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Possible spell-corrected query: and hoc network
2024/638 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-26
A note on ``a lightweight mutual and transitive authentication mechanism for IoT network''
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We show the authentication mechanism [Ad Hoc Networks, 2023, 103003] fails to keep user anonymity, not as claimed.

2024/464 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-19
Doryan Lesaignoux, Mikael Carmona

Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is a cryptographic protocol that enables users with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) to authenticate without revealing their identity. Thus, DAA emerged as a good privacy-enhancing solution. Current standards have security based on factorization and discrete logarithm problem making them vulnerable to quantum computer attacks. Recently, a number of lattice-based DAA has been propose in the literature to start transition to quantum-resistant cryptography. In...

2023/1835 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-03
ID-CAKE: Identity-based Cluster Authentication and Key Exchange Scheme for Message Broadcasting and Batch Verification in VANETs
Apurva K Vangujar, Alia Umrani, Paolo Palmieri

Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) play a pivotal role in intelligent transportation systems, offering dynamic communication between vehicles, Road Side Units (RSUs), and the internet. Given the open-access nature of VANETs and the associated threats, such as impersonation and privacy violations, ensuring the security of these communications is of utmost importance. This paper presents the Identity-based Cluster Authentication and Key Exchange (ID-CAKE) scheme, a new approach to address...

2023/1342 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-18
Modular Sumcheck Proofs with Applications to Machine Learning and Image Processing
David Balbás, Dario Fiore, Maria Isabel González Vasco, Damien Robissout, Claudio Soriente
Cryptographic protocols

Cryptographic proof systems provide integrity, fairness, and privacy in applications that outsource data processing tasks. However, general-purpose proof systems do not scale well to large inputs. At the same time, ad-hoc solutions for concrete applications - e.g., machine learning or image processing - are more efficient but lack modularity, hence they are hard to extend or to compose with other tools of a data-processing pipeline. In this paper, we combine the performance of tailored...

2023/1053 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-09-05
ASMesh: Anonymous and Secure Messaging in Mesh Networks Using Stronger, Anonymous Double Ratchet
Alexander Bienstock, Paul Rösler, Yi Tang
Cryptographic protocols

The majority of secure messengers have single, centralized service providers that relay ciphertexts between users to enable asynchronous communication. However, in some scenarios such as mass protests in censored networks, relying on a centralized provider is fatal. Mesh messengers attempt to solve this problem by building ad hoc networks in which user clients perform the ciphertext-relaying task. Yet, recent analyses of widely deployed mesh messengers discover severe security weaknesses...

2023/998 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-17
Tiresias: Large Scale, Maliciously Secure Threshold Paillier
Offir Friedman, Avichai Marmor, Dolev Mutzari, Yehonatan C. Scaly, Yuval Spiizer, Avishay Yanai
Cryptographic protocols

In the threshold version of Paillier's encryption scheme, a set of parties collectively holds the secret decryption key through a secret sharing scheme. Whenever a ciphertext is to be decrypted, the parties send their decryption shares, which are then verified for correctness and combined into the plaintext. The scheme has been widely adopted in various applications, from secure voting to general purpose MPC protocols. However, among the handful existing proposals for a maliciously...

2023/524 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-11
AI Resistant (AIR) Cryptography
Gideon Samid
Attacks and cryptanalysis

highlighting a looming cyber threat emanating from fast developing artificial intelligence. This strategic threat is further magnified with the advent of quantum computers. AI and quantum-AI (QAI) represent a totally new and effective vector of cryptanalytic attack. Much as modern AI successfully completes browser search phrases, so it is increasingly capable of guessing a rather narrow a-priori list of plausible plaintexts. This guessing is most effective over device cryptography where the...

2023/454 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-29
Wireless-channel Key Exchange
Afonso Arriaga, Petra Sala, Marjan Škrobot
Cryptographic protocols

Wireless-channel key exchange (WiKE) protocols that leverage Physical Layer Security (PLS) techniques could become an alternative solution for secure communication establishment, such as vehicular ad-hoc networks, wireless IoT networks, or cross-layer protocols. In this paper, we provide a novel abstraction of WiKE protocols and present the first game-based security model for WiKE. Our result enables the analysis of security guarantees offered by these cross-layer protocols and allows the...

