m} |
brim {n} (the topmost rim or lip of a container) | :: bordo {m}, orlo {m} |
brim {n} (a projecting rim, especially of a hat) | :: falda {f}, tesa {f} |
brim {v} (to be full to overflowing) | :: traboccare, essere colmo, essere pieno zeppo |
brimstone {n} (sulfur) SEE: sulfur | :: |
brimstone {n} /ˈbɹɪmˌstoʊn/ (the sulfur of Hell) | :: cedronella {f}, zolfo {m} |
brimstone {n} (butterfly species) | :: cedronella {f} |
Brindisi {prop} /ˈbrɪndɪzi/ (port city in Apulia, Italy) | :: Brindisi {f} |
brindled gnu {n} (blue wildebeest) SEE: blue wildebeest | :: |
brine {n} /bɹaɪn/ (salt water) | :: salamoia {f} |
brine {v} (to preserve food in a salt solution) | :: mettere in salamoia |
bring {v} /ˈbɹɪŋ/ (to transport toward somebody/somewhere) | :: portare |
bring forward {v} (make happen earlier) | :: anticipare |
bring home the bacon {v} (to make a living) | :: portare a casa il pane, mettere la pagnotta sul tavolo |
bring owls to Athens {v} (to undertake a pointless venture) SEE: carry coals to Newcastle | :: |
brinjal {n} (an aubergine) SEE: eggplant | :: |
brink {n} /bɹɪŋk/ (edge) | :: orlo, bordo {m}, ciglio {m} |
briny {n} (sea) SEE: sea | :: |
briny {adj} /ˈbɹaɪni/ (salty) | :: salmastro {m} |
brioche {n} /ˈbriːɒʃ/ (type of bun) | :: brioche {f}, brioscia {f} |
bris {n} /bɹɪs/ (ritual male circumcision) | :: brit milà {m} |
Briseis {prop} /bɹaɪˈsiːɪs/ (legendary figure featured in the Iliad) | :: Briseide {f} |
brisk {adj} /bɹɪsk/ (full of liveliness and activity) | :: vivace {m} {f} |
brisk {adj} (full of spirit of life) | :: vivace |
bristle {n} /ˈbɹɪs.l̩/ (stiff or coarse hair) | :: pelo ispido, barba corta ispida |
bristle {n} (hair or straw of a brush, broom etc.) | :: setola {f}, setole {p} |
bristletail {n} (insect of the order Zygentoma) | :: acciughina {f} |
Britain {prop} (United Kingdom) SEE: United Kingdom | :: |
Britain {prop} /ˈbɹɪ.tn̩/ (island, see also: Great Britain; British Isles) | :: Gran Bretagna {f} [only full name is used for the island] |
Britain {prop} (Brittany) SEE: Brittany | :: |
britches {n} (pants) SEE: pants | :: |
britches {n} (breeches) SEE: breeches | :: |
British {prop} /ˈbɹɪɾ.ɪʃ/ (citizens or inhabitants of Britain) | :: britannici {m-p} |
British {prop} (the citizens or inhabitants of the UK) | :: britannici {m-p} |
British {adj} (of Britain) | :: britannico |
British Columbia {prop} /ˈbɹɪt.ɪʃ kə.ˈlʌə/ (province of Canada) | :: Colombia Britannica {f} |
British Commonwealth {prop} (Commonwealth of Nations) SEE: Commonwealth of Nations | :: |
British Empire {prop} (empire) | :: Impero Britannico {m} |
British English {n} (English language as in Britain, especially in England) | :: inglese britannico |
Britisher {n} /ˈbɹɪtɪʃə/ (British subject) | :: britannico {m}, britannica {f} |
British Isles {prop} /ˌbɹɪ.tɪʃ ˈaɪlz/ (group of islands) | :: isole britanniche {f-p}, arcipelago britannico {m} |
British Virgin Islands {prop} (British overseas territory) | :: Isole Vergini britanniche |
Brittany {prop} /ˈbɹɪtəni/ (region of North West France) | :: Bretagna {f} |
brittle {adj} /ˈbɹɪtl̩/ (able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure) | :: fragile |
Brittonic {adj} (Brythonic) SEE: Brythonic | :: |
bro {n} (a male sibling) SEE: brother | :: |
broach {n} (spit) SEE: spit | :: |
broach {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch | :: |
broach {n} (architecture: spire) SEE: spire | :: |
broad {adj} (wide) SEE: wide | :: |
broad {n} (whore) SEE: whore | :: |
broad bean {n} (Vicia faba) | :: fava {f}, baccello {m} |
broadcast {n} /ˈbɹɔːdkɑːst/ (transmission of a radio or television programme) | :: trasmissione {f}, emissione {f}, diffusione {f} |
broadcast {n} (programme transmitted) | :: programma |
broadcast {n} | :: trasmissione |
broadcast {v} (to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means) | :: trasmettere, diffondere, andare in onda, radiodiffondere, radiotrasmettere, mandare in onda |
broadcast {v} (to transmit a message over a wide area) | :: diffondere |
broadcast {v} (to appear as a performer, presenter, or speaker in a broadcast programme) | :: presentare |
broadcast {v} (to sow seeds over a wide area) | :: spargere |
broadcast {v} | :: trasmettere |
broad-leaved {adj} (having broad leaves) | :: latifoglio |
broadside {n} (one side of a warship) | :: bordata {m} |
broadside {n} (the simultaneous firing of all the guns on one side of a warship) | :: bordata {f} |
broadsword {n} /ˈbɹɔːd.sɔːd/ (longsword with a broad cutting blade) | :: spadone {m} |
broad-winged hawk {n} (Buteo platypterus) | :: poiana alilarghe {f} |
brocade {n} /bɹəˈkeɪd/ (fabric) | :: broccato {m} |
brocade {v} (decorate fabric with patterns) | :: broccare |
broccoli {n} /ˈbɹɑ.kə.li/ (plant Brassica oleracea var. italica) | :: broccolo {m} |
brochure {n} /bɹoʊˈʃʊɚ/ (booklet of printed informational matter) | :: opuscolo {m} |
broiler {n} /ˈbɹɔɪlɚ/ (chicken suitable for broiling) | :: broiler {m} |
broke {adj} /bɹoʊk/ (lacking money; bankrupt) | :: al verde [invariable], in bancarotta, fallito |
brokeback {adj} (derelict) SEE: derelict | :: |
broken {adj} /ˈbɹəʊkən/ (fragmented) | :: rotto |
broken {adj} | :: in avaria |
broken heart {n} (feeling of grief or loss) | :: cuore spezzato {m} |
broken plural {n} (in Arabic and other languages, irregular plural formed by changing the pattern of consonants and vowels) | :: plurale fratto {m} |
broken record {n} (Someone or something that constantly repeats itself, causing annoyance) | :: disco rotto {m} |
broker {n} /ˈbɹoʊkɚ/ (mediator between a buyer and seller) | :: intermediario {m} |
bromate {n} (salt of bromic acid) | :: bromato {m} |
bromatology {n} /bɹəʊməˈtɒlədʒi/ (study of food) | :: bromatologia {f} |
brome {n} /bɹəʊm/ (grass of Bromus) | :: forasacco {m} |
bromide {n} /ˈbɹoʊ.maɪd/ (chemistry: binary compound of bromine and another element) | :: bromuro {m} |
bromide {n} (platitude) SEE: platitude | :: |
bromine {n} /ˈbɹoʊmin/ (nonmetallic chemical element) | :: bromo {m} |
bromomethane {n} | :: bromometano {m} |
bronchial {adj} /ˈbɹɑːəl/ (Of or relating to the bronchi or to the bronchioles) | :: bronchiale |
bronchiectasis {n} (abnormal permanent dilatation of the bronchial tubes) | :: bronchiectasia {f} |
bronchitis {n} /bɹɒŋˈkaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of the lungs) | :: bronchite {f} |
