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Possible spell-corrected query: public verifiable secret sharing
2024/1061 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-29
Insta-Pok3r: Real-time Poker on Blockchain
Sanjam Garg, Aniket Kate, Pratyay Mukherjee, Rohit Sinha, Sriram Sridhar
Cryptographic protocols

We develop a distributed service for generating correlated randomness (e.g. permutations) for multiple parties, where each party’s output is private but publicly verifiable. This service provides users with a low-cost way to play online poker in real-time, without a trusted party. Our service is backed by a committee of compute providers, who run a multi-party computation (MPC) protocol to produce an (identity-based) encrypted permutation of a deck of cards, in an offline phase well ahead...

2024/198 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-09
Distributed Randomness using Weighted VRFs
Sourav Das, Benny Pinkas, Alin Tomescu, Zhuolun Xiang
Cryptographic protocols

Generating and integrating shared randomness into a blockchain can expand applications and strengthen security. We aim to have validators generating blockchain randomness autonomously, and fresh shared randomness is generated for each block. We focus on proof-of-stake blockchains, where each validator has a different amount of stake (aka weight). Such chains introduce a weighted threshold setting where subset authorization relies on the cumulative weight of validators rather than the subset...

2024/168 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-09
Dragon: Decentralization at the cost of Representation after Arbitrary Grouping and Its Applications to Sub-cubic DKG and Interactive Consistency
Hanwen Feng, Zhenliang Lu, Qiang Tang
Cryptographic protocols

Several distributed protocols, including distributed key generation (DKG) and interactive consistency (IC), depend on $\mathcal{O}(n)$ instances of Byzantine Broadcast or Byzantine Agreement among $n$ nodes, resulting in ${\Theta}(n^3)$ communication overhead. In this paper, we provide a new methodology of realizing such broadcasts we call DRAGON: Decentralization at the cost of Representation after Arbitrary GrOupiNg. At the core of it, we arbitrarily group nodes into small ``shards''...

2024/034 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-17
How (not) to hash into class groups of imaginary quadratic fields?
István András Seres, Péter Burcsi, Péter Kutas
Secret-key cryptography

Class groups of imaginary quadratic fields (class groups for short) have seen a resurgence in cryptography as transparent groups of unknown order. They are a prime candidate for being a trustless alternative to RSA groups because class groups do not need a (distributed) trusted setup to sample a cryptographically secure group of unknown order. Class groups have recently found many applications in verifiable secret sharing, secure multiparty computation, transparent polynomial commitments,...

2024/031 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-21
Feldman's Verifiable Secret Sharing for a Dishonest Majority
Yi-Hsiu Chen, Yehuda Lindell
Cryptographic protocols

Verifiable secret sharing (VSS) protocols enable parties to share secrets while guaranteeing security (in particular, that all parties hold valid and consistent shares) even if the dealer or some of the participants are malicious. Most work on VSS focuses on the honest majority case, primarily since it enables one to guarantee output delivery (e.g., a corrupted recipient cannot prevent an honest dealer from sharing their value). Feldman's VSS is a well known and popular protocol for this...

2023/1669 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-23
$\Pi$: A Unified Framework for Verifiable Secret Sharing
Karim Baghery

An $(n, t)$-Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS) scheme allows a dealer to share a secret among $n$ parties, s.t. all the parties can verify the validity of their shares and only a set of them, i.e., more than $t$, can access the secret. In this paper, we present $\Pi$, as a unified framework for building VSS schemes in the honest majority setting. Notably, $\Pi$ does not rely on homomorphic commitments; instead requires a random oracle and any commitment scheme that extra to its core attributes...

2023/1651 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-20
Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing over Class Groups and Applications to DKG and YOSO
Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David
Cryptographic protocols

Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing (PVSS) allows a dealer to publish encrypted shares of a secret so that parties holding the corresponding decryption keys may later reconstruct it. Both dealing and reconstruction are non-interactive and any verifier can check their validity. PVSS finds applications in randomness beacons, distributed key generation (DKG) and in YOSO MPC (Gentry et al. CRYPTO'21), when endowed with suitable publicly verifiable re-sharing as in YOLO YOSO (Cascudo et al....