2022/541 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-03
The Generals’ Scuttlebutt: Byzantine-Resilient Gossip Protocols
Sandro Coretti, Aggelos Kiayias, Cristopher Moore, Alexander Russell
Cryptographic protocols

One of the most successful applications of peer-to-peer communication networks is in the context of blockchain protocols, which—in Satoshi Nakamoto's own words—rely on the "nature of information being easy to spread and hard to stifle." Significant efforts were invested in the last decade into analyzing the security of these protocols, and invariably the security arguments known for longest-chain Nakamoto-style consensus use an idealization of this tenet. Unfortunately, the real-world...

2022/322 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-08
SecFloat: Accurate Floating-Point meets Secure 2-Party Computation
Deevashwer Rathee, Anwesh Bhattacharya, Rahul Sharma, Divya Gupta, Nishanth Chandran, Aseem Rastogi
Cryptographic protocols

We build a library SecFloat for secure 2-party computation (2PC) of 32-bit single-precision floating-point operations and math functions. The existing functionalities used in cryptographic works are imprecise and the precise functionalities used in standard libraries are not crypto-friendly, i.e., they use operations that are cheap on CPUs but have exorbitant cost in 2PC. SecFloat bridges this gap with its novel crypto-friendly precise functionalities. Compared to the prior cryptographic...

2021/1613 Last updated: 2021-12-15
Privacy-preserving Federated Learning with Lightweight and Heterogeneity in IoT
Yange Chen, Baocang Wang, Rongxing Lu, Xu An Wang

Federated learning (FL), as an emerging distributed learning framework, can combine training from different users without collecting users’ original data, protecting privacy to a certain extent. However, there are no efficient privacy protection technologies applicable to IoT. One challenge in IoT is to reduce the client-server communication cost and solve communication failure questions. Another challenge is how to utilize highquality data to guarantee training performance. To solve these...

2021/1317 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-14
m-Stability: Threshold Security Meets Transferable Utility
Osman Biçer, Burcu Yıldız, Alptekin Küpçü

Use of game theory and mechanism design in cloud security is a well-studied topic. When applicable, it has the advantages of being efficient and simple compared to cryptography alone. Most analyses consider two-party settings, or multi-party settings where coalitions are not allowed. However, many cloud security problems that we face are in the multi-party setting and the involved parties can almost freely collaborate with each other. To formalize the study of disincentivizing coalitions...

2021/637 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-17
Doubly-Affine Extractors, and their Applications
Yevgeniy Dodis, Kevin Yeo

In this work we challenge the common misconception that information-theoretic (IT) privacy is too impractical to be used in the real-world: we propose to build simple and $\textit{reusable}$ IT-encryption solutions whose only efficiency penalty (compared to computationally-secure schemes) comes from a large secret key size, which is often a rather minor inconvenience, as storage is cheap. In particular, our solutions are $\textit{stateless}$ and $\textit{locally computable at the optimal...

2019/1041 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-18
A Conditional Privacy Preserving Authentication and Multi Party Group Key Establishment Scheme for Real-Time Application in VANETs
Swapnil Paliwal, Anvita Chandrakar
Cryptographic protocols

Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are a cardinal part of intelligent transportation system (ITS) which render various services in terms of traffic and transport management. The VANET is used to manage growing traffic and manage data about traffic conditions, weather, road conditions, speed of the vehicle, etc. Even though, VANETs are self-sufficient and effective networks but they still suffer from various security and privacy issues. VANETs need to ensure that an adversary should not be...

2019/595 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-10-05
DLSAG: Non-Interactive Refund Transactions For Interoperable Payment Channels in Monero
Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Arthur Blue, Duc V. Le, Sarang Noether, Brandon Goodell, Aniket Kate

Monero has emerged as one of the leading cryptocurrencies with privacy by design. However, this comes at the price of reduced expressiveness and interoperability as well as severe scalability issues. First, Monero is restricted to coin exchanges among individual addresses and no further functionality is supported. Second, transactions are authorized by linkable ring signatures, a digital signature scheme only available in Monero, hindering thereby the interoperability with the rest of...