broncho- {prefix} (relating to bronchi) | :: bronco- |
bronchodilator {n} (drug used to dilate and relax the bronchial passages) | :: broncodilatatore {m} |
bronchopathy {n} (disease of the bronchi) | :: broncopatia {f} |
bronchoscopy {n} (technique) | :: broncoscopia {f} |
bronchospasm {n} (difficulty in breathing due to a contraction of smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles) | :: broncospasmo {m} |
bronchus {n} /ˈbɹɒŋkəs/ (Either or two branches of the trachea) | :: bronco {m} |
Bronx cheer {n} (synonym of raspberry) SEE: raspberry | :: |
bronze {v} (to tan) SEE: tan | :: |
bronze {n} /bɹɑnz/ (alloy) | :: bronzo {m} |
bronze {n} (colour) | :: bronzo {m} |
bronze {adj} (made of bronze) | :: bronzeo |
bronze {adj} (having a bronze colour) | :: bronzeo |
bronze {adj} (tanned; darkened as a result of exposure to the sun) | :: abbronzato |
bronze {n} (bronze medal) SEE: bronze medal | :: |
Bronze Age {prop} (archaeology) | :: Età del bronzo {f} |
bronze medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, bronze) | :: medaglia di bronzo {f} |
brooch {n} /bɹoʊtʃ/ (jewellery with pin) | :: spilla {f} |
brood {n} /bɹuːd/ (the young of certain animals) | :: nidiata {f-p}, prole {f} |
brood {n} (the young of any egg-laying creature) | :: schiusa {f} |
brood {n} (the children in one family) | :: prole {f-p} |
brood {n} | :: covata {f}, nidiata {f} |
brood {v} (to keep an egg warm) | :: covare |
brood {v} (to protect) | :: allevare, tirare su |
brood {v} (to dwell upon moodily and at length) | :: covare, rimuginare, arrovellarsi |
brooding {adj} /ˈbɹuːdɪŋ/ (deeply or seriously thoughtful) | :: malinconico, meditabondo, cupo |
brood mare {n} (mare used for breeding) | :: fattrice {f}, cavalla da riproduzione {f} |
brook {n} /bɹʊk/ (a small stream) | :: ruscello {m}, rio {m}, corso d'acqua, rivo {m} |
brook {v} (tolerate) SEE: tolerate | :: |
broom {n} /bɹuːm/ (domestic utensil) | :: scopa {f}, ramazza {f}, granata [Tuscany] |
broom {n} (sweeper in curling) | :: ramazza {f} |
broom {n} (Fabaceae shrub) | :: ginestra {f} |
broom {v} (to sweep) | :: scopare, ramazzare, spazzare |
broomcorn millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet | :: |
broom cupboard {n} | :: scopiera {f} |
broomstick {n} /ˈbɹum.stɪk/ (the handle of a broom) | :: manico di scopa {m} |
bros. {n} (abbreviation of brothers) | :: F.lli |
broth {n} /bɹɔθ/ (water in which food (meat or vegetable etc) has been boiled) | :: brodo {m}, bollito {m} |
broth {n} (soup made from broth) | :: zuppa {f}, minestra {f}, brodo {m} |
broth cube {n} (bouillon cube) SEE: bouillon cube | :: |
brothel {n} /ˈbɹɑθəl/ (house of prostitution) | :: bordello {m}, casino {m}, casa d'appuntamenti {f}, postribolo {m}, lupanare {m}, casa chiusa {f}, casa di tolleranza {f} |
brother {n} /ˈbɹʌðɚ/ (male sibling) | :: fratello {m} |
brother {n} (male having parents in common) | :: fratello {m} |
brother {n} (male fellow member of a religious community) | :: fratello {m}, confratello {m} |
brother {n} (peer) | :: fratello {m}, pari |
brotherhood {n} /ˈbɹʌðɚhʊd/ (state of being brothers or a brother) | :: fratellanza {f} |
brother-in-arms {n} (fellow combatant or soldier) | :: commilitone {m} |
brother-in-law {n} /ˈbɹʌðɚ ɪn ˌlɔ/ (one's husband's brother) | :: cognato {m} |
brother-in-law {n} | :: cognato {m} |
brow {n} (forehead) SEE: forehead | :: |
brow {n} (eyebrow) SEE: eyebrow | :: |
brow {n} /bɹaʊ/ (the projecting upper edge of a steep place such as a hill) | :: ciglio {m}, orlo {m}, cima {f} |
brow {n} (the gangway from ship to shore when a ship is lying alongside a quay) | :: passerella da sbarco |
brow {n} (the hinged part of a landing craft or ferry which is lowered to form a landing platform; a ramp) | :: passerella da sbarco |
browbeat {v} /ˈbɹaʊ.biːt/ (to bully in an intimidating way) | :: intimidire |
brown {n} /bɹaʊn/ (colour) | :: marrone, castano |
brown {adj} (having a brown colour) | :: marrone, bruno |
brown {v} (to cook until brown) | :: rosolare, dorare |
brown {v} (to tan) SEE: tan | :: |
Brown {prop} (surname meaning "brown", or indicating a dark complexion) | :: Bruno, Bruni, Brunetti, Moro, Mori, Marrone, Mora, Moretti |
brown bear {n} (Ursus arctos) | :: orso bruno {m}, orso {m} |
brown coal {n} (lignite) SEE: lignite | :: |
brown dwarf {n} (starlike object) | :: nana bruna {f} |
brown falcon {n} | :: falco bruno {m} |
Brownian motion {n} (random motion of particles suspended in a fluid) | :: moto browniano {m} |
brownish {adj} /ˈbɹaʊnɪʃ/ (of a colour which resembles brown; somewhat brown) | :: brunastro |
brownnose {v} (fawn) SEE: fawn | :: |
brownnose {v} (to flatter in obsequious manner) | :: leccare il culo [vulgar], leccare i piedi, fare il ruffiano |
brown noser {n} (one who brownnoses) | :: leccaculo {m} |
brownout {n} (a period of low alternating current line voltage) | :: calo di tensione {m} |
brown rat {n} (Rattus norvegicus) | :: surmolotto {m} |
brown sugar {n} (partially refined sugar) | :: zucchero grezzo {m} |
browse {v} /bɹaʊz/ (scan, casually look through) | :: osservare |
browse {v} (navigate through hyperlinked documents) | :: navigare |
browser {n} (web browser) SEE: web browser | :: |
brr {interj} /ʙ̩ː/ (expression to show shivering) | :: brr |
brucellosis {n} (infection by the bacterium, Brucella) | :: brucellosi {f} |
brucine {n} (alkaloid related to strychnine, found in nux vomica) | :: brucina {f} |
bruise {v} /bɹuːz/ (strike (a person), giving them a bruise) | :: livido |
bruise {n} (medical: mark on the skin) | :: livido {m} |
bruise {n} (mark on fruit or vegetable) | :: ammaccatura {f} |
Brumaire {prop} /bɹʊˈmɛəɹ/ (the second month of the French Republican Calendar) | :: brumaio {m}, [rare] brumale {m} |
brumal {adj} /ˈbɹuːməl/ (winter-like) | :: brumale. invernale, boreale |
brumous {adj} (wintry) SEE: wintry | :: |
brunch {n} /bɹʌntʃ/ (a meal) | :: brunch {m} |
Brunei {prop} /bɹuːˈnaɪ/ (a country in Southeast Asia) | :: Brunei |
brunette {adj} /bɹuˈnɛt/ (having brown or black hair) | :: castana, castana scura, bruna |
brunion {n} (nectarine) SEE: nectarine | :: |
Bruno {prop} /ˈbɹunoʊ/ (male given name) | :: Bruno {m} |
Bruno {prop} (surname) | :: Bruno {m} {f} |