2023/1348 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-11
Adaptively Secure (Aggregatable) PVSS and Application to Distributed Randomness Beacons
Renas Bacho, Julian Loss
Public-key cryptography

Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing (PVSS) is a fundamental primitive that allows to share a secret $S$ among $n$ parties via a publicly verifiable transcript $T$. Existing (efficient) PVSS are only proven secure against static adversaries who must choose who to corrupt ahead of a protocol execution. As a result, any protocol (e.g., a distributed randomness beacon) that builds on top of such a PVSS scheme inherits this limitation. To overcome this barrier, we revisit the security of PVSS...

2023/1339 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-30
FlexiRand: Output Private (Distributed) VRFs and Application to Blockchains
Aniket Kate, Easwar Vivek Mangipudi, Siva Mardana, Pratyay Mukherjee
Cryptographic protocols

Web3 applications based on blockchains regularly need access to randomness that is unbiased, unpredictable, and publicly verifiable. For Web3 gaming applications, this becomes a crucial selling point to attract more users by providing credibility to the "random reward" distribution feature. A verifiable random function (VRF) protocol satisfies these requirements naturally, and there is a tremendous rise in the use of VRF services. As most blockchains cannot maintain the secret keys required...

2023/1196 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-12
Verifiable Secret Sharing Simplified
Sourav Das, Zhuolun Xiang, Alin Tomescu, Alexander Spiegelman, Benny Pinkas, Ling Ren
Cryptographic protocols

Verifiable Secret Sharing~(VSS) is a fundamental building block in cryptography. Despite its importance and extensive studies, existing VSS protocols are often complex and inefficient. Many of them do not support dual threads, are not publicly verifiable, or do not properly terminate in asynchronous networks. This paper presents a new and simple approach for designing VSS protocols in synchronous and asynchronous networks. Our VSS protocols are optimally fault-tolerant, i.e., they tolerate a...

2023/635 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-05
Cassiopeia: Practical On-Chain Witness Encryption
Schwinn Saereesitthipitak, Dionysis Zindros
Cryptographic protocols

Witness Encryption is a holy grail of cryptography that remains elusive. It asks that a secret is only revealed when a particular computational problem is solved. Modern smart contracts and blockchains make assumptions of “honest majority”, which allow for a social implementation of Witness Encryption. The core idea is to make use of a partially trusted committee to carry out the responsibilities mandated by these functionalities – such as keeping the secret private, and then releasing it...

2023/627 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-02
Conflict Checkable and Decodable Codes and Their Applications
Benny Applebaum, Eliran Kachlon

Let $C$ be an error-correcting code over a large alphabet $q$ of block length $n$, and assume that, a possibly corrupted, codeword $c$ is distributively stored among $n$ servers where the $i$th entry is being held by the $i$th server. Suppose that every pair of servers publicly announce whether the corresponding coordinates are ``consistent'' with some legal codeword or ``conflicted''. What type of information about $c$ can be inferred from this consistency graph? Can we check whether errors...

2023/137 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-15
PAPR: Publicly Auditable Privacy Revocation for Anonymous Credentials
Joakim Brorsson, Bernardo David, Lorenzo Gentile, Elena Pagnin, Paul Stankovski Wagner
Cryptographic protocols

We study the notion of anonymous credentials with Publicly Auditable Privacy Revocation (PAPR). PAPR credentials simultaneously provide conditional user privacy and auditable privacy revocation. The first property implies that users keep their identity private when authenticating unless and until an appointed authority requests to revoke this privacy, retroactively. The second property enforces that auditors can verify whether or not this authority has revoked privacy from an issued...

2022/1673 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-01
DeV-IP: A k-out-n Decentralized and verifiable BFV for Inner Product evaluation
Jose Contreras, Hardik Gajera
Public-key cryptography

The biometric system has become the desired alternative to a knowledge-based authentication system. An authentication system does not provide uniqueness, as a single user can create multiple registrations with different identities for authentication. Biometric authentication identifies users based on physical traits (fingerprint, iris, face, voice), which allows the system to detect multiple authentications from the same user. The biometric templates must be encrypted or hidden to preserve...

2022/913 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-13
On the Communication Efficiency of Statistically-Secure Asynchronous MPC with Optimal Resilience
Ashish Choudhury, Arpita Patra
Cryptographic protocols

Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a fundamental problem in secure distributed computing. An MPC protocol allows a set of $n$ mutually distrusting parties with private inputs to securely compute any publicly-known function of their inputs, by keeping their respective inputs as private as possible. While several works in the past have addressed the problem of designing communication-efficient MPC protocols in the synchronous communication setting, not much attention has been paid to the...