2019/469 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-05-10
Security Analysis of Efficient Anonymous Authentication With Conditional Privacy Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Rui Qiao, Qinglong Wang, Zongtao Duan, Na Fan

Protecting a driver’s privacy is one of the major concerns in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Currently, Azees et al. has proposed an efficient anonymous authentication protocol (EAAP) for VANETs. The authors claim that their scheme can implement conditional privacy, and that it can provide resistance against impersonation attack and bogus message attack from an external attacker. In this paper, we show that their scheme fails to resist these two types of attack as well as forgery...

2019/096 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-01-30
On Recovering Affine Encodings in White-Box Implementations
Patrick Derbez, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Baptiste Lambin, Brice Minaud

Ever since the first candidate white-box implementations by Chow et al. in 2002, producing a secure white-box implementation of AES has remained an enduring challenge. Following the footsteps of the original proposal by Chow et al., other constructions were later built around the same framework. In this framework, the round function of the cipher is "encoded" by composing it with non-linear and affine layers known as encodings. However, all such attempts were broken by a series of...

2017/1101 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-11-29
HIR-CP-ABE: Hierarchical Identity Revocable Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption for Secure and Flexible Data Sharing
Qiuxiang Dong, Dijiang Huang, Jim Luo, Myong Kang
Public-key cryptography

Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP- ABE) has been proposed to implement the attribute-based access control model. In CP-ABE, data owners encrypt the data with a certain access policy such that only data users whose attributes satisfy the access policy could obtain the corresponding private decryption key from a trusted authority. Therefore, CP-ABE is considered as a promising fine-grained access control mechanism for data sharing where no centralized trusted third party exists,...

2017/705 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-08-17
Multi-Hop Distance Estimation: How Far are You?
Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Cristina Onete, Elena Pagnin, Mahesh Perera

Several access control systems are based on the users’ physical location/proximity to the access point. Distance- Bounding (DB) protocols constitute a classical solution to calculate the distance between a trusted verifier (e.g., an access point) and an untrusted prover (e.g., a pervasive device). The main limitation of DB is that the prover and the verifier need to lie in each other’s communication range. In this paper, we introduce the concept of Multi-Hop Distance-Estimation (MHDE)...

2016/822 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-06-02
A Secure and Efficient Authentication Technique for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Maryam Rajabzadeh Asaar, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Willy Susilo, Akbar Majidi

Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) have been emerging due to the recent technologies in wireless and network communications. The most fundamental part in VANETs is to enable message authentications between vehicles and roadside units. Message authentication using proxy vehicles has been proposed to reduce the computational overhead of roadside units significantly. In this type of message authentication schemes, proxy vehicles with verifying multiple messages at the same time improve...

2015/1012 (PDF) Last updated: 2016-02-15
An Efficient Multiple PKG Compatible Identity Based Authenticated Key Agreement protocol
Harish Karthikeyan, Suvradip Chakraborty, Kunwar Singh, C. Pandu Rangan

In this paper we propose an efficient single-round, two-party identity based authenticated key agreement protocol in the setting of multiple Private Key Generators (PKGs). One of the major advantages of our construction is that it does not involve any pairing operations. To date, existing protocols in the Identity Based Key Agreement domain revolves around a single PKG environment. Efforts to exploit the multiple PKGs paradigm have placed excessive reliance on Elliptic Curve Cryptography and...

2015/243 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-04-23
Reliable communication via semilattice properties of partial knowledge
Aris Pagourtzis, Giorgos Panagiotakos, Dimitris Sakavalas

A fundamental communication primitive in distributed computing is Reliable Message Transmission (RMT), which refers to the task of correctly sending a message from a party to another, despite the presence of Byzantine corruptions. In this work we address the problem in the general adversary model of Hirt and Maurer [5], which subsumes earlier models such as the global or local threshold adversaries. Regarding the topology knowledge, we employ the recently introduced Partial Knowledge Model...

2014/808 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-10-11
Online/Off-line Ring Signature Scheme with Provable Security
Jayaprakash Kar
Cryptographic protocols

The article proposes an Online/Off-line Ring Signature Scheme in random oracle model.Security of the scheme relies on both Computational Diffie-Hellman and k-CAA problems. The proposed scheme is proven the two most important security goals Existential Unforgeability and Signer Ambiguity. Also it has robustness property where the misbehavior of the signer can be detected. Signing process is performed in two phases online and offline. All heavy computations are performed in Off-line stage. So...