bruschetta {n} /bɹuˈʃɛtə/ (Italian toasted bread topped with garlic and tomatoes) | :: bruschetta {f}, [Tuscany] fettunta {f} |
brush {n} /bɹʌʃ/ (implement) | :: spazzola {f}, pennello {m} |
brush {n} (short experience) | :: incontro {m}; scontro {m} |
brush {v} (to clean (with a brush)) | :: spazzolare |
brush {v} (to untangle/arrange) | :: spazzolare, spazzolarsi |
brush {v} (to apply) | :: spennellare |
brush {v} (to touch) | :: toccare |
brushstroke {n} (stroke of a brush) | :: pennellata {f} |
brush up {v} (to improve a rusty or underdeveloped skill) | :: rispolverare |
brushwood {n} (fallen branches and twigs) | :: ramaglia {f} |
brusque {adj} /bɹʌsk/ (rudely abrupt, unfriendly) | :: brusco |
Brusselian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to, Brussels) | :: brussellese, [rare] bruxellese |
Brusselian {n} (someone from Brussels) | :: brussellese {m} {f}, [rare] bruxellese {m} {f} |
Brussels {prop} /ˈbɹʌsəlz/ (capital of Belgium) | :: Bruxelles {f} |
Brussels sprout {n} (vegetable) | :: cavolino di Bruxelles {m}, cavoletto di Bruxelles {m} |
brutal {adj} /ˈbɹuːtəl/ (savagely violent) | :: brutale |
brutalise {v} (to make brutal) | :: abbrutire |
Brutalism {n} (style of modernist architecture) | :: Brutalismo {m} |
brutality {n} (a state of being brutal) | :: brutalità |
brutalize {v} (brutalise) SEE: brutalise | :: |
brute {adj} /bɹuːt/ | :: bruto {m}, bruta {f} |
brute {n} (animal destitute of human reason) | :: bruto {m} |
brute {n} (brutal person) | :: bruto {m} |
brutish {adj} /ˈbɹuːt.ɪʃ/ | :: bestiale |
brutishness {n} (the characteristic of being brutish) | :: bestialità {f} |
Brutus {prop} /ˈbɹutəs/ (Roman cognomen) | :: Bruto |
bruxism {n} /ˈbɹʌksɪz(ə)m/ (habit or practice of grinding the teeth) | :: bruxismo {m} |
bryony {n} /ˈbɹaɪəni/ (herb of Bryonia) | :: brionia {f} |
bryozoan {n} /ˌbɹɑɪəˈzəʊən/ (invertebrate in the phylum Bryozoa) | :: briozoo {m} |
Brythonic {adj} /bɹɪˈθɒnɪk/ (of or relating to the Brythonic language subgroup) | :: brittonico |
bubble {n} (Greek) SEE: Greek | :: |
bubble {n} /ˈbʌb.əl/ (spherically contained volume of air or other gas) | :: bolla {f} |
bubble {n} (period of intense speculation in a market) | :: bolla {f} |
bubble {v} (to cry, weep) SEE: weep | :: |
bubble {v} (to cheat, delude) SEE: cheat | :: |
bubble bath {n} (bath in which an additive is poured into the water to create bubbles) | :: bagnoschiuma |
bubble level {n} (tool) SEE: spirit level | :: |
bucatini {n} (type of pasta) | :: bucatini {m} |
buccaneer {n} /ˌbʌkəˈnɪə(ɹ)/ (a group of seamen) | :: bucaniere {m} |
buccaneer {n} (pirate) | :: bucaniere {m}, pirata {m}, corsaro {m} |
Bucharest {prop} /ˌbuːkəˈɹɛst/ (The capital of Romania) | :: Bucarest {f} |
buck {n} (ram) SEE: ram | :: |
buck {n} /bʌk/ (male deer, goat, etc.) | :: Maschio di cervo, antilope, daino, camoscio, lepre, coniglio o canguro |
buck {n} (fop or dandy) | :: damerino {m}, moscardino {m} |
buck {n} (informal: dollar) | :: dollaro {m} |
buck {n} (slang: one hundred of anything) | :: centinaio {m} |
buck {n} (metaphorically: blame, responsibility, scapegoating, finger-pointing) | :: responsabilità |
buck {v} (of a horse: to leap upward arching its back, kicking out hind legs) | :: sgroppare |
bucket {n} /ˈbʌkɪt/ (container) | :: secchio {m} |
bucket of bolts {n} (machinery that is not worth more than its scrap value) | :: scarcassone |
buckeye {n} /ˈbʌkaɪ/ (tree of the genus Aesculus) | :: ippocastano {m} |
Buckingham Palace {prop} (the official London residence of the British monarch) | :: Buckingham Palace {m} |
buckle {v} (to buckle down) SEE: buckle down | :: |
buckle {v} /ˈbʌk(ə)l/ (to yield; to cease opposing) | :: sottomettersi |
buckle {n} (belt clasp) | :: fibbia {f} |
buckle {v} (to fasten) | :: allacciare |
buckle down {v} ((idiom) to become serious) | :: mettersi sotto a |
buckler {n} /ˈbʌk.lə/ (small shield) | :: brocchiero {m} |
buckle up {v} (to fasten one's seat belt or safety belt) | :: allacciarsi impegnarsi |
buck's party {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party | :: |
buckwheat {n} /ˈbʌkʍiːt/ (Fagopyrum esculentum plant) | :: grano saraceno {m} |
buckwheat {n} (fruit of this plant as cereal) | :: grano saraceno {m} |
bud {n} /bʌd/ (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) | :: germoglio {m}, boccio {m}, virgulto {m}, pollone {m}, getto {m}, bocciolo {m} |
bud {n} (small rounded body in the process of splitting from an organism, which may grow into a genetically identical new organism) | :: gemma {f} |
bud {v} (to form buds) | :: germogliare |
bud {n} (slang: buddy) | :: amico |
Budapest {prop} /ˈbuːdəpɛst/ (the capital city of Hungary) | :: Budapest {f} |
buddha {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana | :: |
Buddha {prop} /ˈbʊdə/ (spiritual and philosophical teacher) | :: Buddha {m}, Budda {m} |
Buddhahood {n} (state of being enlightened by Buddhist teachings) | :: buddhità |
Buddha's hand {n} (citrus fruit) | :: mano di Buddha {f} |
Buddhism {n} /ˈbu.dɪ.zəm/ (religion and philosophy) | :: buddismo {m} |
Buddhist {adj} /ˈbudɪst/ (of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism) | :: buddista |
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to a Buddhist, Buddhists) | :: buddista |
Buddhist {n} (practitioner of Buddhism) | :: buddista {m} |
Buddhist {n} (follower of Buddha) | :: buddista {m} |
Buddhistic {adj} (of, relating to Buddhism) | :: buddistico |
buddy {n} /bʌd.i/ (friend or casual acquaintance) | :: amico {m} |
buddy {n} (partner for a particular activity) | :: compagno {m}, amico {m} |
buddy {n} (informal address to a stranger) | :: capo {m} |
budget {n} /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/ (the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame) | :: bilancio {m} |
budget {n} (itemized summary of intended expenditure) | :: bilancio {m} |
Buenos Aires {prop} /ˌbweɪnoʊs ˈaɪɹeɪs/ (capital of Argentina) | :: Buenos Aires {f} |
buffalo {n} /ˈbʌf.ə.loʊ/ (Old World mammals) | :: bufalo {m} |
buffalo {n} (North American bison) | :: bison {m} |
Buffalo {prop} (a city in New York State) | :: Buffalo |
buff-breasted sandpiper {n} (Calidris subruficollis) | :: piro piro fulvo |
buffer {n} /ˈbʌfɚ/ (solution to stabilize pH) | :: soluzione tampone |
buffer {v} (maintain a given acidity) | :: tamponare |
buffer solution {n} (buffer solution) | :: soluzione tampone |