2022/619 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-04
Breaking the $t< n/3$ Consensus Bound: Asynchronous Dynamic Proactive Secret Sharing under Honest Majority
Christophe Levrat, Matthieu Rambaud, Antoine Urban
Cryptographic protocols

A proactive secret sharing scheme (PSS), expressed in the dynamic-membership setting, enables a committee of n holders of secret-shares, dubbed as players, to securely hand-over new shares of the same secret to a new committee. We dub such a sub-protocol as a Refresh. All existing PSS under an honest majority, require the use of a broadcast (BC) in each refresh. BC is costly to implement, and its security relies on timing assumptions on the network. So the privacy of the secret and/or its...

2022/454 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-04-12
Efficient Compiler to Covert Security with Public Verifiability for Honest Majority MPC
Thomas Attema, Vincent Dunning, Maarten Everts, Peter Langenkamp
Cryptographic protocols

We present a novel compiler for transforming arbitrary, passively secure MPC protocols into efficient protocols with covert security and public verifiability in the honest majority setting. Our compiler works for protocols with any number of parties > 2 and treats the passively secure protocol in a black-box manner. In multi-party computation (MPC), covert security provides an attractive trade-off between the security of actively secure protocols and the efficiency of passively secure...

2022/378 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-09
Share \& Shrink: (In-)Feasibility of MPC from one Broadcast-then-Asynchrony, and Improved Complexity
Antoine Urban, Matthieu Rambaud
Cryptographic protocols

We consider protocols for secure multi-party computation (MPC) under honest majority, i.e., for $N=2t+1$ players of which $t$ are corrupt, that achieve guaranteed output delivery (GOD), and which operate in $1$ single initial round of broadcast (BC), followed by some steps of asynchronous peer-to-peer (P2P) messages. The power of closely related ``hybrid networks'' was studied in [Fitzi-Nielsen, Disc'09], [Beerliova-Hirt-Nielsen, Podc'10], [Patra-Ravi, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory'18] and...

2022/242 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-05
YOLO YOSO: Fast and Simple Encryption and Secret Sharing in the YOSO Model
Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David, Lydia Garms, Anders Konring
Cryptographic protocols

Achieving adaptive (or proactive) security in cryptographic protocols is notoriously difficult due to the adversary's power to dynamically corrupt parties as the execution progresses. Inspired by the work of Benhamouda et al. in TCC 2020, Gentry et al. in CRYPTO 2021 introduced the YOSO (You Only Speak Once) model for constructing adaptively (or proactively) secure protocols in massively distributed settings (e.g. blockchains). In this model, instead of having all parties execute an entire...

2022/193 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-16
OptRand: Optimistically responsive distributed random beacons
Adithya Bhat, Nibesh Shrestha, Aniket Kate, Kartik Nayak
Cryptographic protocols

Public random beacons publish random numbers at regular intervals, which anyone can obtain and verify. The design of public distributed random beacons has been an exciting research direction with significant implications for blockchains, voting, and beyond. Distributed random beacons, in addition to being bias-resistant and unpredictable, also need to have low communication overhead and latency, high resilience to faults, and ease of reconfigurability. Existing synchronous random beacon...

2021/1618 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-14
Succinct Publicly-Certifiable Proofs (or: Can a Blockchain Verify a Designated-Verifier Proof?)
Matteo Campanelli, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh

We study zero-knowledge arguments where proofs are: of knowledge, short, publicly-verifiable and produced without interaction. While zkSNARKs satisfy these requirements, we build such proofs in a constrained theoretical setting: in the standard-model---i.e., without a random oracle---and without assuming public-verifiable SNARKs (or even NIZKs, for some of our constructions) or primitives currently known to imply them. We model and construct a new primitive, SPuC (Succinct...

2021/1397 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-10
Practical Non-interactive Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing with Thousands of Parties
Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Vadim Lyubashevsky
Cryptographic protocols

Non-interactive publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) schemes enables (re-)sharing of secrets in a decentralized setting in the presence of malicious parties. A recently proposed application of PVSS schemes is to enable permissionless proof-of-stake blockchains to ``keep a secret" via a sequence of committees that share that secret. These committees can use the secret to produce signatures on the blockchain's behalf, or to disclose hidden data conditioned on consensus that some event has...