2014/355 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-05-22
Graph-theoretic design and analysis of key predistribution schemes
Michelle Kendall, Keith M. Martin

Key predistribution schemes for resource-constrained networks are methods for allocating symmetric keys to devices in such a way as to provide an efficient trade-off between key storage, connectivity and resilience. While there have been many suggested constructions for key predistribution schemes, a general understanding of the design principles on which to base such constructions is somewhat lacking. Indeed even the tools from which to develop such an understanding are currently limited,...

2014/290 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-05-19
Reliable Broadcast with Respect to Topology Knowledge
Aris Pagourtzis, Giorgos Panagiotakos, Dimitris Sakavalas

We study the Reliable Broadcast problem in incomplete networks against a Byzantine adversary. We examine the problem under the locally bounded adversary model of Koo (2004) and the general adversary model of Hirt and Maurer (1997) and explore the tradeoff between the level of topology knowledge and the solvability of the problem. We refine the local pair-cut technique of Pelc and Peleg (2005) in order to obtain impossibility results for every level of topology knowledge and any type of...

2013/738 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-11-14
On the Resilience and Uniqueness of CPA for Secure Broadcast
Chris Litsas, Aris Pagourtzis, Giorgos Panagiotakos, Dimitris Sakavalas
Cryptographic protocols

We consider the Secure Broadcast problem in incomplete networks. We study the resilience of the Certified Propagation Algorithm (CPA), which is particularly suitable for ad hoc networks. We address the issue of determining the maximum number of corrupted players $t^{\mathrm{CPA}}_{\max}$ that CPA can tolerate under the $t$-locally bounded adversary model, in which the adversary may corrupt at most $t$ players in each player's neighborhood. For any graph $G$ and dealer-node $D$ we provide...

2013/622 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-10-15
Decentralized Anonymous Credentials
Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Ian Miers
Cryptographic protocols

Anonymous credentials provide a powerful tool for making assertions about identity while maintaining privacy. However, a limitation of today's anonymous credential systems is the need for a trusted credential issuer --- which is both a single point of failure and a target for compromise. Furthermore, the need for such a trusted issuer can make it challenging to deploy credential systems in practice, particularly in the ad hoc network setting (e.g., anonymous peer-to-peer networks) where no...

2013/444 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-07-22
Sequential message authentication code without random oracles
Bin Wang, Xiaojing Hong
Public-key cryptography

Katz et al. provided a generic transform to construct aggregate message authentication codes and imposed a lower bound on the length of one aggregate MAC tag. The lower bound shows that the required tag length is at least linear with the number of messages when fast verification such as constant or logarithmic computation overhead is required. Aggregate message authentication codes are useful in settings such as mobile ad-hoc networks where devices are resource-constrained and energy cost is...

2012/139 (PDF) Last updated: 2013-08-15
Formal verication of secure ad-hoc network routing protocols using deductive model-checking
Ta Vinh Thong
Cryptographic protocols

Ad-hoc networks do not rely on a pre-installed infrastructure, but they are formed by end-user devices in a self-organized manner. A consequence of this principle is that end-user devices must also perform routing functions. However, end-user devices can easily be compromised, and they may not follow the routing protocol faithfully. Such compromised and misbehaving nodes can disrupt routing, and hence, disable the operation of the network. In order to cope with this problem, several secured...

2011/639 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2011-11-29
Towards a Probabilistic Complexity-theoretic Modeling of Biological Cyanide Poisoning as Service Attack in Self-organizing Networks
Jiejun Kong, Dapeng Wu, Xiaoyan Hong, Mario Gerla

We draw an analogy of \emph{biological cyanide poisoning} to security attacks in self-organizing mobile ad hoc networks. When a circulatory system is treated as an enclosed network space, a hemoglobin is treated as a mobile node, and a hemoglobin binding with cyanide ion is treated as a compromised node (which cannot bind with oxygen to furnish its oxygen-transport function), we show how cyanide poisoning can reduce the probability of oxygen/message delivery to a rigorously...

2011/229 (PDF) Last updated: 2011-05-16
Routing Protocol Based Shared and Session Key Exchange Protocol for Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Md. Golam Kaosar
Secret-key cryptography

Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a transitory and infrastructureless network supported by no fixed trusted infrastructure. To achieve security goals like: authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, privacy, a secret key (or session key) is necessary to be shared between the sender and receiver. Because of the nature of MANET, it is unrealistic in many circumstances to implement Certification Authority (CA) concept. Some popular key exchange protocols also have some demerits in case of...