bufflehead {n} /ˈbʌfəlhɛd/ (a duck in the goldeneye genus, Bucephala albeola) | :: quattrocchi minore {m} |
buffoon {n} /bəˈfuːn/ (one who acts in a silly or ridiculous fashion) | :: pagliaccio {m} |
bug {n} /bʌɡ/ (an insect of the order Hemiptera) | :: cimice {f}, insetto {m} |
bug {n} (a colloquial name for insect) | :: bacarozzo {m} |
bug {n} (problem that needs fixing (especially in computing)) | :: malfunzionamento {m}, errore {m} |
bug {n} (contagious illness, bacteria, virus) | :: batterio {m}, virus {m} |
bug {n} (an enthusiasm for something) | :: morbo {m}, passione {f}, mania {f} |
bug {n} (an electronic listening device) | :: cimice {f}, microspia {f} |
bug {n} (a small image placed in a corner of a television program) | :: logo della rete {m} |
bug {v} (to annoy) | :: infastidire, scocciare |
bug {v} (to install an electronic listening device in) | :: spiare, intercettare |
bugger {n} (heretic) SEE: heretic | :: |
bugger {v} /ˈbʌɡɚ/ (to have anal intercourse with) | :: inculare, buggerare |
bugger {n} (whippersnapper) SEE: whippersnapper | :: |
bugger off {interj} (go away) SEE: get lost | :: |
buggery {n} (anal sex) SEE: anal sex | :: |
buggy {n} (shopping cart) SEE: shopping cart | :: |
bugle {n} /ˈbjuːɡəl/ (plant of the genus Ajuga) | :: bugola {f} |
build {v} /bɪld/ ((transitive) to form by combining materials or parts) | :: costruire, edificare |
build castles in the air {v} (to have any desire, idea, or plan unlikely to be realized) | :: fare castelli in aria |
builder {n} /ˈbɪl.dɚ/ (a person who builds or constructs things) | :: costruttore {m}, costruttrice {f} |
builder {n} (a bodybuilder) SEE: bodybuilder | :: |
building {n} /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ (act or process of building) | :: costruzione {f}, edificazione {f} |
building {n} (closed structure with walls and a roof) | :: edificio {m}, palazzo {m} |
building material {n} (any material which is used for construction purposes) | :: materiale da costruzione {m} |
building site {n} (place where a building is located, under construction, or will be erected) | :: cantiere |
building worker {n} (construction worker) SEE: construction worker | :: |
build up {v} (to accumulate) | :: accumulare |
build up {v} (to strengthen) | :: rinforzare |
built-in {adj} (constructed as a non-detachable part) | :: incorporato {m}, integrato {m}, incassato {m} |
bulb {n} /bʌlb/ (bulb-shaped root) | :: bulbo {m} |
bulb {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb | :: |
bulbar {adj} | :: bulbare |
bulbil {n} (bulb-shaped bud) | :: bulbillo {m} |
bulbous {adj} /ˈbʌlbəs/ (growing from a bulb or producing bulbs) | :: bulboso |
bulbul {n} /ˈbʊlbʊl/ (bird of the family Pycnonotidae) | :: bulbul {m} |
Bulgaria {prop} /bʌlˈɡɛɹ.i.ə/ (country) | :: Bulgaria {f} |
Bulgarian {adj} /bʌlˈɡɛɹi.ən/ (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) | :: bulgaro |
Bulgarian {n} (native of Bulgaria) | :: bulgaro {m}, bulgara {f} |
Bulgarian {n} (language) | :: bulgaro {m} |
bulge {n} /bʌldʒ/ (Something sticking out) | :: sporgenza {f}, protuberanza {f}, rigonfiamento {m} |
bulge {v} (to stick out from) | :: sporgere |
bulimia {n} /bjuˈlimi.ə/ (eating disorder) | :: bulimia {f} |
bulimia nervosa {n} (eating disorder) SEE: bulimia | :: |
bulk {n} /bʌlk/ (volume) | :: massa {f}, mole {f}, volume {m} |
bulk {n} (major part of something) | :: grosso {m} |
bulk carrier {n} (watercraft) | :: portarinfuse {f} |
bulkhead {n} (partition on ship) | :: paratia |
bulky {adj} /ˈbʌlki/ (large in size, mass, or volume) | :: voluminoso, massiccio, ingombrante |
bulky {adj} (unwieldy) | :: scomodo |
bulky refuse {n} (bulky waste) SEE: bulky waste | :: |
bulky waste {n} (a waste type that is too large to be accepted by the regular waste collection) | :: rifiuti ingombranti {m-p} |
bull {n} /ˈbʊl/ (uncastrated adult male bovine) | :: toro {m} |
bull {n} (adult male animal) | :: maschio {m} |
bull {n} (finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices) | :: toro {m}, rialzista {m} |
bull {adj} (male) | :: maschio |
bull {n} (document) | :: bolla |
bull {n} (seal) | :: sigillo {m} |
bull ant {n} (Myrmecia brevinoda) | :: formica bulldog {f}, formica sergente {f} |
bullcrap {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit | :: |
bulldog {n} /ˈbʊldɔɡ/ (breed of dog) | :: bulldog {m} |
bulldozer {n} /ˈbʊldoʊzɚ/ (tractor) | :: bulldozer {m}, apripista {m} {f}, ruspa {f}, escavatore {m}, escavatrice {f} |
bullet {n} /ˈbʊl.ɪt/ (projectile) | :: proiettile {m} |
bulleted {adj} | :: puntato |
bulleted list {n} (list) | :: lista puntata {f} |
bulletin board {n} (a board) | :: bacheca {p} |
bullet point {n} (item of a bullet list) | :: punto elenco |
bulletproof {adj} /bʊl.ɪtpɹuːf/ (capable of withstanding a bullet) | :: antiproiettile |
bulletproof vest {n} /bʊl.ɪtpɹuːf vɛst/ (garment) | :: giubbotto antiproiettile {m} |
bull fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
bullfight {n} (public spectacle) | :: corrida {f} |
bullfighting {n} (spectacle of manipulating and killing a bull) | :: toromachia {f}, corrida {f} |
bullfinch {n} (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) | :: ciuffolotto {m} |
bullfrog {n} /ˈbʊlfɹɑɡ/ (bullfrog) | :: rana toro {f}, rana bue {f} |
bullhead {n} (Europe, Asia: the European bullhead) SEE: European bullhead | :: |
bullion {n} /ˈbʊl.jən/ (bulk quantity of precious metal) | :: lingotto {m} |
bullionism {n} (an economic theory that defines wealth by the amount of precious metals owned) | :: bullionismo |
bullock {n} /ˈbʊlək/ ((archaic) a young bull) | :: giovenco |
bullroarer {n} (musical instrument) | :: rombo {m} |
bull run {n} (event in which people run with bulls in the streets) | :: encierro {m}, corsa dei tori {f} |
bullseye {n} /ˈbʊlzaɪ/ (centre of a target) | :: centro del bersaglio {m} |
bullshit {n} /ˈbʊlʃɪt/ (deceitful statements, etc) | :: cazzata {f} (vulg.), stronzata {f} (vulg.), coglionata {f} (rare)(vulg.), minchiata {f} (vulg.) |
bullshit {v} (to tell lies, exaggerate) | :: dire cazzate |
bullshit {v} (to have casual conversation with no real point) | :: cazzeggiare |
bullshit {v} | :: dire coglionate |
bully {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp | :: |