2021/1096 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-12
Mt. Random: Multi-Tiered Randomness Beacons
Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David, Omer Shlomovits, Denis Varlakov
Cryptographic protocols

Many decentralized applications require a common source of randomness that cannot be biased or predicted by any single party. Randomness beacons provide such a functionality, allowing parties to periodically obtain fresh random outputs and verify that they are computed correctly. In this work, we propose Mt. Random, a multi-tiered randomness beacon that combines Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing (PVSS) and (Threshold) Verifiable Random Function (VRF) techniques in order to provide...

2021/617 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-17
Quantum Encryption with Certified Deletion, Revisited: Public Key, Attribute-Based, and Classical Communication
Taiga Hiroka, Tomoyuki Morimae, Ryo Nishimaki, Takashi Yamakawa

Broadbent and Islam (TCC '20) proposed a quantum cryptographic primitive called quantum encryption with certified deletion. In this primitive, a receiver in possession of a quantum ciphertext can generate a classical certificate that the encrypted message is deleted. Although their construction is information-theoretically secure, it is limited to the setting of one-time symmetric key encryption (SKE), where a sender and receiver have to share a common key in advance and the key can be used...

2021/450 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-08
RandChain: Practical Scalable Decentralized Randomness Attested by Blockchain
Gang Wang, Mark Nixon

Reliable and verifiable public randomness is not only an essential building block in various cryptographic primitives, but also is a critical component in many distributed and decentralized protocols, e.g., blockchain sharding. A 'good' randomness generator should preserve several distinctive properties, such as public-verifiability, bias-resistance, unpredictability, and availability. However, it is a challenging task to generate such good randomness. For instance, a dishonest party may...

2021/339 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-17
Non-interactive distributed key generation and key resharing
Jens Groth
Cryptographic protocols

We present a non-interactive publicly verifiable secret sharing scheme where a dealer can construct a Shamir secret sharing of a field element and confidentially yet verifiably distribute shares to multiple receivers. We also develop a non-interactive publicly verifiable resharing scheme where existing share holders of a Shamir secret sharing can create a new Shamir secret sharing of the same secret and distribute it to a set of receivers in a confidential, yet verifiable manner. A public...

2021/100 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-14
SPURT: Scalable Distributed Randomness Beacon with Transparent Setup
Sourav Das, Vinith Krishnan, Irene Miriam Isaac, Ling Ren
Cryptographic protocols

Having shared access to high-quality random numbers is essential in many important applications. Yet, existing constructions of distributed random beacons still have limitations such as imperfect security guarantees, strong setup or network assumptions, or high costs. In this paper, we present SPURT, an efficient distributed randomness beacon protocol that does not require any trusted or expensive setup and is secure against a malicious adversary that controls up to one-third of the nodes in...

2020/1590 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-17
RandPiper -- Reconfiguration-Friendly Random Beacons with Quadratic Communication
Adithya Bhat, Nibesh Shrestha, Aniket Kate, Kartik Nayak
Cryptographic protocols

Random beacon protocols provide a continuous public source of randomness and their applications range from public lotteries to zero-knowledge proofs. Existing random beacon protocols in the bounded synchronous model sacrifice either the fault tolerance or the communication complexity for security, or ease of reconfigurability. This work overcomes the challenges with the existing works through a novel communication efficient combination of state machine replication and (publicly) verifiable...

2020/916 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-20
Black-Box Transformations from Passive to Covert Security with Public Verifiability
Ivan Damgård, Claudio Orlandi, Mark Simkin

In the context of secure computation, protocols with security against covert adversaries ensure that any misbehavior by malicious parties will be detected by the honest parties with some constant probability. As such, these protocols provide better security guarantees than passively secure protocols and, moreover, are easier to construct than protocols with full security against active adversaries. Protocols that, upon detecting a cheating attempt, allow the honest parties to compute a...

2020/644 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-10-23
ALBATROSS: publicly AttestabLe BATched Randomness based On Secret Sharing
Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David
Cryptographic protocols

In this paper we present ALBATROSS, a family of multiparty randomness generation protocols with guaranteed output delivery and public verification that allows to trade off corruption tolerance for a much improved amortized computational complexity. Our basic stand alone protocol is based on publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) and is secure under in the random oracle model under the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) hardness assumption. We also address the important issue of constructing...