2011/103 (PDF) Last updated: 2011-03-05
Cryptographically Sound Security Proof for On-Demand Source Routing Protocol EndairA
István Vajda
Cryptographic protocols

We present the first cryptographically sound security proof of a routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks. More precisely, we show that the route discovery protocol does not output a non-existing path under arbitrary active attacks, where on a non-existing path there exists at least one pair of neighboring nodes without communication connection during the run of the route discovery protocol. The proof relies on the Dolev-Yao-style model of Backes, Pfitzmann and Waidner, which allows for...

2010/028 (PDF) Last updated: 2010-01-22
A secure anonymous communication scheme in vehicular ad hoc networks from pairings
Jue-Sam Chou, Yalin Chen
Cryptographic protocols

Security and efficiency are two crucial issues in vehicular ad hoc networks. Many researches have devoted to these issues. However, we found that most of the proposed protocols in this area are insecure and can’t satisfy the anonymous property. Due to this observation, we propose a secure and anonymous method based on bilinear pairings to resolve the problems. After analysis, we conclude that our scheme is the most secure when compared with other protocols proposed so far.

2009/472 (PDF) Last updated: 2009-09-26
Cryptanalysis of a Message Recognition Protocol by Mashatan and Stinson
Madeline Gonzalez, Rainer Steinwandt
Cryptographic protocols

At CANS 2008, Mashatan and Stinson suggested a message recognition protocol for ad hoc pervasive networks. The protocol provides a procedure to resynchronize in case of a (possibly adversarial) disruption of communication. We show that this resynchronization process does not provide the functionality intended and in fact enables an adversary to create selective forgeries. The computational effort for the attack is negligible and allows the insertion of arbitrary messages.

2009/085 (PDF) Last updated: 2009-02-24
UC-Secure Source Routing Protocol
Tao Feng, Xian Guo, Jianfeng Ma, Xinghua Li

The multi-path routing scheme provides reliable guarantee for mobile ad hoc network. A new method is proposed that is using to analyze the security of multi-path routing protocol within the framework of Universally Composable (UC) security. Based on the topological model that there exist adversarial nodes, the concept of plausible route is extended and the definition of plausible-route set is presented. Plausible-route set is used in description of the multi-path routing for Ad hoc network,...

2008/332 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-08-03
Efficient Key Distribution Schemes for Large Scale Mobile Computing Applications
Mahalingam Ramkumar
Secret-key cryptography

In emerging networks consisting of large-scale deployments of mobile devices, efficient security mechanisms are required to facilitate cryptographic authentication. While computation and bandwidth overheads are expensive for mobile devices, the cost of storage resources continue to fall at a rapid rate. We propose a simple novel key predistribution scheme, \textit{key subset and symmetric certificates} (KSSC) which can take good advantage of inexpensive storage resources, and has many...

2008/308 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-07-11
Strongly-Resilient and Non-Interactive Hierarchical Key-Agreement in MANETs
Rosario Gennaro, Shai Halevi, Hugo Krawczyk, Tal Rabin, Steffen Reidt, Stephen D. Wolthusen
Cryptographic protocols

Key agreement is a fundamental security functionality by which pairs of nodes agree on shared keys to be used for protecting their pairwise communications. In this work we study key-agreement schemes that are well-suited for the mobile network environment. Specifically, we describe schemes with the following haracteristics: -- Non-interactive: any two nodes can compute a unique shared secret key without interaction; -- Identity-based: to compute the shared secret key, each node only needs...

2008/294 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-07-03
A New Message Recognition Protocol for Ad Hoc Pervasive Networks
Atefeh Mashatan, Douglas R. Stinson
Cryptographic protocols

We propose a message recognition protocol which is suitable for ad hoc pervasive networks without the use of hash chains. Hence, we no longer require the sensor motes to save values of a hash chain in their memories. This relaxes the memory requirements. Moreover, we do not need to fix the total number of times the protocol can be executed which implies a desired flexibility in this regard. Furthermore, our protocol is secure without having to consider families of assumptions that depend on...