bully {n} /ˈbʊli/ (person who is cruel to others) | :: bullo {m}, spaccone {m}, smargiasso {m}, prepotente {m}, arrogante {m} |
bullying {n} /ˈbʊl.i.ɪŋ/ (act of intimidating a person) | :: bullismo {m} |
bulrush {n} (Any of several wetland plants) | :: giunco di palude {m} |
bulwark {n} /ˈbʊl.wɝk/ (defensive wall or rampart) | :: baluardo {m} |
bulwark {n} (nautical: planking or plating along the sides of a nautical vessel above her gunwale) | :: impavesata {f} |
bulwark {n} (breakwater) SEE: breakwater | :: |
bum {n} /bʌm/ (informal: buttocks or anus) | :: deretano, didietro {m}, culo, sedere {m} |
bum {n} (informal: butt(ocks) specifically) | :: glutei, chiappe |
bum {n} (anus specifically) | :: ano {m} |
bum {n} (hobo) | :: vagabondo {m}, fannullone {m}, barbone {m} |
bum {v} (to beg for something) | :: oziare, vagabondare |
bum {adj} (of poor quality or highly undesirable) | :: scadente |
bum around {v} (loiter) | :: vagabondare, girovagare, bighellare, gironzolare, ciondolare, indugiare |
bum bag {n} (small pouch attached to a belt) SEE: fanny pack | :: |
bumblebee {n} /ˈbʌmbl̩bi/ (genus of bee) | :: bombo {m} |
bumfodder {n} (toilet paper) SEE: toilet paper | :: |
bumfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy | :: |
bummer {interj} /ˈbʌ.mə(ɹ)/ (a disappointment, a pity, a shame) | :: peccato |
bump {n} /bʌmp/ (a light blow or jolting collision) | :: colpetto, botta |
bump {n} (a protuberance on a level surface) | :: bozzo {m}, gnocco {m}, protuberanza {f}, gonfiore |
bump {n} (a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury) | :: bozzo {m}, gnocco {m} |
bump {n} (the swollen abdomen of a pregnant woman) | :: pancione {m} |
bumper {n} /ˈbʌmpə(ɹ)/ (impact absorber on a vehicle) | :: paraurti |
bumpkin {n} /ˈbʌmpkɪn/ (yokel) | :: buzzurro {m}, villico {m}, cafone {m}, zappaterra {m} |
bun {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie | :: |
bun {n} /bʌn/ (A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced) | :: panino {m}, pagnotta {f}, rosetta {f}, sfilatino {m}, michetta {f} |
bun {n} (A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head) | :: crocchia {f} |
bunch {n} /ˈbʌntʃ/ (a group of similar things) | :: ciuffo, graspo, mucchio {n}, mucchio {n} |
bunch {n} (a cluster of grapes) | :: grappolo {m} |
bunch {n} (an informal body of friends) | :: comitiva |
bunch {n} (a considerable amount) | :: mucchio {n} |
bunch {v} (to gather into a bunch) | :: ammucchiare |
bundle {n} /ˈbʌnd(ə)l/ (group of objects held together by wrapping or tying) | :: insieme {m}, fascina {f}, fascio {m} [anatomy] |
bundle {n} (package wrapped or tied up for carrying) | :: pacchetto {m}, fagotto {m}, rotolo {m} |
bundle {n} (colloquial: large amount, especially of money) | :: patrimonio |
bundle {n} | :: fardello |
bundle {v} (to tie or wrap together) | :: raccogliere, aggregare |
bundle {v} (computing: to sell hardware and software as single product) | :: integrare |
bundt cake {n} (ring-shaped cake) | :: ciambella {f} |
bung {n} (bribe) SEE: bribe | :: |
bungle {v} /ˈbʌŋ.ɡ(ə)l/ (to botch up, bumble or incompetently perform a task) | :: pasticciare, abborracciare |
bunion {n} /ˈbʌnjən/ (bump on the big toe) | :: alluce valgo |
bunk {n} /bʌŋk/ (one of a series of berth in tiers) | :: cuccetta {f}, letto a castello {m} |
bunk {n} (built-in bed on board a ship) | :: cuccetta {f} |
bunk {n} | :: giaciglio {m} |
bunk bed {n} (two or more beds fixed on top of one another) | :: letto a castello {m} |
bunkbed {n} (bunk bed) SEE: bunk bed | :: |
bunker {n} /ˈbʌŋkɚ/ (hardened shelter) | :: bunker {m} |
bunker {n} (large container for storing coal) | :: bunker {m} |
bunker {n} (sand-filled hollow) | :: bunker {m} |
bunker {n} (truant) SEE: truant | :: |
bunny {n} /ˈbʌni/ (young rabbit) | :: coniglietto {m} |
bunny {n} (women in a costume of rabbit ears and tail) | :: coniglietta {f} |
bunny girl {n} (club hostess in provocative costume suggestive of a rabbit) | :: coniglietta {f} |
bunny hug {n} (hoodie) SEE: hoodie | :: |
Bunsen burner {n} (small laboratory gas burner) | :: becco di Bunsen {m} |
bunt {n} (baseball: ball intentionally hit softly) | :: palla smorzata {f} |
bunt {v} (baseball) | :: smorzare |
bunting {n} /ˈbʌntɪŋ/ (strips of material hung as decoration) | :: festone {m} |
bunting {n} (flags as a group) | :: bandierine {f-p} |
bunting {n} (bird) | :: zigolo {m} |
Bunuelian {adj} (of or relating to Luis Buñuel) | :: bunueliano |
buoy {n} /ˈbɔɪ/ (moored float) | :: boa {f} |
buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver | :: |
buoyance {n} (buoyancy) SEE: buoyancy | :: |
buoyancy {n} /ˈbɔɪ.ə (physics: upward force on an immersed body) | :: spinta {f}, spinta statica {f}, forza ascensionale {f}, spinta idrostatica {f} |
buoyancy {n} (ability to stay afloat) | :: galleggiabilità {f} |
buoyancy {n} (resilience or cheerfulness) | :: vivacità {f}, ottimismo {m} |
buoy rope {n} (rope that secures a buoy to an anchor on the seabed) | :: grippia {f} |
bupleurum {n} (plant of the genus Bupleurum) | :: bupleuro {m} |
buprenorphine {n} (semisynthetic opioid) | :: buprenorfina {f} |
buprestid {n} (any species of Buprestidae) | :: buprestide {m} |
bur {n} (prickly husk) SEE: burr | :: |
burble {v} /ˈbɜɹ.bəl/ (to bubble, to gurgle) | :: borbugliare |
burbot {n} /ˈbɜ(ɹ).bət/ (a freshwater fish: Lota lota) | :: bottatrice {f} |
burden {n} /ˈbɝdn/ (heavy load) | :: carico {m}, fardello |
burden {n} (responsibility, onus) | :: responsabilità {f}, onere {m} |
burden {n} (cause of worry) | :: preoccupazione {f}, fardello {m} |
burden {v} (encumber) | :: gravare, appioppare, rifilare, oberare |
burden of proof {n} (duty of a party in a legal proceeding) | :: onere della prova {m} |
burdensome {adj} /ˈbɝ.dən.səm/ (of or like a burden; arduous or demanding) | :: gravoso, oneroso {m}, ostico {m} |
Burdigalian {prop} | :: Burdigaliano |
burdock {n} /ˈbɝːdɑːk/ (any of the species of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium) | :: bardana {f}, lappa {f} |
bureau {n} /ˈbjʊɹ.oʊ/ (office (room)) | :: ufficio {m} |
bureau {n} (desk) | :: scrivania {f}, scrittoio {m} |
bureau {n} (chest of drawers for clothes) | :: cassettone, comò |
bureaucracy {n} /bjʊˈɹɑːkɹəsi/ (system of administration) | :: burocrazia {f} |
bureaucratese {n} (pejorative term for language typically used by bureaucrats) | :: burocratese |