2018/319 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-07-30
HydRand: Practical Continuous Distributed Randomness
Philipp Schindler, Aljosha Judmayer, Nicholas Stifter, Edgar Weippl
Cryptographic protocols

A reliable source of randomness is not only an essential building block in various cryptographic, security, and distributed systems protocols, but also plays an integral part in the design of many new blockchain proposals. Consequently, the topic of publicly-verifiable, bias-resistant and unpredictable randomness has recently enjoyed increased attention. In particular random beacon protocols, aimed at continuous operation, can be a vital component for current Proof-of-Stake based distributed...

2017/1203 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-02-28
Short Double- and N-Times-Authentication-Preventing Signatures from ECDSA and More
David Derler, Sebastian Ramacher, Daniel Slamanig
Public-key cryptography

Double-authentication-preventing signatures (DAPS) are signatures designed with the aim that signing two messages with an identical first part (called address) but different second parts (called payload) allows to publicly extract the secret signing key from two such signatures. A prime application for DAPS is disincentivizing and/or penalizing the creation of two signatures on different payloads within the same address, such as penalizing double spending of transactions in Bitcoin by the...

2017/216 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-05-02
SCRAPE: Scalable Randomness Attested by Public Entities
Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David
Cryptographic protocols

Uniform randomness beacons whose output can be publicly attested to be unbiased are required in several cryptographic protocols. A common approach to building such beacons is having a number parties run a coin tossing protocol with guaranteed output delivery (so that adversaries cannot simply keep honest parties from obtaining randomness, consequently halting protocols that rely on it). However, current constructions face serious scalability issues due to high computational and communication...

2016/1067 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-03-22
Scalable Bias-Resistant Distributed Randomness
Ewa Syta, Philipp Jovanovic, Eleftherios Kokoris Kogias, Nicolas Gailly, Linus Gasser, Ismail Khoffi, Michael J. Fischer, Bryan Ford

Bias-resistant public randomness is a critical component in many (distributed) protocols. Existing solutions do not scale to hundreds or thousands of participants, as is needed in many decentralized systems. We propose two large-scale distributed protocols, RandHound and RandHerd, which provide publicly-verifiable, unpredictable, and unbiasable randomness against Byzantine adversaries. RandHound relies on an untrusted client to divide a set of randomness servers into groups for scalability,...

2016/123 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-12-23
Robust Password-Protected Secret Sharing
Michel Abdalla, Mario Cornejo, Anca Nitulescu, David Pointcheval

Password-protected secret sharing (PPSS) schemes allow a user to publicly share its high-entropy secret across different servers and to later recover it by interacting with some of these servers using only his password without requiring any authenticated data. In particular, this secret will remain safe as long as not too many servers get corrupted. However, servers are not always reliable and the communication can be altered. To address this issue, a robust PPSS should additionally...

2015/150 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-07-13
Insynd: Improved Privacy-Preserving Transparency Logging
Roel Peeters, Tobias Pulls

Service providers collect and process more user data then ever, while users of these services remain oblivious to the actual processing and utility of the processed data to the service providers. This leads users to put less trust in service providers and be more reluctant to share data. Transparency logging is about service providers continuously logging descriptions of the data processing on their users' data, where each description is intended for a particular user. We propose Insynd, a...

2010/495 (PDF) Last updated: 2010-10-05
A Practical (Non-interactive) Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme
Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar

A publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) scheme, proposed by Stadler in \cite{DBLP:conf/eurocrypt/Stadler96}, is a VSS scheme in which anyone, not only the shareholders, can verify that the secret shares are correctly distributed. PVSS can play essential roles in the systems using VSS. Achieving simultaneously the following two features for PVSS is a challenging job: \begin{itemize} \item Efficient non-interactive public verification. \item Proving security for the public verifiability in...

2004/201 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2004-08-17
Non-Interactive and Information-Theoretic Secure Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing
Chunming Tang, Dingyi Pei, Zhuojun Liu, Yong He
Cryptographic protocols

A publicly verifiable secret sharing scheme is more applicable than a verifiable secret sharing because of the property that the validity of the shares distributed by the dealer can be verified by any party. In this paper, we construct a non-interactive and information-theoretic publicly verifiable secret sharing by a computationally binding and unconditionally hiding commitment scheme and zero-knowledge proof of knowledge.

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