2008/247 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2008-08-17
Cryptanalysis of Bohio et al.'s ID-Based Broadcast Signcryption (IBBSC) Scheme for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, S. Sree Vivek, Naga Naresh Karuturi, Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan, Pandu Rangan Chandrasekaran

Broadcast signcryption enables the broadcaster to simultaneously encrypt and sign the content meant for a specific set of users in a single logical step. It provides a very efficient solution to the dual problem of achieving confidentiality and authentication during content distribution. Among other alternatives, ID-based schemes are arguably the best suited for its implementation in wireless ad-hoc networks because of the unique advantage that they provide - any unique, publicly available...

2008/239 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-06-02
Recognition in Ad Hoc Pervasive Networks
Atefeh Mashatan, Douglas R. Stinson
Cryptographic protocols

We examine the problem of message and entity recognition in the context of ad hoc networks. We review the definitions and the security model described in the literature and examine previous recognition protocols described in ABCLMN98, HWGW05, LZWW05, M03, and WW03. We prove that there is a one to one correspondence between non-interactive message recognition protocols and digital signature schemes. Hence, we concentrate on designing interactive recognition protocols. We look at LZWW05 in...

2008/045 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-02-06
Threshold RSA for Dynamic and Ad-Hoc Groups
Rosario Gennaro, Shai Halevi, Hugo Krawczyk, Tal Rabin
Cryptographic protocols

We consider the use of threshold signatures in ad-hoc and dynamic groups such as MANETs ("mobile ad-hoc networks"). While the known threshold RSA signature schemes have several properties that make them good candidates for deployment in these scenarios, we show that none of these schemes is practical enough for realistic use in these highly-constrained environments. In particular, this is the case of the most efficient of these threshold RSA schemes, namely, the one due to Shoup. Our...

2007/337 (PDF) Last updated: 2007-08-29
Mobile Phones as Secure Gateways for Message-Based Ubiquitous Communication (Revised)
W. Bamberger, O. Welter, S. Spitz, M. Marhöfer

For ubiquitous communication self-organising ad-hoc networks become more and more important. We consider mobile phones as appropriate secure gateways to provide access to the Internet for external machines with low communication needs. A message-based approach is best in such a scenario with moving mobile phones and machines. In this paper we propose a security model for access control to the communication infrastructure, which is also message oriented. To meet the requirements of...

2007/324 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-05-24
Towards provable security for route discovery protocols in mobile ad hoc networks
Mike Burmester, Breno de Medeiros

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are collections of wireless mobile devices with restricted broadcast range and resources, and no fixed infrastructure. Communication is achieved by relaying data along appropriate routes, that are dynamically discovered and maintained through collaboration between the nodes. Discovery of such routes is a major task, both from an efficiency and from a security point of view. Recently, a security model tailored to the specific requirements of MANETs was...

2007/180 (PDF) Last updated: 2007-05-20
A Novel Secure Session Key Generation using two-level architecture For Cluster-Based Ad Hoc Networks Based On ID-Based Bilinear Paring
Jue-Sam Chou, Yalin Chen, Tsung-Heng Chen
Cryptographic protocols

In 1997, Ruppe R. et al [17] first proposed a Near-Term Digital Radio (NTDR) network system which is a cluster-based ad hoc network intended to be used efficiently for military missions. In the same year, Zavgren J. [18] proposed a management protocol for the NTDR network system. But they both lack the security considerations. In 2003, Varadharajan et al [4] proposed a secure cluster-based ad hoc network protocol using public key infrastructure (PKI). However, in 2005, Chang et al pointed...

2007/012 (PDF) Last updated: 2007-09-07
Interactive two-channel message authentication based on interactive-collision Resistant hash functions
Atefeh Mashatan, Douglas R. Stinson
Cryptographic protocols

We propose an interactive message authentication protocol (IMAP) using two channels: an insecure broadband channel and an authenticated narrow-band channel. We consider the problem in the context of ad hoc networks, where it is assumed that there is neither a secret key shared among the two parties, nor a public-key infrastructure in place. The security of our IMAP is based on the existence of Interactive-Collision Resistant (ICR) hash functions, a new notion of hash function security. Our...