bureaucratically {adv} (in a bureaucratic manner) | :: burocraticamente |
bureau de change {n} /ˈbjʊəɹ.əʊ.dəˌʃɒ̃ʒ/ (a place where foreign currency can be exchanged) | :: cambiavalute {m}, ufficio del cambio {m} |
burette {n} (glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock used for titration, etc.) | :: buretta {f} |
burg {n} (fortified town in medieval Europe) | :: borgo {m} |
Burgas {prop} (city in Bulgaria) | :: Burgas |
burgee {n} (a broad tapering pennant) | :: guidone {m} (the usual translation of "club burgee" is "guidone sociale") |
burgeoning {n} (growth or expansion) | :: in crescita, in espansione |
burgess {n} /ˈbɜːdʒɪs/ (inhabitant of a borough with full rights) | :: cittadino {m} |
burgher {n} /ˈbɝɡɚ/ (citizen of a borough or town) | :: cittadino |
burgher {n} (prosperous member of the community) | :: borghese {m} |
burglar {n} /ˈbɝɡlɚ/ | :: scassinatore {m}, scassinatrice {f} |
burglar alarm {n} (warning device) | :: allarme antifurto {m}, antifurto {m}, allarme {m} |
burgomaster {n} /ˈbɜɹɡəmæstəɹ/ (the mayor of a town in certain countries) | :: sindaco {m}, borgomastro {m} (used only in Germany) |
burgundy {n} /ˈbɝ.ɡən.di/ (color) | :: borgogna {m} |
Burgundy {prop} /ˈbɝːɡəndi/ (region) | :: Borgogna {f} |
buriable {adj} (able to be buried) | :: sotterrabile |
burial {n} /ˈbɛɹɪəl/ (interment) | :: sepoltura, inumazione |
buried {adj} /ˈbɛ.ɹid/ (Placed in a grave at a burial) | :: sepolto |
burin {n} (chisel) | :: bulino {m} |
Burkinabe {n} (person from Burkina Faso) | :: burkinabè {m} {f} |
Burkina Faso {prop} /bəː(ɹ)ˈkiːnə ˈfɑsoʊ/ (country) | :: Burkina Faso |
burlesque {adj} /bə(ɹ)ˈlɛsk/ (burlesque) | :: burlesco |
burlesque {n} (parody) | :: caricatura |
burly {adj} /ˈbɜːli/ (well-built) | :: massiccio, robusto {m} |
Burma {prop} /ˈbɝmə/ (Southeast Asian country (former name), see also: Myanmar) | :: Birmania |
Burmese {adj} /bɜːˈmiːz/ (Of or relating to Burma) | :: birmano {m} |
Burmese {n} (a person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent) | :: birmano {m} |
Burmese {prop} (language) | :: birmano {m} |
burn {n} /bɝn/ (physical injury) | :: bruciatura {f}, ustione {f} |
burn {n} (act of burning something) | :: bruciatura {f}, fuoco {m} |
burn {v} (to cause to be consumed by fire) | :: bruciare, incendiare, ustionare |
burn {v} (to be consumed by fire) | :: bruciare, ardere |
burn {v} (to injure with heat or chemicals) | :: bruciare, ustionare |
burn {n} (vegetable disease) SEE: brand | :: |
burner {n} /ˈbɝnɚ/ (element on a kitchen stove) | :: fuoco, fornello {m} |
burner {n} (device that generates localized heat for experiments) | :: becco di Bunsen {m}, bruciatore {m} |
burner {n} (computing: device that allows data or music to be stored on a CD) | :: masterizzatore {m} |
burnet {n} (herb) | :: pimpinella {f}, salvastrella {f}, meloncello {m} |
burning bush {n} (Euonymus in general) SEE: spindle | :: |
burning bush {n} (biblical object) | :: roveto ardente {m} |
burning bush {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant | :: |
burn one's bridges {v} (burn one's bridges) | :: bruciarsi i ponti alle spalle, il dado è tratto, passare il Rubicone |
burn one's candle at both ends {v} (burn the candle at both ends) SEE: burn the candle at both ends | :: |
burn out {v} (to extinguish due to lack of fuel) | :: spegnersi, estinguersi |
burn out {v} (to tire due to overwork) | :: esaurirsi |
burnout {n} (using the throttle to spin the wheels of a vehicle being held stationary) | :: burnout {m} |
burnt {adj} /ˈbɜɹnt/ (carbonized) | :: bruciato, arso |
burnt {adj} | :: arso |
burn the candle at both ends {v} (work hard night and day) | :: bruciare la candela ad entrambe le estremità |
burn the midnight oil {v} (work through the night) | :: fare le ore piccole, passare la notte in bianco |
buro {n} (office) | :: ufficio {m} |
buro {n} (desk) | :: scrivania {f}, scrittoio {m} |
buro {n} (chest of drawers for clothes) | :: cassettone, comò |
burp {n} /bɝp/ (a softer belch) | :: rutto {m}, flato {m} |
burp {v} (to emit a burp) | :: ruttare |
burr {n} /bɝ/ (sliver or splinter) | :: scheggia {f} |
burr {n} (seed pod with sharp features) | :: riccio {m} |
burr {n} (material left on an edge after cutting) | :: sbavatura {f}, bava {f} |
burr {n} (mispronouncion of "r") | :: erre moscia {f} |
burr {v} (to pronounce "r") | :: parlare con la erre moscia |
burrata {n} /bəˈɹɑtə/ (cheese similar to creamy mozzarella) | :: burrata {f} |
bur-reed {n} (a marsh plant) | :: coltellaccio {m} |
burrito {n} /bəˈɹi.toʊ/ (Mexican dish) | :: burrito {m} |
burrow {n} /ˈbʌɹoʊ/ (a tunnel or hole) | :: tana {f}, buca {f}, covo {m}, cunicolo {m} |
burrow {v} (to dig a hole) | :: scavare una tana |
bursary {n} (award to university students) | :: borsa di studio {f} |
bursary {n} (treasury of an order or institution) | :: accantonamento {m}, riserva {f} |
bursitis {n} (inflammation of a bursa) | :: borsite {f} |
burst {v} /bɝst/ (to break from internal pressure) | :: scoppiare, esplodere |
burst {v} (to cause to burst) | :: far scoppiare, strappare, separare |
burst {n} (instance or act of bursting) | :: scoppio, esplosione |
bursting {adj} /ˈbɝstɪŋ/ (urgently needing to urinate) | :: impellenza, urgenza, bisogno impellente |
Buruli ulcer {n} (type of ulcer caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans) | :: ulcera del Buruli {f}, ulcera del Bairnsdale {f}, ulcera del Searle {f}, ulcera del Daintree {f} |
Burundi {prop} /bʊˈɹʊndi/ (a country in Eastern Africa) | :: Burundi |
bury {v} /ˈbɛ.ɹi/ (inter a corpse in a grave or tomb) | :: seppellire, inumare, sotterrare |
bury {v} (place in the ground) | :: sotterrare |
bury {v} (hide or conceal as if by covering with earth) | :: sotterrare, nascondere, sprofondare |
bury {v} (to put an end to; to abandon) | :: seppellire, dimenticare, mettere una pietra sopra |
bury one's head in the sand {v} (to deliberately ignore the reality of a situation) | :: nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia, fare finta di niente, fare come lo struzzo |
bury the hatchet {v} (to stop fighting or arguing) | :: sotterrare l'ascia di guerra, seppellire l'ascia di guerra |
bus {n} (medical slang: ambulance) SEE: ambulance | :: |
bus {n} (vehicle) | :: autobus {m}, pullman {m}, corriera {f} |
bus {n} (electrical conductor) | :: bus {m} |
