Yeso Tipo V Biomateriales
Yeso Tipo V Biomateriales
Yeso Tipo V Biomateriales
El yeso tipo I y II requiere mayor cantidad de agua para su mezcla para reducir su
resistencia y dureza.
Los yeso tipo III, IV Y V necesita menor cantidad de agua para la mezcla y por ello
cada vez tiene mayor resistencia y dureza.
Fluido como agua con solo 20 ml de agua para su corrido entre los pines
del modelo y sin burbujas de aire
Alta fuerza con una impresionante dureza en los bordes y menor riesgo de
fractura durante el razurado y recorte.
Yeso natural denso, reforzado con resina para una fuerza ptima
Tiempo de mezclado ptimo (60 segundos)
Fabricante: Kerr
Supra Stone, yeso sper duro tipo V para la
confeccin de modelos para coronas y puentes. Da
una superficie muy dura, tiene alta resistencia a la
compresin. Produce modelos exactos, tiene buena
fluidez, por lo que escurre bien a travs de las
preparaciones, es extra seco se puede encontrar
en color azul o verde
Conclusin: Dentro de los parmetros de este estudio, todos los yesos dentales
probados mostraron una expansin continua durante el ajuste en condiciones
clnicas. La cantidad de expansin vari significativamente entre los materiales del
22 % a 71 % de la expansin que ocurre despus de 2 horas. Die - Keen exhibi
la ms alta de expansin media total, pero tuvo la menor cantidad de expansin
despus de 2 horas; tanto Die - Keen y Silky Rock se mantuvieron estables
despus de 72 horas.
Specification 25 of the American Dental Association (ADA) states that final setting
expansion measurements of improved dental stone are made 2 hours after mixing.
In a limited pilot study on selected type IV and V dental stones, measurements
showed delayed linear expansion or early contraction continuing up to 120 hours.
The objectives of this in vitro study were to measure the linear setting expansion of
6 ADA type IV and V dental stones, to compare their expansion at 2 hours relative
to ADA Specification 25, and to characterize expansion changes up to 120 hours.
The improved dental stones tested in this study were Die-Keen, Jade Stone, VelMix, ResinRock, Fuji Rock, and Silky Rock. Mixing was performed in accordance
with a standardized technique and the manufacturers' instructions. The mixes were
poured into an electronic expansion-measuring device, and setting expansion
values were continuously measured and recorded for 120 hours. The collected
data were subjected to a 2-way repeated-measures multivariate analysis of
variance at alpha=.05. Planned comparisons between the 2-hour experimental and
2-hour manufacturer expansion values were made at the 95% confidence interval.
All stones showed higher mean linear expansion values at 120 hours than at 2
hours. Expansion was essentially complete at 96 hours for all stones except
ResinRock. Die-Keen exhibited the highest total mean setting expansion (0.35%
+/- 0.013%), and Silky Rock exhibited the lowest mean linear expansion (0.14% +/0.008%) at 120 hours. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed significant
interactions between stone and time (P<.0001). Mean expansion values at 2 hours
were comparable to those stated by the manufacturer except for Die-Keen and
Jade Stone.
Within the parameters of this study, all dental stones tested exhibited continued
expansion while setting under clinical conditions. The amount of expansion varied
significantly among the materials, with 22% to 71% of the expansion occurring after
2 hours. Die-Keen exhibited the highest total mean expansion but had the least
amount of expansion after 2 hours; both Die-Keen and Silky Rock remained stable
after 72 hours.
Referencia bibliogrfica:
Ciencias de los materiales dentales . Phillips, un dcima edicin, paginas 260 y