2006/443 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2006-12-04
Scalable Authenticated Tree Based Group Key Exchange for Ad-Hoc Groups
Yvo Desmedt, Tanja Lange, Mike Burmester
Cryptographic protocols

Task-specific groups are often formed in an ad-hoc manner within big structures, like companies. Take the following typical scenario: A high rank manager decides that a task force group for some project needs to be built. This order is passed down the hierarchy where it finally reaches a manager who calls some employees to form a group. The members should communicate in a secure way and for efficiency reasons symmetric systems are the common choice. To establish joint secret keys for ...

2006/416 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2006-11-19
Authenticated Interleaved Encryption
Claude Castelluccia

We present AIE (Authenticated Interleaved Encryption), a new scheme that allows nodes of a network to exchange messages securely (i.e. encrypted and authenticated) without sharing a common key or using public key cryptography. Our scheme is well adapted to networks, such as ad hoc, overlay or sensor networks, where nodes have limited capabilities and can share only a small number of symmetric keys. It provides privacy and integrity. An eavesdropper listening to a communication is unable to...

2006/328 (PDF) Last updated: 2006-09-28
Anonymous Secure Communication in Wireless Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Sk. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Atsuo Inomata, Takeshi Okamoto, Masahiro Mambo, Eiji Okamoto
Cryptographic protocols

The main characteristic of a mobile ad-hoc network is its infrastructure-less, highly dynamic topology, which is subject to malicious traffic analysis. Malicious intermediate nodes in wireless mobile ad-hoc networks are a threat concerning security as well as anonymity of exchanged information. To protect anonymity and achieve security of nodes in mobile ad-hoc networks, an anonymous on-demand routing protocol, termed RIOMO, is proposed. For this purpose, pseudo IDs of the nodes are...

2006/302 (PDF) Last updated: 2006-09-06
Noninteractive two-channel message authentication based on hybrid-collision resistant hash functions.
Atefeh Mashatan, Douglas R. Stinson
Cryptographic protocols

We consider the problem of non-interactive message authentication using two channels: an insecure broadband channel and an authenticated narrow-band channel. This problem has been considered in the context of ad hoc networks, where it is assumed that there is neither a secret key shared among the two parties, nor a public-key infrastructure in place. We present a formal model for protocols of this type, along with a new protocol which is as efficient as the best previous protocols. The...

2006/236 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2006-07-13
Online/Offline Signatures and Multisignatures for AODV and DSR Routing Security
Shidi Xu, Yi Mu, Willy Susilo, Xiaofeng Chen, Xinyi Huang, Fangguo Zhang

Efficient authentication is one of important security requirements in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) routing systems. The techniques of digital signatures are generally considered as the best candidates to achieve strong authentication. However, using normal digital signature schemes is too costly to MANET due to the computation overheads. Considering the feasibility of incorporating digital signatures in MANET, we incorporate the notion of online/offline signatures, where the computational...

2006/140 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2006-04-10
GVG-RP: A Net-centric Negligibility-based Security Model for Self-organizing Networks
Jiejun Kong

We present a rigorous approach to building a secure self-organizing mobile ad hoc network (MANET). In a highly dynamic environment like MANET, it is impossible to ensure absolute security to protect everything. We have to speak of the "infeasibility" of breaking the security system rather than the "impossibility" of breaking the same system. More formally, security is defined on the concept of "negligible", which is asymptotically sub-polynomial with respect to a pre-defined system...

2006/006 (PDF) Last updated: 2006-01-10
Group Key Agreement for Ad Hoc Networks
Lijun Liao
Cryptographic protocols

Over the last 30 years the study of group key agreement has stimulated much work. And as a result of the increased popularity of ad hoc networks, some approaches for the group key establishment in such networks are proposed. However, they are either only for static group or the memory, computation and communication costs are unacceptable for ad-hoc networks. In this thesis some protocol suites from the literature (2^d-cube, 2^d-octopus, Asokan-Ginzboorg, CLIQUES, STR and TGDH) shall be...

2005/389 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2005-11-03
How to Generate Universally Verifiable Signatures in Ad-Hoc Networks
KyungKeun Lee, JoongHyo Oh, SangJae Moon
Cryptographic protocols

This paper addresses the problem of making signatures of one domain (an ad-hoc network) available in another domain (the Internet). Universal verifiability is a highly desirable property when signed documents need to be permanently non-repudiable so as to prevent dishonest signers from disavowing signatures they have produced. As a practical solution, we construct a new signature scheme where a valid signature should be generated by a couple of distinct signing keys. In the random oracle...