Busan {prop} (Busan, South Korea) | :: Busan {m} |
Buscemi {prop} (city of Sicily) | :: Buscemi {f} |
bush {n} /bʊʃ/ (category of woody plant) | :: arbusto {m}, cespuglio {m} |
bush {n} (pubic hair) | :: pelo pubico {m}, cespuglio {m} |
bush antelope {n} (bushbuck) SEE: bushbuck | :: |
bushbuck {n} (Tragelaphus scriptus or sylvaticus) | :: imbabala {f}, tragelafo del Capo {m}, tragelafo striato {m} |
bushel {n} /ˈbʊʃəl/ (dry measure) | :: moggio {m}, staio {m} |
bushel {n} (vessel of capacity of a bushel) | :: staio {m} |
bush hammer {n} (a square-headed hammer with spikes) | :: bocciarda {f} |
bushing {n} /ˈbʊʃɪŋ/ (mechanical engineering: type of bearing to reduce friction) | :: bronzina {f} |
Bushism {prop} (political philosophy) | :: bushismo {m} |
Bushman {n} (Bushman) | :: boscimano {m} |
busiate {n} (type of pasta) | :: busiate {f} |
busily {adv} (in a busy manner) | :: intentamente |
business {n} /ˈbɪz.nɪs/ (commercial enterprise or establishment) | :: azienda {f} |
business {n} (commercial, industrial or professional activity) | :: affari {m-p} |
business card {n} (small card) | :: biglietto da visita {m} |
businessman {n} /ˈbɪznəsmæn/ (a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution) | :: uomo d'affari {m} |
business plan {n} (summary) | :: business plan |
businesswoman {n} (woman of business) | :: donna d'affari {f} |
busk {v} (nautical: to tack) SEE: tack | :: |
busk {v} /bʌsk/ (to solicit money by entertaining the public) | :: suonare per strada |
busker {n} (street performer) | :: artista di strada {m} {f} |
bus station {n} (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) | :: stazione degli autobus |
bus stop {n} (a stop for public transport buses) | :: fermata d'autobus {f}, fermata {f} |
bust {n} /ˈbʌst/ (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders) | :: busto {m} |
bust {n} (breasts and upper thorax of a woman) | :: busto {m} |
bust {v} (alteration of burst) | :: scoppiare [intransitive], far scoppiare [transitive] |
bust {v} (to break something) | :: rompere, sfasciare |
bust {v} ((slang) to arrest for a crime) | :: acciuffare, attaccare |
bust {v} ((slang) to catch someone in the act of doing something wrong, socially and morally inappropriate, or illegal) | :: sgamare |
bust {n} (act of arresting someone for a crime, or raiding a suspected criminal operation) | :: arresto {m}, fare irruzione, irruzione {f} |
bust {n} (failed enterprise) | :: fiasco {m} |
bustard {n} /ˈbʌs.təd/ (any of several birds of the family Otididae) | :: otarda {f} |
busted {adj} /ˈbʌstəd/ (caught in the act) | :: fregato |
busting {adj} (urgently needing to urinate) SEE: bursting | :: |
bustle {n} /ˈbʌsəl/ (excited activity) | :: viavai {m}, andirivieni {m} |
bustle {v} (to move busily and energetically) | :: affaccendarsi |
bustling {adj} (full of noisy activity) | :: vivace |
bust one's ass {v} (to work very hard) | :: farsi il culo |
busy {adj} /ˈbɪzi/ (crowded with business or activities) | :: indaffarato |
busy {adj} (doing a great deal) | :: occupato |
busy {adj} (engaged) | :: occupato {m} |
busybody {n} (someone who interferes with others) | :: intrigante {m} {f}, ficcanaso {m} {f}, armeggione, faccendiere {m}, intrallazzone {m}, factotum {m} |
but {conj} /bʌt/ (rather) | :: ma, però, tuttavia |
but {conj} (although) | :: ma, però, tuttavia |
but {conj} (except) | :: eccetto, salvo, a parte, tranne |
butane {n} /ˈbjuːteɪn/ (the organic compound) | :: butano {m} |
butanol {n} (alcohol of butane) | :: butanolo {m} |
butch {n} /bʊtʃ/ (masculine lesbian) | :: maschiaccio {m} |
butcher {n} /ˈbʊt͡ʃ.ɚ/ (a person who prepares and sells meat) | :: macellaio {m} |
butcher {n} (a brutal or indiscriminate killer) | :: macellaio {m}, carnefice {m} |
butcher {v} (To slaughter animals and prepare meat for market) | :: macellare |
butcher {v} (to kill brutally) | :: massacrare |
butcher {v} (To ruin something) | :: rovinare, danneggiare |
butcher's {n} /ˈbʊtʃə(ɹ)z/ (butcher’s shop) | :: macelleria {f}, beccheria {f}, carnezzeria {f} |
butchershop {n} (a butcher's shop) | :: macelleria {f}, beccheria {f}, carnezzeria {f} |
butchery {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir | :: |
butchery {n} (cruel, ruthless killing of humans) | :: massacro {m}, carneficina {f} |
butler {n} /ˈbʌt.lɚ/ (manservant having charge of wines and liquors) | :: costituente {m} |
butler {n} (chief male servant) | :: maggiordomo {m} |
butt {n} /bʌt/ (buttocks) | :: culo {m}, sedere {m} |
butt {n} (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar) | :: mozzicone {m} |
butt {v} ((transitive) to strike bluntly) | :: cozzare |
butt {n} (sudden blow from the head of an animal; headbutt) | :: cornata {f} |
butt {n} ((obsolete or dialectal in English) hassock) SEE: hassock | :: |
butt chin {n} (cleft chin) SEE: cleft chin | :: |
butte {n} /ˈbjuːt/ (hill) | :: butte {f}, tacco {m} |
butter {n} /ˈbʌtəɹ/ (soft foodstuff made from milk) | :: burro {m} |
butter {v} (to spread butter on, see also: spread; butter) | :: imburrare |
butterbur {n} (herb) | :: farfaraccio {m}, petasite {m} |
buttercup {n} (flower of the genus Narcissus) SEE: daffodil | :: |
buttercup {n} /ˈbʌt.ɚ.kʌp/ (herb of the genus Ranunculus) | :: ranuncolo {m} |
butter curler {n} (kitchen tool) | :: arricciaburro {m} |
butter dish {n} (specialised dish in which butter is served) | :: portaburro {m}, burriera {f} |
butterfingered {adj} /ˈbʌtəˌfɪŋɡəd/ (prone to dropping things, see also: clumsy) | :: maldestro |
butterfingers {n} /ˈbʌtəˌfɪŋɡəz/ (someone who tends to drop things) | :: mano di pastafrolla {m} |
butterfly {n} /ˈbʌɾɚflaɪ/ (insect) | :: farfalla {f} |
butterfly {n} (swimming stroke) SEE: butterfly stroke | :: |
butterfly door {n} (type of car door) | :: portiera ad ala di gabbiano |
butterfly effect {n} (technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory) | :: effetto farfalla {m} |
butterflyfish {n} (tropical marine fish) | :: pesce farfalla {m} |
butterfly net {n} (net used to collect butterflies) | :: acchiappafarfalle {m} |
butterfly stroke {n} (swimming stroke) | :: farfalla {f} |
butterfly valve {n} (valve which can be used for isolation or regulating flow) | :: valvola a farfalla {f} |
butter knife {n} (dull-edged knife for spreading butter) | :: coltello da burro {m} |
buttermilk {n} /ˈbʌtɚˌmɪlk/ (traditional buttermilk) | :: latticello {m} |
butternut {n} (butternut squash) SEE: butternut squash | :: |
butternut squash {n} (Cucurbita moschata cultivar) | :: zucca torta {f}, zucca pepona {f} |
butter up {v} (to flatter) | :: lusingare |
buttery {adj} /ˈbʌtəɹi/ (made with or tasting of butter) | :: burroso |
buttfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy | :: |
butthole {n} (anus) SEE: anus | :: |
butt in {v} (to join conversation when not welcome) | :: intromettersi |
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked | :: |
buttock {n} /ˈbʌtək/ (each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body) | :: natica {f}, gluteo {m}, deretano, sedere, chiappe, chiappa {f}, culo {m}, fondoschiena {m}, posteriore {m}, didietro {m}, mazzo {m} |
button {n} /ˈbʌtn̩/ (knob or small disc serving as a fastener) | :: bottone {m} |
button {n} (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) | :: pulsante {m} |
button {n} | :: bottone {m}, tasto {m} |
buttonhole {n} (hole for a button) | :: occhiello {m}, asola {f} |
button mushroom {n} (Agaricus bisporus) | :: champignon {m} |
buttress {n} /ˈbʌtɹɪs/ (brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it) | :: contrafforte {m}, contrafforti {m}, sperone {m} |
buttress {n} (anything that serves to support something) | :: supporto {m}, corroborazione, sperone {m} |
buttress {n} (feature jutting out from mountain; crag, bluff) | :: sperone {m} |
buttress {v} (support something or someone by supplying evidence) | :: appoggiare, sostenere, rafforzare, corroborare |
butyl {n} (Any of four isomeric univalent hydrocarbon radicals, C4H9) | :: butile {m} |
butyric {adj} (of or pertaining to butter) | :: butirrico {m} |
butyric {adj} (of or derived from butyric acid) | :: butirrico {m} |
butyric acid {n} (normal butyric acid) | :: acido butirrico {m} |
buxine {n} | :: bussina {f} |
buxom {adj} /ˈbʌksəm/ (having a full, voluptuous figure) | :: formosa {f}, prosperosa {f}, tettona {f} |
buy {v} /baɪ/ (to obtain something with money) | :: comprare |
buy {n} (purchase) SEE: purchase | :: |
buyer {n} /ˈbaɪ.ə(ɹ)/ (person who makes purchases) | :: cliente {m} {f}, compratore {m}, compratrice {f}, acquirente {m} {f} |
buy into {v} (believe) | :: bersela |
buzz {n} /bʌz/ (continuous humming noise) | :: brusio {m}, ronzio {m}, bisbiglio {m}, mormorio {m}, sibilo {m} |
buzz {n} (rush of feeling of energy or excitement) | :: euforia {f}, ebbrezza {f} |
buzz {n} (informal: telephone call) | :: squillo {m} |
buzz {n} (information spread behind the scenes) | :: pettegolezzo {m} |
buzz {n} (whisper) SEE: whisper | :: |
buzzard {n} /ˈbʌzəɹd/ (bird of the genus Buteo) | :: poiana {f} |
buzzard {n} (scavenging bird) SEE: vulture | :: |
buzzcut {n} (military style haircut) | :: taglio a spazzola {m} |
buzzer {n} /ˈbʌzəɹ/ (device) | :: segnalatore acustico {m}, cicalino {m} |
buzzing {n} /ˈbʌzɪŋ/ (The sound produced by something that buzzes) | :: ronzio {m} |
by {prep} /baɪ/ (near, or next to) | :: vicino, accanto, ravvicinato |
by {prep} (not later than) | :: entro |
by {prep} (indicates the agent of a passive verb) | :: da |
by {prep} (indicates creator of a work) | :: da, di |
by {prep} (indicates a means) | :: con |
by {prep} (with the authority of) | :: per |
by {prep} (indicating amount of change, difference or discrepancy) | :: del, di |
by {prep} (indicates steady progression) | :: per, di |
by {prep} | :: per, dal |
by accident {adv} (accidentally) SEE: accidentally | :: |
by and by {adv} (soon) SEE: soon | :: |
by and large {adv} (mostly, generally; with few exceptions) | :: in generale, in linea di massima |
Byblos {prop} (port city in Lebanon) | :: Biblo |
by chance {prep} (unexpected(ly); accidental(ly)) | :: per caso, casualmente |
by degrees {prep} (in gradual steps) | :: a poco a poco |
by dint of {prep} (because of; by reason of) SEE: because of | :: |
by-election {n} (special election) | :: elezioni suppletive {f-p}, elezioni supplementari {f-p} |
by far {prep} (to a large extent) | :: di gran lunga |
by foot {adv} (on foot) SEE: on foot | :: |
bygone {adj} /ˈbaɪɡɔn/ (in the far past) | :: passato {m}, andato {m} |
by hand {prep} (manually) SEE: manually | :: |
by hand {prep} (manually) | :: a mano, manualmente |
by heart {prep} /baɪ ˈhɑɹt/ (knowing completely) | :: a memoria |
by Jove {interj} (exclamation indicating surprise or emphasis) | :: per Giove |
by mistake {prep} (mistakenly) SEE: mistakenly | :: |
by no means {prep} (certainly not) | :: a nessun patto |
by now {prep} (now) | :: ormai |
by oneself {prep} (without help) | :: da solo, da soli {p} {m} |
byplay {n} (any action carried out onstage during a performance, apart from the main action) | :: controscena {f} |
byre {n} (a barn, especially one used for keeping cattle) | :: stalla |
bystander {n} (a person who, although present at some event, does not take part in it; an observer or spectator) | :: astante {m}, convenuto {m} |
byte {n} /baɪt/ (8-bit unit) | :: byte {m} |
by the by {prep} (by the way) SEE: by the way | :: |
by the Grace of God {prep} (By divine right) | :: per la Grazia di Dio |
by the skin of one's teeth {prep} (barely, closely) | :: per un pelo |
by the time {prep} (when) SEE: when | :: |
by the way {prep} (incidentally) | :: a proposito, incidentalmente, per caso |
by trade {prep} (as a profession) | :: di professione |
by turns {adv} (one after the other) SEE: in turn | :: |
by virtue of {prep} /baɪ ˈvɜːtʃuː ɒv/ (because of) | :: in virtù di |
by way of {phrase} (by the route of, through, via) | :: tramite, per via di, per mezzo di, mediante, mercè |
byword {n} /ˈbaɪ.wɚd/ (a proverb) | :: proverbio |
Byzantine {adj} /ˈbɪzəntiːn/ (of or pertaining to Byzantium) | :: bizantino |
Byzantine Empire {prop} /ˈbɪzəntiːn ˈɛmpaɪə(ɹ)/ (Greek-speaking empire in the Eastern Mediterranean region) | :: Impero bizantino {m} |
Byzantine Greek {n} (the continuum of forms of the Greek language as written and spoken during the time of the Byzantine Empire) | :: greco bizantino, greco medioevale |
Byzantism {n} (study or use of elements of the Byzantine culture) | :: bizantinismo {m} |
Byzantium {prop} (Byzantine Empire) SEE: Byzantine Empire | :: |
Byzantium {prop} /bɪˈzænti.əm/ (ancient Greek city) | :: Bisanzio {m} |