2005/163 (PDF) Last updated: 2008-06-17
Modeling Insider Attacks on Group Key-Exchange Protocols
Jonathan Katz, Ji Sun Shin
Cryptographic protocols

Protocols for authenticated key exchange (AKE) allow parties within an insecure network to establish a common session key which can then be used to secure their future communication. It is fair to say that group AKE is currently less well understood than the case of two-party AKE; in particular, attacks by malicious insiders --- a concern specific to the group setting --- have so far been considered only in a relatively ``ad-hoc'' fashion. The main contribution of this work is to address...

2005/142 (PDF) Last updated: 2005-05-19
Broadcast Encryption with Random Key Pre-distribution Schemes
Mahalingam Ramkumar
Secret-key cryptography

Broadcast encryption (BE) deals with the problem of establishing a secret, shared by $g=G-r$ \textit{privileged} nodes, among a set $G$ nodes. Specifically, a set of $r$ \textit{revoked} nodes are denied access to the secret. Many schemes to address this problem, based on key pre-distribution schemes (KPS), have been proposed in the literature. Most state-of-the-art methods employ tree-based techniques. However, \textit{random} key pre-distribution schemes (RKPS), which have received a lot...

2005/008 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2005-05-06
Comments on ``Distributed Symmetric Key Management for Mobile Ad hoc Networks" from INFOCOM 2004
J. Wu, R. Wei
Cryptographic protocols

In IEEE INFOCOM 2004, Chan proposed a distributed key management scheme for mobile ad hoc networks, and deduced the condition under which the key sets distributed to the network nodes can form a cover-free family (CFF), which is the precondition that the scheme can work. In this paper, we indicate that the condition is falsely deduced. Furthermore, we discuss whether CFF is capable for key distributions in ad hoc networks.

2004/292 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2005-02-09
Asynchronous Proactive RSA
Ruishan Zhang, Kefei Chen

Nowadays, to model practical systems better, such as the Internet network and ad hoc networks, researchers usually regard these systems as asynchronous networks. Meanwhile, proactive secret sharing schemes are often employed to tolerate a mobile adversary. Considering both aspects, an asynchronous proactive threshold signature scheme is needed to keep computer systems secure. So far, two asynchronous proactive secret sharing schemes have been proposed. One is proposed by Zhou in 2001, which...

2004/179 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2005-02-02
Identity Based Threshold Ring Signature
Sherman S. M. Chow, Lucas C. K. Hui, S. M. Yiu
Public-key cryptography

In threshold ring signature schemes, any group of $t$ entities spontaneously conscripting arbitrarily $n-t$ entities to generate a publicly verifiable $t$-out-of-$n$ signature on behalf of the whole group, yet the actual signers remain anonymous. The spontaneity of these schemes is desirable for ad-hoc groups such as mobile ad-hoc networks. In this paper, we present an identity based (ID-based) threshold ring signature scheme. The scheme is provably secure in the random oracle model and...

2004/159 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2005-04-24
Provably Secure On-demand Source Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Gergely Acs, Levente Buttyan, Istvan Vajda
Cryptographic protocols

Routing is one of the most basic networking functions in mobile ad hoc networks. Hence, an adversary can easily paralyze the operation of the network by attacking the routing protocol. This has been realized by many researchers, and several ``secure'' routing protocols have been proposed for ad hoc networks. However, the security of those protocols have mainly been analyzed by informal means only. In this paper, we argue that flaws in ad hoc routing protocols can be very subtle, and we...

2003/170 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2003-08-15
HARPS: HAshed Random Preloaded Subset Key Distribution
Mahalingam Ramkumar, Nasir Memon
Secret-key cryptography

In this paper, we introduce HAshed Random Preloaded Subset (HARPS) key distribution, a scalable key predistribution scheme employing only symmetric crypto primitives. HARPS is ideally suited for resource constrained nodes that need to operate without a trusted authority (TA) for extended periods (as is the case for nodes forming mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)). The performance of HARPS is compared with that of two other key predistribution schemes. The first, RPS, is a based on random...

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